blob: 1791990e53cfb54a65be3b44962e2eea0281a9e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.dart.ast.token;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
* The opening half of a grouping pair of tokens. This is used for curly
* brackets ('{'), parentheses ('('), and square brackets ('[').
class BeginToken extends SimpleToken {
* The token that corresponds to this token.
Token endToken;
* Initialize a newly created token to have the given [type] at the given
* [offset].
BeginToken(TokenType type, int offset) : super(type, offset) {
assert(type == TokenType.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET ||
type == TokenType.OPEN_PAREN ||
type == TokenType.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET ||
Token copy() => new BeginToken(type, offset);
* A begin token that is preceded by comments.
class BeginTokenWithComment extends BeginToken implements TokenWithComment {
* The first comment in the list of comments that precede this token.
CommentToken _precedingComment;
* Initialize a newly created token to have the given [type] at the given
* [offset] and to be preceded by the comments reachable from the given
* [comment].
BeginTokenWithComment(TokenType type, int offset, this._precedingComment)
: super(type, offset) {
CommentToken get precedingComments => _precedingComment;
void set precedingComments(CommentToken comment) {
_precedingComment = comment;
void applyDelta(int delta) {
Token token = precedingComments;
while (token != null) {
token =;
Token copy() =>
new BeginTokenWithComment(type, offset, copyComments(precedingComments));
* A token representing a comment.
class CommentToken extends StringToken {
* The token that contains this comment.
TokenWithComment parent;
* Initialize a newly created token to represent a token of the given [type]
* with the given [value] at the given [offset].
CommentToken(TokenType type, String value, int offset)
: super(type, value, offset);
CommentToken copy() => new CommentToken(type, _value, offset);
* Remove this comment token from the list.
* This is used when we decide to interpret the comment as syntax.
void remove() {
if (previous != null) {
next?.previous = previous;
} else {
assert(parent.precedingComments == this);
parent.precedingComments = next;
* A documentation comment token.
class DocumentationCommentToken extends CommentToken {
* The references embedded within the documentation comment.
* This list will be empty unless this is a documentation comment that has
* references embedded within it.
final List<Token> references = <Token>[];
* Initialize a newly created token to represent a token of the given [type]
* with the given [value] at the given [offset].
DocumentationCommentToken(TokenType type, String value, int offset)
: super(type, value, offset);
CommentToken copy() {
DocumentationCommentToken copy =
new DocumentationCommentToken(type, _value, offset);
references.forEach((ref) => copy.references.add(ref.copy()));
return copy;
* A token representing a keyword in the language.
class KeywordToken extends SimpleToken {
* The keyword being represented by this token.
final Keyword keyword;
* Initialize a newly created token to represent the given [keyword] at the
* given [offset].
KeywordToken(this.keyword, int offset) : super(TokenType.KEYWORD, offset);
String get lexeme => keyword.syntax;
Token copy() => new KeywordToken(keyword, offset);
Keyword value() => keyword;
* A keyword token that is preceded by comments.
class KeywordTokenWithComment extends KeywordToken implements TokenWithComment {
* The first comment in the list of comments that precede this token.
CommentToken _precedingComment;
* Initialize a newly created token to to represent the given [keyword] at the
* given [offset] and to be preceded by the comments reachable from the given
* [comment].
KeywordTokenWithComment(Keyword keyword, int offset, this._precedingComment)
: super(keyword, offset) {
CommentToken get precedingComments => _precedingComment;
void set precedingComments(CommentToken comment) {
_precedingComment = comment;
void applyDelta(int delta) {
Token token = precedingComments;
while (token != null) {
token =;
Token copy() => new KeywordTokenWithComment(
keyword, offset, copyComments(precedingComments));
* A token that was scanned from the input. Each token knows which tokens
* precede and follow it, acting as a link in a doubly linked list of tokens.
class SimpleToken implements Token {
* The type of the token.
final TokenType type;
* The offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the
* token.
int offset = 0;
* The previous token in the token stream.
Token previous;
* The next token in the token stream.
Token _next;
* Initialize a newly created token to have the given [type] and [offset].
SimpleToken(this.type, this.offset);
int get end => offset + length;
bool get isOperator => type.isOperator;
bool get isSynthetic => length == 0;
bool get isUserDefinableOperator => type.isUserDefinableOperator;
int get length => lexeme.length;
String get lexeme => type.lexeme;
Token get next => _next;
CommentToken get precedingComments => null;
void applyDelta(int delta) {
offset += delta;
Token copy() => new Token(type, offset);
Token copyComments(Token token) {
if (token == null) {
return null;
Token head = token.copy();
Token tail = head;
token =;
while (token != null) {
tail = tail.setNext(token.copy());
token =;
return head;
bool matchesAny(List<TokenType> types) {
for (TokenType type in types) {
if (this.type == type) {
return true;
return false;
Token setNext(Token token) {
_next = token;
token.previous = this;
return token;
Token setNextWithoutSettingPrevious(Token token) {
_next = token;
return token;
String toString() => lexeme;
Object value() => type.lexeme;
* Sets the `parent` property to `this` for the given [comment] and all the
* next tokens.
void _setCommentParent(CommentToken comment) {
while (comment != null) {
comment.parent = this;
comment =;
* A token whose value is independent of it's type.
class StringToken extends SimpleToken {
* The lexeme represented by this token.
String _value;
* Initialize a newly created token to represent a token of the given [type]
* with the given [value] at the given [offset].
StringToken(TokenType type, String value, int offset) : super(type, offset) {
this._value = StringUtilities.intern(value);
String get lexeme => _value;
Token copy() => new StringToken(type, _value, offset);
String value() => _value;
* A string token that is preceded by comments.
class StringTokenWithComment extends StringToken implements TokenWithComment {
* The first comment in the list of comments that precede this token.
CommentToken _precedingComment;
* Initialize a newly created token to have the given [type] at the given
* [offset] and to be preceded by the comments reachable from the given
* [comment].
TokenType type, String value, int offset, this._precedingComment)
: super(type, value, offset) {
CommentToken get precedingComments => _precedingComment;
void set precedingComments(CommentToken comment) {
_precedingComment = comment;
void applyDelta(int delta) {
Token token = precedingComments;
while (token != null) {
token =;
Token copy() => new StringTokenWithComment(
type, lexeme, offset, copyComments(precedingComments));
* A token whose value is independent of it's type.
class SyntheticStringToken extends StringToken {
* Initialize a newly created token to represent a token of the given [type]
* with the given [value] at the given [offset].
SyntheticStringToken(TokenType type, String value, int offset)
: super(type, value, offset);
bool get isSynthetic => true;
* The classes (or groups) of tokens with a similar use.
class TokenClass {
* A value used to indicate that the token type is not part of any specific
* class of token.
static const TokenClass NO_CLASS = const TokenClass('NO_CLASS');
* A value used to indicate that the token type is an additive operator.
static const TokenClass ADDITIVE_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('ADDITIVE_OPERATOR', 13);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is an assignment operator.
static const TokenClass ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR', 1);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a bitwise-and operator.
static const TokenClass BITWISE_AND_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('BITWISE_AND_OPERATOR', 11);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a bitwise-or operator.
static const TokenClass BITWISE_OR_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('BITWISE_OR_OPERATOR', 9);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a bitwise-xor operator.
static const TokenClass BITWISE_XOR_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('BITWISE_XOR_OPERATOR', 10);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a cascade operator.
static const TokenClass CASCADE_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('CASCADE_OPERATOR', 2);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a conditional operator.
static const TokenClass CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR', 3);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is an equality operator.
static const TokenClass EQUALITY_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('EQUALITY_OPERATOR', 7);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is an if-null operator.
static const TokenClass IF_NULL_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('IF_NULL_OPERATOR', 4);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a logical-and operator.
static const TokenClass LOGICAL_AND_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('LOGICAL_AND_OPERATOR', 6);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a logical-or operator.
static const TokenClass LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR', 5);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a multiplicative operator.
static const TokenClass MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR', 14);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a relational operator.
static const TokenClass RELATIONAL_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('RELATIONAL_OPERATOR', 8);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a shift operator.
static const TokenClass SHIFT_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('SHIFT_OPERATOR', 12);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a unary operator.
static const TokenClass UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR', 16);
* A value used to indicate that the token type is a unary operator.
static const TokenClass UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR =
const TokenClass('UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR', 15);
* The name of the token class.
final String name;
* The precedence of tokens of this class, or `0` if the such tokens do not
* represent an operator.
final int precedence;
* Initialize a newly created class of tokens to have the given [name] and
* [precedence].
const TokenClass(, [this.precedence = 0]);
String toString() => name;
* A normal token that is preceded by comments.
class TokenWithComment extends SimpleToken {
* The first comment in the list of comments that precede this token.
CommentToken _precedingComment;
* Initialize a newly created token to have the given [type] at the given
* [offset] and to be preceded by the comments reachable from the given
* [comment].
TokenWithComment(TokenType type, int offset, this._precedingComment)
: super(type, offset) {
CommentToken get precedingComments => _precedingComment;
void set precedingComments(CommentToken comment) {
_precedingComment = comment;
Token copy() => new TokenWithComment(type, offset, precedingComments);