blob: 3be39a9961d346d7dccbf59b72837fe76e05d6c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/strings.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'meta_model.dart';
/// Reads the LSP 'meta_model.json' file and returns its types.
class LspMetaModelReader {
final _types = <LspEntity>[];
/// A set of names already used (or reserved) by types that have been read.
final Set<String> _typeNames = {};
/// Characters to strip from member names.
final _memberNameInvalidCharPattern = RegExp(r'\$_?');
/// Patterns to replace with '_' in member names.
final _memberNameSeparatorPattern = RegExp(r'/');
/// Gets all types that have been read from the model JSON.
List<LspEntity> get types => _types.toList();
/// Reads all spec types from [file].
LspMetaModel readFile(File file) {
final modelJson = file.readAsStringSync();
final model = jsonDecode(modelJson) as Map<String, Object?>;
return readMap(model);
/// Reads all spec types from [model].
LspMetaModel readMap(Map<String, dynamic> model) {
final requests = model['requests'] as List?;
final notifications = model['notifications'] as List?;
final structures = model['structures'] as List?;
final enums = model['enumerations'] as List?;
final typeAliases = model['typeAliases'] as List?;
final methodNames = [...?requests, ...?notifications]
.map((item) => item['method'] as String)
...?enums?.map((e) => _readEnum(e)),
final methodsEnum = _createMethodNamesEnum(methodNames);
if (methodsEnum != null) {
return LspMetaModel(types: types, methods: methodNames);
/// Adds [type] to the current list and prevents its name from being used
/// by generated interfaces.
void _addType(LspEntity type) {
String _camelCase(String str) =>
str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
/// Creates an enum for all LSP method names.
LspEnum? _createMethodNamesEnum(List<String> methods) {
Constant toConstant(String value) {
final comment = '''Constant for the '$value' method.''';
return Constant(
name: _generateMemberName(value, camelCase: true),
comment: comment,
type: TypeReference('string'),
value: value,
final methodConstants =;
if (methodConstants.isEmpty) {
return null;
final comment = 'All standard LSP Methods read from the JSON spec.';
return LspEnum(
name: 'Method',
comment: comment,
typeOfValues: TypeReference('string'),
members: methodConstants,
Constant _extractEnumValue(TypeBase parentType, dynamic model) {
final name = model['name'] as String;
return Constant(
name: _generateMemberName(name),
comment: model['documentation'] as String?,
type: parentType,
value: model['value'].toString(),
Member _extractMember(String parentName, dynamic model) {
final name = model['name'] as String;
var type = _extractType(parentName, name, model['type']);
// Unions may contain `null` types which we promote up to the field.
var allowsNull = false;
if (type is UnionType) {
final types = type.types;
// Extract and strip `null`s from the union.
if (types.any(isNullType)) {
allowsNull = true;
type = UnionType(types.whereNot(isNullType).toList());
return Field(
name: _generateMemberName(name),
comment: model['documentation'] as String?,
type: type,
allowsNull: allowsNull,
allowsUndefined: model['optional'] == true,
/// Reads the type of [model].
TypeBase _extractType(String parentName, String? fieldName, dynamic model) {
if (model['kind'] == 'reference' || model['kind'] == 'base') {
// Reference kinds are other named interfaces defined in the spec, base are
// other named types defined elsewhere.
return TypeReference(model['name'] as String);
} else if (model['kind'] == 'array') {
return ArrayType(
_extractType(parentName, fieldName, model['element']!),
} else if (model['kind'] == 'map') {
final name = fieldName ?? '';
return MapType(
_extractType(parentName, '${name}Key', model['key']!),
_extractType(parentName, '${name}Value', model['value']!),
} else if (model['kind'] == 'literal') {
// "Literal" here means an inline/anonymous type.
final inlineTypeName = _generateTypeName(
fieldName ?? '',
// First record the definition of the anonymous type itself.
final members = (model['value']['properties'] as List)
.map((p) => _extractMember(inlineTypeName, p))
_addType(Interface.inline(inlineTypeName, members));
// Then return its name.
return TypeReference(inlineTypeName);
} else if (model['kind'] == 'stringLiteral') {
return LiteralType(
model['value'] as String,
} else if (model['kind'] == 'or') {
// Ensure the parent name is reserved so we don't try to reuse its name
// if we're parsing something without a field name.
final itemTypes = model['items'] as List;
final types = {
final generatedName = _generateAvailableTypeName(parentName, fieldName);
return _extractType(generatedName, null, item);
return UnionType(types);
} else if (model['kind'] == 'tuple') {
// We currently just map tuples to an array of any of the types. The
// LSP 3.17 spec only has one tuple which is `[number, number]`.
final itemTypes = model['items'] as List;
final types = itemTypes.mapIndexed((index, item) {
final suffix = index + 1;
final name = fieldName ?? '';
final thisName = '$name$suffix';
return _extractType(parentName, thisName, item);
return ArrayType(UnionType(types));
} else {
throw 'Unable to extract type from $model';
/// Generates an available name for a node.
/// If the computed name is already used, a number will be appended to the
/// end.
String _generateAvailableTypeName(String containerName, String? fieldName) {
final name = _generateTypeName(containerName, fieldName ?? '');
final requiresSuffix = fieldName == null;
// If the name has already been taken, try appending a number and try
// again.
String generatedName;
var suffixIndex = 1;
do {
if (suffixIndex > 20) {
throw 'Failed to generate an available name for $name';
generatedName =
requiresSuffix || suffixIndex > 1 ? '$name$suffixIndex' : name;
} while (_typeNames.contains(generatedName));
return generatedName;
/// Generates a valid name for a member.
String _generateMemberName(String name, {bool camelCase = false}) {
// Replace any separators like `/` with `_`.
name = name.replaceAll(_memberNameSeparatorPattern, '_');
// Replace out any characters we don't want in member names.
name = name.replaceAll(_memberNameInvalidCharPattern, '');
// TODO(dantup): Remove this condition and always do camelCase in a future
// CL to reduce the migration diff.
if (camelCase) {
name = _camelCase(name);
return name;
/// Generates a valid name for a type.
String _generateTypeName(String parent, String child) {
// Some classes are private (`_InitializeParams`) but still exposed via
// other classes (`InitializeParams`) but the child types still need to be
// exposed, so remove any leading underscores.
if (parent.startsWith('_')) {
parent = parent.substring(1);
return '${capitalize(parent)}${capitalize(child)}';
LspEnum _readEnum(dynamic model) {
final name = model['name'] as String;
final type = TypeReference(name);
final baseType = _extractType(name, null, model['type']);
return LspEnum(
name: name,
comment: model['documentation'] as String?,
typeOfValues: baseType,
members: [
...?(model['values'] as List?)?.map((p) => _extractEnumValue(type, p)),
LspEntity _readStructure(dynamic model) {
final name = model['name'] as String;
return Interface(
name: name,
comment: model['documentation'] as String?,
baseTypes: [
...?(model['extends'] as List?)
?.map((e) => TypeReference(e['name'] as String)),
...?(model['mixins'] as List?)
?.map((e) => TypeReference(e['name'] as String)),
members: [
...?(model['properties'] as List?)?.map((p) => _extractMember(name, p)),
TypeAlias _readTypeAlias(dynamic model) {
final name = model['name'] as String;
return TypeAlias(
name: name,
comment: model['documentation'] as String?,
baseType: _extractType(name, null, model['type']),
isRename: false,