blob: 8dd89d8045e29ce8f0a74dd828a101e9d989961a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of _interceptors;
* The super interceptor class for [JSInt] and [JSDouble]. The compiler
* recognizes this class as an interceptor, and changes references to
* [:this:] to actually use the receiver of the method, which is
* generated as an extra argument added to each member.
* Note that none of the methods here delegate to a method defined on JSInt or
* JSDouble. This is exploited in [tryComputeConstantInterceptor].
class JSNumber extends Interceptor implements num {
const JSNumber();
int compareTo(num b) {
if (b is! num) throw new ArgumentError(b);
if (this < b) {
return -1;
} else if (this > b) {
return 1;
} else if (this == b) {
if (this == 0) {
bool bIsNegative = b.isNegative;
if (isNegative == bIsNegative) return 0;
if (isNegative) return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
} else if (isNaN) {
if (b.isNaN) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
bool get isNegative => (this == 0) ? (1 / this) < 0 : this < 0;
bool get isNaN => JS('bool', r'isNaN(#)', this);
bool get isInfinite {
return JS('bool', r'# == Infinity', this)
|| JS('bool', r'# == -Infinity', this);
num remainder(num b) {
checkNull(b); // TODO(ngeoffray): This is not specified but co19 tests it.
if (b is! num) throw new ArgumentError(b);
return JS('num', r'# % #', this, b);
num abs() => JS('num', r'Math.abs(#)', this);
int toInt() {
if (isNaN) throw new UnsupportedError('NaN');
if (isInfinite) throw new UnsupportedError('Infinity');
num truncated = truncateToDouble();
return JS('bool', r'# == -0.0', truncated) ? 0 : truncated;
int truncate() => toInt();
int ceil() => ceilToDouble().toInt();
int floor() => floorToDouble().toInt();
int round() => roundToDouble().toInt();
double ceilToDouble() => JS('num', r'Math.ceil(#)', this);
double floorToDouble() => JS('num', r'Math.floor(#)', this);
double roundToDouble() {
if (this < 0) {
return JS('num', r'-Math.round(-#)', this);
} else {
return JS('num', r'Math.round(#)', this);
double truncateToDouble() => this < 0 ? ceilToDouble() : floorToDouble();
num clamp(lowerLimit, upperLimit) {
if (lowerLimit is! num) throw new ArgumentError(lowerLimit);
if (upperLimit is! num) throw new ArgumentError(upperLimit);
if (lowerLimit.compareTo(upperLimit) > 0) {
throw new ArgumentError(lowerLimit);
if (this.compareTo(lowerLimit) < 0) return lowerLimit;
if (this.compareTo(upperLimit) > 0) return upperLimit;
return this;
// The return type is intentionally omitted to avoid type checker warnings
// from assigning JSNumber to double.
toDouble() => this;
String toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits) {
// TODO(floitsch): fractionDigits must be an integer.
if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20) {
throw new RangeError(fractionDigits);
String result = JS('String', r'#.toFixed(#)', this, fractionDigits);
if (this == 0 && isNegative) return "-$result";
return result;
String toStringAsExponential([int fractionDigits]) {
String result;
if (fractionDigits != null) {
// TODO(floitsch): fractionDigits must be an integer.
if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20) {
throw new RangeError(fractionDigits);
result = JS('String', r'#.toExponential(#)', this, fractionDigits);
} else {
result = JS('String', r'#.toExponential()', this);
if (this == 0 && isNegative) return "-$result";
return result;
String toStringAsPrecision(int precision) {
// TODO(floitsch): precision must be an integer.
if (precision < 1 || precision > 21) {
throw new RangeError(precision);
String result = JS('String', r'#.toPrecision(#)',
this, precision);
if (this == 0 && isNegative) return "-$result";
return result;
String toRadixString(int radix) {
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) throw new RangeError(radix);
return JS('String', r'#.toString(#)', this, radix);
// Note: if you change this, also change the function [S].
String toString() {
if (this == 0 && JS('bool', '(1 / #) < 0', this)) {
return '-0.0';
} else {
return JS('String', r'"" + (#)', this);
int get hashCode => JS('int', '# & 0x1FFFFFFF', this);
num operator -() => JS('num', r'-#', this);
num operator +(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('num', '# + #', this, other);
num operator -(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('num', '# - #', this, other);
num operator /(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('num', '# / #', this, other);
num operator *(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('num', '# * #', this, other);
num operator %(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
// Euclidean Modulo.
num result = JS('num', r'# % #', this, other);
if (result == 0) return 0; // Make sure we don't return -0.0.
if (result > 0) return result;
if (JS('num', '#', other) < 0) {
return result - JS('num', '#', other);
} else {
return result + JS('num', '#', other);
num operator ~/(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return (JS('num', r'# / #', this, other)).truncate();
// TODO(ngeoffray): Move the bit operations below to [JSInt] and
// make them take an int. Because this will make operations slower,
// we define these methods on number for now but we need to decide
// the grain at which we do the type checks.
num operator <<(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
if (JS('num', '#', other) < 0) throw new ArgumentError(other);
// JavaScript only looks at the last 5 bits of the shift-amount. Shifting
// by 33 is hence equivalent to a shift by 1.
if (JS('bool', r'# > 31', other)) return 0;
return JS('int', r'(# << #) >>> 0', this, other);
num operator >>(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
if (JS('num', '#', other) < 0) throw new ArgumentError(other);
if (JS('num', '#', this) > 0) {
// JavaScript only looks at the last 5 bits of the shift-amount. In JS
// shifting by 33 is hence equivalent to a shift by 1. Shortcut the
// computation when that happens.
if (JS('bool', r'# > 31', other)) return 0;
// Given that 'a' is positive we must not use '>>'. Otherwise a number
// that has the 31st bit set would be treated as negative and shift in
// ones.
return JS('int', r'# >>> #', this, other);
// For negative numbers we just clamp the shift-by amount. 'a' could be
// negative but not have its 31st bit set. The ">>" would then shift in
// 0s instead of 1s. Therefore we cannot simply return 0xFFFFFFFF.
if (JS('num', '#', other) > 31) other = 31;
return JS('int', r'(# >> #) >>> 0', this, other);
num operator &(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('int', r'(# & #) >>> 0', this, other);
num operator |(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('int', r'(# | #) >>> 0', this, other);
num operator ^(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('int', r'(# ^ #) >>> 0', this, other);
bool operator <(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('bool', '# < #', this, other);
bool operator >(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('bool', '# > #', this, other);
bool operator <=(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('bool', '# <= #', this, other);
bool operator >=(num other) {
if (other is !num) throw new ArgumentError(other);
return JS('bool', '# >= #', this, other);
* The interceptor class for [int]s.
* This class implements double since in JavaScript all numbers are doubles, so
* while we want to treat `2.0` as an integer for some operations, its
* interceptor should answer `true` to `is double`.
class JSInt extends JSNumber implements int, double {
const JSInt();
bool get isEven => (this & 1) == 0;
bool get isOdd => (this & 1) == 1;
int toUnsigned(int width) {
return this & ((1 << width) - 1);
int toSigned(int width) {
int signMask = 1 << (width - 1);
return (this & (signMask - 1)) - (this & signMask);
int get bitLength {
int nonneg = this < 0 ? -this-1 : this;
if (nonneg >= 0x100000000) {
nonneg = nonneg ~/ 0x100000000;
return _bitCount(_spread(nonneg)) + 32;
return _bitCount(_spread(nonneg));
// Assumes i is <= 32-bit and unsigned.
static int _bitCount(int i) {
// See "Hacker's Delight", section 5-1, "Counting 1-Bits".
// The basic strategy is to use "divide and conquer" to
// add pairs (then quads, etc.) of bits together to obtain
// sub-counts.
// A straightforward approach would look like:
// i = (i & 0x55555555) + ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555);
// i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333);
// i = (i & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((i >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F);
// i = (i & 0x00FF00FF) + ((i >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF);
// i = (i & 0x0000FFFF) + ((i >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
// The code below removes unnecessary &'s and uses a
// trick to remove one instruction in the first line.
i = _shru(i, 0) - (_shru(i, 1) & 0x55555555);
i = (i & 0x33333333) + (_shru(i, 2) & 0x33333333);
i = 0x0F0F0F0F & (i + _shru(i, 4));
i += _shru(i, 8);
i += _shru(i, 16);
return (i & 0x0000003F);
static _shru(int value, int shift) => JS('int', '# >>> #', value, shift);
static _shrs(int value, int shift) => JS('int', '# >> #', value, shift);
static _ors(int a, int b) => JS('int', '# | #', a, b);
// Assumes i is <= 32-bit
static int _spread(int i) {
i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 1));
i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 2));
i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 4));
i = _ors(i, _shrs(i, 8));
i = _shru(_ors(i, _shrs(i, 16)), 0);
return i;
Type get runtimeType => int;
int operator ~() => JS('int', r'(~#) >>> 0', this);
class JSDouble extends JSNumber implements double {
const JSDouble();
Type get runtimeType => double;