blob: 99e806ddb373b56d528f884d74be91dd7413badc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of observe;
/** Records a change to an [Observable]. */
abstract class ChangeRecord {
// TODO(jmesserly): rename this--it's confusing. Perhaps "matches"?
/** True if the change affected the given item, otherwise false. */
bool changes(key);
/** A change record to a field of an observable object. */
class PropertyChangeRecord extends ChangeRecord {
/** The field that was changed. */
final Symbol field;
bool changes(key) => key is Symbol && field == key;
String toString() => '#<PropertyChangeRecord $field>';
/** A change record for an observable list. */
class ListChangeRecord extends ChangeRecord {
/** The starting index of the change. */
final int index;
/** The number of items removed. */
final int removedCount;
/** The number of items added. */
final int addedCount;
ListChangeRecord(this.index, {this.removedCount: 0, this.addedCount: 0}) {
if (addedCount == 0 && removedCount == 0) {
throw new ArgumentError('added and removed counts should not both be '
'zero. Use 1 if this was a single item update.');
/** Returns true if the provided index was changed by this operation. */
bool changes(key) {
// If key isn't an int, or before the index, then it wasn't changed.
if (key is! int || key < index) return false;
// If this was a shift operation, anything after index is changed.
if (addedCount != removedCount) return true;
// Otherwise, anything in the update range was changed.
return key < index + addedCount;
String toString() => '#<ListChangeRecord index: $index, '
'removed: $removedCount, addedCount: $addedCount>';