blob: 6db767034cc226180222102cc7c38ea04668e812 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library types;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue, IterableBase;
import '../dart2jslib.dart' hide Selector, TypedSelector;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../native_handler.dart' as native;
import '../util/util.dart';
import '../universe/universe.dart';
import 'simple_types_inferrer.dart' show SimpleTypesInferrer;
import '../dart_types.dart';
part 'concrete_types_inferrer.dart';
part 'container_type_mask.dart';
part 'element_type_mask.dart';
part 'flat_type_mask.dart';
part 'forwarding_type_mask.dart';
part 'type_mask.dart';
part 'union_type_mask.dart';
* Common super class for our type inferrers.
abstract class TypesInferrer {
analyzeMain(Element element);
TypeMask getReturnTypeOfElement(Element element);
TypeMask getTypeOfElement(Element element);
TypeMask getTypeOfNode(Element owner, Node node);
TypeMask getTypeOfSelector(Selector selector);
* The types task infers guaranteed types globally.
class TypesTask extends CompilerTask {
static final bool DUMP_SURPRISING_RESULTS = false;
final String name = 'Type inference';
SimpleTypesInferrer typesInferrer;
ConcreteTypesInferrer concreteTypesInferrer;
TypesTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler) {
typesInferrer = new SimpleTypesInferrer(compiler);
if (compiler.enableConcreteTypeInference) {
concreteTypesInferrer = new ConcreteTypesInferrer(compiler);
TypeMask dynamicType;
TypeMask nullType;
TypeMask intType;
TypeMask doubleType;
TypeMask numType;
TypeMask boolType;
TypeMask functionType;
TypeMask listType;
TypeMask constListType;
TypeMask fixedListType;
TypeMask growableListType;
TypeMask mapType;
TypeMask constMapType;
TypeMask stringType;
TypeMask typeType;
/// Replaces native types by their backend implementation.
Element normalize(Element cls) {
if (cls == compiler.boolClass) {
return compiler.backend.boolImplementation;
if (cls == compiler.intClass) {
return compiler.backend.intImplementation;
if (cls == compiler.doubleClass) {
return compiler.backend.doubleImplementation;
if (cls == compiler.numClass) {
return compiler.backend.numImplementation;
if (cls == compiler.stringClass) {
return compiler.backend.stringImplementation;
if (cls == compiler.listClass) {
return compiler.backend.listImplementation;
return cls;
/// Checks that two [DartType]s are the same modulo normalization.
bool same(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
return (type1 == type2)
|| normalize(type1.element) == normalize(type2.element);
* Checks that one of [type1] and [type2] is a subtype of the other.
bool related(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
return compiler.types.isSubtype(type1, type2)
|| compiler.types.isSubtype(type2, type1);
* Return the more precise of both types, giving precedence in that order to
* exactness, subclassing, subtyping and nullability. The [element] parameter
* is for debugging purposes only and can be omitted.
TypeMask best(var type1, var type2, [element]) {
// TODO(polux): Handle [UnionTypeMask].
if (type1 != null) type1 = type1.simplify(compiler);
if (type2 != null) type2 = type2.simplify(compiler);
final result = _best(type1, type2);
// Tests type1 and type2 for equality modulo normalization of native types.
// Only called when DUMP_SURPRISING_RESULTS is true.
bool similar() {
if (type1 == null || type2 == null || type1.isEmpty || type2.isEmpty) {
return type1 == type2;
return same(type1.base, type2.base);
if (DUMP_SURPRISING_RESULTS && result == type1 && !similar()) {
print("$type1 better than $type2 for $element");
return result;
/// Helper method for [best].
TypeMask _best(var type1, var type2) {
if (type1 == null) return type2;
if (type2 == null) return type1;
if (type1.isContainer) type1 = type1.asFlat;
if (type2.isContainer) type2 = type2.asFlat;
if (type1.isExact) {
if (type2.isExact) {
// TODO(polux): Update the code to not have this situation.
if (type1.base != type2.base) return type1;
assert(same(type1.base, type2.base));
return type1.isNullable ? type2 : type1;
} else {
return type1;
} else if (type2.isExact) {
return type2;
} else if (type1.isSubclass) {
if (type2.isSubclass) {
assert(related(type1.base, type2.base));
if (same(type1.base, type2.base)) {
return type1.isNullable ? type2 : type1;
} else if (compiler.types.isSubtype(type1.base, type2.base)) {
return type1;
} else {
return type2;
} else {
return type1;
} else if (type2.isSubclass) {
return type2;
} else if (type1.isSubtype) {
if (type2.isSubtype) {
assert(related(type1.base, type2.base));
if (same(type1.base, type2.base)) {
return type1.isNullable ? type2 : type1;
} else if (compiler.types.isSubtype(type1.base, type2.base)) {
return type1;
} else {
return type2;
} else {
return type1;
} else if (type2.isSubtype) {
return type2;
} else {
return type1.isNullable ? type2 : type1;
// TODO(ngeoffray): Get rid of this method. Unit tests don't always
// ensure these classes are resolved.
rawTypeOf(ClassElement cls) {
assert(cls.rawType != null);
return cls.rawType;
void initializeTypes() {
nullType = new TypeMask.empty();
Backend backend = compiler.backend;
intType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
doubleType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
numType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(
stringType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
boolType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
listType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
constListType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
fixedListType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
growableListType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
mapType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
constMapType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
functionType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
typeType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
dynamicType = new TypeMask.subclass(rawTypeOf(compiler.objectClass));
* Called when resolution is complete.
void onResolutionComplete(Element mainElement) {
measure(() {
if (concreteTypesInferrer != null) {
bool success = concreteTypesInferrer.analyzeMain(mainElement);
if (!success) {
// If the concrete type inference bailed out, we pretend it didn't
// happen. In the future we might want to record that it failed but
// use the partial results as hints.
concreteTypesInferrer = null;
* Return the (inferred) guaranteed type of [element] or null.
TypeMask getGuaranteedTypeOfElement(Element element) {
return measure(() {
TypeMask guaranteedType = typesInferrer.getTypeOfElement(element);
return (concreteTypesInferrer == null)
? guaranteedType
: best(guaranteedType,
TypeMask getGuaranteedReturnTypeOfElement(Element element) {
return measure(() {
TypeMask guaranteedType =
return (concreteTypesInferrer == null)
? guaranteedType
: best(guaranteedType,
* Return the (inferred) guaranteed type of [node] or null.
* [node] must be an AST node of [owner].
TypeMask getGuaranteedTypeOfNode(owner, node) {
return measure(() {
TypeMask guaranteedType = typesInferrer.getTypeOfNode(owner, node);
return (concreteTypesInferrer == null)
? guaranteedType
: best(guaranteedType,
concreteTypesInferrer.getTypeOfNode(owner, node),
* Return the (inferred) guaranteed type of [selector] or null.
* [node] must be an AST node of [owner].
TypeMask getGuaranteedTypeOfSelector(Selector selector) {
return measure(() {
TypeMask guaranteedType =
return (concreteTypesInferrer == null)
? guaranteedType
: best(guaranteedType,