blob: 1723508b141ade31d7e002ab15539378dcb93949 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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part of;
class FileSystemEntityType {
static const FILE = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(0);
static const DIRECTORY = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(1);
static const LINK = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(2);
static const NOT_FOUND = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(3);
static const _typeList = const [FileSystemEntityType.FILE,
const FileSystemEntityType._internal(int this._type);
static FileSystemEntityType _lookup(int type) => _typeList[type];
String toString() => const ['FILE', 'DIRECTORY', 'LINK', 'NOT_FOUND'][_type];
final int _type;
* A FileStat object represents the result of calling the POSIX stat() function
* on a file system object. It is an immutable object, representing the
* snapshotted values returned by the stat() call.
class FileStat {
// These must agree with enum FileStat in file.h.
static const _TYPE = 0;
static const _CHANGED_TIME = 1;
static const _MODIFIED_TIME = 2;
static const _ACCESSED_TIME = 3;
static const _MODE = 4;
static const _SIZE = 5;
external static List<int> _statSync(String path);
* Calls the operating system's stat() function on [path].
* Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by stat().
* If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with .type set to
* FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND and the other fields invalid.
static FileStat statSync(String path) {
var data = _statSync(path);
if (data is Error) throw data;
return new FileStat._internal(
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_CHANGED_TIME] * 1000),
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_MODIFIED_TIME] * 1000),
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_ACCESSED_TIME] * 1000),
* Asynchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on [path].
* Returns a Future which completes with a [FileStat] object containing
* the data returned by stat().
* If the call fails, completes the future with a [FileStat] object with
* .type set to FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND and the other fields invalid.
static Future<FileStat> stat(String path) {
// Get a new file service port for each request. We could also cache one.
var service = _FileUtils._newServicePort();
List request = new List(2);
request[0] = _STAT_REQUEST;
request[1] = path;
return {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Error getting stat of '$path'");
// Unwrap the real list from the "I'm not an error" wrapper.
List data = response[1];
return new FileStat._internal(
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_CHANGED_TIME] * 1000),
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_MODIFIED_TIME] * 1000),
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_ACCESSED_TIME] * 1000),
String toString() => """
FileStat: type $type
changed $changed
modified $modified
accessed $accessed
mode ${modeString()}
size $size""";
* Returns the mode value as a human-readable string, in the format
* "rwxrwxrwx", reflecting the user, group, and world permissions to
* read, write, and execute the file system object, with "-" replacing the
* letter for missing permissions. Extra permission bits may be represented
* by prepending "(suid)", "(guid)", and/or "(sticky)" to the mode string.
String modeString() {
var permissions = mode & 0xFFF;
var codes = const ['---', '--x', '-w-', '-wx', 'r--', 'r-x', 'rw-', 'rwx'];
var result = [];
if ((permissions & 0x800) != 0) result.add("(suid) ");
if ((permissions & 0x400) != 0) result.add("(guid) ");
if ((permissions & 0x200) != 0) result.add("(sticky) ");
result.add(codes[(permissions >> 6) & 0x7]);
result.add(codes[(permissions >> 3) & 0x7]);
result.add(codes[permissions & 0x7]);
return result.join();
* The time of the last change to the data or metadata of the file system
* object. On Windows platforms, this is instead the file creation time.
final DateTime changed;
* The time of the last change to the data of the file system
* object.
final DateTime modified;
* The time of the last access to the data of the file system
* object. On Windows platforms, this may have 1 day granularity, and be
* out of date by an hour.
final DateTime accessed;
* The type of the object (file, directory, or link). If the call to
* stat() fails, the type of the returned object is NOT_FOUND.
final FileSystemEntityType type;
* The mode of the file system object. Permissions are encoded in the lower
* 16 bits of this number, and can be decoded using the [modeString] getter.
final int mode;
* The size of the file system object.
final int size;
* A [FileSystemEntity] is a common super class for [File] and
* [Directory] objects.
* [FileSystemEntity] objects are returned from directory listing
* operations. To determine if a FileSystemEntity is a [File] or a
* [Directory], perform a type check:
* if (entity is File) (entity as File).readAsStringSync();
abstract class FileSystemEntity {
String get path;
external static _getType(String path, bool followLinks);
external static _identical(String path1, String path2);
static int _getTypeSync(String path, bool followLinks) {
var result = _getType(path, followLinks);
_throwIfError(result, 'Error getting type of FileSystemEntity');
return result;
static Future<int> _getTypeAsync(String path, bool followLinks) {
// Get a new file service port for each request. We could also cache one.
var service = _FileUtils._newServicePort();
List request = new List(3);
request[0] = _TYPE_REQUEST;
request[1] = path;
request[2] = followLinks;
return {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Error getting type of '$path'");
return response;
* Synchronously checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the
* file system. Returns a [:Future<bool>:] that completes with the result.
* Comparing a link to its target returns false, as does comparing two links
* that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use
* explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing
* inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object.
* Completes the returned Future with an error if one of the paths points
* to an object that does not exist.
static Future<bool> identical(String path1, String path2) {
// Get a new file service port for each request. We could also cache one.
var service = _FileUtils._newServicePort();
List request = new List(3);
request[0] = _IDENTICAL_REQUEST;
request[1] = path1;
request[2] = path2;
return {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Error in FileSystemEntity.identical($path1, $path2)");
return response;
* Synchronously checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the
* file system.
* Comparing a link to its target returns false, as does comparing two links
* that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use
* explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing
* inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object.
* Throws an error if one of the paths points to an object that does not
* exist.
static bool identicalSync(String path1, String path2) {
var result = _identical(path1, path2);
_throwIfError(result, 'Error in FileSystemEntity.identicalSync');
return result;
* Checks whether the file system entity with this path exists. Returns
* a [:Future<bool>:] that completes with the result.
* Since FileSystemEntity is abstract, every FileSystemEntity object
* is actually an instance of one of the subclasses [File],
* [Directory], and [Link]. Calling [exists] on an instance of one
* of these subclasses checks whether the object exists in the file
* system object exists and is of the correct type (file, directory,
* or link). To check whether a path points to an object on the
* file system, regardless of the object's type, use the [type]
* static method.
Future<bool> exists();
* Synchronously checks whether the file system entity with this path
* exists.
* Since FileSystemEntity is abstract, every FileSystemEntity object
* is actually an instance of one of the subclasses [File],
* [Directory], and [Link]. Calling [existsSync] on an instance of
* one of these subclasses checks whether the object exists in the
* file system object exists and is of the correct type (file,
* directory, or link). To check whether a path points to an object
* on the file system, regardless of the object's type, use the
* [typeSync] static method.
bool existsSync();
* Calls the operating system's stat() function on the [path] of this
* [FileSystemEntity]. Identical to [:FileStat.stat(this.path):].
* Returns a [:Future<FileStat>:] object containing the data returned by
* stat().
* If the call fails, completes the future with a [FileStat] object
* with .type set to
* FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND and the other fields invalid.
Future<FileStat> stat();
* Synchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on the
* [path] of this [FileSystemEntity].
* Identical to [:FileStat.statSync(this.path):].
* Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by stat().
* If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with .type set to
* FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND and the other fields invalid.
FileStat statSync();
* Finds the type of file system object that a path points to. Returns
* a [:Future<FileSystemEntityType>:] that completes with the result.
* [FileSystemEntityType] has the constant instances FILE, DIRECTORY,
* LINK, and NOT_FOUND. [type] will return LINK only if the optional
* named argument [followLinks] is false, and [path] points to a link.
* If the path does not point to a file system object, or any other error
* occurs in looking up the path, NOT_FOUND is returned. The only
* error or exception that may be put on the returned future is ArgumentError,
* caused by passing the wrong type of arguments to the function.
static Future<FileSystemEntityType> type(String path,
{bool followLinks: true})
=> _getTypeAsync(path, followLinks).then(FileSystemEntityType._lookup);
* Synchronously finds the type of file system object that a path points to.
* Returns a [FileSystemEntityType].
* [FileSystemEntityType] has the constant instances FILE, DIRECTORY,
* LINK, and NOT_FOUND. [type] will return LINK only if the optional
* named argument [followLinks] is false, and [path] points to a link.
* If the path does not point to a file system object, or any other error
* occurs in looking up the path, NOT_FOUND is returned. The only
* error or exception that may be thrown is ArgumentError,
* caused by passing the wrong type of arguments to the function.
static FileSystemEntityType typeSync(String path, {bool followLinks: true})
=> FileSystemEntityType._lookup(_getTypeSync(path, followLinks));
* Checks if type(path, followLinks: false) returns
* FileSystemEntityType.LINK.
static Future<bool> isLink(String path) => _getTypeAsync(path, false)
.then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.LINK._type));
* Checks if type(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.FILE.
static Future<bool> isFile(String path) => _getTypeAsync(path, true)
.then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.FILE._type));
* Checks if type(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY.
static Future<bool> isDirectory(String path) => _getTypeAsync(path, true)
.then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY._type));
* Synchronously checks if typeSync(path, followLinks: false) returns
* FileSystemEntityType.LINK.
static bool isLinkSync(String path) =>
(_getTypeSync(path, false) == FileSystemEntityType.LINK._type);
* Synchronously checks if typeSync(path) returns
* FileSystemEntityType.FILE.
static bool isFileSync(String path) =>
(_getTypeSync(path, true) == FileSystemEntityType.FILE._type);
* Synchronously checks if typeSync(path) returns
* FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY.
static bool isDirectorySync(String path) =>
(_getTypeSync(path, true) == FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY._type);
static _throwIfError(Object result, String msg) {
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException(msg, result);
} else if (result is ArgumentError) {
throw result;