blob: 1dfe675bc360b7beb4f3fbc28a3ada3ab2cbdc34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
class JavaScriptItemCompilationContext extends ItemCompilationContext {
final Set<HInstruction> boundsChecked;
: boundsChecked = new Set<HInstruction>();
class JavaScriptBackend extends Backend {
SsaBuilderTask builder;
SsaOptimizerTask optimizer;
SsaCodeGeneratorTask generator;
CodeEmitterTask emitter;
* The generated code as a js AST for compiled methods.
Map<Element, jsAst.Expression> get generatedCode {
return compiler.enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode;
* The generated code as a js AST for compiled bailout methods.
final Map<Element, jsAst.Expression> generatedBailoutCode =
new Map<Element, jsAst.Expression>();
* Keep track of which function elements are simple enough to be
* inlined in callers.
final Map<FunctionElement, bool> canBeInlined =
new Map<FunctionElement, bool>();
ClassElement jsInterceptorClass;
ClassElement jsStringClass;
ClassElement jsArrayClass;
ClassElement jsNumberClass;
ClassElement jsIntClass;
ClassElement jsDoubleClass;
ClassElement jsNullClass;
ClassElement jsBoolClass;
ClassElement jsUnknownClass;
ClassElement jsIndexableClass;
ClassElement jsMutableIndexableClass;
ClassElement jsMutableArrayClass;
ClassElement jsFixedArrayClass;
ClassElement jsExtendableArrayClass;
Element jsIndexableLength;
Element jsArrayRemoveLast;
Element jsArrayAdd;
Element jsStringSplit;
Element jsStringConcat;
Element jsStringToString;
Element objectEquals;
ClassElement typeLiteralClass;
ClassElement mapLiteralClass;
ClassElement constMapLiteralClass;
Element getInterceptorMethod;
Element interceptedNames;
// TODO(9577): Make it so that these are not needed when there are no native
// classes.
Element dispatchPropertyName;
Element getNativeInterceptorMethod;
Element defineNativeMethodsFinishMethod;
Element getDispatchPropertyMethod;
Element setDispatchPropertyMethod;
Element initializeDispatchPropertyMethod;
bool needToInitializeDispatchProperty = false;
bool seenAnyClass = false;
final Namer namer;
* Interface used to determine if an object has the JavaScript
* indexing behavior. The interface is only visible to specific
* libraries.
ClassElement jsIndexingBehaviorInterface;
* A collection of selectors of intercepted method calls. The
* emitter uses this set to generate the [:ObjectInterceptor:] class
* whose members just forward the call to the intercepted receiver.
final Set<Selector> usedInterceptors;
* A collection of selectors that must have a one shot interceptor
* generated.
final Map<String, Selector> oneShotInterceptors;
* The members of instantiated interceptor classes: maps a member name to the
* list of members that have that name. This map is used by the codegen to
* know whether a send must be intercepted or not.
final Map<SourceString, Set<Element>> interceptedElements;
// TODO(sra): Not all methods in the Set always require an interceptor. A
// method may be mixed into a true interceptor *and* a plain class. For the
// method to work on the interceptor class it needs to use the explicit
// receiver. This constrains the call on a known plain receiver to pass the
// explicit receiver.
* A map of specialized versions of the [getInterceptorMethod].
* Since [getInterceptorMethod] is a hot method at runtime, we're
* always specializing it based on the incoming type. The keys in
* the map are the names of these specialized versions. Note that
* the generic version that contains all possible type checks is
* also stored in this map.
final Map<String, Set<ClassElement>> specializedGetInterceptors;
* Set of classes whose methods are intercepted.
final Set<ClassElement> interceptedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
* Set of classes used as mixins on native classes. Methods on these classes
* might also be mixed in to non-native classes.
final Set<ClassElement> classesMixedIntoNativeClasses =
new Set<ClassElement>();
* Set of classes whose `operator ==` methods handle `null` themselves.
final Set<ClassElement> specialOperatorEqClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
List<CompilerTask> get tasks {
return <CompilerTask>[builder, optimizer, generator, emitter];
final RuntimeTypes rti;
JavaScriptBackend(Compiler compiler, bool generateSourceMap, bool disableEval)
: namer = determineNamer(compiler),
usedInterceptors = new Set<Selector>(),
oneShotInterceptors = new Map<String, Selector>(),
interceptedElements = new Map<SourceString, Set<Element>>(),
rti = new RuntimeTypes(compiler),
specializedGetInterceptors = new Map<String, Set<ClassElement>>(),
emitter = disableEval
? new CodeEmitterNoEvalTask(compiler, namer, generateSourceMap)
: new CodeEmitterTask(compiler, namer, generateSourceMap);
builder = new SsaBuilderTask(this);
optimizer = new SsaOptimizerTask(this);
generator = new SsaCodeGeneratorTask(this);
static Namer determineNamer(Compiler compiler) {
return compiler.enableMinification ?
new MinifyNamer(compiler) :
new Namer(compiler);
bool isInterceptorClass(ClassElement element) {
if (element == null) return false;
if (element.isNative()) return true;
if (interceptedClasses.contains(element)) return true;
if (classesMixedIntoNativeClasses.contains(element)) return true;
return false;
void addInterceptedSelector(Selector selector) {
String registerOneShotInterceptor(Selector selector) {
Set<ClassElement> classes = getInterceptedClassesOn(;
String name = namer.getOneShotInterceptorName(selector, classes);
if (!oneShotInterceptors.containsKey(name)) {
oneShotInterceptors[name] = selector;
return name;
bool isInterceptedMethod(Element element) {
return element.isInstanceMember()
&& !element.isGenerativeConstructorBody()
&& interceptedElements[] != null;
bool fieldHasInterceptedGetter(Element element) {
return interceptedElements[] != null;
bool fieldHasInterceptedSetter(Element element) {
return interceptedElements[] != null;
bool isInterceptedName(SourceString name) {
return interceptedElements[name] != null;
bool isInterceptedSelector(Selector selector) {
return interceptedElements[] != null;
final Map<SourceString, Set<ClassElement>> interceptedClassesCache =
new Map<SourceString, Set<ClassElement>>();
* Returns a set of interceptor classes that contain a member named
* [name]. Returns [:null:] if there is no class.
Set<ClassElement> getInterceptedClassesOn(SourceString name) {
Set<Element> intercepted = interceptedElements[name];
if (intercepted == null) return null;
return interceptedClassesCache.putIfAbsent(name, () {
// Populate the cache by running through all the elements and
// determine if the given selector applies to them.
Set<ClassElement> result = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (Element element in intercepted) {
ClassElement classElement = element.getEnclosingClass();
if (classElement.isNative()
|| interceptedClasses.contains(classElement)) {
if (classesMixedIntoNativeClasses.contains(classElement)) {
Set<ClassElement> nativeSubclasses =
if (nativeSubclasses != null) result.addAll(nativeSubclasses);
return result;
Set<ClassElement> nativeSubclassesOfMixin(ClassElement mixin) {
Set<MixinApplicationElement> uses =[mixin];
if (uses == null) return null;
Set<ClassElement> result = null;
for (MixinApplicationElement use in uses) {
Iterable<ClassElement> subclasses =;
if (subclasses != null) {
for (ClassElement subclass in subclasses) {
if (subclass.isNative()) {
if (result == null) result = new Set<ClassElement>();
return result;
bool operatorEqHandlesNullArgument(FunctionElement operatorEqfunction) {
return specialOperatorEqClasses.contains(
void initializeHelperClasses() {
getInterceptorMethod =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('getInterceptor'));
interceptedNames =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('interceptedNames'));
dispatchPropertyName =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('dispatchPropertyName'));
getDispatchPropertyMethod =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('getDispatchProperty'));
setDispatchPropertyMethod =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('setDispatchProperty'));
getNativeInterceptorMethod =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('getNativeInterceptor'));
initializeDispatchPropertyMethod =
new SourceString(emitter.nameOfDispatchPropertyInitializer));
defineNativeMethodsFinishMethod =
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('defineNativeMethodsFinish'));
// These methods are overwritten with generated versions.
canBeInlined[getInterceptorMethod] = false;
canBeInlined[getDispatchPropertyMethod] = false;
canBeInlined[setDispatchPropertyMethod] = false;
List<ClassElement> classes = [
jsInterceptorClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('Interceptor')),
jsStringClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSString')),
jsArrayClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSArray')),
// The int class must be before the double class, because the
// emitter relies on this list for the order of type checks.
jsIntClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSInt')),
jsDoubleClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSDouble')),
jsNumberClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSNumber')),
jsNullClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSNull')),
jsBoolClass = compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSBool')),
jsMutableArrayClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSMutableArray')),
jsFixedArrayClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSFixedArray')),
jsExtendableArrayClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSExtendableArray')),
jsUnknownClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSUnknown')),
jsIndexableClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSIndexable'));
jsMutableIndexableClass =
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('JSMutableIndexable'));
// TODO(kasperl): Some tests do not define the special JSArray
// subclasses, so we check to see if they are defined before
// trying to resolve them.
if (jsFixedArrayClass != null) {
if (jsExtendableArrayClass != null) {
jsIndexableLength = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsIndexableClass, const SourceString('length'));
if (jsIndexableLength != null && jsIndexableLength.isAbstractField()) {
AbstractFieldElement element = jsIndexableLength;
jsIndexableLength = element.getter;
jsArrayRemoveLast = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsArrayClass, const SourceString('removeLast'));
jsArrayAdd = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsArrayClass, const SourceString('add'));
jsStringSplit = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsStringClass, const SourceString('split'));
jsStringConcat = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsStringClass, const SourceString('concat'));
jsStringToString = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsStringClass, const SourceString('toString'));
for (ClassElement cls in classes) {
if (cls != null) interceptedClasses.add(cls);
typeLiteralClass = compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('TypeImpl'));
mapLiteralClass =
compiler.coreLibrary.find(const SourceString('LinkedHashMap'));
constMapLiteralClass =
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('ConstantMap'));
objectEquals = compiler.lookupElementIn(
compiler.objectClass, const SourceString('=='));
void validateInterceptorImplementsAllObjectMethods(
ClassElement interceptorClass) {
if (interceptorClass == null) return;
compiler.objectClass.forEachMember((_, Element member) {
if (member.isGenerativeConstructor()) return;
Element interceptorMember = interceptorClass.lookupMember(;
// Interceptors must override all Object methods due to calling convention
// differences.
assert(interceptorMember.getEnclosingClass() != compiler.objectClass);
void addInterceptorsForNativeClassMembers(
ClassElement cls, Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
cls.forEachMember((ClassElement classElement, Element member) {
if (member.isSynthesized) return;
// All methods on [Object] are shadowed by [Interceptor].
if (classElement == compiler.objectClass) return;
Set<Element> set = interceptedElements.putIfAbsent(, () => new Set<Element>());
if (classElement == jsInterceptorClass) return;
if (!classElement.isNative()) {
MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication = classElement;
assert(member.getEnclosingClass() == mixinApplication.mixin);
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
void addInterceptors(ClassElement cls,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
TreeElements elements) {
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
cls.forEachMember((ClassElement classElement, Element member) {
// All methods on [Object] are shadowed by [Interceptor].
if (classElement == compiler.objectClass) return;
Set<Element> set = interceptedElements.putIfAbsent(, () => new Set<Element>());
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(cls, elements);
void registerSpecializedGetInterceptor(Set<ClassElement> classes) {
String name = namer.getInterceptorName(getInterceptorMethod, classes);
if (classes.contains(jsInterceptorClass)) {
// We can't use a specialized [getInterceptorMethod], so we make
// sure we emit the one with all checks.
specializedGetInterceptors[name] = interceptedClasses;
} else {
specializedGetInterceptors[name] = classes;
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
TreeElements elements) {
if (!seenAnyClass) {
seenAnyClass = true;
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
// TODO(9577): Make it so that these are not needed when there are no
// native classes.
// Register any helper that will be needed by the backend.
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
if (cls == compiler.intClass
|| cls == compiler.doubleClass
|| cls == compiler.numClass) {
// The backend will try to optimize number operations and use the
// `iae` helper directly.
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('iae')));
} else if (cls == compiler.listClass
|| cls == compiler.stringClass) {
// The backend will try to optimize array and string access and use the
// `ioore` and `iae` helpers directly.
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('ioore')));
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('iae')));
} else if (cls == compiler.functionClass) {
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(compiler.closureClass, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.mapClass) {
// The backend will use a literal list to initialize the entries
// of the map.
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(compiler.listClass, elements);
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(mapLiteralClass, elements);
enqueueInResolution(getMapMaker(), elements);
ClassElement result = null;
if (cls == compiler.stringClass || cls == jsStringClass) {
addInterceptors(jsStringClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.listClass
|| cls == jsArrayClass
|| cls == jsFixedArrayClass
|| cls == jsExtendableArrayClass) {
addInterceptors(jsArrayClass, enqueuer, elements);
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(jsFixedArrayClass, elements);
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(jsExtendableArrayClass, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.intClass || cls == jsIntClass) {
addInterceptors(jsIntClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNumberClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.doubleClass || cls == jsDoubleClass) {
addInterceptors(jsDoubleClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNumberClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.boolClass || cls == jsBoolClass) {
addInterceptors(jsBoolClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.nullClass || cls == jsNullClass) {
addInterceptors(jsNullClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.numClass || cls == jsNumberClass) {
addInterceptors(jsIntClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsDoubleClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNumberClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == jsUnknownClass) {
addInterceptors(jsUnknownClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls.isNative()) {
addInterceptorsForNativeClassMembers(cls, enqueuer);
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
// We need to register is checks for assignments to fields.
cls.forEachMember((Element enclosing, Element member) {
if (!member.isInstanceMember() || !member.isField()) return;
DartType type = member.computeType(compiler);
enqueuer.registerIsCheck(type, elements);
}, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
void registerUseInterceptor(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (!enqueuer.nativeEnqueuer.hasNativeClasses()) return;
TreeElements elements = compiler.globalDependencies;
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(jsInterceptorClass, elements);
needToInitializeDispatchProperty = true;
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext createItemCompilationContext() {
return new JavaScriptItemCompilationContext();
void enqueueHelpers(ResolutionEnqueuer world, TreeElements elements) {
jsIndexingBehaviorInterface =
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('JavaScriptIndexingBehavior'));
if (jsIndexingBehaviorInterface != null) {
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('isJsIndexable')));
compiler.findInterceptor(const SourceString('dispatchPropertyName')));
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
// Unconditionally register the helper that checks if the
// expression in an if/while/for is a boolean.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should we have the resolver register those instead?
Element e =
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('boolConversionCheck'));
if (e != null) world.addToWorkList(e);
onResolutionComplete() => rti.computeClassesNeedingRti();
void registerStringInterpolation(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getStringInterpolationHelper(), elements);
void registerCatchStatement(Enqueuer enqueuer, TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getExceptionUnwrapper(), elements);
if (jsUnknownClass != null) {
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(jsUnknownClass, elements);
void registerWrapException(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getWrapExceptionHelper(), elements);
void registerThrowExpression(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowExpressionHelper(), elements);
void registerLazyField(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getCyclicThrowHelper(), elements);
void registerTypeLiteral(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getCreateRuntimeType(), elements);
void registerStackTraceInCatch(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getTraceFromException(), elements);
void registerSetRuntimeType(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
void registerGetRuntimeTypeArgument(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeArgument(), elements);
void registerRuntimeType(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeArgument(), elements);
compiler.listClass, elements);
void registerTypeVariableExpression(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getRuntimeTypeToString(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getCreateRuntimeType(), elements);
void registerIsCheck(DartType type, Enqueuer world, TreeElements elements) {
world.registerInstantiatedClass(compiler.boolClass, elements);
bool isTypeVariable = type.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE;
bool inCheckedMode = compiler.enableTypeAssertions;
if (!type.isRaw || isTypeVariable) {
enqueueInResolution(getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeArgument(), elements);
if (inCheckedMode) {
enqueueInResolution(getAssertSubtype(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getCheckSubtype(), elements);
if (isTypeVariable) {
enqueueInResolution(getCheckSubtypeOfRuntimeType(), elements);
if (inCheckedMode) {
enqueueInResolution(getAssertSubtypeOfRuntimeType(), elements);
world.registerInstantiatedClass(compiler.listClass, elements);
// [registerIsCheck] is also called for checked mode checks, so we
// need to register checked mode helpers.
if (inCheckedMode) {
Element e = getCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: false);
if (e != null) world.addToWorkList(e);
// We also need the native variant of the check (for DOM types).
e = getNativeCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: false);
if (e != null) world.addToWorkList(e);
if (type.element.isNative()) {
// We will neeed to add the "$is" and "$as" properties on the
// JavaScript object prototype, so we make sure
// [:defineProperty:] is compiled.
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('defineProperty')));
void registerAsCheck(DartType type, TreeElements elements) {
Element e = getCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: true);
enqueueInResolution(e, elements);
// We also need the native variant of the check (for DOM types).
e = getNativeCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: true);
enqueueInResolution(e, elements);
void registerThrowNoSuchMethod(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowNoSuchMethod(), elements);
void registerThrowRuntimeError(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowRuntimeError(), elements);
void registerAbstractClassInstantiation(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowAbstractClassInstantiationError(), elements);
void registerFallThroughError(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getFallThroughError(), elements);
void registerSuperNoSuchMethod(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getCreateInvocationMirror(), elements);
compiler.listClass, elements);
void registerRequiredType(DartType type, Element enclosingElement) {
* If [argument] has type variables or is a type variable, this
* method registers a RTI dependency between the class where the
* type variable is defined (that is the enclosing class of the
* current element being resolved) and the class of [annotation].
* If the class of [annotation] requires RTI, then the class of
* the type variable does too.
void analyzeTypeArgument(DartType annotation, DartType argument) {
if (argument == null) return;
if (argument.element.isTypeVariable()) {
ClassElement enclosing = argument.element.getEnclosingClass();
assert(enclosing == enclosingElement.getEnclosingClass().declaration);
rti.registerRtiDependency(annotation.element, enclosing);
} else if (argument is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType type = argument;
type.typeArguments.forEach((DartType argument) {
analyzeTypeArgument(annotation, argument);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType itf = type;
itf.typeArguments.forEach((DartType argument) {
analyzeTypeArgument(type, argument);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Also handle T a (in checked mode).
void registerClassUsingVariableExpression(ClassElement cls) {
bool needsRti(ClassElement cls) {
return rti.classesNeedingRti.contains(cls.declaration) ||
bool isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(Element element) {
assert( == Compiler.NO_SUCH_METHOD);
ClassElement classElement = element.getEnclosingClass();
return classElement == compiler.objectClass
|| classElement == jsInterceptorClass;
bool isDefaultEqualityImplementation(Element element) {
assert( == const SourceString('=='));
ClassElement classElement = element.getEnclosingClass();
return classElement == compiler.objectClass
|| classElement == jsInterceptorClass
|| classElement == jsNullClass;
void enqueueInResolution(Element e, TreeElements elements) {
if (e == null) return;
ResolutionEnqueuer enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.resolution;
void registerConstantMap(TreeElements elements) {
Element e = compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('ConstantMap'));
if (e != null) {
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.registerInstantiatedClass(e, elements);
e = compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('ConstantProtoMap'));
if (e != null) {
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.registerInstantiatedClass(e, elements);
void codegen(CodegenWorkItem work) {
Element element = work.element;
var kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.TYPEDEF) return;
if (element.isConstructor() && element.getEnclosingClass() == jsNullClass) {
// Work around a problem compiling JSNull's constructor.
if (kind.category == ElementCategory.VARIABLE) {
Constant initialValue = compiler.constantHandler.compileWorkItem(work);
if (initialValue != null) {
} else {
// If the constant-handler was not able to produce a result we have to
// go through the builder (below) to generate the lazy initializer for
// the static variable.
// We also need to register the use of the cyclic-error helper.
HGraph graph =;
optimizer.optimize(work, graph, false);
if (work.allowSpeculativeOptimization
&& optimizer.trySpeculativeOptimizations(work, graph)) {
jsAst.Expression code = generator.generateBailoutMethod(work, graph);
generatedBailoutCode[element] = code;
optimizer.prepareForSpeculativeOptimizations(work, graph);
optimizer.optimize(work, graph, true);
jsAst.Expression code = generator.generateCode(work, graph);
generatedCode[element] = code;
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeResolutionEnqueuer(Enqueuer world) {
return new native.NativeResolutionEnqueuer(world, compiler);
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeCodegenEnqueuer(Enqueuer world) {
return new native.NativeCodegenEnqueuer(world, compiler, emitter);
ClassElement defaultSuperclass(ClassElement element) {
// Native classes inherit from Interceptor.
return element.isNative() ? jsInterceptorClass : compiler.objectClass;
* Unit test hook that returns code of an element as a String.
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
String assembleCode(Element element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
return jsAst.prettyPrint(generatedCode[element], compiler).getText();
void assembleProgram() {
Element getImplementationClass(Element element) {
if (element == compiler.intClass) {
return jsIntClass;
} else if (element == compiler.boolClass) {
return jsBoolClass;
} else if (element == compiler.numClass) {
return jsNumberClass;
} else if (element == compiler.doubleClass) {
return jsDoubleClass;
} else if (element == compiler.stringClass) {
return jsStringClass;
} else if (element == compiler.listClass) {
return jsArrayClass;
} else {
return element;
* Returns the checked mode helper that will be needed to do a type check/type
* cast on [type] at runtime. Note that this method is being called both by
* the resolver with interface types (int, String, ...), and by the SSA
* backend with implementation types (JSInt, JSString, ...).
Element getCheckedModeHelper(DartType type, {bool typeCast}) {
SourceString name = getCheckedModeHelperName(
type, typeCast: typeCast, nativeCheckOnly: false);
return compiler.findHelper(name);
* Returns the native checked mode helper that will be needed to do a type
* check/type cast on [type] at runtime. If no native helper exists for
* [type], [:null:] is returned.
Element getNativeCheckedModeHelper(DartType type, {bool typeCast}) {
SourceString sourceName = getCheckedModeHelperName(
type, typeCast: typeCast, nativeCheckOnly: true);
if (sourceName == null) return null;
return compiler.findHelper(sourceName);
* Returns the name of the type check/type cast helper method for [type]. If
* [nativeCheckOnly] is [:true:], only names for native helpers are returned.
SourceString getCheckedModeHelperName(DartType type,
{bool typeCast,
bool nativeCheckOnly}) {
Element element = type.element;
bool nativeCheck = nativeCheckOnly ||
if (type.isMalformed) {
// Check for malformed types first, because the type may be a list type
// with a malformed argument type.
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? const SourceString('malformedTypeCast')
: const SourceString('malformedTypeCheck');
} else if (type == compiler.types.voidType) {
assert(!typeCast); // Cannot cast to void.
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return const SourceString('voidTypeCheck');
} else if (element == jsStringClass || element == compiler.stringClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? const SourceString("stringTypeCast")
: const SourceString('stringTypeCheck');
} else if (element == jsDoubleClass || element == compiler.doubleClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? const SourceString("doubleTypeCast")
: const SourceString('doubleTypeCheck');
} else if (element == jsNumberClass || element == compiler.numClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? const SourceString("numTypeCast")
: const SourceString('numTypeCheck');
} else if (element == jsBoolClass || element == compiler.boolClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? const SourceString("boolTypeCast")
: const SourceString('boolTypeCheck');
} else if (element == jsIntClass || element == compiler.intClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast ?
const SourceString("intTypeCast") :
const SourceString('intTypeCheck');
} else if (Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(element, compiler)) {
if (nativeCheck) {
return typeCast
? const SourceString("numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCast")
: const SourceString('numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCheck');
} else {
return typeCast
? const SourceString("numberOrStringSuperTypeCast")
: const SourceString('numberOrStringSuperTypeCheck');
} else if (Elements.isStringOnlySupertype(element, compiler)) {
if (nativeCheck) {
return typeCast
? const SourceString("stringSuperNativeTypeCast")
: const SourceString('stringSuperNativeTypeCheck');
} else {
return typeCast
? const SourceString("stringSuperTypeCast")
: const SourceString('stringSuperTypeCheck');
} else if ((element == compiler.listClass || element == jsArrayClass) &&
type.isRaw) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? const SourceString("listTypeCast")
: const SourceString('listTypeCheck');
} else {
if (Elements.isListSupertype(element, compiler)) {
if (nativeCheck) {
return typeCast
? const SourceString("listSuperNativeTypeCast")
: const SourceString('listSuperNativeTypeCheck');
} else {
return typeCast
? const SourceString("listSuperTypeCast")
: const SourceString('listSuperTypeCheck');
} else {
if (nativeCheck) {
// TODO(karlklose): can we get rid of this branch when we use
// interceptors?
return typeCast
? const SourceString("interceptedTypeCast")
: const SourceString('interceptedTypeCheck');
} else {
if (type.kind == TypeKind.INTERFACE && !type.isRaw) {
return typeCast
? const SourceString('subtypeCast')
: const SourceString('assertSubtype');
} else if (type.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE) {
return typeCast
? const SourceString('subtypeOfRuntimeTypeCast')
: const SourceString('assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType');
} else {
return typeCast
? const SourceString('propertyTypeCast')
: const SourceString('propertyTypeCheck');
Element getExceptionUnwrapper() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('unwrapException'));
Element getThrowRuntimeError() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('throwRuntimeError'));
Element getThrowMalformedSubtypeError() {
return compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('throwMalformedSubtypeError'));
Element getThrowAbstractClassInstantiationError() {
return compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('throwAbstractClassInstantiationError'));
Element getStringInterpolationHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('S'));
Element getWrapExceptionHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString(r'wrapException'));
Element getThrowExpressionHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('throwExpression'));
Element getClosureConverter() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('convertDartClosureToJS'));
Element getTraceFromException() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('getTraceFromException'));
Element getMapMaker() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('makeLiteralMap'));
Element getSetRuntimeTypeInfo() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('setRuntimeTypeInfo'));
Element getGetRuntimeTypeInfo() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('getRuntimeTypeInfo'));
Element getGetRuntimeTypeArgument() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('getRuntimeTypeArgument'));
Element getRuntimeTypeToString() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('runtimeTypeToString'));
Element getCheckSubtype() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('checkSubtype'));
Element getAssertSubtype() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('assertSubtype'));
Element getCheckSubtypeOfRuntimeType() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType'));
Element getAssertSubtypeOfRuntimeType() {
return compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType'));
Element getThrowNoSuchMethod() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('throwNoSuchMethod'));
Element getCreateRuntimeType() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('createRuntimeType'));
Element getFallThroughError() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString("getFallThroughError"));
Element getCreateInvocationMirror() {
return compiler.findHelper(Compiler.CREATE_INVOCATION_MIRROR);
Element getCyclicThrowHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper(const SourceString("throwCyclicInit"));
* Remove [element] from the set of generated code, and put it back
* into the worklist.
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
void eagerRecompile(Element element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
bool isNullImplementation(ClassElement cls) {
return cls == jsNullClass;
ClassElement get intImplementation => jsIntClass;
ClassElement get doubleImplementation => jsDoubleClass;
ClassElement get numImplementation => jsNumberClass;
ClassElement get stringImplementation => jsStringClass;
ClassElement get listImplementation => jsArrayClass;
ClassElement get constListImplementation => jsArrayClass;
ClassElement get fixedListImplementation => jsFixedArrayClass;
ClassElement get growableListImplementation => jsExtendableArrayClass;
ClassElement get mapImplementation => mapLiteralClass;
ClassElement get constMapImplementation => constMapLiteralClass;
ClassElement get typeImplementation => typeLiteralClass;
ClassElement get boolImplementation => jsBoolClass;
ClassElement get nullImplementation => jsNullClass;