blob: 652437571db16622f04b1d1c650279e000ccb192 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.transformer.transform_logger;
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart';
import '../asset/asset_id.dart';
import '../log.dart';
typedef void LogFunction(AssetId asset, LogLevel level, String message,
Span span);
/// Object used to report warnings and errors encountered while running a
/// transformer.
class TransformLogger {
final LogFunction _logFunction;
/// Logs an informative message.
/// If [asset] is provided, the log entry is associated with that asset.
/// Otherwise it's associated with the primary input of [transformer].
/// If [span] is provided, indicates the location in the input asset that
/// caused the message.
void info(String message, {AssetId asset, Span span}) {
_logFunction(asset, LogLevel.INFO, message, span);
/// Logs a message that won't be displayed unless the user is running in
/// verbose mode.
/// If [asset] is provided, the log entry is associated with that asset.
/// Otherwise it's associated with the primary input of [transformer].
/// If [span] is provided, indicates the location in the input asset that
/// caused the message.
void fine(String message, {AssetId asset, Span span}) {
_logFunction(asset, LogLevel.FINE, message, span);
/// Logs a warning message.
/// If [asset] is provided, the log entry is associated with that asset.
/// Otherwise it's associated with the primary input of [transformer].
/// If present, [span] indicates the location in the input asset that caused
/// the warning.
void warning(String message, {AssetId asset, Span span}) {
_logFunction(asset, LogLevel.WARNING, message, span);
/// Logs an error message.
/// If [asset] is provided, the log entry is associated with that asset.
/// Otherwise it's associated with the primary input of [transformer].
/// If present, [span] indicates the location in the input asset that caused
/// the error.
/// Logging any errors will cause Barback to consider the transformation to
/// have failed, much like throwing an exception. This means that neither the
/// primary input nor any outputs emitted by the transformer will be passed on
/// to the following phase, and the build will be reported as having failed.
/// Unlike throwing an exception, this doesn't cause a transformer to stop
/// running. This makes it useful in cases where a single input may have
/// multiple errors that the user wants to know about.
void error(String message, {AssetId asset, Span span}) {
_logFunction(asset, LogLevel.ERROR, message, span);