blob: f5f6b721553e399807fc3538d7a0fd76051ac84d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.constant;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'java_engine.dart' show ObjectUtilities;
import 'source.dart' show Source;
import 'error.dart' show AnalysisError, ErrorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode;
import 'scanner.dart' show Token, TokenType;
import 'ast.dart';
import 'element.dart';
import 'resolver.dart' show TypeProvider;
import 'engine.dart' show AnalysisEngine;
import 'utilities_dart.dart' show ParameterKind;
import 'utilities_collection.dart';
* Instances of the class `BoolState` represent the state of an object representing a boolean
* value.
class BoolState extends InstanceState {
* The value of this instance.
final bool value;
* An instance representing the boolean value 'false'.
static BoolState FALSE_STATE = new BoolState(false);
* An instance representing the boolean value 'true'.
static BoolState TRUE_STATE = new BoolState(true);
* A state that can be used to represent a boolean whose value is not known.
static BoolState UNKNOWN_VALUE = new BoolState(null);
* Return the boolean state representing the given boolean value.
* @param value the value to be represented
* @return the boolean state representing the given boolean value
static BoolState from(bool value) => value ? BoolState.TRUE_STATE : BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
* Initialize a newly created state to represent the given value.
* @param value the value of this instance
BoolState convertToBool() => this;
StringState convertToString() {
if (value == null) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new StringState(value ? "true" : "false");
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is BoolState) {
bool rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.from(identical(value, rightValue));
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is BoolState && identical(value, object.value);
String get typeName => "bool";
bool get hasExactValue => true;
int get hashCode => value == null ? 0 : (value ? 2 : 3);
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is 'bool'.
* @return `true` if this object represents a boolean value
bool get isBool => true;
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
bool get isUnknown => value == null;
BoolState logicalAnd(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return value ? rightOperand.convertToBool() : FALSE_STATE;
BoolState logicalNot() {
if (value == null) {
return value ? FALSE_STATE : TRUE_STATE;
BoolState logicalOr(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return value ? TRUE_STATE : rightOperand.convertToBool();
String toString() => value == null ? "-unknown-" : (value ? "true" : "false");
* Instances of the class `ConstantEvaluator` evaluate constant expressions to produce their
* compile-time value. According to the Dart Language Specification: <blockquote> A constant
* expression is one of the following:
* * A literal number.
* * A literal boolean.
* * A literal string where any interpolated expression is a compile-time constant that evaluates
* to a numeric, string or boolean value or to <b>null</b>.
* * A literal symbol.
* * <b>null</b>.
* * A qualified reference to a static constant variable.
* * An identifier expression that denotes a constant variable, class or type alias.
* * A constant constructor invocation.
* * A constant list literal.
* * A constant map literal.
* * A simple or qualified identifier denoting a top-level function or a static method.
* * A parenthesized expression <i>(e)</i> where <i>e</i> is a constant expression.
* * An expression of the form <i>identical(e<sub>1</sub>, e<sub>2</sub>)</i> where
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant expressions and <i>identical()</i> is
* statically bound to the predefined dart function <i>identical()</i> discussed above.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>e<sub>1</sub> == e<sub>2</sub></i> or <i>e<sub>1</sub>
* != e<sub>2</sub></i> where <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant expressions
* that evaluate to a numeric, string or boolean value.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>!e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &amp;&amp; e<sub>2</sub></i> or
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> || e<sub>2</sub></i>, where <i>e</i>, <i>e1</sub></i> and <i>e2</sub></i> are
* constant expressions that evaluate to a boolean value.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>~e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> ^ e<sub>2</sub></i>,
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> &amp; e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> | e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub>
* &gt;&gt; e<sub>2</sub></i> or <i>e<sub>1</sub> &lt;&lt; e<sub>2</sub></i>, where <i>e</i>,
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant expressions that evaluate to an
* integer value or to <b>null</b>.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>-e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> + e<sub>2</sub></i>,
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> -e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> * e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> /
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> ~/ e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &gt;
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &lt; e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &gt;=
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &lt;= e<sub>2</sub></i> or <i>e<sub>1</sub> %
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, where <i>e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant
* expressions that evaluate to a numeric value or to <b>null</b>.
* * An expression of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub> ? e<sub>2</sub> : e<sub>3</sub></i> where
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>3</sub></i> are constant expressions, and
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> evaluates to a boolean value.
* </blockquote>
class ConstantEvaluator {
* The source containing the expression(s) that will be evaluated.
final Source _source;
* The type provider used to access the known types.
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* Initialize a newly created evaluator to evaluate expressions in the given source.
* @param source the source containing the expression(s) that will be evaluated
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to access known types
ConstantEvaluator(this._source, this._typeProvider);
EvaluationResult evaluate(Expression expression) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor.con1(_typeProvider));
if (result is ValidResult) {
return EvaluationResult.forValue(result.value);
List<AnalysisError> errors = new List<AnalysisError>();
for (ErrorResult_ErrorData data in (result as ErrorResult).errorData) {
AstNode node = data.node;
errors.add(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, node.offset, node.length, data.errorCode, []));
return EvaluationResult.forErrors(new List.from(errors));
* Instances of the class `ConstantFinder` are used to traverse the AST structures of all of
* the compilation units being resolved and build a table mapping constant variable elements to the
* declarations of those variables.
class ConstantFinder extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* A table mapping constant variable elements to the declarations of those variables.
final HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> variableMap = new HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration>();
* A table mapping constant constructors to the declarations of those constructors.
final HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> constructorMap = new HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration>();
* A collection of constant constructor invocations.
final List<InstanceCreationExpression> constructorInvocations = new List<InstanceCreationExpression>();
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (node.constKeyword != null) {
ConstructorElement element = node.element;
if (element != null) {
constructorMap[element] = node;
return null;
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
Expression initializer = node.initializer;
if (initializer != null && node.isConst) {
VariableElement element = node.element;
if (element != null) {
variableMap[element] = node;
return null;
* Instances of the class `ConstantValueComputer` compute the values of constant variables and
* constant constructor invocations in one or more compilation units. The expected usage pattern is
* for the compilation units to be added to this computer using the method
* [add] and then for the method [computeValues] to be invoked
* exactly once. Any use of an instance after invoking the method [computeValues] will
* result in unpredictable behavior.
class ConstantValueComputer {
* Parameter to "fromEnvironment" methods that denotes the default value.
static String _DEFAULT_VALUE_PARAM = "defaultValue";
* Source of RegExp matching declarable operator names. From sdk/lib/internal/symbol.dart.
static String _OPERATOR_RE = "(?:[\\-+*/%&|^]|\\[\\]=?|==|~/?|<[<=]?|>[>=]?|unary-)";
* Source of RegExp matching any public identifier. From sdk/lib/internal/symbol.dart.
static String _PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_RE = "(?!${ConstantValueComputer._RESERVED_WORD_RE}\\b(?!\\\$))[a-zA-Z\$][\\w\$]*";
* Source of RegExp matching Dart reserved words. From sdk/lib/internal/symbol.dart.
static String _RESERVED_WORD_RE = "(?:assert|break|c(?:a(?:se|tch)|lass|on(?:st|tinue))|d(?:efault|o)|e(?:lse|num|xtends)|f(?:alse|inal(?:ly)?|or)|i[fns]|n(?:ew|ull)|ret(?:hrow|urn)|s(?:uper|witch)|t(?:h(?:is|row)|r(?:ue|y))|v(?:ar|oid)|w(?:hile|ith))";
* RegExp that validates a non-empty non-private symbol. From sdk/lib/internal/symbol.dart.
static RegExp _PUBLIC_SYMBOL_PATTERN = new RegExp("^(?:${ConstantValueComputer._OPERATOR_RE}\$|${_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_RE}(?:=?\$|[.](?!\$)))+?\$");
* Determine whether the given string is a valid name for a public symbol (i.e. whether it is
* allowed for a call to the Symbol constructor).
static bool isValidPublicSymbol(String name) => name.isEmpty || new JavaPatternMatcher(_PUBLIC_SYMBOL_PATTERN, name).matches();
* The type provider used to access the known types.
TypeProvider typeProvider;
* The object used to find constant variables and constant constructor invocations in the
* compilation units that were added.
ConstantFinder _constantFinder = new ConstantFinder();
* A graph in which the nodes are the constants, and the edges are from each constant to the other
* constants that are referenced by it.
DirectedGraph<AstNode> referenceGraph = new DirectedGraph<AstNode>();
* A table mapping constant variables to the declarations of those variables.
HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> _variableDeclarationMap;
* A table mapping constant constructors to the declarations of those constructors.
HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> constructorDeclarationMap;
* A collection of constant constructor invocations.
List<InstanceCreationExpression> _constructorInvocations;
* The set of variables declared on the command line using '-D'.
final DeclaredVariables _declaredVariables;
* Initialize a newly created constant value computer.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to access known types
* @param declaredVariables the set of variables declared on the command line using '-D'
ConstantValueComputer(TypeProvider typeProvider, this._declaredVariables) {
this.typeProvider = typeProvider;
* Add the constants in the given compilation unit to the list of constants whose value needs to
* be computed.
* @param unit the compilation unit defining the constants to be added
void add(CompilationUnit unit) {
* Compute values for all of the constants in the compilation units that were added.
void computeValues() {
_variableDeclarationMap = _constantFinder.variableMap;
constructorDeclarationMap = _constantFinder.constructorMap;
_constructorInvocations = _constantFinder.constructorInvocations;
for (MapEntry<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> entry in getMapEntrySet(_variableDeclarationMap)) {
VariableDeclaration declaration = entry.getValue();
ReferenceFinder referenceFinder = new ReferenceFinder(declaration, referenceGraph, _variableDeclarationMap, constructorDeclarationMap);
for (MapEntry<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> entry in getMapEntrySet(constructorDeclarationMap)) {
ConstructorDeclaration declaration = entry.getValue();
ReferenceFinder referenceFinder = new ReferenceFinder(declaration, referenceGraph, _variableDeclarationMap, constructorDeclarationMap);
bool superInvocationFound = false;
NodeList<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = declaration.initializers;
for (ConstructorInitializer initializer in initializers) {
if (initializer is SuperConstructorInvocation) {
superInvocationFound = true;
if (!superInvocationFound) {
// No explicit superconstructor invocation found, so we need to manually insert
// a reference to the implicit superconstructor.
InterfaceType superclass = (entry.getKey().returnType as InterfaceType).superclass;
if (superclass != null && !superclass.isObject) {
ConstructorElement unnamedConstructor = superclass.element.unnamedConstructor;
ConstructorDeclaration superConstructorDeclaration = findConstructorDeclaration(unnamedConstructor);
if (superConstructorDeclaration != null) {
referenceGraph.addEdge(declaration, superConstructorDeclaration);
for (FormalParameter parameter in declaration.parameters.parameters) {
referenceGraph.addEdge(declaration, parameter);
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
Expression defaultValue = parameter.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) {
ReferenceFinder parameterReferenceFinder = new ReferenceFinder(parameter, referenceGraph, _variableDeclarationMap, constructorDeclarationMap);
for (InstanceCreationExpression expression in _constructorInvocations) {
ConstructorElement constructor = expression.staticElement;
if (constructor == null) {
constructor = _followConstantRedirectionChain(constructor);
ConstructorDeclaration declaration = findConstructorDeclaration(constructor);
// An instance creation expression depends both on the constructor and the arguments passed
// to it.
ReferenceFinder referenceFinder = new ReferenceFinder(expression, referenceGraph, _variableDeclarationMap, constructorDeclarationMap);
if (declaration != null) {
referenceGraph.addEdge(expression, declaration);
List<List<AstNode>> topologicalSort = referenceGraph.computeTopologicalSort();
for (List<AstNode> constantsInCycle in topologicalSort) {
if (constantsInCycle.length == 1) {
} else {
for (AstNode constant in constantsInCycle) {
_generateCycleError(constantsInCycle, constant);
* This method is called just before computing the constant value associated with an AST node.
* Unit tests will override this method to introduce additional error checking.
void beforeComputeValue(AstNode constNode) {
* This method is called just before getting the constant initializers associated with a
* constructor AST node. Unit tests will override this method to introduce additional error
* checking.
void beforeGetConstantInitializers(ConstructorElement constructor) {
* This method is called just before getting a parameter's default value. Unit tests will override
* this method to introduce additional error checking.
void beforeGetParameterDefault(ParameterElement parameter) {
* Create the ConstantVisitor used to evaluate constants. Unit tests will override this method to
* introduce additional error checking.
ConstantVisitor createConstantVisitor() => new ConstantVisitor.con1(typeProvider);
ConstructorDeclaration findConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorElement constructor) => constructorDeclarationMap[_getConstructorBase(constructor)];
* Check that the arguments to a call to fromEnvironment() are correct.
* @param arguments the AST nodes of the arguments.
* @param argumentValues the values of the unnamed arguments.
* @param namedArgumentValues the values of the named arguments.
* @param expectedDefaultValueType the allowed type of the "defaultValue" parameter (if present).
* Note: "defaultValue" is always allowed to be null.
* @return true if the arguments are correct, false if there is an error.
bool _checkFromEnvironmentArguments(NodeList<Expression> arguments, List<DartObjectImpl> argumentValues, HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> namedArgumentValues, InterfaceType expectedDefaultValueType) {
int argumentCount = arguments.length;
if (argumentCount < 1 || argumentCount > 2) {
return false;
if (arguments[0] is NamedExpression) {
return false;
if (!identical(argumentValues[0].type, typeProvider.stringType)) {
return false;
if (argumentCount == 2) {
if (arguments[1] is! NamedExpression) {
return false;
if (!((arguments[1] as NamedExpression) == _DEFAULT_VALUE_PARAM)) {
return false;
InterfaceType defaultValueType = namedArgumentValues[_DEFAULT_VALUE_PARAM].type;
if (!(identical(defaultValueType, expectedDefaultValueType) || identical(defaultValueType, typeProvider.nullType))) {
return false;
return true;
* Check that the arguments to a call to Symbol() are correct.
* @param arguments the AST nodes of the arguments.
* @param argumentValues the values of the unnamed arguments.
* @param namedArgumentValues the values of the named arguments.
* @return true if the arguments are correct, false if there is an error.
bool _checkSymbolArguments(NodeList<Expression> arguments, List<DartObjectImpl> argumentValues, HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> namedArgumentValues) {
if (arguments.length != 1) {
return false;
if (arguments[0] is NamedExpression) {
return false;
if (!identical(argumentValues[0].type, typeProvider.stringType)) {
return false;
String name = argumentValues[0].stringValue;
return isValidPublicSymbol(name);
* Compute a value for the given constant.
* @param constNode the constant for which a value is to be computed
void _computeValueFor(AstNode constNode) {
if (constNode is VariableDeclaration) {
VariableDeclaration declaration = constNode;
Element element = declaration.element;
EvaluationResultImpl result = declaration.initializer.accept(createConstantVisitor());
(element as VariableElementImpl).evaluationResult = result;
} else if (constNode is InstanceCreationExpression) {
InstanceCreationExpression expression = constNode;
ConstructorElement constructor = expression.staticElement;
if (constructor == null) {
// Couldn't resolve the constructor so we can't compute a value. No problem--the error
// has already been reported.
ConstantVisitor constantVisitor = createConstantVisitor();
EvaluationResultImpl result = _evaluateConstructorCall(constNode, expression.argumentList.arguments, constructor, constantVisitor);
expression.evaluationResult = result;
} else if (constNode is ConstructorDeclaration) {
ConstructorDeclaration declaration = constNode;
NodeList<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = declaration.initializers;
ConstructorElementImpl constructor = declaration.element as ConstructorElementImpl;
constructor.constantInitializers = new ConstantValueComputer_InitializerCloner().cloneNodeList(initializers);
} else if (constNode is FormalParameter) {
if (constNode is DefaultFormalParameter) {
DefaultFormalParameter parameter = constNode;
ParameterElement element = parameter.element;
Expression defaultValue = parameter.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = defaultValue.accept(createConstantVisitor());
(element as ParameterElementImpl).evaluationResult = result;
} else {
// Should not happen.
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError("Constant value computer trying to compute the value of a node which is not a VariableDeclaration, InstanceCreationExpression, FormalParameter, or ConstructorDeclaration");
* Evaluate a call to fromEnvironment() on the bool, int, or String class.
* @param environmentValue Value fetched from the environment
* @param builtInDefaultValue Value that should be used as the default if no "defaultValue"
* argument appears in [namedArgumentValues].
* @param namedArgumentValues Named parameters passed to fromEnvironment()
* @return A [ValidResult] object corresponding to the evaluated result
ValidResult _computeValueFromEnvironment(DartObject environmentValue, DartObjectImpl builtInDefaultValue, HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> namedArgumentValues) {
DartObjectImpl value = environmentValue as DartObjectImpl;
if (value.isUnknown || value.isNull) {
// The name either doesn't exist in the environment or we couldn't parse the corresponding
// value. If the code supplied an explicit default, use it.
if (namedArgumentValues.containsKey(_DEFAULT_VALUE_PARAM)) {
value = namedArgumentValues[_DEFAULT_VALUE_PARAM];
} else if (value.isNull) {
// The code didn't supply an explicit default. The name exists in the environment but
// we couldn't parse the corresponding value. So use the built-in default value, because
// this is what the VM does.
value = builtInDefaultValue;
} else {
return new ValidResult(value);
EvaluationResultImpl _evaluateConstructorCall(AstNode node, NodeList<Expression> arguments, ConstructorElement constructor, ConstantVisitor constantVisitor) {
int argumentCount = arguments.length;
List<DartObjectImpl> argumentValues = new List<DartObjectImpl>(argumentCount);
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> namedArgumentValues = new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) {
Expression argument = arguments[i];
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
NamedExpression namedExpression = argument;
String name =;
namedArgumentValues[name] = constantVisitor._valueOf(namedExpression.expression);
argumentValues[i] = constantVisitor.null2;
} else {
argumentValues[i] = constantVisitor._valueOf(argument);
constructor = _followConstantRedirectionChain(constructor);
InterfaceType definingClass = constructor.returnType as InterfaceType;
if (constructor.isFactory) {
// We couldn't find a non-factory constructor. See if it's because we reached an external
// const factory constructor that we can emulate.
if ( == "fromEnvironment") {
if (!_checkFromEnvironmentArguments(arguments, argumentValues, namedArgumentValues, definingClass)) {
return new ErrorResult.con1(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
String variableName = argumentCount < 1 ? null : argumentValues[0].stringValue;
if (identical(definingClass, typeProvider.boolType)) {
DartObject valueFromEnvironment;
valueFromEnvironment = _declaredVariables.getBool(typeProvider, variableName);
return _computeValueFromEnvironment(valueFromEnvironment, new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.FALSE_STATE), namedArgumentValues);
} else if (identical(definingClass, typeProvider.intType)) {
DartObject valueFromEnvironment;
valueFromEnvironment = _declaredVariables.getInt(typeProvider, variableName);
return _computeValueFromEnvironment(valueFromEnvironment, new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE), namedArgumentValues);
} else if (identical(definingClass, typeProvider.stringType)) {
DartObject valueFromEnvironment;
valueFromEnvironment = _declaredVariables.getString(typeProvider, variableName);
return _computeValueFromEnvironment(valueFromEnvironment, new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE), namedArgumentValues);
} else if ( == "" && identical(definingClass, typeProvider.symbolType) && argumentCount == 1) {
if (!_checkSymbolArguments(arguments, argumentValues, namedArgumentValues)) {
return new ErrorResult.con1(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
String argumentValue = argumentValues[0].stringValue;
return constantVisitor._valid(definingClass, new SymbolState(argumentValue));
// Either it's an external const factory constructor that we can't emulate, or an error
// occurred (a cycle, or a const constructor trying to delegate to a non-const constructor).
// In the former case, the best we can do is consider it an unknown value. In the latter
// case, the error has already been reported, so considering it an unknown value will
// suppress further errors.
return constantVisitor._validWithUnknownValue(definingClass);
ConstructorElementImpl constructorBase = _getConstructorBase(constructor) as ConstructorElementImpl;
List<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = constructorBase.constantInitializers;
if (initializers == null) {
// This can happen in some cases where there are compile errors in the code being analyzed
// (for example if the code is trying to create a const instance using a non-const
// constructor, or the node we're visiting is involved in a cycle). The error has already
// been reported, so consider it an unknown value to suppress further errors.
return constantVisitor._validWithUnknownValue(definingClass);
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
List<ParameterElement> parameters = constructorBase.parameters;
int parameterCount = parameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
ParameterElement parameter = parameters[i];
while (parameter is ParameterMember) {
parameter = (parameter as ParameterMember).baseElement;
DartObjectImpl argumentValue = null;
if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
argumentValue = namedArgumentValues[];
} else if (i < argumentCount) {
argumentValue = argumentValues[i];
if (argumentValue == null && parameter is ParameterElementImpl) {
// The parameter is an optional positional parameter for which no value was provided, so
// use the default value.
EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult = (parameter as ParameterElementImpl).evaluationResult;
if (evaluationResult is ValidResult) {
argumentValue = evaluationResult.value;
} else if (evaluationResult == null) {
// No default was provided, so the default value is null.
argumentValue = constantVisitor.null2;
if (argumentValue != null) {
if (parameter.isInitializingFormal) {
FieldElement field = (parameter as FieldFormalParameterElement).field;
if (field != null) {
String fieldName =;
fieldMap[fieldName] = argumentValue;
} else {
String name =;
parameterMap[name] = argumentValue;
ConstantVisitor initializerVisitor = new ConstantVisitor.con2(typeProvider, parameterMap);
String superName = null;
NodeList<Expression> superArguments = null;
for (ConstructorInitializer initializer in initializers) {
if (initializer is ConstructorFieldInitializer) {
ConstructorFieldInitializer constructorFieldInitializer = initializer;
Expression initializerExpression = constructorFieldInitializer.expression;
EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult = initializerExpression.accept(initializerVisitor);
if (evaluationResult is ValidResult) {
DartObjectImpl value = evaluationResult.value;
String fieldName =;
fieldMap[fieldName] = value;
} else if (initializer is SuperConstructorInvocation) {
SuperConstructorInvocation superConstructorInvocation = initializer;
SimpleIdentifier name = superConstructorInvocation.constructorName;
if (name != null) {
superName =;
superArguments = superConstructorInvocation.argumentList.arguments;
// Evaluate explicit or implicit call to super().
InterfaceType superclass = definingClass.superclass;
if (superclass != null && !superclass.isObject) {
ConstructorElement superConstructor = superclass.lookUpConstructor(superName, constructor.library);
if (superConstructor != null) {
if (superArguments == null) {
superArguments = new NodeList<Expression>(null);
_evaluateSuperConstructorCall(node, fieldMap, superConstructor, superArguments, initializerVisitor);
return constantVisitor._valid(definingClass, new GenericState(fieldMap));
void _evaluateSuperConstructorCall(AstNode node, HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldMap, ConstructorElement superConstructor, NodeList<Expression> superArguments, ConstantVisitor initializerVisitor) {
if (superConstructor != null && superConstructor.isConst) {
EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult = _evaluateConstructorCall(node, superArguments, superConstructor, initializerVisitor);
if (evaluationResult is ValidResult) {
ValidResult validResult = evaluationResult;
fieldMap[GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD] = validResult.value;
* Attempt to follow the chain of factory redirections until a constructor is reached which is not
* a const factory constructor.
* @return the constant constructor which terminates the chain of factory redirections, if the
* chain terminates. If there is a problem (e.g. a redirection can't be found, or a cycle
* is encountered), the chain will be followed as far as possible and then a const factory
* constructor will be returned.
ConstructorElement _followConstantRedirectionChain(ConstructorElement constructor) {
HashSet<ConstructorElement> constructorsVisited = new HashSet<ConstructorElement>();
while (constructor.isFactory) {
if (identical(constructor.enclosingElement.type, typeProvider.symbolType)) {
// The dart:core.Symbol has a const factory constructor that redirects to
// dart:_internal.Symbol. That in turn redirects to an external const constructor, which
// we won't be able to evaluate. So stop following the chain of redirections at
// dart:core.Symbol, and let [evaluateInstanceCreationExpression] handle it specially.
ConstructorElement redirectedConstructor = constructor.redirectedConstructor;
if (redirectedConstructor == null) {
// This can happen if constructor is an external factory constructor.
if (!redirectedConstructor.isConst) {
// Delegating to a non-const constructor--this is not allowed (and
// is checked elsewhere--see [ErrorVerifier.checkForRedirectToNonConstConstructor()]).
if (constructorsVisited.contains(redirectedConstructor)) {
// Cycle in redirecting factory constructors--this is not allowed
// and is checked elsewhere--see [ErrorVerifier.checkForRecursiveFactoryRedirect()]).
constructor = redirectedConstructor;
return constructor;
* Generate an error indicating that the given constant is not a valid compile-time constant
* because it references at least one of the constants in the given cycle, each of which directly
* or indirectly references the constant.
* @param constantsInCycle the constants in the cycle that includes the given constant
* @param constant the constant that is not a valid compile-time constant
void _generateCycleError(List<AstNode> constantsInCycle, AstNode constant) {
ConstructorElement _getConstructorBase(ConstructorElement constructor) {
while (constructor is ConstructorMember) {
constructor = (constructor as ConstructorMember).baseElement;
return constructor;
* [AstCloner] that copies the necessary information from the AST to allow const constructor
* initializers to be evaluated.
class ConstantValueComputer_InitializerCloner extends AstCloner {
InstanceCreationExpression visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
// All we need is the evaluation result, and the keyword so that we know whether it's const.
InstanceCreationExpression expression = new InstanceCreationExpression(node.keyword, null, null);
expression.evaluationResult = node.evaluationResult;
return expression;
SimpleIdentifier visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier = super.visitSimpleIdentifier(node);
identifier.staticElement = node.staticElement;
return identifier;
SuperConstructorInvocation visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
SuperConstructorInvocation invocation = super.visitSuperConstructorInvocation(node);
invocation.staticElement = node.staticElement;
return invocation;
* Instances of the class `ConstantVisitor` evaluate constant expressions to produce their
* compile-time value. According to the Dart Language Specification: <blockquote> A constant
* expression is one of the following:
* * A literal number.
* * A literal boolean.
* * A literal string where any interpolated expression is a compile-time constant that evaluates
* to a numeric, string or boolean value or to <b>null</b>.
* * A literal symbol.
* * <b>null</b>.
* * A qualified reference to a static constant variable.
* * An identifier expression that denotes a constant variable, class or type alias.
* * A constant constructor invocation.
* * A constant list literal.
* * A constant map literal.
* * A simple or qualified identifier denoting a top-level function or a static method.
* * A parenthesized expression <i>(e)</i> where <i>e</i> is a constant expression.
* * An expression of the form <i>identical(e<sub>1</sub>, e<sub>2</sub>)</i> where
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant expressions and <i>identical()</i> is
* statically bound to the predefined dart function <i>identical()</i> discussed above.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>e<sub>1</sub> == e<sub>2</sub></i> or <i>e<sub>1</sub>
* != e<sub>2</sub></i> where <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant expressions
* that evaluate to a numeric, string or boolean value.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>!e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &amp;&amp; e<sub>2</sub></i> or
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> || e<sub>2</sub></i>, where <i>e</i>, <i>e1</sub></i> and <i>e2</sub></i> are
* constant expressions that evaluate to a boolean value.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>~e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> ^ e<sub>2</sub></i>,
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> &amp; e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> | e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub>
* &gt;&gt; e<sub>2</sub></i> or <i>e<sub>1</sub> &lt;&lt; e<sub>2</sub></i>, where <i>e</i>,
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant expressions that evaluate to an
* integer value or to <b>null</b>.
* * An expression of one of the forms <i>-e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> + e<sub>2</sub></i>,
* <i>e<sub>1</sub> - e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> * e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> /
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> ~/ e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &gt;
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &lt; e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &gt;=
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub> &lt;= e<sub>2</sub></i> or <i>e<sub>1</sub> %
* e<sub>2</sub></i>, where <i>e</i>, <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> are constant
* expressions that evaluate to a numeric value or to <b>null</b>.
* * An expression of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub> ? e<sub>2</sub> : e<sub>3</sub></i> where
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>, <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> and <i>e<sub>3</sub></i> are constant expressions, and
* <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> evaluates to a boolean value.
* </blockquote>
class ConstantVisitor extends UnifyingAstVisitor<EvaluationResultImpl> {
* The type provider used to access the known types.
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* An shared object representing the value 'null'.
DartObjectImpl _nullObject;
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> _lexicalEnvironment;
* Initialize a newly created constant visitor.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to access known types
* @param lexicalEnvironment values which should override simpleIdentifiers, or null if no
* overriding is necessary.
ConstantVisitor.con1(this._typeProvider) {
this._lexicalEnvironment = null;
* Initialize a newly created constant visitor.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to access known types
* @param lexicalEnvironment values which should override simpleIdentifiers, or null if no
* overriding is necessary.
ConstantVisitor.con2(this._typeProvider, HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> lexicalEnvironment) {
this._lexicalEnvironment = lexicalEnvironment;
EvaluationResultImpl visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = null;
for (StringLiteral string in node.strings) {
if (result == null) {
result = string.accept(this);
} else {
result = result.concatenate(_typeProvider, node, string.accept(this));
return result;
EvaluationResultImpl visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
EvaluationResultImpl leftResult = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl rightResult = node.rightOperand.accept(this);
TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
// 'null' is almost never good operand
if (operatorType != TokenType.BANG_EQ && operatorType != TokenType.EQ_EQ) {
if (leftResult is ValidResult && leftResult.isNull || rightResult is ValidResult && rightResult.isNull) {
return _error(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
// evaluate operator
while (true) {
if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND) {
return leftResult.bitAnd(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
return leftResult.logicalAnd(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
return leftResult.notEqual(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.BAR) {
return leftResult.bitOr(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
return leftResult.logicalOr(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.CARET) {
return leftResult.bitXor(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.EQ_EQ) {
return leftResult.equalEqual(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.GT) {
return leftResult.greaterThan(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.GT_EQ) {
return leftResult.greaterThanOrEqual(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.GT_GT) {
return leftResult.shiftRight(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.LT) {
return leftResult.lessThan(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.LT_EQ) {
return leftResult.lessThanOrEqual(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.LT_LT) {
return leftResult.shiftLeft(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.MINUS) {
return leftResult.minus(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.PERCENT) {
return leftResult.remainder(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.PLUS) {
return leftResult.add(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.STAR) {
return leftResult.times(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.SLASH) {
return leftResult.divide(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.TILDE_SLASH) {
return leftResult.integerDivide(_typeProvider, node, rightResult);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out which error to report.
return _error(node, null);
EvaluationResultImpl visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) => _valid(_typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.from(node.value));
EvaluationResultImpl visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
Expression condition = node.condition;
EvaluationResultImpl conditionResult = condition.accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl thenResult = node.thenExpression.accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl elseResult = node.elseExpression.accept(this);
if (conditionResult is ErrorResult) {
return _union(_union(conditionResult as ErrorResult, thenResult), elseResult);
} else if (!(conditionResult as ValidResult).isBool) {
return new ErrorResult.con1(condition, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL);
} else if (thenResult is ErrorResult) {
return _union(thenResult, elseResult);
} else if (elseResult is ErrorResult) {
return elseResult;
conditionResult = conditionResult.applyBooleanConversion(_typeProvider, condition);
if (conditionResult is ErrorResult) {
return conditionResult;
ValidResult validResult = conditionResult as ValidResult;
if (validResult.isTrue) {
return thenResult;
} else if (validResult.isFalse) {
return elseResult;
InterfaceType thenType = (thenResult as ValidResult).value.type;
InterfaceType elseType = (elseResult as ValidResult).value.type;
return _validWithUnknownValue(thenType.getLeastUpperBound(elseType) as InterfaceType);
EvaluationResultImpl visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) => _valid(_typeProvider.doubleType, new DoubleState(node.value));
EvaluationResultImpl visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
if (!node.isConst) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out which error to report.
return _error(node, null);
EvaluationResultImpl result = node.evaluationResult;
if (result != null) {
return result;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out which error to report.
return _error(node, null);
EvaluationResultImpl visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) => _valid(_typeProvider.intType, new IntState(node.value));
EvaluationResultImpl visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = node.expression.accept(this);
if (result is ValidResult && !result.isBoolNumStringOrNull) {
return _error(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL_NUM_STRING);
return result.performToString(_typeProvider, node);
EvaluationResultImpl visitInterpolationString(InterpolationString node) => _valid(_typeProvider.stringType, new StringState(node.value));
EvaluationResultImpl visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (node.constKeyword == null) {
return new ErrorResult.con1(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.MISSING_CONST_IN_LIST_LITERAL);
ErrorResult result = null;
List<DartObjectImpl> elements = new List<DartObjectImpl>();
for (Expression element in node.elements) {
EvaluationResultImpl elementResult = element.accept(this);
result = _union(result, elementResult);
if (elementResult is ValidResult) {
if (result != null) {
return result;
return _valid(_typeProvider.listType, new ListState(new List.from(elements)));
EvaluationResultImpl visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
if (node.constKeyword == null) {
return new ErrorResult.con1(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.MISSING_CONST_IN_MAP_LITERAL);
ErrorResult result = null;
HashMap<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> map = new HashMap<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl>();
for (MapLiteralEntry entry in node.entries) {
EvaluationResultImpl keyResult = entry.key.accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl valueResult = entry.value.accept(this);
result = _union(result, keyResult);
result = _union(result, valueResult);
if (keyResult is ValidResult && valueResult is ValidResult) {
map[keyResult.value] = valueResult.value;
if (result != null) {
return result;
return _valid(_typeProvider.mapType, new MapState(map));
EvaluationResultImpl visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
Element element = node.methodName.staticElement;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
FunctionElement function = element;
if ( == "identical") {
NodeList<Expression> arguments = node.argumentList.arguments;
if (arguments.length == 2) {
Element enclosingElement = function.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
LibraryElement library = enclosingElement.library;
if (library.isDartCore) {
EvaluationResultImpl leftArgument = arguments[0].accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl rightArgument = arguments[1].accept(this);
return leftArgument.equalEqual(_typeProvider, node, rightArgument);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out which error to report.
return _error(node, null);
EvaluationResultImpl visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) => node.expression.accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl visitNode(AstNode node) => _error(node, null);
EvaluationResultImpl visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => new ValidResult(null2);
EvaluationResultImpl visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) => node.expression.accept(this);
EvaluationResultImpl visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
// validate prefix
SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = node.prefix;
Element prefixElement = prefixNode.staticElement;
if (prefixElement is! PrefixElement) {
EvaluationResultImpl prefixResult = prefixNode.accept(this);
if (prefixResult is! ValidResult) {
return _error(node, null);
// validate prefixed identifier
return _getConstantValue(node, node.staticElement);
EvaluationResultImpl visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
EvaluationResultImpl operand = node.operand.accept(this);
if (operand is ValidResult && operand.isNull) {
return _error(node, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
while (true) {
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.BANG) {
return operand.logicalNot(_typeProvider, node);
} else if (node.operator.type == TokenType.TILDE) {
return operand.bitNot(_typeProvider, node);
} else if (node.operator.type == TokenType.MINUS) {
return operand.negated(_typeProvider, node);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out which error to report.
return _error(node, null);
EvaluationResultImpl visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) => _getConstantValue(node, node.propertyName.staticElement);
EvaluationResultImpl visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (_lexicalEnvironment != null && _lexicalEnvironment.containsKey( {
return new ValidResult(_lexicalEnvironment[]);
return _getConstantValue(node, node.staticElement);
EvaluationResultImpl visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) => _valid(_typeProvider.stringType, new StringState(node.value));
EvaluationResultImpl visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
EvaluationResultImpl result = null;
for (InterpolationElement element in node.elements) {
if (result == null) {
result = element.accept(this);
} else {
result = result.concatenate(_typeProvider, node, element.accept(this));
return result;
EvaluationResultImpl visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder();
List<Token> components = node.components;
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
return _valid(_typeProvider.symbolType, new SymbolState(builder.toString()));
* This method is called just before retrieving an evaluation result from an AST node. Unit tests
* will override it to introduce additional error checking.
void beforeGetEvaluationResult(AstNode node) {
* Return an object representing the value 'null'.
* @return an object representing the value 'null'
DartObjectImpl get null2 {
if (_nullObject == null) {
_nullObject = new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
return _nullObject;
ValidResult _valid(InterfaceType type, InstanceState state) => new ValidResult(new DartObjectImpl(type, state));
ValidResult _validWithUnknownValue(InterfaceType type) {
if (type.element.library.isDartCore) {
String typeName =;
if (typeName == "bool") {
return _valid(type, BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (typeName == "double") {
return _valid(type, DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (typeName == "int") {
return _valid(type, IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (typeName == "String") {
return _valid(type, StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
return _valid(type, GenericState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
* Return the value of the given expression, or a representation of 'null' if the expression
* cannot be evaluated.
* @param expression the expression whose value is to be returned
* @return the value of the given expression
DartObjectImpl _valueOf(Expression expression) {
EvaluationResultImpl expressionValue = expression.accept(this);
if (expressionValue is ValidResult) {
return expressionValue.value;
return null2;
* Return a result object representing an error associated with the given node.
* @param node the AST node associated with the error
* @param code the error code indicating the nature of the error
* @return a result object representing an error associated with the given node
ErrorResult _error(AstNode node, ErrorCode code) => new ErrorResult.con1(node, code == null ? CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT : code);
* Return the constant value of the static constant represented by the given element.
* @param node the node to be used if an error needs to be reported
* @param element the element whose value is to be returned
* @return the constant value of the static constant
EvaluationResultImpl _getConstantValue(AstNode node, Element element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
element = (element as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
if (element is VariableElementImpl) {
VariableElementImpl variableElementImpl = element;
EvaluationResultImpl value = variableElementImpl.evaluationResult;
if (variableElementImpl.isConst && value != null) {
return value;
} else if (element is ExecutableElement) {
ExecutableElement function = element;
if (function.isStatic) {
return _valid(_typeProvider.functionType, new FunctionState(function));
} else if (element is ClassElement || element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
return _valid(_typeProvider.typeType, new TypeState(element));
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out which error to report.
return _error(node, null);
* Return the union of the errors encoded in the given results.
* @param leftResult the first set of errors, or `null` if there was no previous collection
* of errors
* @param rightResult the errors to be added to the collection, or a valid result if there are no
* errors to be added
* @return the union of the errors encoded in the given results
ErrorResult _union(ErrorResult leftResult, EvaluationResultImpl rightResult) {
if (rightResult is ErrorResult) {
if (leftResult != null) {
return new ErrorResult.con2(leftResult, rightResult);
} else {
return rightResult;
return leftResult;
* The interface `DartObject` defines the behavior of objects that represent the state of a
* Dart object.
abstract class DartObject {
* Return the boolean value of this object, or `null` if either the value of this object is
* not known or this object is not of type 'bool'.
* @return the boolean value of this object
bool get boolValue;
* Return the floating point value of this object, or `null` if either the value of this
* object is not known or this object is not of type 'double'.
* @return the floating point value of this object
double get doubleValue;
* Return the integer value of this object, or `null` if either the value of this object is
* not known or this object is not of type 'int'.
* @return the integer value of this object
int get intValue;
* Return the string value of this object, or `null` if either the value of this object is
* not known or this object is not of type 'String'.
* @return the string value of this object
String get stringValue;
* Return the run-time type of this object.
* @return the run-time type of this object
InterfaceType get type;
* Return this object's value if it can be represented exactly, or `null` if either the
* value cannot be represented exactly or if the value is `null`. Clients should use
* [hasExactValue] to distinguish between these two cases.
* @return this object's value
Object get value;
* Return `true` if this object's value can be represented exactly.
* @return `true` if this object's value can be represented exactly
bool get hasExactValue;
* Return `true` if this object represents the value 'false'.
* @return `true` if this object represents the value 'false'
bool get isFalse;
* Return `true` if this object represents the value 'null'.
* @return `true` if this object represents the value 'null'
bool get isNull;
* Return `true` if this object represents the value 'true'.
* @return `true` if this object represents the value 'true'
bool get isTrue;
* Instances of the class `DartObjectImpl` represent an instance of a Dart class.
class DartObjectImpl implements DartObject {
* The run-time type of this object.
final InterfaceType type;
* The state of the object.
final InstanceState _state;
* Initialize a newly created object to have the given type and state.
* @param type the run-time type of this object
* @param state the state of the object
DartObjectImpl(this.type, this._state);
* Return the result of invoking the '+' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '+' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl add(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
InstanceState result = _state.add(rightOperand._state);
if (result is IntState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, result);
} else if (result is DoubleState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.doubleType, result);
} else if (result is NumState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.numType, result);
// We should never get here.
throw new IllegalStateException("add returned a ${result.runtimeType.toString()}");
* Return the result of invoking the '&' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl bitAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.bitAnd(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '~' operator on this object.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @return the result of invoking the '~' operator on this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl bitNot(TypeProvider typeProvider) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.bitNot());
* Return the result of invoking the '|' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '|' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl bitOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.bitOr(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '^' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '^' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl bitXor(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.bitXor(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the ' ' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the ' ' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl concatenate(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.stringType, _state.concatenate(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of applying boolean conversion to this object.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @return the result of applying boolean conversion to this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl convertToBool(TypeProvider typeProvider) {
InterfaceType boolType = typeProvider.boolType;
if (identical(type, boolType)) {
return this;
return new DartObjectImpl(boolType, _state.convertToBool());
* Return the result of invoking the '/' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '/' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl divide(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
InstanceState result = _state.divide(rightOperand._state);
if (result is IntState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, result);
} else if (result is DoubleState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.doubleType, result);
} else if (result is NumState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.numType, result);
// We should never get here.
throw new IllegalStateException("divide returned a ${result.runtimeType.toString()}");
* Return the result of invoking the '==' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '==' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl equalEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
if (type != rightOperand.type) {
String typeName =;
if (!(typeName == "bool" || typeName == "double" || typeName == "int" || typeName == "num" || typeName == "String" || typeName == "Null" || type.isDynamic)) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL_NUM_STRING);
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.equalEqual(rightOperand._state));
bool operator ==(Object object) {
if (object is! DartObjectImpl) {
return false;
DartObjectImpl dartObject = object as DartObjectImpl;
return type == dartObject.type && _state == dartObject._state;
bool get boolValue {
if (_state is BoolState) {
return (_state as BoolState).value;
return null;
double get doubleValue {
if (_state is DoubleState) {
return (_state as DoubleState).value;
return null;
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> get fields => _state.fields;
int get intValue {
if (_state is IntState) {
return (_state as IntState).value;
return null;
String get stringValue {
if (_state is StringState) {
return (_state as StringState).value;
return null;
Object get value => _state.value;
* Return the result of invoking the '&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl greaterThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.greaterThan(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '&gt;=' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&gt;=' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl greaterThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.greaterThanOrEqual(rightOperand._state));
bool get hasExactValue => _state.hasExactValue;
int get hashCode => ObjectUtilities.combineHashCodes(type.hashCode, _state.hashCode);
* Return the result of invoking the '~/' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '~/' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl integerDivide(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.integerDivide(rightOperand._state));
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is 'bool'.
* @return `true` if this object represents a boolean value
bool get isBool => _state.isBool;
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is either 'bool', 'num',
* 'String', or 'Null'.
* @return `true` if this object represents either a boolean, numeric, string or null value
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => _state.isBoolNumStringOrNull;
bool get isFalse => _state is BoolState && identical((_state as BoolState).value, false);
bool get isNull => _state is NullState;
bool get isTrue => _state is BoolState && identical((_state as BoolState).value, true);
* Return true if this object represents an unknown value.
bool get isUnknown => _state.isUnknown;
* Return `true` if this object represents an instance of a user-defined class.
* @return `true` if this object represents an instance of a user-defined class
bool get isUserDefinedObject => _state is GenericState;
* Return the result of invoking the '&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl lessThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.lessThan(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '&lt;=' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&lt;=' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl lessThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.lessThanOrEqual(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '&&' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&&' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl logicalAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.logicalAnd(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '!' operator on this object.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @return the result of invoking the '!' operator on this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl logicalNot(TypeProvider typeProvider) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.logicalNot());
* Return the result of invoking the '||' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '||' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl logicalOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.logicalOr(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl minus(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
InstanceState result = _state.minus(rightOperand._state);
if (result is IntState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, result);
} else if (result is DoubleState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.doubleType, result);
} else if (result is NumState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.numType, result);
// We should never get here.
throw new IllegalStateException("minus returned a ${result.runtimeType.toString()}");
* Return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl negated(TypeProvider typeProvider) {
InstanceState result = _state.negated();
if (result is IntState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, result);
} else if (result is DoubleState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.doubleType, result);
} else if (result is NumState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.numType, result);
// We should never get here.
throw new IllegalStateException("negated returned a ${result.runtimeType.toString()}");
* Return the result of invoking the '!=' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '!=' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl notEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
if (type != rightOperand.type) {
String typeName =;
if (typeName != "bool" && typeName != "double" && typeName != "int" && typeName != "num" && typeName != "String") {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.TRUE_STATE);
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, _state.equalEqual(rightOperand._state).logicalNot());
* Return the result of converting this object to a String.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @return the result of converting this object to a String
* @throws EvaluationException if the object cannot be converted to a String
DartObjectImpl performToString(TypeProvider typeProvider) {
InterfaceType stringType = typeProvider.stringType;
if (identical(type, stringType)) {
return this;
return new DartObjectImpl(stringType, _state.convertToString());
* Return the result of invoking the '%' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '%' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl remainder(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
InstanceState result = _state.remainder(rightOperand._state);
if (result is IntState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, result);
} else if (result is DoubleState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.doubleType, result);
} else if (result is NumState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.numType, result);
// We should never get here.
throw new IllegalStateException("remainder returned a ${result.runtimeType.toString()}");
* Return the result of invoking the '&lt;&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&lt;&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl shiftLeft(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.shiftLeft(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '&gt;&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&gt;&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl shiftRight(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) => new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, _state.shiftRight(rightOperand._state));
* Return the result of invoking the '*' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '*' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
DartObjectImpl times(TypeProvider typeProvider, DartObjectImpl rightOperand) {
InstanceState result = _state.times(rightOperand._state);
if (result is IntState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, result);
} else if (result is DoubleState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.doubleType, result);
} else if (result is NumState) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.numType, result);
// We should never get here.
throw new IllegalStateException("times returned a ${result.runtimeType.toString()}");
String toString() => "${type.displayName} (${_state.toString()})";
* Instances of the class `DeclaredVariables` provide access to the values of variables that
* have been defined on the command line using the `-D` option.
class DeclaredVariables {
* A table mapping the names of declared variables to their values.
HashMap<String, String> _declaredVariables = new HashMap<String, String>();
* Define a variable with the given name to have the given value.
* @param variableName the name of the variable being defined
* @param value the value of the variable
void define(String variableName, String value) {
_declaredVariables[variableName] = value;
* Return the value of the variable with the given name interpreted as a boolean value. If the
* variable is not defined (or [variableName] is null), a DartObject representing "unknown"
* is returned. If the value can't be parsed as a boolean, a DartObject representing null is
* returned.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find the type 'bool'
* @param variableName the name of the variable whose value is to be returned
DartObject getBool(TypeProvider typeProvider, String variableName) {
String value = _declaredVariables[variableName];
if (value == null) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
if (value == "true") {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.TRUE_STATE);
} else if (value == "false") {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.FALSE_STATE);
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
* Return the value of the variable with the given name interpreted as an integer value. If the
* variable is not defined (or [variableName] is null), a DartObject representing "unknown"
* is returned. If the value can't be parsed as an integer, a DartObject representing null is
* returned.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find the type 'int'
* @param variableName the name of the variable whose value is to be returned
DartObject getInt(TypeProvider typeProvider, String variableName) {
String value = _declaredVariables[variableName];
if (value == null) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
int bigInteger;
try {
bigInteger = int.parse(value);
} on FormatException catch (exception) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, new IntState(bigInteger));
* Return the value of the variable with the given name interpreted as a String value, or
* `null` if the variable is not defined. Return the value of the variable with the given
* name interpreted as a String value. If the variable is not defined (or [variableName] is
* null), a DartObject representing "unknown" is returned.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find the type 'String'
* @param variableName the name of the variable whose value is to be returned
DartObject getString(TypeProvider typeProvider, String variableName) {
String value = _declaredVariables[variableName];
if (value == null) {
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
return new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.stringType, new StringState(value));
* Instances of the class `DoubleState` represent the state of an object representing a
* double.
class DoubleState extends NumState {
* The value of this instance.
final double value;
* A state that can be used to represent a double whose value is not known.
static DoubleState UNKNOWN_VALUE = new DoubleState(null);
* Initialize a newly created state to represent a double with the given value.
* @param value the value of this instance
NumState add(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value + rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value + rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
StringState convertToString() {
if (value == null) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new StringState(value.toString());
NumState divide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value / rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value / rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value == rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value == rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is DoubleState && (value == object.value);
String get typeName => "double";
BoolState greaterThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value > rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value > rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
BoolState greaterThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value >= rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value >= rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
bool get hasExactValue => true;
int get hashCode => value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode;
IntState integerDivide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
double result = value / rightValue.toDouble();
return new IntState(result.toInt());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
double result = value / rightValue;
return new IntState(result.toInt());
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
bool get isUnknown => value == null;
BoolState lessThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value < rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value < rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
BoolState lessThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value <= rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value <= rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
NumState minus(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value - rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value - rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
NumState negated() {
if (value == null) {
return new DoubleState(-(value));
NumState remainder(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value % rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value % rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
NumState times(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value * rightValue.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new DoubleState(value * rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
String toString() => value == null ? "-unknown-" : value.toString();
* Instances of the class `DynamicState` represent the state of an object representing a Dart
* object for which there is no type information.
class DynamicState extends InstanceState {
* The unique instance of this class.
static DynamicState DYNAMIC_STATE = new DynamicState();
NumState add(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return _unknownNum(rightOperand);
IntState bitAnd(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
IntState bitNot() => IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
IntState bitOr(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
IntState bitXor(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
StringState concatenate(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState convertToBool() => BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
StringState convertToString() => StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
NumState divide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return _unknownNum(rightOperand);
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
String get typeName => "dynamic";
BoolState greaterThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState greaterThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
IntState integerDivide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
bool get isBool => true;
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
BoolState lessThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState lessThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState logicalAnd(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState logicalNot() => BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState logicalOr(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return rightOperand.convertToBool();
NumState minus(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return _unknownNum(rightOperand);
NumState negated() => NumState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
NumState remainder(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return _unknownNum(rightOperand);
IntState shiftLeft(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
IntState shiftRight(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
NumState times(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return _unknownNum(rightOperand);
* Return an object representing an unknown numeric value whose type is based on the type of the
* right-hand operand.
* @param rightOperand the operand whose type will determine the type of the result
* @return an object representing an unknown numeric value
NumState _unknownNum(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return NumState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
* Instances of the class `ErrorResult` represent the result of evaluating an expression that
* is not a valid compile time constant.
class ErrorResult extends EvaluationResultImpl {
* The errors that prevent the expression from being a valid compile time constant.
List<ErrorResult_ErrorData> _errors = new List<ErrorResult_ErrorData>();
* Initialize a newly created result representing the error with the given code reported against
* the given node.
* @param node the node against which the error should be reported
* @param errorCode the error code for the error to be generated
ErrorResult.con1(AstNode node, ErrorCode errorCode) {
_errors.add(new ErrorResult_ErrorData(node, errorCode));
* Initialize a newly created result to represent the union of the errors in the given result
* objects.
* @param firstResult the first set of results being merged
* @param secondResult the second set of results being merged
ErrorResult.con2(ErrorResult firstResult, ErrorResult secondResult) {
EvaluationResultImpl add(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.addToError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl applyBooleanConversion(TypeProvider typeProvider, AstNode node) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl bitAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.bitAndError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl bitNot(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl bitOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.bitOrError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXor(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.bitXorError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenate(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.concatenateError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl divide(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.divideError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.equalEqualError(node, this);
bool equalValues(TypeProvider typeProvider, EvaluationResultImpl result) => false;
List<ErrorResult_ErrorData> get errorData => _errors;
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.greaterThanError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.greaterThanOrEqualError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivide(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.integerDivideError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivideValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl lessThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.lessThanError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.lessThanOrEqualError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.logicalAndError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalNot(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.logicalOrError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl minus(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.minusError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl negated(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl notEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.notEqualError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl performToString(TypeProvider typeProvider, AstNode node) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl remainder(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.remainderError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeft(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.shiftLeftError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRight(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.shiftRightError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl times(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.timesError(node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl addToError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl addToValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl bitAndError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitAndValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl bitOrError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitOrValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl bitXorError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXorValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl concatenateError(Expression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenateValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl divideError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl divideValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqualError(Expression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivideError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAndError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAndValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOrError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOrValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl minusError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl minusValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl notEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl notEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl remainderError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl remainderValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeftError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeftValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRightError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRightValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
EvaluationResultImpl timesError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => new ErrorResult.con2(this, leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl timesValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) => this;
class ErrorResult_ErrorData {
* The node against which the error should be reported.
final AstNode node;
* The error code for the error to be generated.
final ErrorCode errorCode;
* Initialize a newly created data holder to represent the error with the given code reported
* against the given node.
* @param node the node against which the error should be reported
* @param errorCode the error code for the error to be generated
ErrorResult_ErrorData(this.node, this.errorCode);
* Instances of the class `EvaluationException` represent a run-time exception that would be
* thrown during the evaluation of Dart code.
class EvaluationException extends JavaException {
* The error code associated with the exception.
final ErrorCode errorCode;
* Initialize a newly created exception to have the given error code.
* @param errorCode the error code associated with the exception
* Instances of the class `EvaluationResult` represent the result of attempting to evaluate an
* expression.
class EvaluationResult {
* Return an evaluation result representing the result of evaluating an expression that is not a
* compile-time constant because of the given errors.
* @param errors the errors that should be reported for the expression(s) that were evaluated
* @return the result of evaluating an expression that is not a compile-time constant
static EvaluationResult forErrors(List<AnalysisError> errors) => new EvaluationResult(null, errors);
* Return an evaluation result representing the result of evaluating an expression that is a
* compile-time constant that evaluates to the given value.
* @param value the value of the expression
* @return the result of evaluating an expression that is a compile-time constant
static EvaluationResult forValue(DartObject value) => new EvaluationResult(value, null);
* The value of the expression.
final DartObject value;
* The errors that should be reported for the expression(s) that were evaluated.
final List<AnalysisError> _errors;
* Initialize a newly created result object with the given state. Clients should use one of the
* factory methods: [forErrors] and [forValue].
* @param value the value of the expression
* @param errors the errors that should be reported for the expression(s) that were evaluated
EvaluationResult(this.value, this._errors);
* Return an array containing the errors that should be reported for the expression(s) that were
* evaluated. If there are no such errors, the array will be empty. The array can be empty even if
* the expression is not a valid compile time constant if the errors would have been reported by
* other parts of the analysis engine.
List<AnalysisError> get errors => _errors == null ? AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS : _errors;
* Return `true` if the expression is a compile-time constant expression that would not
* throw an exception when evaluated.
* @return `true` if the expression is a valid compile-time constant expression
bool get isValid => _errors == null;
* Instances of the class `InternalResult` represent the result of attempting to evaluate a
* expression.
abstract class EvaluationResultImpl {
EvaluationResultImpl add(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
* Return the result of applying boolean conversion to this result.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to access known types
* @param node the node against which errors should be reported
* @return the result of applying boolean conversion to the given value
EvaluationResultImpl applyBooleanConversion(TypeProvider typeProvider, AstNode node);
EvaluationResultImpl bitAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitNot(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node);
EvaluationResultImpl bitOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXor(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenate(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl divide(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
bool equalValues(TypeProvider typeProvider, EvaluationResultImpl result);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivide(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalNot(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl minus(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl negated(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node);
EvaluationResultImpl notEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl performToString(TypeProvider typeProvider, AstNode node);
EvaluationResultImpl remainder(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeft(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRight(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl times(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl addToError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl addToValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitAndError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitAndValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitOrError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitOrValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXorError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXorValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenateError(Expression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenateValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl divideError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl divideValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqualError(Expression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivideError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivideValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAndError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAndValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOrError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOrValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl minusError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl minusValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl notEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl notEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl remainderError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl remainderValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeftError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeftValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRightError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRightValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl timesError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand);
EvaluationResultImpl timesValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand);
* Instances of the class `FunctionState` represent the state of an object representing a
* function.
class FunctionState extends InstanceState {
* The element representing the function being modeled.
final ExecutableElement _element;
* Initialize a newly created state to represent the given function.
* @param element the element representing the function being modeled
StringState convertToString() {
if (_element == null) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new StringState(;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is FunctionState && (_element == object._element);
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (_element == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is FunctionState) {
ExecutableElement rightElement = rightOperand._element;
if (rightElement == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(_element == rightElement);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
String get typeName => "Function";
int get hashCode => _element == null ? 0 : _element.hashCode;
String toString() => _element == null ? "-unknown-" :;
* Instances of the class `GenericState` represent the state of an object representing a Dart
* object for which there is no more specific state.
class GenericState extends InstanceState {
* The values of the fields of this instance.
final HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> _fieldMap;
* Pseudo-field that we use to represent fields in the superclass.
static String SUPERCLASS_FIELD = "(super)";
* A state that can be used to represent an object whose state is not known.
static GenericState UNKNOWN_VALUE = new GenericState(new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>());
* Initialize a newly created state to represent a newly created object.
* @param fieldMap the values of the fields of this instance
StringState convertToString() => StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(this == rightOperand);
bool operator ==(Object object) {
if (object is! GenericState) {
return false;
GenericState state = object as GenericState;
HashSet<String> otherFields = new HashSet<String>.from(state._fieldMap.keys.toSet());
for (String fieldName in _fieldMap.keys.toSet()) {
if (_fieldMap[fieldName] != state._fieldMap[fieldName]) {
return false;
for (String fieldName in otherFields) {
if (state._fieldMap[fieldName] != _fieldMap[fieldName]) {
return false;
return true;
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> get fields => _fieldMap;
String get typeName => "user defined type";
int get hashCode {
int hashCode = 0;
for (DartObjectImpl value in _fieldMap.values) {
hashCode += value.hashCode;
return hashCode;
bool get isUnknown => identical(this, UNKNOWN_VALUE);
* The class `InstanceState` defines the behavior of objects representing the state of a Dart
* object.
abstract class InstanceState {
* Return the result of invoking the '+' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '+' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
NumState add(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '&' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState bitAnd(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '~' operator on this object.
* @return the result of invoking the '~' operator on this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState bitNot() {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '|' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '|' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState bitOr(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '^' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '^' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState bitXor(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the ' ' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the ' ' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
StringState concatenate(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of applying boolean conversion to this object.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to find known types
* @return the result of applying boolean conversion to this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState convertToBool() => BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
* Return the result of converting this object to a String.
* @return the result of converting this object to a String
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
StringState convertToString();
* Return the result of invoking the '/' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '/' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
NumState divide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '==' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '==' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand);
* If this represents a generic dart object, return a map from its fieldnames to their values.
* Otherwise return null.
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> get fields => null;
* Return the name of the type of this value.
* @return the name of the type of this value
String get typeName;
* Return this object's value if it can be represented exactly, or `null` if either the
* value cannot be represented exactly or if the value is `null`. Clients should use
* [hasExactValue] to distinguish between these two cases.
* @return this object's value
Object get value => null;
* Return the result of invoking the '&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState greaterThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '&gt;=' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&gt;=' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState greaterThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return `true` if this object's value can be represented exactly.
* @return `true` if this object's value can be represented exactly
bool get hasExactValue => false;
* Return the result of invoking the '~/' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '~/' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState integerDivide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is 'bool'.
* @return `true` if this object represents a boolean value
bool get isBool => false;
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is either 'bool', 'num',
* 'String', or 'Null'.
* @return `true` if this object represents either a boolean, numeric, string or null value
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => false;
* Return true if this object represents an unknown value.
bool get isUnknown => false;
* Return the result of invoking the '&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState lessThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '&lt;=' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&lt;=' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState lessThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '&&' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&&' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState logicalAnd(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
* Return the result of invoking the '!' operator on this object.
* @return the result of invoking the '!' operator on this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState logicalNot() {
return BoolState.TRUE_STATE;
* Return the result of invoking the '||' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '||' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
BoolState logicalOr(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return rightOperand.convertToBool();
* Return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
NumState minus(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object.
* @return the result of invoking the '-' operator on this object
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
NumState negated() {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '%' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '%' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
NumState remainder(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '&lt;&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&lt;&lt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState shiftLeft(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '&gt;&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '&gt;&gt;' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
IntState shiftRight(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Return the result of invoking the '*' operator on this object with the given argument.
* @param rightOperand the right-hand operand of the operation
* @return the result of invoking the '*' operator on this object with the given argument
* @throws EvaluationException if the operator is not appropriate for an object of this kind
NumState times(InstanceState rightOperand) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT);
* Throw an exception if the given state does not represent a boolean value.
* @param state the state being tested
* @throws EvaluationException if the given state does not represent a boolean value
void assertBool(InstanceState state) {
if (!(state is BoolState || state is DynamicState)) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL);
* Throw an exception if the given state does not represent a boolean, numeric, string or null
* value.
* @param state the state being tested
* @throws EvaluationException if the given state does not represent a boolean, numeric, string or
* null value
void assertBoolNumStringOrNull(InstanceState state) {
if (!(state is BoolState || state is DoubleState || state is IntState || state is NumState || state is StringState || state is NullState || state is DynamicState)) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL_NUM_STRING);
* Throw an exception if the given state does not represent an integer or null value.
* @param state the state being tested
* @throws EvaluationException if the given state does not represent an integer or null value
void assertIntOrNull(InstanceState state) {
if (!(state is IntState || state is NumState || state is NullState || state is DynamicState)) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_INT);
* Throw an exception if the given state does not represent a boolean, numeric, string or null
* value.
* @param state the state being tested
* @throws EvaluationException if the given state does not represent a boolean, numeric, string or
* null value
void assertNumOrNull(InstanceState state) {
if (!(state is DoubleState || state is IntState || state is NumState || state is NullState || state is DynamicState)) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_NUM);
* Throw an exception if the given state does not represent a String value.
* @param state the state being tested
* @throws EvaluationException if the given state does not represent a String value
void assertString(InstanceState state) {
if (!(state is StringState || state is DynamicState)) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL);
* Instances of the class `IntState` represent the state of an object representing an int.
class IntState extends NumState {
* The value of this instance.
final int value;
* A state that can be used to represent an int whose value is not known.
static IntState UNKNOWN_VALUE = new IntState(null);
* Initialize a newly created state to represent an int with the given value.
* @param value the value of this instance
NumState add(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new IntState(value + rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() + rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
IntState bitAnd(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new IntState(value & rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
IntState bitNot() {
if (value == null) {
return new IntState(~value);
IntState bitOr(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new IntState(value | rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
IntState bitXor(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new IntState(value ^ rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
StringState convertToString() {
if (value == null) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new StringState(value.toString());
NumState divide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
} else if (rightValue == 0) {
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() / rightValue.toDouble());
return new IntState(value ~/ rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() / rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value == rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(rightValue == value.toDouble());
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is IntState && (value == object.value);
String get typeName => "int";
BoolState greaterThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.compareTo(rightValue) > 0);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.toDouble() > rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
BoolState greaterThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.compareTo(rightValue) >= 0);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.toDouble() >= rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
bool get hasExactValue => true;
int get hashCode => value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode;
IntState integerDivide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
} else if (rightValue == 0) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_IDBZE);
return new IntState(value ~/ rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
double result = value.toDouble() / rightValue;
return new IntState(result.toInt());
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
bool get isUnknown => value == null;
BoolState lessThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.compareTo(rightValue) < 0);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.toDouble() < rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
BoolState lessThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.compareTo(rightValue) <= 0);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value.toDouble() <= rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
NumState minus(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new IntState(value - rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() - rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
NumState negated() {
if (value == null) {
return new IntState(-value);
NumState remainder(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
} else if (rightValue == 0) {
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() % rightValue.toDouble());
return new IntState(value.remainder(rightValue));
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() % rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
IntState shiftLeft(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
} else if (rightValue.bitLength > 31) {
return new IntState(value << rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
IntState shiftRight(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
} else if (rightValue.bitLength > 31) {
return new IntState(value >> rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
NumState times(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new IntState(value * rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DoubleState) {
double rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new DoubleState(value.toDouble() * rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState || rightOperand is NumState) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
String toString() => value == null ? "-unknown-" : value.toString();
* The unique instance of the class `ListState` represents the state of an object representing
* a list.
class ListState extends InstanceState {
* The elements of the list.
final List<DartObjectImpl> _elements;
* Initialize a newly created state to represent a list with the given elements.
* @param elements the elements of the list
StringState convertToString() => StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(this == rightOperand);
bool operator ==(Object object) {
if (object is! ListState) {
return false;
List<DartObjectImpl> otherElements = (object as ListState)._elements;
int count = _elements.length;
if (otherElements.length != count) {
return false;
} else if (count == 0) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (_elements[i] != otherElements[i]) {
return false;
return true;
String get typeName => "List";
List<Object> get value {
int count = _elements.length;
List<Object> result = new List<Object>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
DartObjectImpl element = _elements[i];
if (!element.hasExactValue) {
return null;
result[i] = element.value;
return result;
bool get hasExactValue {
int count = _elements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!_elements[i].hasExactValue) {
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode {
int value = 0;
int count = _elements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
value = (value << 3) ^ _elements[i].hashCode;
return value;
* The unique instance of the class `ListState` represents the state of an object representing
* a map.
class MapState extends InstanceState {
* The entries in the map.
final HashMap<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> _entries;
* Initialize a newly created state to represent a map with the given entries.
* @param entries the entries in the map
StringState convertToString() => StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(this == rightOperand);
bool operator ==(Object object) {
if (object is! MapState) {
return false;
HashMap<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> otherElements = (object as MapState)._entries;
int count = _entries.length;
if (otherElements.length != count) {
return false;
} else if (count == 0) {
return true;
for (MapEntry<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> entry in getMapEntrySet(_entries)) {
DartObjectImpl key = entry.getKey();
DartObjectImpl value = entry.getValue();
DartObjectImpl otherValue = otherElements[key];
if (value != otherValue) {
return false;
return true;
String get typeName => "Map";
Map<Object, Object> get value {
HashMap<Object, Object> result = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
for (MapEntry<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> entry in getMapEntrySet(_entries)) {
DartObjectImpl key = entry.getKey();
DartObjectImpl value = entry.getValue();
if (!key.hasExactValue || !value.hasExactValue) {
return null;
result[key.value] = value.value;
return result;
bool get hasExactValue {
for (MapEntry<DartObjectImpl, DartObjectImpl> entry in getMapEntrySet(_entries)) {
if (!entry.getKey().hasExactValue || !entry.getValue().hasExactValue) {
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode {
int value = 0;
for (DartObjectImpl key in _entries.keys.toSet()) {
value = (value << 3) ^ key.hashCode;
return value;
* The unique instance of the class `NullState` represents the state of the value 'null'.
class NullState extends InstanceState {
* An instance representing the boolean value 'true'.
static NullState NULL_STATE = new NullState();
BoolState convertToBool() {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
StringState convertToString() => new StringState("null");
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(rightOperand is NullState);
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is NullState;
String get typeName => "Null";
bool get hasExactValue => true;
int get hashCode => 0;
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
BoolState logicalNot() {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION);
String toString() => "null";
* Instances of the class `NumState` represent the state of an object representing a number of
* an unknown type (a 'num').
class NumState extends InstanceState {
* A state that can be used to represent a number whose value is not known.
static NumState UNKNOWN_VALUE = new NumState();
NumState add(InstanceState rightOperand) {
StringState convertToString() => StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
NumState divide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is NumState;
String get typeName => "num";
BoolState greaterThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState greaterThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
int get hashCode => 7;
IntState integerDivide(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (rightOperand is IntState) {
int rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
} else if (rightValue == 0) {
throw new EvaluationException(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_IDBZE);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
bool get isUnknown => identical(this, UNKNOWN_VALUE);
BoolState lessThan(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
BoolState lessThanOrEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
NumState minus(InstanceState rightOperand) {
NumState negated() => UNKNOWN_VALUE;
NumState remainder(InstanceState rightOperand) {
NumState times(InstanceState rightOperand) {
String toString() => "-unknown-";
* Instances of the class `ReferenceFinder` add reference information for a given variable to
* the bi-directional mapping used to order the evaluation of constants.
class ReferenceFinder extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* The element representing the construct that will be visited.
final AstNode _source;
* A graph in which the nodes are the constant variables and the edges are from each variable to
* the other constant variables that are referenced in the head's initializer.
final DirectedGraph<AstNode> _referenceGraph;
* A table mapping constant variables to the declarations of those variables.
final HashMap<VariableElement, VariableDeclaration> _variableDeclarationMap;
* A table mapping constant constructors to the declarations of those constructors.
final HashMap<ConstructorElement, ConstructorDeclaration> _constructorDeclarationMap;
* Initialize a newly created reference finder to find references from the given variable to other
* variables and to add those references to the given graph.
* @param source the element representing the variable whose initializer will be visited
* @param referenceGraph a graph recording which variables (heads) reference which other variables
* (tails) in their initializers
* @param variableDeclarationMap A table mapping constant variables to the declarations of those
* variables.
* @param constructorDeclarationMap A table mapping constant constructors to the declarations of
* those constructors.
ReferenceFinder(this._source, this._referenceGraph, this._variableDeclarationMap, this._constructorDeclarationMap);
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
if (node.isConst) {
_referenceGraph.addEdge(_source, node);
return null;
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
element = (element as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
if (element is VariableElement) {
VariableElement variable = element as VariableElement;
if (variable.isConst) {
VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration = _variableDeclarationMap[variable];
// The declaration will be null when the variable is not defined in the compilation units
// that were used to produce the variableDeclarationMap. In such cases, the variable should
// already have a value associated with it, but we don't bother to check because there's
// nothing we can do about it at this point.
if (variableDeclaration != null) {
_referenceGraph.addEdge(_source, variableDeclaration);
return null;
Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorElement constructor = node.staticElement;
if (constructor != null && constructor.isConst) {
ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = _constructorDeclarationMap[constructor];
// The declaration will be null when the constructor is not defined in the compilation
// units that were used to produce the constructorDeclarationMap. In such cases, the
// constructor should already have its initializer AST's stored in it, but we don't bother
// to check because there's nothing we can do about it at this point.
if (constructorDeclaration != null) {
_referenceGraph.addEdge(_source, constructorDeclaration);
return null;
* Instances of the class `StringState` represent the state of an object representing a
* string.
class StringState extends InstanceState {
* The value of this instance.
final String value;
* A state that can be used to represent a double whose value is not known.
static StringState UNKNOWN_VALUE = new StringState(null);
* Initialize a newly created state to represent the given value.
* @param value the value of this instance
StringState concatenate(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
if (rightOperand is StringState) {
String rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return new StringState("${value}${rightValue}");
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return super.concatenate(rightOperand);
StringState convertToString() => this;
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is StringState) {
String rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value == rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is StringState && (value == object.value);
String get typeName => "String";
bool get hasExactValue => true;
int get hashCode => value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode;
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => true;
bool get isUnknown => value == null;
String toString() => value == null ? "-unknown-" : "'${value}'";
* Instances of the class `StringState` represent the state of an object representing a
* symbol.
class SymbolState extends InstanceState {
* The value of this instance.
final String value;
* Initialize a newly created state to represent the given value.
* @param value the value of this instance
StringState convertToString() {
if (value == null) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new StringState(value);
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (value == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is SymbolState) {
String rightValue = rightOperand.value;
if (rightValue == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(value == rightValue);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is SymbolState && (value == object.value);
String get typeName => "Symbol";
bool get hasExactValue => true;
int get hashCode => value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode;
String toString() => value == null ? "-unknown-" : "#${value}";
* Instances of the class `TypeState` represent the state of an object representing a type.
class TypeState extends InstanceState {
* The element representing the type being modeled.
final Element _element;
* Initialize a newly created state to represent the given value.
* @param element the element representing the type being modeled
StringState convertToString() {
if (_element == null) {
return StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return new StringState(;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object is TypeState && (_element == object._element);
BoolState equalEqual(InstanceState rightOperand) {
if (_element == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (rightOperand is TypeState) {
Element rightElement = rightOperand._element;
if (rightElement == null) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.from(_element == rightElement);
} else if (rightOperand is DynamicState) {
return BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE;
return BoolState.FALSE_STATE;
String get typeName => "Type";
int get hashCode => _element == null ? 0 : _element.hashCode;
String toString() => _element == null ? "-unknown-" :;
* Instances of the class `ValidResult` represent the result of attempting to evaluate a valid
* compile time constant expression.
class ValidResult extends EvaluationResultImpl {
* The value of the expression.
final DartObjectImpl value;
* Initialize a newly created result to represent the given value.
* @param value the value of the expression
EvaluationResultImpl add(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.addToValid(typeProvider, node, this);
* Return the result of applying boolean conversion to this result.
* @param node the node against which errors should be reported
* @return the result of applying boolean conversion to the given value
EvaluationResultImpl applyBooleanConversion(TypeProvider typeProvider, AstNode node) {
try {
return _valueOf(value.convertToBool(typeProvider));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl bitAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.bitAndValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl bitNot(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node) {
try {
return _valueOf(value.bitNot(typeProvider));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl bitOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.bitOrValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXor(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.bitXorValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenate(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.concatenateValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl divide(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.divideValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.equalEqualValid(typeProvider, node, this);
bool equalValues(TypeProvider typeProvider, EvaluationResultImpl result) {
if (result is! ValidResult) {
return false;
return value == (result as ValidResult).value;
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.greaterThanValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.greaterThanOrEqualValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivide(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.integerDivideValid(typeProvider, node, this);
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is 'bool'.
* @return `true` if this object represents a boolean value
bool get isBool => value.isBool;
* Return `true` if this object represents an object whose type is either 'bool', 'num',
* 'String', or 'Null'.
* @return `true` if this object represents either a boolean, numeric, string or null value
bool get isBoolNumStringOrNull => value.isBoolNumStringOrNull;
* Return `true` if this result represents the value 'false'.
* @return `true` if this result represents the value 'false'
bool get isFalse => value.isFalse;
* Return `true` if this result represents the value 'null'.
* @return `true` if this result represents the value 'null'
bool get isNull => value.isNull;
* Return `true` if this result represents the value 'true'.
* @return `true` if this result represents the value 'true'
bool get isTrue => value.isTrue;
* Return `true` if this object represents an instance of a user-defined class.
* @return `true` if this object represents an instance of a user-defined class
bool get isUserDefinedObject => value.isUserDefinedObject;
EvaluationResultImpl lessThan(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.lessThanValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.lessThanOrEqualValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAnd(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.logicalAndValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalNot(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node) {
try {
return _valueOf(value.logicalNot(typeProvider));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOr(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.logicalOrValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl minus(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.minusValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl negated(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node) {
try {
return _valueOf(value.negated(typeProvider));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl notEqual(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.notEqualValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl performToString(TypeProvider typeProvider, AstNode node) {
try {
return _valueOf(value.performToString(typeProvider));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl remainder(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.remainderValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeft(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.shiftLeftValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRight(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.shiftRightValid(typeProvider, node, this);
EvaluationResultImpl times(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, EvaluationResultImpl rightOperand) => rightOperand.timesValid(typeProvider, node, this);
String toString() {
if (value == null) {
return "null";
return value.toString();
EvaluationResultImpl addToError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl addToValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.add(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl bitAndError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl bitAndValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.bitAnd(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl bitOrError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl bitOrValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.bitOr(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl bitXorError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl bitXorValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.bitXor(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl concatenateError(Expression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl concatenateValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.concatenate(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl divideError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl divideValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.divide(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqualError(Expression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl equalEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, Expression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.equalEqual(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanOrEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.greaterThanOrEqual(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl greaterThanValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.greaterThan(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivideError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl integerDivideValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.integerDivide(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanOrEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.lessThanOrEqual(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl lessThanValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.lessThan(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAndError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl logicalAndValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.logicalAnd(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOrError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl logicalOrValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.logicalOr(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl minusError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl minusValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.minus(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl notEqualError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl notEqualValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.notEqual(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl remainderError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl remainderValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.remainder(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeftError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl shiftLeftValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.shiftLeft(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRightError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl shiftRightValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.shiftRight(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
EvaluationResultImpl timesError(BinaryExpression node, ErrorResult leftOperand) => leftOperand;
EvaluationResultImpl timesValid(TypeProvider typeProvider, BinaryExpression node, ValidResult leftOperand) {
try {
return _valueOf(leftOperand.value.times(typeProvider, value));
} on EvaluationException catch (exception) {
return _error(node, exception.errorCode);
* Return a result object representing an error associated with the given node.
* @param node the AST node associated with the error
* @param code the error code indicating the nature of the error
* @return a result object representing an error associated with the given node
ErrorResult _error(AstNode node, ErrorCode code) => new ErrorResult.con1(node, code);
* Return a result object representing the given value.
* @param value the value to be represented as a result object
* @return a result object representing the given value
ValidResult _valueOf(DartObjectImpl value) => new ValidResult(value);