blob: d4073e963fa4490868dafe06667afb691ca2cb06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library services.correction.change;
import 'package:analysis_services/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/json.dart';
_fromJsonList(List target, List<Map<String, Object>> jsonList,
decoder(Map<String, Object> json)) {
* A description of a single change to one or more files. 
class Change implements HasToJson {
* A textual description of the change to be applied. 
final String message;
* A list of the [FileEdit]s used to effect the change. 
final List<FileEdit> edits = <FileEdit>[];
* A list of the [LinkedPositionGroup]s in the change. 
final List<LinkedPositionGroup> linkedPositionGroups = <LinkedPositionGroup>[
* An optional position to move selection to after applying this change.
Position endPosition;
* Adds the given [FileEdit].
void add(FileEdit edit) {
* Adds the given [LinkedPositionGroup].
void addLinkedPositionGroup(LinkedPositionGroup linkedPositionGroup) {
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
MESSAGE: message,
EDITS: objectToJson(edits),
LINKED_POSITION_GROUPS: objectToJson(linkedPositionGroups)
String toString() =>
'Change(message=$message, edits=$edits, '
static Change fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
String message = json[MESSAGE];
Change change = new Change(message);
_fromJsonList(change.edits, json[EDITS], FileEdit.fromJson);
return change;
* A description of a single change to a single file. 
class Edit implements HasToJson {
* The offset of the region to be modified. 
final int offset;
* The length of the region to be modified.
final int length;
* The text that is to replace the specified region in the original text. 
final String replacement;
Edit(this.offset, this.length, this.replacement);
* The offset of a character immediately after the region to be modified. 
int get end => offset + length;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is Edit) {
return other.offset == offset &&
other.length == length &&
other.replacement == replacement;
return false;
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
OFFSET: offset,
LENGTH: length,
REPLACEMENT: replacement
String toString() =>
"Edit(offset=$offset, length=$length, replacement=:>$replacement<:)";
static Edit fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
int offset = json[OFFSET];
int length = json[LENGTH];
String replacement = json[REPLACEMENT];
return new Edit(offset, length, replacement);
* A description of a set of changes to a single file. 
class FileEdit implements HasToJson {
* The file to be modified.
final String file;
* A list of the [Edit]s used to effect the change. 
final List<Edit> edits = <Edit>[];
* Adds the given [Edit] to the list.
void add(Edit edit) {
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
FILE: file,
EDITS: objectToJson(edits)
String toString() => "FileEdit(file=$file, edits=$edits)";
static FileEdit fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
String file = json[FILE];
FileEdit fileEdit = new FileEdit(file);
_fromJsonList(fileEdit.edits, json[EDITS], Edit.fromJson);
return fileEdit;
* A group of linked [Position]s in multiple files that are simultaneously
* modified - if one gets edited, all other positions in a group are edited the
* same way. All linked positions in a group have the same content.
class LinkedPositionGroup implements HasToJson {
final String id;
final List<Position> positions = <Position>[];
final List<String> proposals = <String>[];
void addPosition(Position position) {
if (positions.isNotEmpty && position.length != positions[0].length) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'All positions should have the same length. '
'Was: ${positions[0].length}. New: ${position.length}');
void addProposal(String proposal) {
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
ID: id,
POSITIONS: objectToJson(positions)
String toString() => 'LinkedPositionGroup(id=$id, positions=$positions)';
static LinkedPositionGroup fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
String id = json[ID];
LinkedPositionGroup group = new LinkedPositionGroup(id);
_fromJsonList(group.positions, json[POSITIONS], Position.fromJson);
return group;
* A position in a file.
class Position implements HasToJson {
final String file;
final int offset;
final int length;
Position(this.file, this.offset, this.length);
int get hashCode {
int hash = file.hashCode;
hash = hash * 31 + offset;
hash = hash * 31 + length;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is Position) {
return other.file == file &&
other.offset == offset &&
other.length == length;
return false;
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
FILE: file,
OFFSET: offset,
LENGTH: length
String toString() => 'Position(file=$file, offset=$offset, length=$length)';
static Position fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
String file = json[FILE];
int offset = json[OFFSET];
int length = json[LENGTH];
return new Position(file, offset, length);