| // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart'; |
| |
| /// An object used to locate a plugin within a package. |
| class PluginLocator { |
| /// The key used in the `pubspec.yaml` file to specify the location of the |
| /// analysis plugin. |
| static const String analyzerPluginKey = 'analyzer_plugin'; |
| |
| /// The name of the default plugin directory, located within the `tools` |
| /// directory. |
| static const String defaultPluginFolderName = 'analyzer_plugin'; |
| |
| /// The name of the `pubspec.yaml` file. |
| static const String pubspecFileName = 'pubspec.yaml'; |
| |
| /// The name of the `tools` directory, in which the default plugin directory |
| /// is located. |
| static const String toolsFolderName = 'tools'; |
| |
| /// The resource provider used to access the file system. |
| final ResourceProvider resourceProvider; |
| |
| final Map<String, String?> pluginMap = {}; |
| |
| /// Initialize a newly created plugin locator to use the given |
| /// [resourceProvider] to access the file system. |
| PluginLocator(this.resourceProvider); |
| |
| /// Given the root directory of a package (the [packageRoot]), return the path |
| /// to the plugin associated with the package, or `null` if there is no plugin |
| /// associated with the package. |
| /// |
| /// This will look first in the `pubspec.yaml` file in the package root for a |
| /// top-level key (`analysis_plugin`) indicating where the plugin is located. |
| /// The value associated with the key is expected to be the path of the plugin |
| /// relative to the package root. If the directory exists, the it is returned. |
| /// |
| /// If the key is not defined in the `pubspec.yaml` file, or if the directory |
| /// given does not exist, then this method will look for the directory |
| /// `tools/analysis_plugin` relative to the package root. If the directory |
| /// exists, then it is returned. |
| /// |
| /// This method does not validate the content of the plugin directory before |
| /// returning it. |
| String? findPlugin(String packageRoot) { |
| return pluginMap.putIfAbsent(packageRoot, () => _findPlugin(packageRoot)); |
| } |
| |
| /// The implementation of [findPlugin]. |
| String? _findPlugin(String packageRoot) { |
| var packageFolder = resourceProvider.getFolder(packageRoot); |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Re-enable this after deciding how we want to deal |
| // with discovery of plugins. |
| // import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart'; |
| // File pubspecFile = packageFolder.getChildAssumingFile(pubspecFileName); |
| // if (pubspecFile.exists) { |
| // try { |
| // YamlDocument document = loadYamlDocument(pubspecFile.readAsStringSync(), |
| // sourceUrl: pubspecFile.toUri()); |
| // YamlNode contents = document.contents; |
| // if (contents is YamlMap) { |
| // String pluginPath = contents[analyzerPluginKey]; |
| // if (pluginPath != null) { |
| // Folder pluginFolder = |
| // packageFolder.getChildAssumingFolder(pluginPath); |
| // if (pluginFolder.exists) { |
| // return pluginFolder.path; |
| // } |
| // } |
| // } |
| // } catch (exception) { |
| // // If we can't read the file, or if it isn't valid YAML, then ignore it. |
| // } |
| // } |
| var pluginFolder = packageFolder |
| .getChildAssumingFolder(toolsFolderName) |
| .getChildAssumingFolder(defaultPluginFolderName); |
| if (pluginFolder.exists) { |
| return pluginFolder.path; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |