blob: fd1430beeb61be598525396e11f51f62090cb060 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library subtype_test;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import 'type_test_helper.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/dart_types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/js/js.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart'
show Element, ClassElement;
import 'package:compiler/implementation/js_backend/js_backend.dart'
show JavaScriptBackend, TypeRepresentationGenerator;
void main() {
void testTypeRepresentations() {
asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
typedef void Typedef();
typedef int Typedef2();
typedef List<int> Typedef3();
typedef Typedef4();
typedef Typedef5(int a, String b);
typedef Typedef6(int a, [String b]);
typedef Typedef7(int a, String b, [List<int> c, d]);
typedef Typedef8(int a, {String b});
typedef Typedef9(int a, String b, {List<int> c, d});
typedef Typedef10(void f(int a, [b]));
void m1() {}
int m2() => 0;
List<int> m3() => null;
m4() {}
m5(int a, String b) {}
m6(int a, [String b]) {}
m7(int a, String b, [List<int> c, d]) {}
m8(int a, {String b}) {}
m9(int a, String b, {List<int> c, d}) {}
m10(void f(int a, [b])) {}
""").then((env) {
TypeRepresentationGenerator typeRepresentation =
new TypeRepresentationGenerator(env.compiler);
Expression onVariable(TypeVariableType variable) {
return new VariableUse(;
String stringify(Expression expression) {
return prettyPrint(expression, env.compiler).buffer.toString();
void expect(DartType type,
String expectedRepresentation,
[String expectedTypedefRepresentation]) {
bool encodeTypedefName = false;
Expression expression =
typeRepresentation.getTypeRepresentation(type, onVariable,
(x) => encodeTypedefName);
Expect.stringEquals(expectedRepresentation, stringify(expression));
encodeTypedefName = true;
expression =
typeRepresentation.getTypeRepresentation(type, onVariable,
(x) => encodeTypedefName);
if (expectedTypedefRepresentation == null) {
expectedTypedefRepresentation = expectedRepresentation;
Expect.stringEquals(expectedTypedefRepresentation, stringify(expression));
String getJsName(Element cls) {
Expression name = typeRepresentation.getJavaScriptClassName(cls);
return stringify(name);
JavaScriptBackend backend = env.compiler.backend;
String func = backend.namer.functionTypeTag();
String retvoid = backend.namer.functionTypeVoidReturnTag();
String ret = backend.namer.functionTypeReturnTypeTag();
String args = backend.namer.functionTypeRequiredParametersTag();
String opt = backend.namer.functionTypeOptionalParametersTag();
String named = backend.namer.functionTypeNamedParametersTag();
ClassElement List_ = env.getElement('List');
TypeVariableType List_E = List_.typeVariables[0];
ClassElement Map_ = env.getElement('Map');
TypeVariableType Map_K = Map_.typeVariables[0];
TypeVariableType Map_V = Map_.typeVariables[1];
DartType Object_ = env['Object'];
DartType int_ = env['int'];
DartType String_ = env['String'];
DartType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
DartType Typedef_ = env['Typedef'];
DartType Typedef2_ = env['Typedef2'];
DartType Typedef3_ = env['Typedef3'];
DartType Typedef4_ = env['Typedef4'];
DartType Typedef5_ = env['Typedef5'];
DartType Typedef6_ = env['Typedef6'];
DartType Typedef7_ = env['Typedef7'];
DartType Typedef8_ = env['Typedef8'];
DartType Typedef9_ = env['Typedef9'];
DartType Typedef10_ = env['Typedef10'];
String List_rep = getJsName(List_);
String List_E_rep = stringify(onVariable(List_E));
String Map_rep = getJsName(Map_);
String Map_K_rep = stringify(onVariable(Map_K));
String Map_V_rep = stringify(onVariable(Map_V));
String Object_rep = getJsName(Object_.element);
String int_rep = getJsName(int_.element);
String String_rep = getJsName(String_.element);
String Typedef_rep = getJsName(Typedef_.element);
String Typedef2_rep = getJsName(Typedef2_.element);
String Typedef3_rep = getJsName(Typedef3_.element);
String Typedef4_rep = getJsName(Typedef4_.element);
String Typedef5_rep = getJsName(Typedef5_.element);
String Typedef6_rep = getJsName(Typedef6_.element);
String Typedef7_rep = getJsName(Typedef7_.element);
String Typedef8_rep = getJsName(Typedef8_.element);
String Typedef9_rep = getJsName(Typedef9_.element);
String Typedef10_rep = getJsName(Typedef10_.element);
expect(int_, '$int_rep');
expect(String_, '$String_rep');
expect(dynamic_, 'null');
// List<E>
expect(List_.computeType(env.compiler), '[$List_rep, $List_E_rep]');
// List
expect(List_.rawType, '$List_rep');
// List<dynamic>
expect(instantiate(List_, [dynamic_]), '$List_rep');
// List<int>
expect(instantiate(List_, [int_]), '[$List_rep, $int_rep]');
// List<Typedef>
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "void_", $retvoid: true}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "void_", $retvoid: true, typedef: $Typedef_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef2_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "int_", $ret: $int_rep}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "int_", $ret: $int_rep, typedef: $Typedef2_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef3_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "List_", $ret: [$List_rep, $int_rep]}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "List_", $ret: [$List_rep, $int_rep],'
' typedef: $Typedef3_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef4_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "args0"}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "args0", typedef: $Typedef4_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef5_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int_String",'
' $args: [$int_rep, $String_rep]}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int_String",'
' $args: [$int_rep, $String_rep], typedef: $Typedef5_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef6_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int__String",'
' $args: [$int_rep], $opt: [$String_rep]}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int__String",'
' $args: [$int_rep], $opt: [$String_rep], typedef: $Typedef6_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef7_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int_String__List_dynamic", $args: '
'[$int_rep, $String_rep], $opt: [[$List_rep, $int_rep], null]}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int_String__List_dynamic", $args: '
'[$int_rep, $String_rep], $opt: [[$List_rep, $int_rep], null], '
'typedef: $Typedef7_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef8_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int__String0", $args: [$int_rep],'
' $named: {b: $String_rep}}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int__String0", $args: [$int_rep],'
' $named: {b: $String_rep}, typedef: $Typedef8_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef9_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int_String__List_dynamic0", '
'$args: [$int_rep, $String_rep], $named: '
'{c: [$List_rep, $int_rep], d: null}}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__int_String__List_dynamic0", '
'$args: [$int_rep, $String_rep], $named: {c: [$List_rep, $int_rep],'
' d: null}, typedef: $Typedef9_rep}]');
expect(instantiate(List_, [Typedef10_]),
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__void__int__dynamic", '
'$args: [{$func: "void__int__dynamic", $retvoid: true, '
'$args: [$int_rep], $opt: [null]}]}]',
'[$List_rep, {$func: "dynamic__void__int__dynamic", '
'$args: [{$func: "void__int__dynamic", $retvoid: true, '
'$args: [$int_rep], $opt: [null]}], typedef: $Typedef10_rep}]');
// Map<K,V>
'[$Map_rep, $Map_K_rep, $Map_V_rep]');
// Map
expect(Map_.rawType, '$Map_rep');
// Map<dynamic,dynamic>
expect(instantiate(Map_, [dynamic_, dynamic_]), '$Map_rep');
// Map<int,String>
expect(instantiate(Map_, [int_, String_]),
'[$Map_rep, $int_rep, $String_rep]');
// void m1() {}
'{$func: "void_", $retvoid: true}');
// int m2() => 0;
'{$func: "int_", $ret: $int_rep}');
// List<int> m3() => null;
'{$func: "List_", $ret: [$List_rep, $int_rep]}');
// m4() {}
'{$func: "args0"}');
// m5(int a, String b) {}
'{$func: "dynamic__int_String", $args: [$int_rep, $String_rep]}');
// m6(int a, [String b]) {}
'{$func: "dynamic__int__String", $args: [$int_rep],'
' $opt: [$String_rep]}');
// m7(int a, String b, [List<int> c, d]) {}
'{$func: "dynamic__int_String__List_dynamic",'
' $args: [$int_rep, $String_rep],'
' $opt: [[$List_rep, $int_rep], null]}');
// m8(int a, {String b}) {}
'{$func: "dynamic__int__String0",'
' $args: [$int_rep], $named: {b: $String_rep}}');
// m9(int a, String b, {List<int> c, d}) {}
'{$func: "dynamic__int_String__List_dynamic0",'
' $args: [$int_rep, $String_rep],'
' $named: {c: [$List_rep, $int_rep], d: null}}');
// m10(void f(int a, [b])) {}
'{$func: "dynamic__void__int__dynamic", $args:'
' [{$func: "void__int__dynamic",'
' $retvoid: true, $args: [$int_rep], $opt: [null]}]}');