blob: 57466f1a455899904b2a440fa4cec9b31c9db5e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show Directory, File, Platform;
import 'package:browser_launcher/browser_launcher.dart' as browser;
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/compiler/module_builder.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/compiler/shared_command.dart'
show SharedCompilerOptions;
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/command.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/compiler.dart' show ProgramCompiler;
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/expression_compiler.dart'
show ExpressionCompiler;
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/module_metadata.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/target.dart' show DevCompilerTarget;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/ddc.dart' as fe;
import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart' as fe;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/incremental_serializer.dart' as fe;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Component, Library;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart' as source_maps;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart'
as wip;
class DevelopmentIncrementalCompiler extends fe.IncrementalCompiler {
Uri entryPoint;
DevelopmentIncrementalCompiler(fe.CompilerOptions options, this.entryPoint,
[Uri? initializeFrom,
bool? outlineOnly,
fe.IncrementalSerializer? incrementalSerializer])
: super(
fe.ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [entryPoint])),
DevelopmentIncrementalCompiler.fromComponent(fe.CompilerOptions options,
this.entryPoint, Component componentToInitializeFrom,
[bool? outlineOnly, fe.IncrementalSerializer? incrementalSerializer])
: super.fromComponent(
fe.ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [entryPoint])),
class SetupCompilerOptions {
static final sdkRoot = fe.computePlatformBinariesLocation();
static final sdkUnsoundSummaryPath =
p.join(sdkRoot.toFilePath(), 'ddc_sdk.dill');
static final sdkSoundSummaryPath =
p.join(sdkRoot.toFilePath(), 'ddc_outline_sound.dill');
static final librariesSpecificationUri =
p.join(p.dirname(p.dirname(getSdkPath())), 'libraries.json');
final bool legacyCode;
final List<String> errors = [];
final List<String> diagnosticMessages = [];
final ModuleFormat moduleFormat;
final fe.CompilerOptions options;
final bool soundNullSafety;
static fe.CompilerOptions _getOptions(bool soundNullSafety) {
var options = fe.CompilerOptions()
..verbose = false // set to true for debugging
..sdkRoot = sdkRoot = DevCompilerTarget(TargetFlags())
..librariesSpecificationUri = p.toUri('sdk/lib/libraries.json')
..omitPlatform = true
..sdkSummary =
p.toUri(soundNullSafety ? sdkSoundSummaryPath : sdkUnsoundSummaryPath)
..environmentDefines = const {}
..nnbdMode = soundNullSafety ? fe.NnbdMode.Strong : fe.NnbdMode.Weak;
return options;
{this.soundNullSafety = true,
this.legacyCode = false,
this.moduleFormat = ModuleFormat.amd})
: options = _getOptions(soundNullSafety) {
options.onDiagnostic = (fe.DiagnosticMessage m) {
if (m.severity == fe.Severity.error) {
class TestCompilationResult {
final String? result;
final bool isSuccess;
TestCompilationResult(this.result, this.isSuccess);
class TestCompiler {
final SetupCompilerOptions setup;
final Component component;
final ExpressionCompiler evaluator;
final ModuleMetadata? metadata;
final source_maps.SingleMapping sourceMap;
TestCompiler._(this.setup, this.component, this.evaluator, this.metadata,
static Future<TestCompiler> init(SetupCompilerOptions setup,
{required Uri input,
required Uri output,
Uri? packages,
Map<String, bool> experiments = const {}}) async {
// Initialize the incremental compiler and module component.
// TODO: extend this for multi-module compilations by storing separate
// compilers/components/names per module.
setup.options.packagesFileUri = packages;
onError: (message) => throw Exception(message)));
var compiler = DevelopmentIncrementalCompiler(setup.options, input);
var compilerResult = await compiler.computeDelta();
var component = compilerResult.component;
// Initialize DDC.
var moduleName = p.basenameWithoutExtension(output.toFilePath());
var classHierarchy = compilerResult.classHierarchy!;
var compilerOptions = SharedCompilerOptions(
replCompile: true,
moduleName: moduleName,
experiments: experiments,
soundNullSafety: setup.soundNullSafety,
emitDebugMetadata: true);
var coreTypes = compilerResult.coreTypes;
final importToSummary = Map<Library, Component>.identity();
final summaryToModule = Map<Component, String>.identity();
for (var lib in component.libraries) {
importToSummary[lib] = component;
summaryToModule[component] = moduleName;
var kernel2jsCompiler = ProgramCompiler(component, classHierarchy,
compilerOptions, importToSummary, summaryToModule,
coreTypes: coreTypes);
var module = kernel2jsCompiler.emitModule(component);
// Perform a full compile, writing the compiled JS + sourcemap.
var code = jsProgramToCode(
inlineSourceMap: compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap,
buildSourceMap: compilerOptions.sourceMap,
emitDebugMetadata: compilerOptions.emitDebugMetadata,
emitDebugSymbols: compilerOptions.emitDebugSymbols,
jsUrl: '$output',
mapUrl: '$',
compiler: kernel2jsCompiler,
component: component,
var codeBytes = utf8.encode(code.code);
var sourceMapBytes = utf8.encode(json.encode(code.sourceMap));
// Save the expression evaluator for future evaluations.
var evaluator = ExpressionCompiler(
if (setup.errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw Exception('Compilation failed with: ${setup.errors}');
var sourceMap = source_maps.SingleMapping.fromJson(code.sourceMap!);
return TestCompiler._(
setup, component, evaluator, code.metadata, sourceMap);
Future<TestCompilationResult> compileExpression(
{required Uri input,
required int line,
required int column,
required Map<String, String> scope,
required String expression}) async {
var libraryUri = metadataForLibraryUri(input);
var jsExpression = await evaluator.compileExpressionToJs(
libraryUri.importUri, line, column, scope, expression);
if (setup.errors.isNotEmpty) {
jsExpression = setup.errors.toString().replaceAll(
return TestCompilationResult(jsExpression, false);
return TestCompilationResult(jsExpression, true);
LibraryMetadata metadataForLibraryUri(Uri libraryUri) =>
.firstWhere((entry) => entry.value.fileUri == '$libraryUri')
class TestDriver {
final browser.Chrome chrome;
final Directory chromeDir;
final wip.WipConnection connection;
final wip.WipDebugger debugger;
late TestCompiler compiler;
late Uri htmlBootstrapper;
late Uri input;
late String moduleFormatString;
late Uri output;
late Uri packagesFile;
late String preemptiveBp;
late SetupCompilerOptions setup;
late String source;
late Directory testDir;
TestDriver._(, this.chromeDir, this.connection, this.debugger);
/// Initializes a Chrome browser instance, tab connection, and debugger.
static Future<TestDriver> init() async {
// Create a temporary directory for holding Chrome tests.
var chromeDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('ddc_eval_test_anchor');
// Try to start Chrome on an empty page with a single empty tab.
// TODO(#45713): Headless Chrome crashes the Windows bots, so run in
// standard mode until it's fixed.
browser.Chrome? chrome;
var retries = 3;
// It is possible for chrome to start and be ready while still printing
// messages to stderr which results in a Dart exception being thrown. For
// that reason, it is important to check `chrome == null` so we don't
// accidentally start multiple instances.
while (chrome == null && retries-- > 0) {
try {
chrome = await browser.Chrome.startWithDebugPort(['about:blank'],
userDataDir: chromeDir.uri.toFilePath(),
headless: !Platform.isWindows);
} catch (e) {
if (retries == 0) rethrow;
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5));
if (chrome == null) {
throw Exception('Unable to launch Chrome.');
// Connect to the first 'normal' tab.
var tab = await chrome.chromeConnection
.getTab((tab) => !tab.isBackgroundPage && !tab.isChromeExtension);
if (tab == null) {
throw Exception('Unable to connect to Chrome tab');
var connection = await tab.connect().timeout(Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception('Unable to connect to WIP tab')));
await 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception('Unable to enable WIP tab page')));
var debugger = connection.debugger;
await debugger.enable().timeout(Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception('Unable to enable WIP debugger')));
return TestDriver._(chrome, chromeDir, connection, debugger);
/// Must be called when testing a new Dart program.
/// Depends on SDK artifacts (such as the sound and unsound dart_sdk.js
/// files) generated from the 'dartdevc_test' target.
Future<void> initSource(SetupCompilerOptions setup, String source,
{Map<String, bool> experiments = const {}}) async {
// Perform setup sanity checks.
var summaryPath = setup.options.sdkSummary!.toFilePath();
if (!File(summaryPath).existsSync()) {
throw StateError('Unable to find SDK summary at path: $summaryPath.');
// Prepend legacy Dart version comment.
if (setup.legacyCode) source = '// @dart = 2.11\n\n$source';
this.setup = setup;
this.source = source;
testDir = chromeDir.createTempSync('ddc_eval_test');
var buildDir = p.dirname(p.dirname(p.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable)));
var scriptPath = Platform.script.normalizePath().toFilePath();
var ddcPath = p.dirname(p.dirname(p.dirname(scriptPath)));
output = testDir.uri.resolve('test.js');
input = testDir.uri.resolve('test.dart');
packagesFile = testDir.uri.resolve('package_config.json');
"configVersion": 2,
"packages": [
"name": "eval_test",
"rootUri": "./",
"packageUri": "./"
// Initialize DDC and the incremental compiler, then perform a full compile.
compiler = await TestCompiler.init(setup,
input: input,
output: output,
packages: packagesFile,
experiments: experiments);
htmlBootstrapper = testDir.uri.resolve('bootstrapper.html');
var bootstrapFile = File(htmlBootstrapper.toFilePath())..createSync();
var moduleName = compiler.metadata!.name;
var mainLibraryName = compiler.metadataForLibraryUri(input).name;
switch (setup.moduleFormat) {
case ModuleFormat.ddc:
moduleFormatString = 'ddc';
var dartSdkPath = escaped(p.join(
setup.soundNullSafety ? 'sound' : 'kernel',
if (!File(dartSdkPath).existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Unable to find Dart SDK at $dartSdkPath');
var dartLibraryPath =
escaped(p.join(ddcPath, 'lib', 'js', 'legacy', 'dart_library.js'));
var outputPath = output.toFilePath();
<script src='$dartLibraryPath'></script>
<script src='$dartSdkPath'></script>
<script src='$outputPath'></script>
'use strict';
var sound = ${setup.soundNullSafety};
var sdk = dart_library.import('dart_sdk');
if (!sound) {
dart_library.start('$moduleName', '$mainLibraryName');
case ModuleFormat.amd:
moduleFormatString = 'amd';
var dartSdkPath = escaped(p.join(buildDir, 'gen', 'utils', 'dartdevc',
setup.soundNullSafety ? 'sound' : 'kernel', 'amd', 'dart_sdk'));
if (!File('$dartSdkPath.js').existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Unable to find Dart SDK at $dartSdkPath.js');
var requirePath = escaped(p.join(buildDir, 'dart-sdk', 'lib',
'dev_compiler', 'kernel', 'amd', 'require.js'));
var outputPath = escaped(p.withoutExtension(output.toFilePath()));
<script src='$requirePath'></script>
paths: {
'dart_sdk': '$dartSdkPath',
'$moduleName': '$outputPath'
waitSeconds: 15
var sound = ${setup.soundNullSafety};
require(['dart_sdk', '$moduleName'],
function(sdk, app) {
'use strict';
if (!sound) {
throw Exception('Unsupported module format for SDK evaluation tests: '
await setBreakpointsActive(debugger, true);
// Pause as soon as the test file loads but before it executes.
var urlRegex = '.*${libraryUriToJsIdentifier(output)}.*';
var bpResponse =
await debugger.sendCommand('Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl', params: {
'urlRegex': urlRegex,
'lineNumber': 0,
preemptiveBp = wip.SetBreakpointResponse(bpResponse.json).breakpointId;
Future<void> finish() async {
await chrome.close();
// Chrome takes a while to free its claim on chromeDir, so wait a bit.
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
chromeDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
Future<void> cleanupTest() async {
await setBreakpointsActive(debugger, false);
await debugger.removeBreakpoint(preemptiveBp);
Future<void> check(
{required String breakpointId,
required String expression,
String? expectedError,
String? expectedResult}) async {
assert(expectedError == null || expectedResult == null,
'Cannot expect both an error and result.');
// The next two pause events will correspond to:
// 1) the initial preemptive breakpoint and
// 2) the breakpoint at the specified ID
final pauseController = StreamController<wip.DebuggerPausedEvent>();
var pauseSub = debugger.onPaused.listen(pauseController.add);
final scriptController = StreamController<wip.ScriptParsedEvent>();
var scriptSub = debugger.onScriptParsed.listen((event) {
if (event.script.url == '$output') {
// Navigate from the empty page and immediately pause on the preemptive
// breakpoint.
Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception(
'Unable to navigate to page bootstrap script: $htmlBootstrapper')));
// Poll until the script is found, or timeout after a few seconds.
var script = (await
Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception(
'Unable to find JS script corresponding to test file '
'$output in ${debugger.scripts}.'))))
await scriptSub.cancel();
await scriptController.close();
// Breakpoint at the first WIP location mapped from its Dart line.
var dartLine = _findBreakpointLine(breakpointId);
var location = await _jsLocationFromDartLine(script, dartLine);
var bp = await debugger.setBreakpoint(location);
// Continue to the next breakpoint, ignoring the first pause event since it
// corresponds to the preemptive URI breakpoint made prior to page
// navigation.
await debugger.resume();
final event = await
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (event) => throw Exception(
'Unable to find JS preemptive pause event in $output.'))
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception(
'Unable to find JS pause event corresponding to line '
'($dartLine -> $location) in $output.')));
await pauseSub.cancel();
await pauseController.close();
// Retrieve the call frame and its scope variables.
var frame = event.getCallFrames().first;
var scope = await _collectScopeVariables(frame);
// Perform an incremental compile.
var result = await compiler.compileExpression(
input: input,
line: dartLine,
column: 1,
scope: scope,
expression: expression);
if (expectedError != null) {
const TypeMatcher<TestCompilationResult>()
.having((_) => result.result, 'result', _matches(expectedError)));
if (!result.isSuccess) {
throw Exception(
'Unexpected expression evaluation failure:\n${result.result}');
var evalResult = await debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame(
frame.callFrameId, result.result!,
returnByValue: false);
await debugger.removeBreakpoint(bp.breakpointId);
var value = await stringifyRemoteObject(evalResult);
// Resume execution to the end of the current script
await debugger.resume();
const TypeMatcher<TestCompilationResult>()
.having((_) => value, 'result', _matches(expectedResult!)));
/// Generate simple string representation of a RemoteObject that closely
/// resembles Chrome's console output.
/// Examples:
/// Class: {Symbol(C.field): 5, Symbol(_field): 7}
/// Function: function main() {
/// return, {y: 2});
/// }
Future<String> stringifyRemoteObject(wip.RemoteObject obj) async {
String str;
switch (obj.type) {
case 'function':
str = obj.description ?? '';
case 'object':
if (obj.subtype == 'null') {
return 'null';
var properties =
await connection.runtime.getProperties(obj, ownProperties: true);
var filteredProps = <String, String?>{};
for (var prop in properties) {
if (prop.value != null && != '__proto__') {
filteredProps[] = await stringifyRemoteObject(prop.value!);
str = '${obj.description} $filteredProps';
str = '${obj.value}';
return str;
/// Collects local JS variables visible at a breakpoint during evaluation.
/// Adapted from webdev/dwds/lib/src/services/expression_evaluator.dart.
Future<Map<String, String>> _collectScopeVariables(
wip.WipCallFrame frame) async {
var jsScope = <String, String>{};
for (var scope in filterScopes(frame)) {
var response = await connection.runtime
.getProperties(scope.object, ownProperties: true);
for (var prop in response) {
var propKey =;
var propValue = '${prop.value!.value}';
if (prop.value!.type == 'string') {
propValue = "'$propValue'";
} else if (propValue == 'null') {
propValue = propKey;
jsScope[propKey] = propValue;
return jsScope;
/// Used for matching error text emitted during expression evaluation.
Matcher _matches(String text) {
var unindented = RegExp.escape(text).replaceAll(RegExp('[ ]+'), '[ ]*');
return matches(RegExp(unindented, multiLine: true));
/// Finds the line number in [source] matching [breakpointId].
/// A breakpoint ID is found by looking for a line that ends with a comment
/// of exactly this form: `// Breakpoint: <id>`.
/// Throws if it can't find the matching line.
/// Adapted from webdev/blob/master/dwds/test/fixtures/context.dart.
int _findBreakpointLine(String breakpointId) {
var lines = LineSplitter.split(source).toList();
var lineNumber =
lines.indexWhere((l) => l.endsWith('// Breakpoint: $breakpointId'));
if (lineNumber == -1) {
throw StateError(
'Unable to find breakpoint in $input with id: $breakpointId');
return lineNumber + 1;
/// Finds the corresponding JS WipLocation for a given line in Dart.
Future<wip.WipLocation> _jsLocationFromDartLine(
wip.WipScript script, int dartLine) async {
var inputSourceUrl = input.pathSegments.last;
for (var lineEntry in compiler.sourceMap.lines) {
for (var entry in lineEntry.entries) {
if (entry.sourceUrlId != null &&
entry.sourceLine == dartLine &&
compiler.sourceMap.urls[entry.sourceUrlId!] == inputSourceUrl) {
return wip.WipLocation.fromValues(script.scriptId, lineEntry.line);
throw StateError(
'Unable to extract WIP Location from ${script.url} for Dart line '
/// Filters the provided frame scopes to those that are pertinent for Dart
/// debugging.
/// Copied from webdev/dwds/lib/src/debugging/dart_scope.dart.
List<wip.WipScope> filterScopes(wip.WipCallFrame frame) {
var scopes = frame.getScopeChain().toList();
// Remove outer scopes up to and including the Dart SDK.
while (
scopes.isNotEmpty && !('load__') ?? false)) {
if (scopes.isNotEmpty) scopes.removeLast();
return scopes;
String escaped(String path) => path.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\');
Future setBreakpointsActive(wip.WipDebugger debugger, bool active) async {
await debugger.sendCommand('Debugger.setBreakpointsActive', params: {
'active': active
}).timeout(Duration(seconds: 5),
onTimeout: (() => throw Exception('Unable to set breakpoint activity')));