blob: ccfcad59f2d83942b59a4ca1e337ccdc1744af39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show stdin, stdout;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data' show BytesBuilder;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:build_integration/file_system/multi_root.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/ddc.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Component, Library;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/tool/find_referenced_libraries.dart'
show duplicateLibrariesReachable;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show TargetFlags;
import '../compiler/js_names.dart';
import '../compiler/module_builder.dart' show ModuleFormat, parseModuleFormat;
import '../compiler/shared_command.dart' show SharedCompilerOptions;
import 'asset_file_system.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'compiler.dart' show ProgramCompiler;
import 'expression_compiler.dart' show ExpressionCompiler;
import 'target.dart' show DevCompilerTarget;
/// The service that handles expression compilation requests from
/// the debugger.
/// See design documentation and discussion in
/// http://go/dart_expression_evaluation_webdev_google3
/// [ExpressionCompilerWorker] listens to input stream of compile expression
/// requests and outputs responses.
/// Debugger can run the service by running the dartdevc main in an isolate,
/// which sets up the request stream and response callback using send ports.
/// Debugger also can pass an asset server's host and port so the service
/// can read dill files from the [AssetFileSystem] that talks to the asset
/// server behind the scenes over http.
/// Protocol:
/// - debugger and dartdevc expression evaluation service perform the initial
/// handshake to establish two-way communication:
/// - debugger creates an isolate using dartdevc's main method with
/// '--experimental-expression-compiler' flag and passes a send port
/// to dartdevc for sending responses from the service to the debugger.
/// - dartdevc creates a new send port to receive requests on, and sends
/// it back to the debugger, for sending requests to the service.
/// - debugger can now send two types of requests to the dartdevc service.
/// The service handles the requests sequentially in a first come, first
/// serve order.
/// - [UpdateDepsRequest]:
/// This request is sent on (re-)build, making the dartdevc load all
/// newly built full kernel files for given modules.
/// - [CompileExpressionRequest]:
/// This request is sent any time an evaluateInFrame request is made to
/// the debugger's VM service at a breakpoint - for example, on typing
/// in an expression evaluation box, on hover over, evaluation of
/// conditional breakpoints, evaluation of expressions in a watch window.
/// - Debugger closes the requests stream on exit, which effectively stops
/// the service
class ExpressionCompilerWorker {
final Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> requestStream;
final void Function(Map<String, dynamic>) sendResponse;
final Map<String, Uri> _fullModules = {};
final ModuleCache _moduleCache = ModuleCache();
final ProcessedOptions _processedOptions;
final CompilerOptions _compilerOptions;
final ModuleFormat _moduleFormat;
final Component _sdkComponent;
void Function()? onDone;
/// Create expression compiler worker from [args] and start it.
/// If [sendPort] is provided, creates a `receivePort` and sends it to
/// the consumer to establish communication. Otherwise, uses stdin/stdout
/// for communication with the consumer.
/// Details:
/// Consumer uses (`consumerSendPort`, `consumerReceivePort`) pair to
/// send requests and receive responses:
/// `consumerReceivePort.sendport` = [sendPort]
/// `consumerSendPort = receivePort.sendport`
/// Worker uses the opposite ports connected to the consumer ports -
/// (`receivePort`, [sendPort]) to receive requests and send responses.
/// The worker stops on start failure or after the consumer closes its
/// receive port corresponding to [sendPort].
static Future<void> createAndStart(List<String> args,
{SendPort? sendPort}) async {
ExpressionCompilerWorker? worker;
if (sendPort != null) {
var receivePort = ReceivePort();
try {
worker = await createFromArgs(args,
requestStream: receivePort.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>(),
sendResponse: sendPort.send);
} catch (e, s) {
.send({'exception': '$e', 'stackTrace': '$s', 'succeeded': false});
} finally {
} else {
try {
worker = await createFromArgs(args);
} finally {
/// Parse args and create the worker, hook cleanup code to run when done.
static Future<ExpressionCompilerWorker> createFromArgs(
List<String> args, {
Stream<Map<String, dynamic>>? requestStream,
void Function(Map<String, dynamic>)? sendResponse,
}) {
// We are destructive on `args`, so make a copy.
args = args.toList();
var environmentDefines = parseAndRemoveDeclaredVariables(args);
var parsedArgs = argParser.parse(args);
FileSystem fileSystem = StandardFileSystem.instance;
var multiRoots = (parsedArgs['multi-root'] as Iterable<String>)
var multiRootScheme = parsedArgs['multi-root-scheme'] as String;
if (multiRoots.isNotEmpty) {
fileSystem = MultiRootFileSystem(multiRootScheme, multiRoots, fileSystem);
var assetServerAddress = parsedArgs['asset-server-address'] as String?;
if (assetServerAddress != null) {
var assetServerPort = parsedArgs['asset-server-port'] as String?;
fileSystem = AssetFileSystem(
fileSystem, assetServerAddress, assetServerPort ?? '8080');
var explicitExperimentalFlags = parseExperimentalFlags(
parsedArgs['enable-experiment'] as List<String>),
onError: (e) => throw e);
var moduleFormat = parseModuleFormat(parsedArgs['module-format'] as String);
return create(
_argToUri(parsedArgs['libraries-file'] as String?),
packagesFile: _argToUri(parsedArgs['packages-file'] as String?),
sdkSummary: _argToUri(parsedArgs['dart-sdk-summary'] as String?),
fileSystem: fileSystem,
environmentDefines: environmentDefines,
explicitExperimentalFlags: explicitExperimentalFlags,
sdkRoot: _argToUri(parsedArgs['sdk-root'] as String?),
trackWidgetCreation: parsedArgs['track-widget-creation'] as bool,
soundNullSafety: parsedArgs['sound-null-safety'] as bool,
moduleFormat: moduleFormat,
verbose: parsedArgs['verbose'] as bool,
requestStream: requestStream,
sendResponse: sendResponse,
onDone: () {
if (fileSystem is AssetFileSystem) fileSystem.close();
static List<String> errors = <String>[];
static List<String> warnings = <String>[];
static List<String> infos = <String>[];
/// Create the worker and load the sdk outlines.
static Future<ExpressionCompilerWorker> create({
required Uri? librariesSpecificationUri,
required Uri? sdkSummary,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
Uri? packagesFile,
Map<String, String>? environmentDefines,
Map<ExperimentalFlag, bool> explicitExperimentalFlags = const {},
Uri? sdkRoot,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
bool soundNullSafety = false,
ModuleFormat moduleFormat = ModuleFormat.amd,
bool verbose = false,
Stream<Map<String, dynamic>>? requestStream, // Defaults to read from stdin
void Function(Map<String, dynamic>)?
sendResponse, // Defaults to write to stdout
void Function()? onDone,
}) async {
var compilerOptions = CompilerOptions()
..compileSdk = false
..sdkRoot = sdkRoot
..sdkSummary = sdkSummary
..packagesFileUri = packagesFile
..librariesSpecificationUri = librariesSpecificationUri = DevCompilerTarget(
TargetFlags(trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation))
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..omitPlatform = true
..environmentDefines = {
if (environmentDefines != null) ...environmentDefines,
..explicitExperimentalFlags = explicitExperimentalFlags
..onDiagnostic = _onDiagnosticHandler(errors, warnings, infos)
..nnbdMode = soundNullSafety ? NnbdMode.Strong : NnbdMode.Weak
..verbose = verbose;
requestStream ??= stdin
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
sendResponse ??= (Map<String, dynamic> response) =>
var processedOptions = ProcessedOptions(options: compilerOptions);
var sdkComponent = await CompilerContext(processedOptions)
.runInContext<Component?>((CompilerContext c) async {
return processedOptions.loadSdkSummary(null);
if (sdkComponent == null) {
throw Exception('Could not load SDK component: $sdkSummary');
return ExpressionCompilerWorker._(processedOptions, compilerOptions,
moduleFormat, sdkComponent, requestStream, sendResponse, onDone)
.._updateCache(sdkComponent, dartSdkModule, true);
/// Starts listening and responding to commands.
/// Completes when the [requestStream] closes and we finish handling the
/// requests.
Future<void> run() async {
await for (var request in requestStream) {
try {
var command = request['command'] as String?;
if (command == 'Shutdown') break;
switch (command) {
case 'UpdateDeps':
sendResponse(await _updateDependencies(
case 'CompileExpression':
sendResponse(await _compileExpression(
throw ArgumentError(
'Unrecognized command `$command`, full request was `$request`');
} catch (e, s) {
var command = request['command'] as String?;
.logMs('Expression compiler worker request $command failed: $e:$s');
'exception': '$e',
'stackTrace': '$s',
'succeeded': false,
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('Stopped expression compiler worker.');
void close() => onDone?.call();
/// Handles a `CompileExpression` request.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileExpression(
CompileExpressionRequest request) async {
var libraryUri = Uri.parse(request.libraryUri);
var moduleName = request.moduleName;
if (libraryUri.isScheme('dart')) {
// compiling expressions inside the SDK currently fails because
// SDK kernel outlines do not contain information that is needed
// to detect the scope for expression evaluation - such as local
// symbols and source file line starts.
throw Exception('Expression compilation inside SDK is not supported yet');
.logMs('Compiling expression to JavaScript in module $moduleName');
// Reset linking of libraries to the original state,
// so any newly loaded components are linked to the
// libraries in the cache.
if (!_fullModules.containsKey(moduleName)) {
throw StateError('No full dill path available for $moduleName');
// Note that this doesn't actually re-load it if it's already fully loaded.
if (!await _loadAndUpdateComponent(
_fullModules[moduleName]!, moduleName, false)) {
throw ArgumentError('Failed to load full dill for module $moduleName: '
var originalComponent = _moduleCache.componentForModuleName[moduleName];
if (originalComponent == null) {
throw StateError('No Component found for module named: $moduleName');
var component = _sdkComponent;
if (!libraryUri.isScheme('dart')) {
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('Collecting libraries for $moduleName');
var libraries =
_collectTransitiveDependencies(originalComponent, _sdkComponent);
component = Component(
libraries: libraries,
nameRoot: originalComponent.root,
uriToSource: originalComponent.uriToSource,
originalComponent.mainMethodName, true, originalComponent.mode);
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('Collected libraries for $moduleName');
var incrementalCompiler = IncrementalCompiler.forExpressionCompilationOnly(
CompilerContext(_processedOptions), component, /*resetTicker*/ false);
var incrementalCompilerResult = await incrementalCompiler
.computeDelta(entryPoints: [libraryUri], fullComponent: true);
var finalComponent = incrementalCompilerResult.component;
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('Computed delta for expression');
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
return {
'errors': errors,
'warnings': warnings,
'infos': infos,
'compiledProcedure': null,
'succeeded': errors.isEmpty,
var coreTypes = incrementalCompilerResult.coreTypes;
var hierarchy = incrementalCompilerResult.classHierarchy!;
var kernel2jsCompiler = ProgramCompiler(
sourceMap: true,
summarizeApi: false,
moduleName: moduleName,
soundNullSafety: _compilerOptions.nnbdMode == NnbdMode.Strong,
// Disable asserts due to failures to load source and
// locations on kernel loaded from dill files in DDC.
enableAsserts: false),
coreTypes: coreTypes,
assert(originalComponent.libraries.toSet().length ==
// Pick the libraries from finalComponent that's also in originalComponent.
// This is needed because originalComponent can contain unreachable things
// (i.e. unreachable from the entry point used here).
var names = => e.importUri).toSet();
var librariesToEmit = finalComponent.libraries
.where((e) => names.contains(e.importUri))
assert(_librariesAreKnown(hierarchy, librariesToEmit));
var componentToEmit = Component(
libraries: librariesToEmit,
nameRoot: finalComponent.root,
uriToSource: finalComponent.uriToSource)
originalComponent.mainMethodName, true, originalComponent.mode);
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('Emitted module for expression');
var expressionCompiler = ExpressionCompiler(
var compiledProcedure = await expressionCompiler.compileExpressionToJs(
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('Compiled expression to JavaScript');
return {
'errors': errors,
'warnings': warnings,
'infos': infos,
'compiledProcedure': compiledProcedure,
'succeeded': errors.isEmpty,
/// Collect libraries reachable from component.
List<Library> _collectTransitiveDependencies(
Component component, Component sdk) {
var visited = <Uri>{};
var libraries = <Library>[];
var toVisit = <Uri>[];
toVisit.addAll( => e.importUri));
toVisit.addAll( => e.importUri));
while (toVisit.isNotEmpty) {
var uri = toVisit.removeLast();
if (!visited.contains(uri)) {
if (_moduleCache.libraryForUri.containsKey(uri)) {
var lib = _moduleCache.libraryForUri[uri]!;
for (var dep in lib.dependencies) {
if (dep.importedLibraryReference.node != null) {
} else {
'Missing link for ${dep.importedLibraryReference.canonicalName}'
' in ${lib.importUri}');
} else {
_processedOptions.ticker.logMs('No summary found for library: $uri');
return libraries;
/// Loads in the specified dill files and invalidates any existing ones.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _updateDependencies(
UpdateDependenciesRequest request) async {
.logMs('Updating dependencies for expression evaluation');
for (var input in request.inputs) {
// Reset linking of libraries to the original state,
// so any newly loaded components are linked to the
// libraries in the cache.
// Load summaries and store paths for full kernel files.
// Note that we intentionally ignore loading failures here
// as not all of them are fatal. We report missing dependencies
// instead on expression evaluation.
// TODO(annagrin): throw on load failures when blaze build starts
// producing all summaries.
var futures = <Future>[];
for (var input in request.inputs) {
// Support older debugger versions that do not provide summary
// path by loading full dill kernel instead.
var hasSummary = input.summaryPath != null;
if (!hasSummary) {
.logMs('Summary path is not provided for ${input.moduleName}.'
' Loading full dill instead.');
var summaryPath = input.summaryPath ?? input.path;
_fullModules[input.moduleName] = Uri.parse(input.path);
Uri.parse(summaryPath), input.moduleName, hasSummary));
await Future.wait(futures);
.logMs('Updated dependencies for expression evaluation');
return {'succeeded': true};
/// Load component and update cache.
Future<bool> _loadAndUpdateComponent(
Uri uri, String moduleName, bool isSummary) async {
if (isSummary && _moduleCache.isModuleLoaded(moduleName)) return true;
if (!isSummary && _moduleCache.isModuleFullyLoaded(moduleName)) return true;
var component = await _loadComponent(uri);
if (component == null) {
var componentKind = isSummary ? 'summary' : 'full kernel';
.logMs('Failed to load $componentKind for $moduleName');
return false;
_updateCache(component, moduleName, isSummary);
return true;
Future<Component?> _loadComponent(Uri uri) async {
var file = _processedOptions.fileSystem.entityForUri(uri);
if (await file.existsAsyncIfPossible()) {
var bytes = await file.readAsBytesAsyncIfPossible();
var component = _processedOptions.loadComponent(bytes, _sdkComponent.root,
alwaysCreateNewNamedNodes: true);
return component;
return null;
void _updateCache(Component component, String moduleName, bool isSummary) {
// Do not update dart sdk as we don't expect it to change.
if (moduleName == dartSdkModule &&
_moduleCache.isModuleLoaded(moduleName)) {
_moduleCache.addModule(moduleName, component, isSummary);
void _clearCache(String moduleName) {
// Do not remove dart sdk as we don't expect it to change.
if (moduleName == dartSdkModule) return;
/// Reset library links and canonical name trees.
void _resetCacheLinks() {
// Adopting children for the sdk and all already loaded components means
// that the root knows about all of it so anything new that is loaded will
// link correctly.
for (var component in _moduleCache.componentForModuleName.values) {
bool _librariesAreKnown(ClassHierarchy hierarchy, List<Library> libraries) {
for (var library in libraries) {
if (!hierarchy.knownLibraries.contains(library)) return false;
return true;
bool _canSerialize(Component component) {
var byteSink = _ByteSink();
var printer = BinaryPrinter(byteSink);
return true;
/// Module cache used to load modules and look up loaded libraries.
/// After each build, the cache is updated with summaries for
/// new or updated modules. The summaries can be replaced by
/// full dill kernel during a later expression evaluation in
/// the corresponding module.
class ModuleCache {
final Map<Uri, Library> libraryForUri = {};
final Map<Library, Component> componentForLibrary = {};
final Map<String, Component> componentForModuleName = {};
final Map<Component, String> moduleNameForComponent = {};
final Set<String> fullyLoadedModules = {};
bool isModuleLoaded(String moduleName) =>
bool isModuleFullyLoaded(String moduleName) =>
bool isLibraryLoaded(Library library) =>
void addModule(String moduleName, Component component, bool isSummary) {
moduleNameForComponent[component] = moduleName;
componentForModuleName[moduleName] = component;
if (!isSummary) fullyLoadedModules.add(moduleName);
for (var lib in component.libraries) {
if (isLibraryLoaded(lib)) {
throw Exception('library ${lib.importUri} is already loaded in '
componentForLibrary[lib] = component;
libraryForUri[lib.importUri] = lib;
void removeModule(String moduleName) {
if (isModuleLoaded(moduleName)) {
var oldComponent = componentForModuleName[moduleName]!;
for (var lib in oldComponent.libraries) {
/// Expression compilation request to the expression compilation worker.
class CompileExpressionRequest {
final int column;
final String expression;
final Map<String, String> jsModules;
final Map<String, String> jsScope;
final String libraryUri;
final int line;
final String moduleName;
required this.expression,
required this.column,
required this.jsModules,
required this.jsScope,
required this.libraryUri,
required this.line,
required this.moduleName,
factory CompileExpressionRequest.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
expression: json['expression'] as String,
line: json['line'] as int,
column: json['column'] as int,
jsModules: Map<String, String>.from(json['jsModules'] as Map),
jsScope: Map<String, String>.from(json['jsScope'] as Map),
libraryUri: json['libraryUri'] as String,
moduleName: json['moduleName'] as String,
/// Module update request to the expression compilation worker.
class UpdateDependenciesRequest {
final List<InputDill> inputs;
factory UpdateDependenciesRequest.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
for (var input in json['inputs'] as List)
InputDill(input['path'] as String, input['summaryPath'] as String,
input['moduleName'] as String),
class InputDill {
final String moduleName;
final String path;
final String? summaryPath;
InputDill(this.path, this.summaryPath, this.moduleName);
void Function(DiagnosticMessage) _onDiagnosticHandler(
List<String> errors, List<String> warnings, List<String> infos) =>
(DiagnosticMessage message) {
switch (message.severity) {
case Severity.error:
case Severity.internalProblem:
case Severity.warning:
case Severity.context:
case Severity.ignored:
throw 'Unexpected severity: ${message.severity}';
final argParser = ArgParser()
help: 'Enable a language experiment when invoking the CFE.')
..addOption('multi-root-scheme', defaultsTo: 'org-dartlang-app')
..addOption('module-format', defaultsTo: 'amd')
..addFlag('track-widget-creation', defaultsTo: false)
..addFlag('sound-null-safety', defaultsTo: false)
..addFlag('verbose', defaultsTo: false);
Uri? _argToUri(String? uriArg) =>
uriArg == null ? null : Uri.base.resolve(uriArg.replaceAll('\\', '/'));
class _ByteSink implements Sink<List<int>> {
final BytesBuilder builder = BytesBuilder();
void add(List<int> data) {
void close() {}