blob: d065e0bcaac33f64a9dda61127ccee40c4d58c7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library http_server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'test_suite.dart'; // For TestUtils.
// TODO(efortuna): Rewrite to not use the args library and simply take an
// expected number of arguments, so test.dart doesn't rely on the args library?
// See discussion on
import 'vendored_pkg/args/args.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Interface of the HTTP server:
/// /echo: This will stream the data received in the request stream back
/// to the client.
/// /root_dart/X: This will serve the corresponding file from the dart
/// directory (i.e. '$DartDirectory/X').
/// /root_build/X: This will serve the corresponding file from the build
/// directory (i.e. '$BuildDirectory/X').
/// /FOO/packages/BAR: This will serve the corresponding file from the packages
/// directory (i.e. '$BuildDirectory/packages/BAR')
/// In case a path does not refer to a file but rather to a directory, a
/// directory listing will be displayed.
const PREFIX_BUILDDIR = 'root_build';
const PREFIX_DARTDIR = 'root_dart';
// TODO(kustermann,ricow): We could change this to the following scheme:
// http://host:port/root_packages/X -> $BuildDir/packages/X
// Issue: 8368
main() {
/** Convenience method for local testing. */
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('port', abbr: 'p',
help: 'The main server port we wish to respond to requests.',
defaultsTo: '0');
parser.addOption('crossOriginPort', abbr: 'c',
help: 'A different port that accepts request from the main server port.',
defaultsTo: '0');
parser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', negatable: false,
help: 'Print this usage information.');
parser.addOption('build-directory', help: 'The build directory to use.');
parser.addOption('network', help: 'The network interface to use.',
defaultsTo: '');
parser.addFlag('csp', help: 'Use Content Security Policy restrictions.',
defaultsTo: false);
var args = parser.parse(new Options().arguments);
if (args['help']) {
} else {
// Pretend we're running test.dart so that TestUtils doesn't get confused
// about the "current directory." This is only used if we're trying to run
// this file independently for local testing.
TestUtils.testScriptPath = new Path(new Options().script)
.join(new Path('../../test.dart'))
var servers = new TestingServers(new Path(args['build-directory']),
var port = int.parse(args['port']);
var crossOriginPort = int.parse(args['crossOriginPort']);
port: port,
crossOriginPort: crossOriginPort);'Server listening on port ${servers.port}');'Server listening on port ${servers.crossOriginPort}');
* Runs a set of servers that are initialized specifically for the needs of our
* test framework, such as dealing with package-root.
class TestingServers {
List _serverList = [];
Path _buildDirectory = null;
final bool useContentSecurityPolicy;
TestingServers(Path buildDirectory, this.useContentSecurityPolicy) {
_buildDirectory = TestUtils.absolutePath(buildDirectory);
int get port => _serverList[0].port;
int get crossOriginPort => _serverList[1].port;
* [startServers] will start two Http servers.
* The first server listens on [port] and sets
* "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"
* The second server listens on [crossOriginPort] and sets
* "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: client:port1
* "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true"
void startServers(String host, {int port: 0, int crossOriginPort: 0}) {
_startHttpServer(host, port: port);
port: crossOriginPort,
String httpServerCommandline() {
var dart = TestUtils.dartTestExecutable.toNativePath();
var dartDir = TestUtils.dartDir();
var script = dartDir.join(new Path("tools/testing/dart/http_server.dart"));
var buildDirectory = _buildDirectory.toNativePath();
var csp = useContentSecurityPolicy ? '--csp ' : '';
return '$dart $script -p $port -c $crossOriginPort $csp'
void stopServers() {
for (var server in _serverList) {
void _startHttpServer(String host, {int port: 0, int allowedPort: -1}) {
var httpServer = new HttpServer();
httpServer.onError = (e) {
DebugLogger.error('HttpServer: an error occured: $e');
httpServer.defaultRequestHandler = (request, response) {
_handleFileOrDirectoryRequest(request, response, allowedPort);
(req) => req.path == "/echo", _handleEchoRequest);
httpServer.listen(host, port);
void _handleFileOrDirectoryRequest(HttpRequest request,
HttpResponse response,
int allowedPort) {
var path = _getFilePathFromRequestPath(request.path);
if (path != null) {
var file = new File.fromPath(path);
file.exists().then((exists) {
if (exists) {
_sendFileContent(request, response, allowedPort, path, file);
} else {
var directory = new Directory.fromPath(path);
directory.exists().then((exists) {
if (exists) {
_listDirectory(directory).then((entries) {
_sendDirectoryListing(entries, request, response);
} else {
_sendNotFound(request, response);
} else {
if (request.path == '/') {
var entries = [new _Entry('root_dart', 'root_dart/'),
new _Entry('root_build', 'root_build/'),
new _Entry('echo', 'echo')];
_sendDirectoryListing(entries, request, response);
} else {
_sendNotFound(request, response);
void _handleEchoRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Path _getFilePathFromRequestPath(String urlRequestPath) {
// Go to the top of the file to see an explanation of the URL path scheme.
var requestPath = new Path(urlRequestPath.substring(1)).canonicalize();
var pathSegments = requestPath.segments();
if (pathSegments.length > 0) {
var basePath;
var relativePath;
if (pathSegments[0] == PREFIX_BUILDDIR) {
basePath = _buildDirectory;
relativePath = new Path(
pathSegments.getRange(1, pathSegments.length - 1).join('/'));
} else if (pathSegments[0] == PREFIX_DARTDIR) {
basePath = TestUtils.dartDir();
relativePath = new Path(
pathSegments.getRange(1, pathSegments.length - 1).join('/'));
var packagesDirName = 'packages';
var packagesIndex = pathSegments.indexOf(packagesDirName);
if (packagesIndex != -1) {
var start = packagesIndex + 1;
var length = pathSegments.length - start;
basePath = _buildDirectory.append(packagesDirName);
relativePath = new Path(
pathSegments.getRange(start, length).join('/'));
if (basePath != null && relativePath != null) {
return basePath.join(relativePath);
return null;
Future<List<_Entry>> _listDirectory(Directory directory) {
var completer = new Completer();
var entries = [];
..onFile = (filepath) {
var filename = new Path(filepath).filename;
entries.add(new _Entry(filename, filename));
..onDir = (dirpath) {
var filename = new Path(dirpath).filename;
entries.add(new _Entry(filename, '$filename/'));
..onDone = (_) {
return completer.future;
void _sendDirectoryListing(List<_Entry> entries,
HttpRequest request,
HttpResponse response) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
var header = '''<!DOCTYPE html>
var footer = '''
for (var entry in entries) {
'<li><a href="${new Path(request.path).append(}">'
void _sendFileContent(HttpRequest request,
HttpResponse response,
int allowedPort,
Path path,
File file) {
if (allowedPort != -1) {
var origin = new Uri(request.headers.value('Origin'));
// Allow loading from http://*:$allowedPort in browsers.
var allowedOrigin =
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", allowedOrigin);
response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true');
} else {
// No allowedPort specified. Allow from anywhere (but cross-origin
// requests *with credentials* will fail because you can't use "*").
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
if (useContentSecurityPolicy) {
// Chrome respects the standardized Content-Security-Policy header,
// whereas Firefox and IE10 use X-Content-Security-Policy. Safari
// still uses the WebKit- prefixed version.
for (var header in ["Content-Security-Policy",
"X-WebKit-CSP"]) {
response.headers.set(header, "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'");
if (path.filename.endsWith('.html')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
} else if (path.filename.endsWith('.js')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
} else if (path.filename.endsWith('.dart')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/dart');
void _sendNotFound(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
// NOTE: Since some tests deliberately try to access non-existent files.
// We might want to remove this warning (otherwise it will show
// up in the debug.log every time).
DebugLogger.warning('HttpServer: could not find file for request path: '
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e is StreamException) {
DebugLogger.warning('HttpServer: error while closing the response '
'stream: $e');
} else {
throw e;
// Helper class for displaying directory listings.
class _Entry {
final String name;
final String displayName;
_Entry(, this.displayName);
int compareTo(_Entry other) {
return name.compareTo(;