blob: 96349fd9dea001c3a05dc98a4d9aeb8ad0842ed3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.scalarlist;
* Interface of Dart Float32x4 and operations.
* Float32x4 stores 4 32-bit floating point values in "lanes".
* The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively.
abstract class Float32x4 {
external factory Float32x4(double x, double y, double z, double w);
external factory;
/// Addition operator.
Float32x4 operator+(Float32x4 other);
/// Negate operator.
Float32x4 operator-();
/// Subtraction operator.
Float32x4 operator-(Float32x4 other);
/// Multiplication operator.
Float32x4 operator*(Float32x4 other);
/// Division operator.
Float32x4 operator/(Float32x4 other);
/// Relational less than.
Uint32x4 lessThan(Float32x4 other);
/// Relational less than or equal.
Uint32x4 lessThanOrEqual(Float32x4 other);
/// Relational greater than.
Uint32x4 greaterThan(Float32x4 other);
/// Relational greater than or equal.
Uint32x4 greaterThanOrEqual(Float32x4 other);
/// Relational equal.
Uint32x4 equal(Float32x4 other);
/// Relational not-equal.
Uint32x4 notEqual(Float32x4 other);
/// Returns a copy of [this] each lane being scaled by [s].
Float32x4 scale(double s);
/// Returns the absolute value of this [Simd128Float32].
Float32x4 abs();
/// Clamps [this] to be in the range [lowerLimit]-[upperLimit].
Float32x4 clamp(Float32x4 lowerLimit,
Float32x4 upperLimit);
/// Extracted x value.
double get x;
/// Extracted y value.
double get y;
/// Extracted z value.
double get z;
/// Extracted w value.
double get w;
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] with [this]' x value in all four lanes.
Float32x4 get xxxx;
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] with [this]' y value in all four lanes.
Float32x4 get yyyy;
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] with [this]' z value in all four lanes.
Float32x4 get zzzz;
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] with [this]' w value in all four lanes.
Float32x4 get wwww;
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Add all 256 possible combinations.
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value.
Float32x4 withX(double x);
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value.
Float32x4 withY(double y);
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value.
Float32x4 withZ(double z);
/// Returns a new [Float32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value.
Float32x4 withW(double w);
/// Returns the lane-wise minimum value in [this] or [other].
Float32x4 min(Float32x4 other);
/// Returns the lane-wise maximum value in [this] or [other].
Float32x4 max(Float32x4 other);
/// Returns the square root of [this].
Float32x4 sqrt();
/// Returns the reciprocal of [this].
Float32x4 reciprocal();
/// Returns the square root of the reciprocal of [this].
Float32x4 reciprocalSqrt();
/// Returns a bit-wise copy of [this] as a [Uint32x4].
Uint32x4 toUint32x4();
* Interface of Dart Uint32x4 and operations.
* Uint32x4 stores 4 32-bit bit-masks in "lanes".
* The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively.
abstract class Uint32x4 {
external factory Uint32x4(int x, int y, int z, int w);
external factory Uint32x4.bool(bool x, bool y, bool z, bool w);
/// The bit-wise or operator.
Uint32x4 operator|(Uint32x4 other);
/// The bit-wise and operator.
Uint32x4 operator&(Uint32x4 other);
/// The bit-wise xor operator.
Uint32x4 operator^(Uint32x4 other);
/// Extract 32-bit mask from x lane.
int get x;
/// Extract 32-bit mask from y lane.
int get y;
/// Extract 32-bit mask from z lane.
int get z;
/// Extract 32-bit mask from w lane.
int get w;
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value.
Uint32x4 withX(int x);
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value.
Uint32x4 withY(int y);
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value.
Uint32x4 withZ(int z);
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value.
Uint32x4 withW(int w);
/// Extracted x value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value.
bool get flagX;
/// Extracted y value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value.
bool get flagY;
/// Extracted z value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value.
bool get flagZ;
/// Extracted w value. Returns false for 0, true for any other value.
bool get flagW;
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new x value.
Uint32x4 withFlagX(bool x);
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new y value.
Uint32x4 withFlagY(bool y);
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new z value.
Uint32x4 withFlagZ(bool z);
/// Returns a new [Uint32x4] copied from [this] with a new w value.
Uint32x4 withFlagW(bool w);
/// Merge [trueValue] and [falseValue] based on [this]' bit mask:
/// Select bit from [trueValue] when bit in [this] is on.
/// Select bit from [falseValue] when bit in [this] is off.
Float32x4 select(Float32x4 trueValue, Float32x4 falseValue);
/// Returns a bit-wise copy of [this] as a [Float32x4].
Float32x4 toFloat32x4();
* A fixed-length list of Float32x4 numbers that is viewable as a
* [ByteArray]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
* space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
abstract class Float32x4List implements List<Float32x4>,
ByteArrayViewable {
* Creates a [Simd128Float32List] of the specified length (in elements),
* all of whose elements are initially zero.
external factory Float32x4List(int length);
* Creates a [Float32x4List] _view_ of the specified region in the
* specified byte [array]. Changes in the [Float32x4List] will be
* visible in the byte array and vice versa. If the [start] index of the
* region is not specified, it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte
* array). If the length is not specified, it defaults to null, which
* indicates that the view extends to the end of the byte array.
* Throws [ArgumentError] if the length of the specified region is not
* divisible by 16 (the size of a "Float32x4" in bytes), or if the
* [start] of the region is not divisible by 16. If, however, [array] is a
* view of another byte array, this constructor will throw [ArgumentError]
* if the implicit starting position in the "ultimately backing" byte array
* is not divisible by 16. In plain terms, this constructor throws
* [ArgumentError] if the specified region does not contain an integral
* number of "Float32x4s," or if it is not "Float32x4-aligned."
external factory Float32x4List.view(ByteArray array,
[int start = 0, int length]);