blob: 7fc0653b22751e170c38caba8703b2e4204eba85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
class LinkedHashSet<E> extends Collection<E> implements Set<E> {
static const int _INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8;
_LinkedHashTable<E> _table;
LinkedHashSet() : _table = new _LinkedHashTable(_INITIAL_CAPACITY) {
_table._container = this;
factory LinkedHashSet.from(Iterable<E> iterable) {
return new LinkedHashSet<E>()..addAll(iterable);
// Iterable.
Iterator<E> get iterator => new _LinkedHashTableKeyIterator<E>(_table);
void forEach(void action(E element)) {
int offset = _table._next(_LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET);
int modificationCount = _table._modificationCount;
while (offset != _LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET) {
E key = _table._key(offset);
offset = _table._next(offset);
int get length => _table._elementCount;
bool get isEmpty => _table._elementCount == 0;
bool contains(Object object) => _table._get(object) >= 0;
E get first {
int firstOffset = _table._next(_LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET);
if (firstOffset == _LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET) {
throw new StateError("No elements");
return _table._key(firstOffset);
E get last {
int lastOffset = _table._prev(_LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET);
if (lastOffset == _LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET) {
throw new StateError("No elements");
return _table._key(lastOffset);
E get single {
int firstOffset = _table._next(_LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET);
if (firstOffset == _LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET) {
throw new StateError("No elements");
int lastOffset = _table._prev(_LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET);
if (lastOffset != firstOffset) {
throw new StateError("Too many elements");
return _table._key(firstOffset);
// Collection.
void add(E element) {
void addAll(Iterable<E> objects) {
for (E object in objects) {
bool remove(Object object) {
int offset = _table._remove(object);
if (offset >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
void removeAll(Iterable objectsToRemove) {
for (Object object in objectsToRemove) {
void retainAll(Iterable objectsToRemove) {
IterableMixinWorkaround.retainAll(this, objectsToRemove);
void _filterMatching(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) {
int entrySize = _table._entrySize;
int length = _table._table.length;
int offset = _table._next(_LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET);
while (offset != _LinkedHashTable._HEAD_OFFSET) {
E key = _table._key(offset);
int nextOffset = _table._next(offset);
int modificationCount = _table._modificationCount;
bool shouldRemove = (removeMatching == test(key));
if (shouldRemove) {
offset = nextOffset;
void removeMatching(bool test(E element)) {
_filterMatching(test, true);
void retainMatching(bool test(E element)) {
_filterMatching(test, false);
void clear() {
// Set.
bool isSubsetOf(Collection<E> collection) {
Set otherSet;
if (collection is Set) {
otherSet = collection;
} else {
otherSet = collection.toSet();
return otherSet.containsAll(this);
bool containsAll(Collection<E> collection) {
for (E element in collection) {
if (!this.contains(element)) return false;
return true;
Set<E> intersection(Collection<E> other) {
Set<E> result = new LinkedHashSet<E>();
for (E element in other) {
if (this.contains(element)) {
return result;
String toString() => Collections.collectionToString(this);