blob: 09a0778250d70de8b6329a1bf192e88fd5e52743 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
* This class provides default implementations for Iterables (including Lists).
* Once Dart receives Mixins it will be replaced with mixin classes.
class IterableMixinWorkaround {
static bool contains(Iterable iterable, var element) {
for (final e in iterable) {
if (element == e) return true;
return false;
static void forEach(Iterable iterable, void f(o)) {
for (final e in iterable) {
static bool any(Iterable iterable, bool f(o)) {
for (final e in iterable) {
if (f(e)) return true;
return false;
static bool every(Iterable iterable, bool f(o)) {
for (final e in iterable) {
if (!f(e)) return false;
return true;
static dynamic reduce(Iterable iterable,
dynamic initialValue,
dynamic combine(dynamic previousValue, element)) {
for (final element in iterable) {
initialValue = combine(initialValue, element);
return initialValue;
* Simple implementation for [Collection.removeAll].
* This implementation assumes that [Collection.remove] on [collection]
* is efficient. The [:remove:] method on [List] objects is typically
* not efficient since it requires linear search to find an element.
static void removeAll(Collection collection, Iterable elementsToRemove) {
for (Object object in elementsToRemove) {
* Implementation of [Collection.removeAll] for lists.
* This implementation assumes that [Collection.remove] is not efficient
* (as it usually isn't on a [List]) and uses [Collection.removeMathcing]
* instead of just repeatedly calling remove.
static void removeAllList(Collection collection, Iterable elementsToRemove) {
Set setToRemove;
// Assume [contains] is efficient on a Set.
if (elementsToRemove is Set) {
setToRemove = elementsToRemove;
} else {
setToRemove = elementsToRemove.toSet();
* Simple implemenation for [Collection.retainAll].
* This implementation assumes that [Collecton.retainMatching] on [collection]
* is efficient.
static void retainAll(Collection collection, Iterable elementsToRetain) {
Set lookup;
if (elementsToRetain is Set) {
lookup = elementsToRetain;
} else {
lookup = elementsToRetain.toSet();
if (lookup.isEmpty) {
* Simple implemenation for [Collection.removeMatching].
* This implementation assumes that [Collecton.removeAll] on [collection] is
* efficient.
static void removeMatching(Collection collection, bool test(var element)) {
List elementsToRemove = [];
for (var element in collection) {
if (test(element)) elementsToRemove.add(element);
* Removes elements matching [test] from [list].
* This is performed in two steps, to avoid exposing an inconsistent state
* to the [test] function. First the elements to retain are found, and then
* the original list is updated to contain those elements.
static void removeMatchingList(List list, bool test(var element)) {
List retained = [];
int length = list.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var element = list[i];
if (!test(element)) {
if (length != list.length) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(list);
if (retained.length == length) return;
list.length = retained.length;
for (int i = 0; i < retained.length; i++) {
list[i] = retained[i];
* Simple implemenation for [Collection.retainMatching].
* This implementation assumes that [Collecton.removeAll] on [collection] is
* efficient.
static void retainMatching(Collection collection, bool test(var element)) {
List elementsToRemove = [];
for (var element in collection) {
if (!test(element)) elementsToRemove.add(element);
static bool isEmpty(Iterable iterable) {
return !iterable.iterator.moveNext();
static dynamic first(Iterable iterable) {
Iterator it = iterable.iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
throw new StateError("No elements");
return it.current;
static dynamic last(Iterable iterable) {
Iterator it = iterable.iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
throw new StateError("No elements");
dynamic result;
do {
result = it.current;
} while(it.moveNext());
return result;
static dynamic min(Iterable iterable, [int compare(var a, var b)]) {
if (compare == null) compare =;
Iterator it = iterable.iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
return null;
var min = it.current;
while (it.moveNext()) {
if (compare(min, it.current) > 0) min = it.current;
return min;
static dynamic max(Iterable iterable, [int compare(var a, var b)]) {
if (compare == null) compare =;
Iterator it = iterable.iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
return null;
var max = it.current;
while (it.moveNext()) {
if (compare(max, it.current) < 0) max = it.current;
return max;
static dynamic single(Iterable iterable) {
Iterator it = iterable.iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) throw new StateError("No elements");
dynamic result = it.current;
if (it.moveNext()) throw new StateError("More than one element");
return result;
static dynamic firstMatching(Iterable iterable,
bool test(dynamic value),
dynamic orElse()) {
for (dynamic element in iterable) {
if (test(element)) return element;
if (orElse != null) return orElse();
throw new StateError("No matching element");
static dynamic lastMatching(Iterable iterable,
bool test(dynamic value),
dynamic orElse()) {
dynamic result = null;
bool foundMatching = false;
for (dynamic element in iterable) {
if (test(element)) {
result = element;
foundMatching = true;
if (foundMatching) return result;
if (orElse != null) return orElse();
throw new StateError("No matching element");
static dynamic lastMatchingInList(List list,
bool test(dynamic value),
dynamic orElse()) {
// TODO(floitsch): check that arguments are of correct type?
for (int i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
dynamic element = list[i];
if (test(element)) return element;
if (orElse != null) return orElse();
throw new StateError("No matching element");
static dynamic singleMatching(Iterable iterable, bool test(dynamic value)) {
dynamic result = null;
bool foundMatching = false;
for (dynamic element in iterable) {
if (test(element)) {
if (foundMatching) {
throw new StateError("More than one matching element");
result = element;
foundMatching = true;
if (foundMatching) return result;
throw new StateError("No matching element");
static dynamic elementAt(Iterable iterable, int index) {
if (index is! int || index < 0) throw new RangeError.value(index);
int remaining = index;
for (dynamic element in iterable) {
if (remaining == 0) return element;
throw new RangeError.value(index);
static String join(Iterable iterable, [String separator]) {
Iterator iterator = iterable.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return "";
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (separator == null || separator == "") {
do {
} while (iterator.moveNext());
} else {
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
return buffer.toString();
static String joinList(List list, [String separator]) {
if (list.isEmpty) return "";
if (list.length == 1) return "${list[0]}";
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (separator == null || separator == "") {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
static Iterable where(Iterable iterable, bool f(var element)) {
return new WhereIterable(iterable, f);
static Iterable map(Iterable iterable, f(var element)) {
return new MappedIterable(iterable, f);
static Iterable mapList(List list, f(var element)) {
return new MappedListIterable(list, f);
static Iterable expand(Iterable iterable, Iterable f(var element)) {
return new ExpandIterable(iterable, f);
static Iterable takeList(List list, int n) {
// The generic type is currently lost. It will be fixed with mixins.
// This is currently a List as well as an Iterable.
return new SubListIterable(list, 0, n);
static Iterable takeWhile(Iterable iterable, bool test(var value)) {
// The generic type is currently lost. It will be fixed with mixins.
return new TakeWhileIterable(iterable, test);
static Iterable skipList(List list, int n) {
// The generic type is currently lost. It will be fixed with mixins.
// This is currently a List as well as an Iterable.
return new SubListIterable(list, n, null);
static Iterable skipWhile(Iterable iterable, bool test(var value)) {
// The generic type is currently lost. It will be fixed with mixins.
return new SkipWhileIterable(iterable, test);
static Iterable reversedList(List list) {
return new ReversedListIterable(list);
static void sortList(List list, int compare(a, b)) {
if (compare == null) compare =;
Sort.sort(list, compare);
static int indexOfList(List list, var element, int start) {
return Arrays.indexOf(list, element, start, list.length);
static int lastIndexOfList(List list, var element, int start) {
if (start == null) start = list.length - 1;
return Arrays.lastIndexOf(list, element, start);
static void setRangeList(List list, int start, int length,
List from, int startFrom) {
if (length == 0) return;
// TODO(floitsch): decide what to do with these checks. Currently copied
// since that was the old behavior of dart2js, and some co19 tests rely on
// it.
if (start is! int) throw new ArgumentError(start);
if (length is! int) throw new ArgumentError(length);
if (from is! List) throw new ArgumentError(from);
if (startFrom is! int) throw new ArgumentError(startFrom);
if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentError(length);
if (start < 0) throw new RangeError.value(start);
if (start + length > list.length) {
throw new RangeError.value(start + length);
Arrays.copy(from, startFrom, list, start, length);
static Map<int, dynamic> asMapList(List l) {
return new ListMapView(l);
class Collections {
static String collectionToString(Collection c)
=> ToString.collectionToString(c);
* An unmodifiable [List] view of another List.
* The source of the elements may be a [List] or any [Iterable] with
* efficient [Iterable.length] and [Iterable.elementAt].
class UnmodifiableListView<E> extends UnmodifiableListBase<E> {
Iterable<E> _source;
/** Create an unmodifiable list backed by [source]. */
UnmodifiableListView(Iterable<E> source) : _source = source;
int get length => _source.length;
E operator[](int index) => _source.elementAt(index);