blob: 18d44cc8266add0cbf9daa430fafa17b2834773f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Unit tests for doc.
library dartdocTests;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import '../../../../../pkg/pathos/lib/path.dart' as path;
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
import '../lib/dartdoc.dart' as dd;
import '../lib/markdown.dart';
import 'markdown_test.dart';
// TODO(rnystrom): Better path to unittest.
import '../../../../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
main() {
group('countOccurrences', () {
test('empty text returns 0', () {
expect(dd.countOccurrences('', 'needle'), equals(0));
test('one occurrence', () {
expect(dd.countOccurrences('bananarama', 'nara'), equals(1));
test('multiple occurrences', () {
expect(dd.countOccurrences('bananarama', 'a'), equals(5));
test('overlapping matches do not count', () {
expect(dd.countOccurrences('bananarama', 'ana'), equals(1));
group('repeat', () {
test('zero times returns an empty string', () {
expect(dd.repeat('ba', 0), isEmpty);
test('one time returns the string', () {
expect(dd.repeat('ba', 1), equals('ba'));
test('multiple times', () {
expect(dd.repeat('ba', 3), equals('bababa'));
test('multiple times with a separator', () {
expect(dd.repeat('ba', 3, separator: ' '), equals('ba ba ba'));
group('isAbsolute', () {
final doc = new dd.Dartdoc();
test('returns false if there is no scheme', () {
expect(doc.isAbsolute('index.html'), isFalse);
expect(doc.isAbsolute('foo/index.html'), isFalse);
expect(doc.isAbsolute('foo/bar/index.html'), isFalse);
test('returns true if there is a scheme', () {
expect(doc.isAbsolute(''), isTrue);
expect(doc.isAbsolute('hTtPs://'), isTrue);
expect(doc.isAbsolute(''), isTrue);
group('relativePath', () {
final doc = new dd.Dartdoc();
test('absolute path is unchanged', () {
expect(doc.relativePath(''), equals(''));
test('from root to root', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('other.html'), equals('other.html'));
test('from root to directory', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('dir/file.html'), equals('dir/file.html'));
test('from root to nested', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('dir/sub/file.html'), equals(
test('from directory to root', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('root.html'), equals('../root.html'));
test('from nested to root', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('root.html'), equals('../../root.html'));
test('from dir to dir with different path', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('other/file.html'), equals('../other/file.html'));
test('from nested to nested with different path', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('other/sub/file.html'), equals(
test('from nested to directory with different path', () {
expect(doc.relativePath('other/file.html'), equals(
group('dartdoc markdown', () {
group('[::] blocks', () {
validateDartdocMarkdown('simple case', '''
before [:source:] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>source</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('unmatched [:', '''
before [: after
''', '''
<p>before [: after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('multiple spans in one text', '''
a [:one:] b [:two:] c
''', '''
<p>a <code>one</code> b <code>two</code> c</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('multi-line', '''
before [:first
second:] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>first
second</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('contain backticks', '''
before [:can `contain` backticks:] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>can `contain` backticks</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('contain double backticks', '''
before [:can ``contain`` backticks:] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>can ``contain`` backticks</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('contain backticks with spaces', '''
before [: `tick` :] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>`tick`</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('multiline with spaces', '''
before [:in `tick`
another:] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>in `tick`
another</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('ignore markup inside code', '''
before [:*b* _c_:] after
''', '''
<p>before <code>*b* _c_</code> after</p>
validateDartdocMarkdown('escape HTML characters', '''
''', '''
validateDartdocMarkdown('escape HTML tags', '''
'*' [:<em>:]
''', '''
<p>'*' <code>&lt;em&gt;</code></p>
group('integration tests', () {
test('no entrypoints', () {
expect(_runDartdoc([], exitCode: 1), completes);
test('library with no packages', () {
[new Path('test/test_files/other_place/'
test('library with packages', () {
[new Path('test/test_files/'
Future _runDartdoc(List<String> arguments, {int exitCode: 0}) {
var dartBin = new Options().executable;
var dir = path.absolute(new Options().script);
while (path.basename(dir) != 'dartdoc') {
if (!path.absolute(dir).contains('dartdoc') || dir == path.dirname(dir)) {
fail('Unable to find root dartdoc directory.');
dir = path.dirname(dir);
var dartdoc = path.join(path.absolute(dir), 'bin/dartdoc.dart');
arguments.insertRange(0, 1, dartdoc);
return, arguments)
.then((result) {
expect(result.exitCode, exitCode);
validateDartdocMarkdown(String description, String markdown,
String html) {
var dartdoc = new dd.Dartdoc();
validate(description, markdown, html, linkResolver: dartdoc.dartdocResolver,
inlineSyntaxes: dartdoc.dartdocSyntaxes);