blob: 75b9cb507c720ee36b6310a5255b6768b24a3e8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of scanner;
abstract class Scanner {
Token tokenize();
* Common base class for a Dart scanner.
abstract class AbstractScanner<T extends SourceString> implements Scanner {
int advance();
int nextByte();
* Returns the current character or byte depending on the underlying input
* kind. For example, [StringScanner] operates on [String] and thus returns
* characters (Unicode codepoints represented as int) whereas
* [ByteArrayScanner] operates on byte arrays and thus returns bytes.
int peek();
* Appends a fixed token based on whether the current char is [choice] or not.
* If the current char is [choice] a fixed token whose kind and content
* is determined by [yes] is appended, otherwise a fixed token whose kind
* and content is determined by [no] is appended.
int select(int choice, PrecedenceInfo yes, PrecedenceInfo no);
* Appends a fixed token whose kind and content is determined by [info].
void appendPrecedenceToken(PrecedenceInfo info);
* Appends a token whose kind is determined by [info] and content is [value].
void appendStringToken(PrecedenceInfo info, String value);
* Appends a token whose kind is determined by [info] and content is defined
* by the SourceString [value].
void appendByteStringToken(PrecedenceInfo info, T value);
* Appends a keyword token whose kind is determined by [keyword].
void appendKeywordToken(Keyword keyword);
void appendWhiteSpace(int next);
void appendEofToken();
* Creates an ASCII SourceString whose content begins at the source byte
* offset [start] and ends at [offset] bytes from the current byte offset of
* the scanner. For example, if the current byte offset is 10,
* [:asciiString(0,-1):] creates an ASCII SourceString whose content is found
* at the [0,9[ byte interval of the source text.
T asciiString(int start, int offset);
T utf8String(int start, int offset);
Token firstToken();
Token previousToken();
void beginToken();
void addToCharOffset(int offset);
int get charOffset;
int get byteOffset;
void appendBeginGroup(PrecedenceInfo info, String value);
int appendEndGroup(PrecedenceInfo info, String value, int openKind);
void appendGt(PrecedenceInfo info, String value);
void appendGtGt(PrecedenceInfo info, String value);
void appendGtGtGt(PrecedenceInfo info, String value);
void appendComment();
* We call this method to discard '<' from the "grouping" stack
* (maintained by subclasses).
* [PartialParser.skipExpression] relies on the fact that we do not
* create groups for stuff like:
* [:a = b < c, d = e > f:].
* In other words, this method is called when the scanner recognizes
* something which cannot possibly be part of a type
* parameter/argument list.
void discardOpenLt();
// TODO(ahe): Move this class to implementation.
Token tokenize() {
int next = advance();
while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
next = bigSwitch(next);
return firstToken();
int bigSwitch(int next) {
if (identical(next, $SPACE) || identical(next, $TAB)
|| identical(next, $LF) || identical(next, $CR)) {
next = advance();
while (identical(next, $SPACE)) {
next = advance();
return next;
if ($a <= next && next <= $z) {
if (identical($r, next)) {
return tokenizeRawStringKeywordOrIdentifier(next);
return tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, true);
if (($A <= next && next <= $Z) || identical(next, $_) || identical(next, $$)) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, byteOffset, true);
if (identical(next, $LT)) {
return tokenizeLessThan(next);
if (identical(next, $GT)) {
return tokenizeGreaterThan(next);
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return tokenizeEquals(next);
if (identical(next, $BANG)) {
return tokenizeExclamation(next);
if (identical(next, $PLUS)) {
return tokenizePlus(next);
if (identical(next, $MINUS)) {
return tokenizeMinus(next);
if (identical(next, $STAR)) {
return tokenizeMultiply(next);
if (identical(next, $PERCENT)) {
return tokenizePercent(next);
if (identical(next, $AMPERSAND)) {
return tokenizeAmpersand(next);
if (identical(next, $BAR)) {
return tokenizeBar(next);
if (identical(next, $CARET)) {
return tokenizeCaret(next);
if (identical(next, $OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
return tokenizeOpenSquareBracket(next);
if (identical(next, $TILDE)) {
return tokenizeTilde(next);
if (identical(next, $BACKSLASH)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $HASH)) {
return tokenizeTag(next);
if (identical(next, $OPEN_PAREN)) {
appendBeginGroup(OPEN_PAREN_INFO, "(");
return advance();
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_PAREN)) {
return appendEndGroup(CLOSE_PAREN_INFO, ")", OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN);
if (identical(next, $COMMA)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $COLON)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $SEMICOLON)) {
// Type parameters and arguments cannot contain semicolon.
return advance();
if (identical(next, $QUESTION)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
return appendEndGroup(CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET_INFO, "]",
if (identical(next, $BACKPING)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
appendBeginGroup(OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET_INFO, "{");
return advance();
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return appendEndGroup(CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET_INFO, "}",
if (identical(next, $SLASH)) {
return tokenizeSlashOrComment(next);
if (identical(next, $AT)) {
return tokenizeAt(next);
if (identical(next, $DQ) || identical(next, $SQ)) {
return tokenizeString(next, byteOffset, false);
if (identical(next, $PERIOD)) {
return tokenizeDotsOrNumber(next);
if (identical(next, $0)) {
return tokenizeHexOrNumber(next);
// TODO(ahe): Would a range check be faster?
if (identical(next, $1) || identical(next, $2) || identical(next, $3)
|| identical(next, $4) || identical(next, $5) || identical(next, $6)
|| identical(next, $7) || identical(next, $8) || identical(next, $9)) {
return tokenizeNumber(next);
if (identical(next, $EOF)) {
return $EOF;
if (next < 0x1f) {
return error(new SourceString("unexpected character $next"));
// The following are non-ASCII characters.
if (identical(next, $NBSP)) {
return advance();
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, byteOffset, true);
int tokenizeTag(int next) {
// # or #!.*[\n\r]
if (byteOffset == 0) {
if (identical(peek(), $BANG)) {
do {
next = advance();
} while (!identical(next, $LF) && !identical(next, $CR) && !identical(next, $EOF));
return next;
return advance();
int tokenizeTilde(int next) {
// ~ ~/ ~/=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $SLASH)) {
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeOpenSquareBracket(int next) {
// [ [] []=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
Token token = previousToken();
if (token is KeywordToken && identical(token.value.stringValue, 'operator')) {
return select($EQ, INDEX_EQ_INFO, INDEX_INFO);
appendBeginGroup(OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET_INFO, "[");
return next;
int tokenizeCaret(int next) {
// ^ ^=
return select($EQ, CARET_EQ_INFO, CARET_INFO);
int tokenizeBar(int next) {
// | || |=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $BAR)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeAmpersand(int next) {
// && &= &
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $AMPERSAND)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizePercent(int next) {
// % %=
int tokenizeMultiply(int next) {
// * *=
return select($EQ, STAR_EQ_INFO, STAR_INFO);
int tokenizeMinus(int next) {
// - -- -=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $MINUS)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizePlus(int next) {
// + ++ +=
next = advance();
if (identical($PLUS, next)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeExclamation(int next) {
// ! != !==
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return select($EQ, BANG_EQ_EQ_INFO, BANG_EQ_INFO);
return next;
int tokenizeEquals(int next) {
// = == ===
// Type parameters and arguments cannot contain any token that
// starts with '='.
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return select($EQ, EQ_EQ_EQ_INFO, EQ_EQ_INFO);
} else if (identical(next, $GT)) {
return advance();
return next;
int tokenizeGreaterThan(int next) {
// > >= >> >>= >>> >>>=
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical($GT, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else {
appendGtGt(GT_GT_INFO, ">>");
return next;
} else {
appendGt(GT_INFO, ">");
return next;
int tokenizeLessThan(int next) {
// < <= << <<=
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical($LT, next)) {
return select($EQ, LT_LT_EQ_INFO, LT_LT_INFO);
} else {
appendBeginGroup(LT_INFO, "<");
return next;
int tokenizeNumber(int next) {
int start = byteOffset;
while (true) {
next = advance();
if ($0 <= next && next <= $9) {
} else if (identical(next, $PERIOD)) {
return tokenizeFractionPart(advance(), start);
} else if (identical(next, $e) || identical(next, $E)
|| identical(next, $d) || identical(next, $D)) {
return tokenizeFractionPart(next, start);
} else {
appendByteStringToken(INT_INFO, asciiString(start, 0));
return next;
int tokenizeHexOrNumber(int next) {
int x = peek();
if (identical(x, $x) || identical(x, $X)) {
return tokenizeHex(x);
return tokenizeNumber(next);
int tokenizeHex(int next) {
int start = byteOffset - 1;
bool hasDigits = false;
while (true) {
next = advance();
if (($0 <= next && next <= $9)
|| ($A <= next && next <= $F)
|| ($a <= next && next <= $f)) {
hasDigits = true;
} else {
if (!hasDigits) {
return error(const SourceString("hex digit expected"));
appendByteStringToken(HEXADECIMAL_INFO, asciiString(start, 0));
return next;
int tokenizeDotsOrNumber(int next) {
int start = byteOffset;
next = advance();
if (($0 <= next && next <= $9)) {
return tokenizeFractionPart(next, start);
} else if (identical($PERIOD, next)) {
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeFractionPart(int next, int start) {
bool done = false;
bool hasDigit = false;
LOOP: while (!done) {
if ($0 <= next && next <= $9) {
hasDigit = true;
} else if (identical($e, next) || identical($E, next)) {
hasDigit = true;
next = tokenizeExponent(advance());
done = true;
continue LOOP;
} else {
done = true;
continue LOOP;
next = advance();
if (!hasDigit) {
appendByteStringToken(INT_INFO, asciiString(start, -1));
if (identical($PERIOD, next)) {
// TODO(ahe): Wrong offset for the period.
return bigSwitch(next);
if (identical(next, $d) || identical(next, $D)) {
next = advance();
appendByteStringToken(DOUBLE_INFO, asciiString(start, 0));
return next;
int tokenizeExponent(int next) {
if (identical(next, $PLUS) || identical(next, $MINUS)) {
next = advance();
bool hasDigits = false;
while (true) {
if ($0 <= next && next <= $9) {
hasDigits = true;
} else {
if (!hasDigits) {
return error(const SourceString("digit expected"));
return next;
next = advance();
int tokenizeSlashOrComment(int next) {
next = advance();
if (identical($STAR, next)) {
return tokenizeMultiLineComment(next);
} else if (identical($SLASH, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineComment(next);
} else if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeSingleLineComment(int next) {
while (true) {
next = advance();
if (identical($LF, next) || identical($CR, next) || identical($EOF, next)) {
return next;
int tokenizeMultiLineComment(int next) {
int nesting = 1;
next = advance();
while (true) {
if (identical($EOF, next)) {
// TODO(ahe): Report error.
return next;
} else if (identical($STAR, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical($SLASH, next)) {
if (0 == nesting) {
next = advance();
return next;
} else {
next = advance();
} else if (identical($SLASH, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical($STAR, next)) {
next = advance();
} else {
next = advance();
int tokenizeRawStringKeywordOrIdentifier(int next) {
int nextnext = peek();
if (identical(nextnext, $DQ) || identical(nextnext, $SQ)) {
int start = byteOffset;
next = advance();
return tokenizeString(next, start, true);
return tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, true);
int tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(int next, bool allowDollar) {
KeywordState state = KeywordState.KEYWORD_STATE;
int start = byteOffset;
while (state != null && $a <= next && next <= $z) {
state =;
next = advance();
if (state == null || state.keyword == null) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
if (($A <= next && next <= $Z) ||
($0 <= next && next <= $9) ||
identical(next, $_) ||
identical(next, $$)) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
} else if (next < 128) {
return next;
} else {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
int tokenizeIdentifier(int next, int start, bool allowDollar) {
bool isAscii = true;
while (true) {
if (($a <= next && next <= $z) ||
($A <= next && next <= $Z) ||
($0 <= next && next <= $9) ||
identical(next, $_) ||
(identical(next, $$) && allowDollar)) {
next = advance();
} else if ((next < 128) || (identical(next, $NBSP))) {
// Identifier ends here.
if (start == byteOffset) {
return error(const SourceString("expected identifier"));
} else if (isAscii) {
appendByteStringToken(IDENTIFIER_INFO, asciiString(start, 0));
} else {
appendByteStringToken(BAD_INPUT_INFO, utf8String(start, -1));
return next;
} else {
int nonAsciiStart = byteOffset;
do {
next = nextByte();
if (identical(next, $NBSP)) break;
} while (next > 127);
String string = utf8String(nonAsciiStart, -1).slowToString();
isAscii = false;
int byteLength = nonAsciiStart - byteOffset;
addToCharOffset(string.length - byteLength);
int tokenizeAt(int next) {
int start = byteOffset;
next = advance();
return next;
int tokenizeString(int next, int start, bool raw) {
int quoteChar = next;
next = advance();
if (identical(quoteChar, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(quoteChar, next)) {
// Multiline string.
return tokenizeMultiLineString(quoteChar, start, raw);
} else {
// Empty string.
appendByteStringToken(STRING_INFO, utf8String(start, -1));
return next;
if (raw) {
return tokenizeSingleLineRawString(next, quoteChar, start);
} else {
return tokenizeSingleLineString(next, quoteChar, start);
static bool isHexDigit(int character) {
if ($0 <= character && character <= $9) return true;
character |= 0x20;
return ($a <= character && character <= $f);
int tokenizeSingleLineString(int next, int quoteChar, int start) {
while (!identical(next, quoteChar)) {
if (identical(next, $BACKSLASH)) {
next = advance();
} else if (identical(next, $$)) {
next = tokenizeStringInterpolation(start);
start = byteOffset;
if (next <= $CR
&& (identical(next, $LF) || identical(next, $CR) || identical(next, $EOF))) {
return error(const SourceString("unterminated string literal"));
next = advance();
appendByteStringToken(STRING_INFO, utf8String(start, 0));
return advance();
int tokenizeStringInterpolation(int start) {
appendByteStringToken(STRING_INFO, utf8String(start, -1));
beginToken(); // $ starts here.
int next = advance();
if (identical(next, $OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return tokenizeInterpolatedExpression(next, start);
} else {
return tokenizeInterpolatedIdentifier(next, start);
int tokenizeInterpolatedExpression(int next, int start) {
appendBeginGroup(STRING_INTERPOLATION_INFO, "\${");
beginToken(); // The expression starts here.
next = advance();
while (!identical(next, $EOF) && !identical(next, $STX)) {
next = bigSwitch(next);
if (identical(next, $EOF)) return next;
next = advance();
beginToken(); // The string interpolation suffix starts here.
return next;
int tokenizeInterpolatedIdentifier(int next, int start) {
beginToken(); // The identifier starts here.
next = tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, false);
beginToken(); // The string interpolation suffix starts here.
return next;
int tokenizeSingleLineRawString(int next, int quoteChar, int start) {
next = advance();
while (next != $EOF) {
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
appendByteStringToken(STRING_INFO, utf8String(start, 0));
return advance();
} else if (identical(next, $LF) || identical(next, $CR)) {
return error(const SourceString("unterminated string literal"));
next = advance();
return error(const SourceString("unterminated string literal"));
int tokenizeMultiLineRawString(int quoteChar, int start) {
int next = advance();
outer: while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
while (!identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EOF)) break outer;
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
appendByteStringToken(STRING_INFO, utf8String(start, 0));
return advance();
return error(const SourceString("unterminated string literal"));
int tokenizeMultiLineString(int quoteChar, int start, bool raw) {
if (raw) return tokenizeMultiLineRawString(quoteChar, start);
int next = advance();
while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
if (identical(next, $$)) {
next = tokenizeStringInterpolation(start);
start = byteOffset;
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
appendByteStringToken(STRING_INFO, utf8String(start, 0));
return advance();
if (identical(next, $BACKSLASH)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EOF)) break;
next = advance();
return error(const SourceString("unterminated string literal"));
int error(SourceString message) {
appendByteStringToken(BAD_INPUT_INFO, message);
return advance(); // Ensure progress.