blob: 0d5b23273d5ec3a1c73167ca82bdc635ed438dbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library native;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'dart:uri';
import 'dart2jslib.dart' hide SourceString;
import 'dart_types.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart';
import 'js_backend/js_backend.dart';
import 'resolution/resolution.dart' show ResolverVisitor;
import 'scanner/scannerlib.dart';
import 'ssa/ssa.dart';
import 'tree/tree.dart';
import 'util/util.dart';
/// This class is a temporary work-around until we get a more powerful DartType.
class SpecialType {
final String name;
const SpecialType._(;
/// The type Object, but no subtypes:
static const JsObject = const SpecialType._('=Object');
/// The specific implementation of List that is JavaScript Array:
static const JsArray = const SpecialType._('=List');
* This could be an abstract class but we use it as a stub for the dart_backend.
class NativeEnqueuer {
/// Initial entry point to native enqueuer.
void processNativeClasses(Iterable<LibraryElement> libraries) {}
/// Notification of a main Enqueuer worklist element. For methods, adds
/// information from metadata attributes, and computes types instantiated due
/// to calling the method.
void registerElement(Element element) {}
/// Notification of native field. Adds information from metadata attributes.
void handleFieldAnnotations(Element field) {}
/// Computes types instantiated due to getting a native field.
void registerFieldLoad(Element field) {}
/// Computes types instantiated due to setting a native field.
void registerFieldStore(Element field) {}
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorOf(Send node) => null;
* Handles JS-calls, which can be an instantiation point for types.
* For example, the following code instantiates and returns native classes
* that are `_DOMWindowImpl` or a subtype.
* JS('_DOMWindowImpl', 'window')
// TODO(sra): The entry from codegen will not have a resolver.
void registerJsCall(Send node, ResolverVisitor resolver) {}
/// Emits a summary information using the [log] function.
void logSummary(log(message)) {}
abstract class NativeEnqueuerBase implements NativeEnqueuer {
* The set of all native classes. Each native class is in [nativeClasses] and
* exactly one of [unusedClasses], [pendingClasses] and [registeredClasses].
final Set<ClassElement> nativeClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
final Set<ClassElement> registeredClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
final Set<ClassElement> pendingClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
final Set<ClassElement> unusedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
* Records matched constraints ([SpecialType] or [DartType]). Once a type
* constraint has been matched, there is no need to match it again.
final Set matchedTypeConstraints = new Set();
/// Pending actions. Classes in [pendingClasses] have action thunks in
/// [queue] to register the class.
final queue = new Queue();
bool flushing = false;
/// Maps JS foreign calls to their computed native behavior.
final Map<Node, NativeBehavior> nativeBehaviors =
new Map<Node, NativeBehavior>();
final Enqueuer world;
final Compiler compiler;
final bool enableLiveTypeAnalysis;
ClassElement _annotationCreatesClass;
ClassElement _annotationReturnsClass;
ClassElement _annotationJsNameClass;
/// Subclasses of [NativeEnqueuerBase] are constructed by the backend.
NativeEnqueuerBase(, this.compiler, this.enableLiveTypeAnalysis);
void processNativeClasses(Iterable<LibraryElement> libraries) {
if (!enableLiveTypeAnalysis) {
nativeClasses.forEach((c) => enqueueClass(c, 'forced'));
void processNativeClassesInLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
// Use implementation to ensure the inclusion of injected members.
library.implementation.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.isClass() && element.isNative()) {
void processNativeClass(ClassElement classElement) {
// Resolve class to ensure the class has valid inheritance info.
ClassElement get annotationCreatesClass {
return _annotationCreatesClass;
ClassElement get annotationReturnsClass {
return _annotationReturnsClass;
ClassElement get annotationJsNameClass {
return _annotationJsNameClass;
void findAnnotationClasses() {
if (_annotationCreatesClass != null) return;
ClassElement find(name) {
Element e = compiler.findHelper(name);
if (e == null || e is! ClassElement) {
compiler.cancel("Could not find implementation class '${name}'");
return e;
_annotationCreatesClass = find(const SourceString('Creates'));
_annotationReturnsClass = find(const SourceString('Returns'));
_annotationJsNameClass = find(const SourceString('JSName'));
/// Returns the JSName annotation string or `null` if no JSName annotation is
/// present.
String findJsNameFromAnnotation(Element element) {
String name = null;
ClassElement annotationClass = annotationJsNameClass;
for (Link<MetadataAnnotation> link = element.metadata;
link = link.tail) {
MetadataAnnotation annotation = link.head.ensureResolved(compiler);
var value = annotation.value;
if (value is! ConstructedConstant) continue;
if (value.type is! InterfaceType) continue;
if (!identical(value.type.element, annotationClass)) continue;
var fields = value.fields;
// TODO(sra): Better validation of the constant.
if (fields.length != 1 || fields[0] is! StringConstant) {
PartialMetadataAnnotation partial = annotation;
'Annotations needs one string: ${partial.parseNode(compiler)}');
String specString = fields[0].toDartString().slowToString();
if (name == null) {
name = specString;
} else {
PartialMetadataAnnotation partial = annotation;
'Too many JSName annotations: ${partial.parseNode(compiler)}');
return name;
enqueueClass(ClassElement classElement, cause) {
queue.add(() { processClass(classElement, cause); });
void flushQueue() {
if (flushing) return;
flushing = true;
while (!queue.isEmpty) {
flushing = false;
processClass(ClassElement classElement, cause) {
bool firstTime = registeredClasses.isEmpty;
// Also parse the node to know all its methods because otherwise it will
// only be parsed if there is a call to one of its constructors.
if (firstTime) {
registerElement(Element element) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
if (element.isFunction() || element.isGetter() || element.isSetter()) {
if (element.isNative()) {
} else if (element.isField()) {
if (element.isNative()) {
handleFieldAnnotations(Element element) {
if (element.enclosingElement.isNative()) {
// Exclude non-instance (static) fields - they not really native and are
// compiled as isolate globals. Access of a property of a constructor
// function or a non-method property in the prototype chain, must be coded
// using a JS-call.
if (element.isInstanceMember()) {
handleMethodAnnotations(Element method) {
if (isNativeMethod(method)) {
/// Sets the native name of [element], either from an annotation, or
/// defaulting to the Dart name.
void setNativeName(Element element) {
String name = findJsNameFromAnnotation(element);
if (name == null) name =;
bool isNativeMethod(Element element) {
if (!element.getLibrary().canUseNative) return false;
// Native method?
return compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
if (node is! FunctionExpression) return false;
node = node.body;
Token token = node.getBeginToken();
if (identical(token.stringValue, 'native')) return true;
return false;
void registerMethodUsed(Element method) {
NativeBehavior.ofMethod(method, compiler),
void registerFieldLoad(Element field) {
NativeBehavior.ofFieldLoad(field, compiler),
void registerFieldStore(Element field) {
NativeBehavior.ofFieldStore(field, compiler),
void registerJsCall(Send node, ResolverVisitor resolver) {
NativeBehavior behavior = NativeBehavior.ofJsCall(node, compiler, resolver);
processNativeBehavior(behavior, node);
nativeBehaviors[node] = behavior;
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorOf(Send node) => nativeBehaviors[node];
processNativeBehavior(NativeBehavior behavior, cause) {
bool allUsedBefore = unusedClasses.isEmpty;
for (var type in behavior.typesInstantiated) {
if (matchedTypeConstraints.contains(type)) continue;
if (type is SpecialType) {
if (type == SpecialType.JsArray) {
} else if (type == SpecialType.JsObject) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type.element == compiler.intClass) {
} else if (type.element == compiler.doubleClass) {
} else if (type.element == compiler.numClass) {
} else if (type.element == compiler.stringClass) {
} else if (type.element == compiler.nullClass) {
} else if (type.element == compiler.boolClass) {
assert(type is DartType);
(nativeClass) => compiler.types.isSubtype(nativeClass.thisType, type),
// Give an info so that library developers can compile with -v to find why
// all the native classes are included.
if (unusedClasses.isEmpty && !allUsedBefore) {
compiler.log('All native types marked as used due to $cause.');
enqueueUnusedClassesMatching(bool predicate(classElement),
[String reason]) {
Iterable matches = unusedClasses.where(predicate);
matches.toList().forEach((c) => enqueueClass(c, cause));
onFirstNativeClass() {
staticUse(name) => world.registerStaticUse(compiler.findHelper(name));
staticUse(const SourceString('dynamicFunction'));
staticUse(const SourceString('dynamicSetMetadata'));
staticUse(const SourceString('defineProperty'));
staticUse(const SourceString('toStringForNativeObject'));
staticUse(const SourceString('hashCodeForNativeObject'));
staticUse(const SourceString('convertDartClosureToJS'));
addNativeExceptions() {
enqueueUnusedClassesMatching((classElement) {
// TODO(sra): Annotate exception classes in dart:html.
String name =;
if (name.contains('Exception')) return true;
if (name.contains('Error')) return true;
return false;
'native exception');
class NativeResolutionEnqueuer extends NativeEnqueuerBase {
NativeResolutionEnqueuer(Enqueuer world, Compiler compiler)
: super(world, compiler, compiler.enableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis);
void logSummary(log(message)) {
log('Resolved ${registeredClasses.length} native elements used, '
'${unusedClasses.length} native elements dead.');
class NativeCodegenEnqueuer extends NativeEnqueuerBase {
final CodeEmitterTask emitter;
final Set<ClassElement> doneAddSubtypes = new Set<ClassElement>();
NativeCodegenEnqueuer(Enqueuer world, Compiler compiler, this.emitter)
: super(world, compiler, compiler.enableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis);
void processNativeClasses(Iterable<LibraryElement> libraries) {
// HACK HACK - add all the resolved classes.
NativeEnqueuerBase enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.resolution.nativeEnqueuer;
for (final classElement in enqueuer.registeredClasses) {
if (unusedClasses.contains(classElement)) {
enqueueClass(classElement, 'was resolved');
processClass(ClassElement classElement, cause) {
super.processClass(classElement, cause);
// Add the information that this class is a subtype of its supertypes. The
// code emitter and the ssa builder use that information.
addSubtypes(classElement, emitter.nativeEmitter);
void addSubtypes(ClassElement cls, NativeEmitter emitter) {
if (!cls.isNative()) return;
if (doneAddSubtypes.contains(cls)) return;
// Walk the superclass chain since classes on the superclass chain might not
// be instantiated (abstract or simply unused).
addSubtypes(cls.superclass, emitter);
for (DartType type in cls.allSupertypes) {
List<Element> subtypes = emitter.subtypes.putIfAbsent(
() => <ClassElement>[]);
// Skip through all the mixin applications in the super class
// chain. That way, the direct subtypes set only contain the
// natives classes.
ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass;
while (superclass != null && superclass.isMixinApplication) {
superclass = superclass.superclass;
List<Element> directSubtypes = emitter.directSubtypes.putIfAbsent(
() => <ClassElement>[]);
void logSummary(log(message)) {
log('Compiled ${registeredClasses.length} native classes, '
'${unusedClasses.length} native classes omitted.');
void maybeEnableNative(Compiler compiler,
LibraryElement library) {
String libraryName = library.canonicalUri.toString();
if (
|| libraryName == 'dart:async'
|| libraryName == 'dart:html'
|| libraryName == 'dart:html_common'
|| libraryName == 'dart:indexed_db'
|| libraryName == 'dart:svg'
|| libraryName == 'dart:web_audio'
|| libraryName == 'dart:web_sql') {
library.canUseNative = true;
* A summary of the behavior of a native element.
* Native code can return values of one type and cause native subtypes of
* another type to be instantiated. By default, we compute both from the
* declared type.
* A field might yield any native type that 'is' the field type.
* A method might create and return instances of native subclasses of its
* declared return type, and a callback argument may be called with instances of
* the callback parameter type (e.g. Event).
* If there is one or more @Creates annotations, the union of the named types
* replaces the inferred instantiated type, and the return type is ignored for
* the purpose of inferring instantiated types.
* @Creates(IDBCursor) // Created asynchronously.
* @Creates(IDBRequest) // Created synchronously (for return value).
* IDBRequest request = objectStore.openCursor();
* If there is one or more @Returns annotations, the union of the named types
* replaces the declared return type.
* @Returns(IDBRequest)
* IDBRequest request = objectStore.openCursor();
class NativeBehavior {
/// [DartType]s or [SpecialType]s returned or yielded by the native element.
final List typesReturned = [];
/// [DartType]s or [SpecialType]s instantiated by the native element.
final List typesInstantiated = [];
static final NativeBehavior NONE = new NativeBehavior();
static NativeBehavior ofJsCall(Send jsCall, Compiler compiler, resolver) {
// The first argument of a JS-call is a string encoding various attributes
// of the code.
// 'Type1|Type2'. A union type.
// '=Object'. A JavaScript Object, no subtype.
// '=List'. A JavaScript Array, no subtype.
var argNodes = jsCall.arguments;
if (argNodes.isEmpty) {
compiler.cancel("JS expression has no type", node: jsCall);
var firstArg = argNodes.head;
LiteralString specLiteral = firstArg.asLiteralString();
if (specLiteral != null) {
String specString = specLiteral.dartString.slowToString();
// Various things that are not in fact types.
if (specString == 'void') return NativeBehavior.NONE;
if (specString == '' || specString == 'var') {
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
return behavior;
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
for (final typeString in specString.split('|')) {
var type = _parseType(typeString, compiler,
(name) => resolver.resolveTypeFromString(name),
return behavior;
// TODO(sra): We could accept a type identifier? e.g. JS(bool, '1<2'). It
// is not very satisfactory because it does not work for void, dynamic.
compiler.cancel("Unexpected JS first argument", node: firstArg);
static NativeBehavior ofMethod(FunctionElement method, Compiler compiler) {
FunctionType type = method.computeType(compiler);
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
behavior._capture(type, compiler);
// TODO(sra): Optional arguments are currently missing from the
// DartType. This should be fixed so the following work-around can be
// removed.
(Element parameter) {
behavior._escape(parameter.computeType(compiler), compiler);
behavior._overrideWithAnnotations(method, compiler);
return behavior;
static NativeBehavior ofFieldLoad(Element field, Compiler compiler) {
DartType type = field.computeType(compiler);
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
behavior._capture(type, compiler);
behavior._overrideWithAnnotations(field, compiler);
return behavior;
static NativeBehavior ofFieldStore(Element field, Compiler compiler) {
DartType type = field.computeType(compiler);
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
behavior._escape(type, compiler);
// We don't override the default behaviour - the annotations apply to
// loading the field.
return behavior;
void _overrideWithAnnotations(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
if (element.metadata.isEmpty) return;
DartType lookup(String name) {
Element e = element.buildScope().lookup(new SourceString(name));
if (e == null) return null;
if (e is! ClassElement) return null;
return e.computeType(compiler);
NativeEnqueuerBase enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.resolution.nativeEnqueuer;
var creates = _collect(element, compiler, enqueuer.annotationCreatesClass,
var returns = _collect(element, compiler, enqueuer.annotationReturnsClass,
if (creates != null) {
if (returns != null) {
* Returns a list of type constraints from the annotations of
* [annotationClass].
* Returns `null` if no constraints.
static _collect(Element element, Compiler compiler, Element annotationClass,
lookup(str)) {
var types = null;
for (Link<MetadataAnnotation> link = element.metadata;
link = link.tail) {
MetadataAnnotation annotation = link.head.ensureResolved(compiler);
var value = annotation.value;
if (value is! ConstructedConstant) continue;
if (value.type is! InterfaceType) continue;
if (!identical(value.type.element, annotationClass)) continue;
var fields = value.fields;
// TODO(sra): Better validation of the constant.
if (fields.length != 1 || fields[0] is! StringConstant) {
PartialMetadataAnnotation partial = annotation;
'Annotations needs one string: ${partial.parseNode(compiler)}');
String specString = fields[0].toDartString().slowToString();
for (final typeString in specString.split('|')) {
var type = _parseType(typeString, compiler, lookup, annotation);
if (types == null) types = [];
return types;
/// Models the behavior of having intances of [type] escape from Dart code
/// into native code.
void _escape(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
type = type.unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
// A function might be called from native code, passing us novel
// parameters.
_escape(type.returnType, compiler);
for (Link<DartType> parameters = type.parameterTypes;
parameters = parameters.tail) {
_capture(parameters.head, compiler);
/// Models the behavior of Dart code receiving instances and methods of [type]
/// from native code. We usually start the analysis by capturing a native
/// method that has been used.
void _capture(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
type = type.unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
_capture(type.returnType, compiler);
for (Link<DartType> parameters = type.parameterTypes;
parameters = parameters.tail) {
_escape(parameters.head, compiler);
} else {
static _parseType(String typeString, Compiler compiler,
lookup(name), locationNodeOrElement) {
if (typeString == '=Object') return SpecialType.JsObject;
if (typeString == '=List') return SpecialType.JsArray;
if (typeString == 'dynamic') {
return compiler.dynamicClass.computeType(compiler);
DartType type = lookup(typeString);
if (type != null) return type;
int index = typeString.indexOf('<');
if (index < 1) {
compiler.cancel("Type '$typeString' not found",
node: _errorNode(locationNodeOrElement, compiler));
type = lookup(typeString.substring(0, index));
if (type != null) {
// TODO(sra): Parse type parameters.
return type;
compiler.cancel("Type '$typeString' not found",
node: _errorNode(locationNodeOrElement, compiler));
static _errorNode(locationNodeOrElement, compiler) {
if (locationNodeOrElement is Node) return locationNodeOrElement;
return locationNodeOrElement.parseNode(compiler);
void checkAllowedLibrary(ElementListener listener, Token token) {
LibraryElement currentLibrary = listener.compilationUnitElement.getLibrary();
if (!currentLibrary.canUseNative) {
listener.recoverableError("Unexpected token", token: token);
Token handleNativeBlockToSkip(Listener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
token =;
if (identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN)) {
token =;
if (identical(token.stringValue, '{')) {
BeginGroupToken beginGroupToken = token;
token = beginGroupToken.endGroup;
return token;
Token handleNativeClassBodyToSkip(Listener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
token =;
if (!identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN)) {
return listener.unexpected(token);
token =;
if (!identical(token.stringValue, '{')) {
return listener.unexpected(token);
BeginGroupToken beginGroupToken = token;
token = beginGroupToken.endGroup;
return token;
Token handleNativeClassBody(Listener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
token =;
if (!identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN)) {
} else {
token =;
return token;
Token handleNativeFunctionBody(ElementListener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
Token begin = token;
token =;
bool hasExpression = false;
if (identical(token.kind, STRING_TOKEN)) {
hasExpression = true;
token =;
listener.endReturnStatement(hasExpression, begin, token);
// TODO(ngeoffray): expect a ';'.
// Currently there are method with both native marker and Dart body.
SourceString checkForNativeClass(ElementListener listener) {
SourceString nativeTagInfo;
Node node = listener.nodes.head;
if (node != null
&& node.asIdentifier() != null
&& node.asIdentifier().source.stringValue == 'native') {
nativeTagInfo = node.asIdentifier();
return nativeTagInfo;
bool isOverriddenMethod(FunctionElement element,
ClassElement cls,
NativeEmitter nativeEmitter) {
List<ClassElement> subtypes = nativeEmitter.subtypes[cls];
if (subtypes == null) return false;
for (ClassElement subtype in subtypes) {
if (subtype.lookupLocalMember( != null) return true;
return false;
final RegExp nativeRedirectionRegExp = new RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*$');
void handleSsaNative(SsaBuilder builder, Expression nativeBody) {
Compiler compiler = builder.compiler;
FunctionElement element =;
NativeEmitter nativeEmitter = builder.emitter.nativeEmitter;
HInstruction convertDartClosure(Element parameter, FunctionType type) {
HInstruction local = builder.localsHandler.readLocal(parameter);
Constant arityConstant =
HInstruction arity = builder.graph.addConstant(arityConstant);
// TODO(ngeoffray): For static methods, we could pass a method with a
// defined arity.
Element helper = builder.backend.getClosureConverter();
builder.pushInvokeHelper2(helper, local, arity, HType.UNKNOWN);
HInstruction closure = builder.pop();
return closure;
// Check which pattern this native method follows:
// 1) foo() native;
// hasBody = false
// 2) foo() native "bar";
// No longer supported, this is now done with @JSName('foo') and case 1.
// 3) foo() native "return 42";
// hasBody = true
bool hasBody = false;
String nativeMethodName = element.fixedBackendName();
if (nativeBody != null) {
LiteralString jsCode = nativeBody.asLiteralString();
String str = jsCode.dartString.slowToString();
if (nativeRedirectionRegExp.hasMatch(str)) {
compiler.cancel("Deprecated syntax, use @JSName('name') instead.",
node: nativeBody);
hasBody = true;
if (!hasBody) {
FunctionSignature parameters = element.computeSignature(builder.compiler);
if (!hasBody) {
List<String> arguments = <String>[];
List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[];
String receiver = '';
if (element.isInstanceMember()) {
receiver = '#.';
parameters.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
DartType type = parameter.computeType(compiler).unalias(compiler);
HInstruction input = builder.localsHandler.readLocal(parameter);
if (type is FunctionType) {
// The parameter type is a function type either directly or through
// typedef(s).
input = convertDartClosure(parameter, type);
String foreignParameters = arguments.join(',');
String nativeMethodCall;
if (element.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) {
nativeMethodCall = '$receiver$nativeMethodName($foreignParameters)';
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
nativeMethodCall = '$receiver$nativeMethodName';
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
nativeMethodCall = '$receiver$nativeMethodName = $foreignParameters';
} else {
builder.compiler.internalError('unexpected kind: "${element.kind}"',
element: element);
DartString jsCode = new DartString.literal(nativeMethodCall);
builder.push(new HForeign(jsCode, HType.UNKNOWN, inputs));
builder.close(new HReturn(builder.pop())).addSuccessor(builder.graph.exit);
} else {
if (parameters.parameterCount != 0) {
'native "..." syntax is restricted to functions with zero parameters',
node: nativeBody);
LiteralString jsCode = nativeBody.asLiteralString();
builder.push(new HForeign.statement(jsCode.dartString, <HInstruction>[]));