blob: 0a5119b4a4c064e09e12899da65bf611ec8f704d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The class 'AssemblerMacros' contains assembler instruction groups that
// are used in Dart.
#error Do not include assembler_macros_arm.h directly; use assembler_macros.h.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/constants_arm.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Assembler;
class Class;
class Label;
class AssemblerMacros : public AllStatic {
// Inlined allocation of an instance of class 'cls', code has no runtime
// calls. Jump to 'failure' if the instance cannot be allocated here.
// Allocated instance is returned in 'instance_reg'.
// Only the tags field of the object is initialized.
static void TryAllocate(Assembler* assembler,
const Class& cls,
Label* failure,
bool near_jump,
Register instance_reg);
// Set up a dart frame on entry with a frame pointer and PC information to
// enable easy access to the RawInstruction object of code corresponding
// to this frame.
static void EnterDartFrame(Assembler* assembler, intptr_t frame_size);
static void LeaveDartFrame(Assembler* assembler);
// Set up a stub frame so that the stack traversal code can easily identify
// a stub frame.
static void EnterStubFrame(Assembler* assembler);
static void LeaveStubFrame(Assembler* assembler);
// Instruction pattern from entrypoint is used in dart frame prologs
// to set up the frame and save a PC which can be used to figure out the
// RawInstruction object corresponding to the code running in the frame.
static const intptr_t kOffsetOfSavedPCfromEntrypoint = Instr::kPCReadOffset;
} // namespace dart.