blob: 3f53feb7740210b7348068ea0c8051cdda6ebfa7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _InvocationMirror implements InvocationMirror {
// Constants describing the invocation type.
// _FIELD cannot be generated by regular invocation mirrors.
static const int _METHOD = 0;
static const int _GETTER = 1;
static const int _SETTER = 2;
static const int _FIELD = 3;
static const int _TYPE_SHIFT = 0;
static const int _TYPE_BITS = 2;
static const int _TYPE_MASK = (1 << _TYPE_BITS) - 1;
// These values, except _DYNAMIC, are only used when throwing
// NoSuchMethodError for compile-time resolution failures.
static const int _DYNAMIC = 0;
static const int _STATIC = 1;
static const int _CONSTRUCTOR = 2;
static const int _TOP_LEVEL = 3;
static const int _CALL_SHIFT = _TYPE_BITS;
static const int _CALL_BITS = 2;
static const int _CALL_MASK = (1 << _CALL_BITS) - 1;
// Internal representation of the invocation mirror.
final String _functionName;
final List _argumentsDescriptor;
final List _arguments;
// External representation of the invocation mirror; populated on demand.
String _memberName;
int _type;
List _positionalArguments;
Map<String, dynamic> _namedArguments;
void _setMemberNameAndType() {
if (_functionName.startsWith("get:")) {
_type = _GETTER;
_memberName = _functionName.substring(4);
} else if (_functionName.startsWith("set:")) {
_type = _SETTER;
_memberName = _functionName.substring(4).concat("=");
} else {
_type = _METHOD;
_memberName = _functionName;
String get memberName {
if (_memberName == null) {
return _memberName;
List get positionalArguments {
if (_positionalArguments == null) {
// Exclude receiver.
int numPositionalArguments = _argumentsDescriptor[1] - 1;
_positionalArguments = _arguments.getRange(1, numPositionalArguments);
return _positionalArguments;
Map<String, dynamic> get namedArguments {
if (_namedArguments == null) {
_namedArguments = new Map<String, dynamic>();
int numArguments = _argumentsDescriptor[0] - 1; // Exclude receiver.
int numPositionalArguments = _argumentsDescriptor[1] - 1;
int numNamedArguments = numArguments - numPositionalArguments;
for (int i = 0; i < numNamedArguments; i++) {
String arg_name = _argumentsDescriptor[2 + 2*i];
var arg_value = _arguments[_argumentsDescriptor[3 + 2*i]];
_namedArguments[arg_name] = arg_value;
return _namedArguments;
bool get isMethod {
if (_type == null) {
return _type == _METHOD;
bool get isAccessor {
if (_type == null) {
return _type != _METHOD;
bool get isGetter {
if (_type == null) {
return _type == _GETTER;
bool get isSetter {
if (_type == null) {
return _type == _SETTER;
static _allocateInvocationMirror(String functionName,
List argumentsDescriptor,
List arguments) {
return new _InvocationMirror(functionName, argumentsDescriptor, arguments);
static _invoke(Object receiver,
String functionName,
List argumentsDescriptor,
List arguments)
native "InvocationMirror_invoke";
invokeOn(Object receiver) {
return _invoke(receiver, _functionName, _argumentsDescriptor, _arguments);