blob: b11f7a6dca180aedca1149189b4c381c894b2a5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library unittestTests;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'dart:async';
part 'test_utils.dart';
doesNotThrow() {}
doesThrow() { throw 'X'; }
class PrefixMatcher extends BaseMatcher {
final String _prefix;
const PrefixMatcher(this._prefix);
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) {
return item is String &&
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('a string starting with ').
add(' ignoring whitespace');
class Widget {
int price;
class HasPrice extends CustomMatcher {
const HasPrice(matcher) :
super("Widget with a price that is", "price", matcher);
featureValueOf(actual) => actual.price;
class SimpleIterable extends Iterable {
int count;
bool contains(int val) => count < val ? false : true;
bool any(bool f(element)) {
for(var i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
if(f(i)) return true;
return false;
String toString() => "<[$count]>";
Iterator get iterator {
return new SimpleIterator(count);
class SimpleIterator implements Iterator {
int _count;
int _current;
bool moveNext() {
if (_count > 0) {
_current = _count;
return true;
_current = null;
return false;
get current => _current;
void main() {
// Core matchers
group('Core matchers', () {
test('isTrue', () {
shouldPass(true, isTrue);
shouldFail(false, isTrue, "Expected: true but: was <false>.");
test('isFalse', () {
shouldPass(false, isFalse);
shouldFail(10, isFalse, "Expected: false but: was <10>.");
shouldFail(true, isFalse, "Expected: false but: was <true>.");
test('isNull', () {
shouldPass(null, isNull);
shouldFail(false, isNull, "Expected: null but: was <false>.");
test('isNotNull', () {
shouldPass(false, isNotNull);
shouldFail(null, isNotNull, "Expected: not null but: was <null>.");
test('same', () {
var a = new Map();
var b = new Map();
shouldPass(a, same(a));
shouldFail(b, same(a), "Expected: same instance as <{}> but: was <{}>.");
test('equals', () {
var a = new Map();
var b = new Map();
shouldPass(a, equals(a));
shouldPass(a, equals(b));
test('anything', () {
var a = new Map();
shouldPass(0, anything);
shouldPass(null, anything);
shouldPass(a, anything);
shouldFail(a, isNot(anything), "Expected: not anything but: was <{}>.");
test('throws', () {
shouldFail(doesNotThrow, throws,
"Expected: throws an exception but: no exception.");
shouldPass(doesThrow, throws);
shouldFail(true, throws,
"Expected: throws an exception but: not a Function or Future.");
test('throwsA', () {
shouldPass(doesThrow, throwsA(equals('X')));
shouldFail(doesThrow, throwsA(equals('Y')),
"Expected: throws an exception which matches 'Y' "
"but: exception 'X' does not match 'Y'.");
test('throwsFormatException', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new FormatException(''); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches FormatException "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match FormatException.");
test('throwsArgumentError', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new ArgumentError(''); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches ArgumentError "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match "
test('throwsRangeError', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new RangeError(0); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches RangeError "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match RangeError.");
test('throwsNoSuchMethodError', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new NoSuchMethodError(null, '', null, null); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches NoSuchMethodError "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match "
test('throwsUnimplementedError', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new UnimplementedError(''); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches UnimplementedError "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match "
test('throwsUnsupportedError', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new UnsupportedError(''); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches UnsupportedError "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match "
test('throwsStateError', () {
shouldPass(() { throw new StateError(''); },
shouldFail(() { throw new Exception(); },
"Expected: throws an exception which matches StateError "
"but: exception <Exception> does not match "
test('returnsNormally', () {
shouldPass(doesNotThrow, returnsNormally);
shouldFail(doesThrow, returnsNormally,
"Expected: return normally but: threw 'X'.");
test('hasLength', () {
var a = new Map();
var b = new List();
shouldPass(a, hasLength(0));
shouldPass(b, hasLength(0));
shouldPass('a', hasLength(1));
shouldFail(0, hasLength(0), new PrefixMatcher(
"Expected: an object with length of <0> "
"but: was <0> has no length property."));
shouldPass(b, hasLength(1));
shouldFail(b, hasLength(2),
"Expected: an object with length of <2> "
"but: was <[0]> with length of <1>.");
shouldFail(b, hasLength(1),
"Expected: an object with length of <1> "
"but: was <[0, 0]> with length of <2>.");
shouldPass(b, hasLength(2));
test('type mismatch', () {
var a = new DateTime.utc(2000);
var b = a.toString();
// We should get something like:
// Expected: '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000Z'
// but: expected String:'2000-01-01 00:00:00.000Z'
// but was DateTime:<2000-01-01 00:00:00.000Z>.
// However, if minification is applied, then the type names
// will be shortened to two letters. The key thing is that
// there will be a "but: expected" part in the middle;
// this only happens with type mismatches or mismatches
// inside container types.
shouldFail(a, equals(b),
matches(new RegExp("^Expected.*but: expected .*but was.*\$")));
group('Numeric Matchers', () {
test('greaterThan', () {
shouldPass(10, greaterThan(9));
shouldFail(9, greaterThan(10),
"Expected: a value greater than <10> but: was <9>.");
test('greaterThanOrEqualTo', () {
shouldPass(10, greaterThanOrEqualTo(10));
shouldFail(9, greaterThanOrEqualTo(10),
"Expected: a value greater than or equal to <10> but: was <9>.");
test('lessThan', () {
shouldFail(10, lessThan(9), "Expected: a value less than <9> "
"but: was <10>.");
shouldPass(9, lessThan(10));
test('lessThanOrEqualTo', () {
shouldPass(10, lessThanOrEqualTo(10));
shouldFail(11, lessThanOrEqualTo(10),
"Expected: a value less than or equal to <10> but: was <11>.");
test('isZero', () {
shouldPass(0, isZero);
shouldFail(1, isZero, "Expected: a value equal to <0> but: was <1>.");
test('isNonZero', () {
shouldFail(0, isNonZero, "Expected: a value not equal to <0> "
"but: was <0>.");
shouldPass(1, isNonZero);
test('isPositive', () {
shouldFail(-1, isPositive, "Expected: a positive value "
"but: was <-1>.");
shouldFail(0, isPositive, "Expected: a positive value "
"but: was <0>.");
shouldPass(1, isPositive);
test('isNegative', () {
shouldPass(-1, isNegative);
shouldFail(0, isNegative,
"Expected: a negative value but: was <0>.");
test('isNonPositive', () {
shouldPass(-1, isNonPositive);
shouldPass(0, isNonPositive);
shouldFail(1, isNonPositive,
"Expected: a non-positive value but: was <1>.");
test('isNonNegative', () {
shouldPass(1, isNonNegative);
shouldPass(0, isNonNegative);
shouldFail(-1, isNonNegative,
"Expected: a non-negative value but: was <-1>.");
test('closeTo', () {
shouldPass(0, closeTo(0, 1));
shouldPass(-1, closeTo(0, 1));
shouldPass(1, closeTo(0, 1));
shouldFail(1.001, closeTo(0, 1),
"Expected: a numeric value within <1> of <0> "
"but: <1.001> differed by <1.001>.");
shouldFail(-1.001, closeTo(0, 1),
"Expected: a numeric value within <1> of <0> "
"but: <-1.001> differed by <1.001>.");
test('inInclusiveRange', () {
shouldFail(-1, inInclusiveRange(0,2),
"Expected: be in range from 0 (inclusive) to 2 (inclusive) "
"but: was <-1>.");
shouldPass(0, inInclusiveRange(0,2));
shouldPass(1, inInclusiveRange(0,2));
shouldPass(2, inInclusiveRange(0,2));
shouldFail(3, inInclusiveRange(0,2),
"Expected: be in range from 0 (inclusive) to 2 (inclusive) "
"but: was <3>.");
test('inExclusiveRange', () {
shouldFail(0, inExclusiveRange(0,2),
"Expected: be in range from 0 (exclusive) to 2 (exclusive) "
"but: was <0>.");
shouldPass(1, inExclusiveRange(0,2));
shouldFail(2, inExclusiveRange(0,2),
"Expected: be in range from 0 (exclusive) to 2 (exclusive) "
"but: was <2>.");
test('inOpenClosedRange', () {
shouldFail(0, inOpenClosedRange(0,2),
"Expected: be in range from 0 (exclusive) to 2 (inclusive) "
"but: was <0>.");
shouldPass(1, inOpenClosedRange(0,2));
shouldPass(2, inOpenClosedRange(0,2));
test('inClosedOpenRange', () {
shouldPass(0, inClosedOpenRange(0,2));
shouldPass(1, inClosedOpenRange(0,2));
shouldFail(2, inClosedOpenRange(0,2),
"Expected: be in range from 0 (inclusive) to 2 (exclusive) "
"but: was <2>.");
group('String Matchers', () {
test('isEmpty', () {
shouldPass('', isEmpty);
shouldFail(null, isEmpty,
"Expected: empty but: was <null>.");
shouldFail(0, isEmpty,
"Expected: empty but: was <0>.");
shouldFail('a', isEmpty, "Expected: empty but: was 'a'.");
test('equalsIgnoringCase', () {
shouldPass('hello', equalsIgnoringCase('HELLO'));
shouldFail('hi', equalsIgnoringCase('HELLO'),
"Expected: 'HELLO' ignoring case but: was 'hi'.");
test('equalsIgnoringWhitespace', () {
shouldPass(' hello world ', equalsIgnoringWhitespace('hello world'));
shouldFail(' helloworld ', equalsIgnoringWhitespace('hello world'),
"Expected: 'hello world' ignoring whitespace but: was 'helloworld'.");
test('startsWith', () {
shouldPass('hello', startsWith(''));
shouldPass('hello', startsWith('hell'));
shouldPass('hello', startsWith('hello'));
shouldFail('hello', startsWith('hello '),
"Expected: a string starting with 'hello ' but: was 'hello'.");
test('endsWith', () {
shouldPass('hello', endsWith(''));
shouldPass('hello', endsWith('lo'));
shouldPass('hello', endsWith('hello'));
shouldFail('hello', endsWith(' hello'),
"Expected: a string ending with ' hello' but: was 'hello'.");
test('contains', () {
shouldPass('hello', contains(''));
shouldPass('hello', contains('h'));
shouldPass('hello', contains('o'));
shouldPass('hello', contains('hell'));
shouldPass('hello', contains('hello'));
shouldFail('hello', contains(' '),
"Expected: contains ' ' but: was 'hello'.");
test('stringContainsInOrder', () {
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world', stringContainsInOrder(['']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world', stringContainsInOrder(['goodbye']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world', stringContainsInOrder(['cruel']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world', stringContainsInOrder(['world']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world',
stringContainsInOrder(['good', 'bye', 'world']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world',
stringContainsInOrder(['goodbye', 'cruel']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world',
stringContainsInOrder(['cruel', 'world']));
shouldPass('goodbye cruel world',
stringContainsInOrder(['goodbye', 'cruel', 'world']));
shouldFail('goodbye cruel world',
stringContainsInOrder(['goo', 'cruel', 'bye']),
"Expected: a string containing 'goo', 'cruel', 'bye' in order "
"but: was 'goodbye cruel world'.");
test('matches', () {
shouldPass('c0d', matches('[a-z][0-9][a-z]'));
shouldPass('c0d', matches(new RegExp('[a-z][0-9][a-z]')));
shouldFail('cOd', matches('[a-z][0-9][a-z]'),
"Expected: match '[a-z][0-9][a-z]' but: was 'cOd'.");
group('Iterable Matchers', () {
test('isEmpty', () {
var d = new SimpleIterable(0);
var e = new SimpleIterable(1);
shouldPass(d, isEmpty);
shouldFail(e, isEmpty, "Expected: empty but: was <[1]>.");
test('contains', () {
var d = new SimpleIterable(3);
shouldPass(d, contains(2));
shouldFail(d, contains(5), "Expected: contains <5> but: was <[3]>.");
group('Collection Matchers', () {
test('isEmpty', () {
shouldPass([], isEmpty);
shouldFail([1], isEmpty, "Expected: empty but: was <[1]>.");
test('contains', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, contains(1));
shouldFail(d, contains(0), "Expected: contains <0> but: was <[1, 2]>.");
test('isIn', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(1, isIn(d));
shouldFail(0, isIn(d), "Expected: is in <[1, 2]> but: was <0>.");
test('everyElement', () {
var d = [1, 2];
var e = [1, 1, 1];
shouldFail(d, everyElement(1),
"Expected: every element <1> but: was <2> at position 1.");
shouldPass(e, everyElement(1));
test('someElement', () {
var d = [1, 2];
var e = [1, 1, 1];
shouldPass(d, someElement(2));
shouldFail(e, someElement(2),
"Expected: some element <2> but: was <[1, 1, 1]>.");
test('orderedEquals', () {
shouldPass([null], orderedEquals([null]));
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, orderedEquals([1, 2]));
shouldFail(d, orderedEquals([2, 1]),
"Expected: equals <[2, 1]> ordered "
"but: was <1> mismatch at position 0.");
test('unorderedEquals', () {
var d = [1, 2];
shouldPass(d, unorderedEquals([2, 1]));
shouldFail(d, unorderedEquals([1]),
"Expected: equals <[1]> unordered "
"but: has too many elements (2 > 1).");
shouldFail(d, unorderedEquals([3, 2, 1]),
"Expected: equals <[3, 2, 1]> unordered "
"but: has too few elements (2 < 3).");
shouldFail(d, unorderedEquals([3, 1]),
"Expected: equals <[3, 1]> unordered "
"but: has no match for element <3> at position 0.");
group('Map Matchers', () {
test('isEmpty', () {
var a = new Map();
shouldPass({}, isEmpty);
shouldPass(a, isEmpty);
a['foo'] = 'bar';
shouldFail(a, isEmpty, "Expected: empty but: was <{foo: bar}>.");
test('equals', () {
var a = new Map();
a['foo'] = 'bar';
var b = new Map();
b['foo'] = 'bar';
var c = new Map();
c['bar'] = 'foo';
shouldPass(a, equals(b));
shouldFail(b, equals(c),
"Expected: <{bar: foo}> but: missing map key 'bar'.");
test('equals with different lengths', () {
var a = new Map();
a['foo'] = 'bar';
var b = new Map();
b['foo'] = 'bar';
b['bar'] = 'foo';
var c = new Map();
c['bar'] = 'foo';
c['barrista'] = 'caffeine';
shouldFail(a, equals(b),
"Expected: <{bar: foo, foo: bar}> "
"but: different map lengths; missing map key 'bar'.");
shouldFail(b, equals(a),
"Expected: <{foo: bar}> "
"but: different map lengths; extra map key 'bar'.");
shouldFail(b, equals(c),
"Expected: <{bar: foo, barrista: caffeine}> "
"but: missing map key 'barrista'.");
shouldFail(c, equals(b),
"Expected: <{bar: foo, foo: bar}> "
"but: missing map key 'foo'.");
shouldFail(a, equals(c),
"Expected: <{bar: foo, barrista: caffeine}> "
"but: different map lengths; missing map key 'bar'.");
shouldFail(c, equals(a),
"Expected: <{foo: bar}> "
"but: different map lengths; missing map key 'foo'.");
test('contains', () {
var a = new Map();
a['foo'] = 'bar';
var b = new Map();
shouldPass(a, contains('foo'));
shouldFail(b, contains('foo'),
"Expected: contains 'foo' but: was <{}>.");
shouldFail(10, contains('foo'),
"Expected: contains 'foo' but: was <10>.");
test('containsValue', () {
var a = new Map();
a['foo'] = 'bar';
shouldPass(a, containsValue('bar'));
shouldFail(a, containsValue('ba'),
"Expected: contains value 'ba' but: was <{foo: bar}>.");
test('containsPair', () {
var a = new Map();
a['foo'] = 'bar';
shouldPass(a, containsPair('foo', 'bar'));
shouldFail(a, containsPair('foo', 'ba'),
"Expected: contains pair 'foo' => 'ba' "
"but: contains key 'foo' but with value was 'bar'.");
shouldFail(a, containsPair('fo', 'bar'),
"Expected: contains pair 'fo' => 'bar' "
"but: <{foo: bar}> doesn't contain key 'fo'.");
test('hasLength', () {
var a = new Map();
a['foo'] = 'bar';
var b = new Map();
shouldPass(a, hasLength(1));
shouldFail(b, hasLength(1),
"Expected: an object with length of <1> "
"but: was <{}> with length of <0>.");
group('Operator Matchers', () {
test('anyOf', () {
shouldFail(0, anyOf([equals(1), equals(2)]),
"Expected: (<1> or <2>) but: was <0>.");
shouldPass(1, anyOf([equals(1), equals(2)]));
test('allOf', () {
shouldPass(1, allOf([lessThan(10), greaterThan(0)]));
shouldFail(-1, allOf([lessThan(10), greaterThan(0)]),
"Expected: (a value less than <10> and a value greater than <0>) "
"but: a value greater than <0> was <-1>.");
group('Future Matchers', () {
test('completes - unexpected error', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldFail(completer.future, completes,
contains('Expected future to complete successfully, '
'but it failed with X'),
isAsync: true);
test('completes - successfully', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldPass(completer.future, completes, isAsync: true);
test('throws - unexpected to see normal completion', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldFail(completer.future, throws,
contains("Expected future to fail, but succeeded with '1'"),
isAsync: true);
test('throws - expected to see exception', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldPass(completer.future, throws, isAsync: true);
test('throws - expected to see exception thrown later on', () {
var completer = new Completer();
var chained = completer.future.then((_) { throw 'X'; });
shouldPass(chained, throws, isAsync: true);
test('throwsA - unexpected normal completion', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldFail(completer.future, throwsA(equals('X')),
contains("Expected future to fail, but succeeded with '1'"),
isAsync: true);
test('throwsA - correct error', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldPass(completer.future, throwsA(equals('X')), isAsync: true);
test('throwsA - wrong error', () {
var completer = new Completer();
shouldFail(completer.future, throwsA(equals('Y')),
"Expected: 'Y' but: was 'X'.",
isAsync: true);
group('Predicate Matchers', () {
test('isInstanceOf', () {
shouldFail(0, predicate((x) => x is String, "an instance of String"),
"Expected: an instance of String but: was <0>.");
shouldPass('cow', predicate((x) => x is String, "an instance of String"));
group('Feature Matchers', () {
test("Feature Matcher", () {
var w = new Widget();
w.price = 10;
shouldPass(w, new HasPrice(greaterThan(0)));
shouldFail(w, new HasPrice(greaterThan(10)),
'Expected: Widget with a price that is a value greater than <10> '
'but: price was <10>.');