blob: 978daef7a7e96f3d65c0217501515c25bf257fdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library descriptor.file;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:pathos/path.dart' as path;
import '../../descriptor.dart' as descriptor;
import '../../scheduled_test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A path builder to ensure that [load] uses POSIX paths.
final path.Builder _path = new path.Builder(style: path.Style.posix);
/// A descriptor describing a directory containing multiple files.
class Directory extends descriptor.Entry {
/// The entries contained within this directory.
final Iterable<descriptor.Entry> contents;
Directory(Pattern name, this.contents)
: super(name);
Future create([String parent]) => schedule(() {
if (parent == null) parent = descriptor.defaultRoot;
var fullPath = path.join(parent, stringName);
return new io.Directory(fullPath).create(recursive: true).then((_) {
return Future.wait( => entry.create(fullPath)).toList());
}, 'creating directory:\n${describe()}');
Future validate([String parent]) => schedule(() {
if (parent == null) parent = descriptor.defaultRoot;
var fullPath = entryMatchingPattern('Directory', parent, name);
return Future.wait( => entry.validate(fullPath)).toList());
}, 'validating directory:\n${describe()}');
Stream<List<int>> load(String pathToLoad) {
return futureStream(new Future.immediate(null).then((_) {
if (_path.isAbsolute(pathToLoad)) {
throw "Can't load absolute path '$pathToLoad'.";
var split = _path.split(_path.normalize(pathToLoad));
if (split.isEmpty || split.first == '.' || split.first == '..') {
throw "Can't load '$pathToLoad' from within $nameDescription.";
var matchingEntries = contents.where((entry) =>
entry.stringName == split.first).toList();
if (matchingEntries.length == 0) {
throw "Couldn't find an entry named '${split.first}' within "
} else if (matchingEntries.length > 1) {
throw "Found multiple entries named '${split.first}' within "
} else {
var remainingPath = split.getRange(1, split.length - 1);
if (remainingPath.isEmpty) {
} else {
return matchingEntries.first.load(_path.joinAll(remainingPath));
Stream<List<int>> read() => errorStream("Can't read the contents of "
"$nameDescription: is a directory.");
String describe() {
var description = name;
if (name is! String) description = 'directory matching $nameDescription';
if (contents.isEmpty) return description;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (var entry in contents.take(contents.length - 1)) {
var entryString = prefixLines(entry.describe(), prefix: '| ')
.replaceFirst('| ', '|-- ');
var lastEntryString = prefixLines(contents.last.describe(), prefix: ' ')
.replaceFirst(' ', "'-- ");
return buffer.toString();