blob: 65c47997b1e6991c5cf460fe4ae8659432901262 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:crypto';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:scalarlist';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'dart:utf';
import 'byte_stream.dart';
/// Converts a URL query string (or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` body)
/// into a [Map] from parameter names to values.
/// queryToMap("foo=bar&baz=bang&qux");
/// //=> {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bang", "qux": ""}
Map<String, String> queryToMap(String queryList) {
var map = {};
for (var pair in queryList.split("&")) {
var split = split1(pair, "=");
if (split.isEmpty) continue;
var key = urlDecode(split[0]);
var value = urlDecode(split.length > 1 ? split[1] : "");
map[key] = value;
return map;
/// Converts a [Map] from parameter names to values to a URL query string.
/// mapToQuery({"foo": "bar", "baz": "bang"});
/// //=> "foo=bar&baz=bang"
String mapToQuery(Map<String, String> map) {
var pairs = <List<String>>[];
map.forEach((key, value) =>
pairs.add([encodeUriComponent(key), encodeUriComponent(value)]));
return => "${pair[0]}=${pair[1]}").join("&");
/// Adds all key/value pairs from [source] to [destination], overwriting any
/// pre-existing values.
/// var a = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bang"};
/// mapAddAll(a, {"baz": "zap", "qux": "quux"});
/// a; //=> {"foo": "bar", "baz": "zap", "qux": "quux"}
void mapAddAll(Map destination, Map source) =>
source.forEach((key, value) => destination[key] = value);
/// Decodes a URL-encoded string. Unlike [decodeUriComponent], this includes
/// replacing `+` with ` `.
String urlDecode(String encoded) =>
decodeUriComponent(encoded.replaceAll("+", " "));
/// Like [String.split], but only splits on the first occurrence of the pattern.
/// This will always return an array of two elements or fewer.
/// split1("foo,bar,baz", ","); //=> ["foo", "bar,baz"]
/// split1("foo", ","); //=> ["foo"]
/// split1("", ","); //=> []
List<String> split1(String toSplit, String pattern) {
if (toSplit.isEmpty) return <String>[];
var index = toSplit.indexOf(pattern);
if (index == -1) return [toSplit];
return [
toSplit.substring(0, index),
toSplit.substring(index + pattern.length)
/// Returns the [Encoding] that corresponds to [charset]. Returns [fallback] if
/// [charset] is null or if no [Encoding] was found that corresponds to
/// [charset].
Encoding encodingForCharset(
String charset, [Encoding fallback = Encoding.ISO_8859_1]) {
if (charset == null) return fallback;
var encoding = _encodingForCharset(charset);
return encoding == null ? fallback : encoding;
/// Returns the [Encoding] that corresponds to [charset]. Throws a
/// [FormatException] if no [Encoding] was found that corresponds to [charset].
/// [charset] may not be null.
Encoding requiredEncodingForCharset(String charset) {
var encoding = _encodingForCharset(charset);
if (encoding != null) return encoding;
throw new FormatException('Unsupported encoding "$charset".');
/// Returns the [Encoding] that corresponds to [charset]. Returns null if no
/// [Encoding] was found that corresponds to [charset]. [charset] may not be
/// null.
Encoding _encodingForCharset(String charset) {
charset = charset.toLowerCase();
if (charset == 'ascii' || charset == 'us-ascii') return Encoding.ASCII;
if (charset == 'utf-8') return Encoding.UTF_8;
if (charset == 'iso-8859-1') return Encoding.ISO_8859_1;
return null;
/// Converts [bytes] into a [String] according to [encoding].
String decodeString(List<int> bytes, Encoding encoding) {
// TODO(nweiz): implement this once issue 6284 is fixed.
return new String.fromCharCodes(bytes);
/// Converts [string] into a byte array according to [encoding].
List<int> encodeString(String string, Encoding encoding) {
// TODO(nweiz): implement this once issue 6284 is fixed.
return string.codeUnits;
/// A regular expression that matches strings that are composed entirely of
/// ASCII-compatible characters.
final RegExp _ASCII_ONLY = new RegExp(r"^[\x00-\x7F]+$");
/// Returns whether [string] is composed entirely of ASCII-compatible
/// characters.
bool isPlainAscii(String string) => _ASCII_ONLY.hasMatch(string);
/// Converts [input] into a [Uint8List]. If [input] is a [ByteArray] or
/// [ByteArrayViewable], this just returns a view on [input].
Uint8List toUint8List(List<int> input) {
if (input is Uint8List) return input;
if (input is ByteArrayViewable) input = input.asByteArray();
if (input is ByteArray) return new Uint8List.view(input);
var output = new Uint8List(input.length);
output.setRange(0, input.length, input);
return output;
/// If [stream] is already a [ByteStream], returns it. Otherwise, wraps it in a
/// [ByteStream].
ByteStream toByteStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
if (stream is ByteStream) return stream;
return new ByteStream(stream);
/// Calls [onDone] once [stream] (a single-subscription [Stream]) is finished.
/// The return value, also a single-subscription [Stream] should be used in
/// place of [stream] after calling this method.
Stream onDone(Stream stream, void onDone()) {
var pair = tee(stream);
pair.first.listen((_) {}, onError: (_) {}, onDone: onDone);
return pair.last;
// TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 7786 is fixed.
/// Pipes all data and errors from [stream] into [sink]. When [stream] is done,
/// [sink] is closed and the returned [Future] is completed.
Future store(Stream stream, StreamSink sink) {
var completer = new Completer();
onError: sink.signalError,
onDone: () {
return completer.future;
/// Pipes all data and errors from [stream] into [sink]. Completes [Future] once
/// [stream] is done. Unlike [store], [sink] remains open after [stream] is
/// done.
Future writeStreamToSink(Stream stream, StreamSink sink) {
var completer = new Completer();
onError: sink.signalError,
onDone: () => completer.complete());
return completer.future;
/// Returns a [Future] that asynchronously completes to `null`.
Future get async => new Future.immediate(null);
/// Returns a closed [Stream] with no elements.
Stream get emptyStream => streamFromIterable([]);
/// Creates a single-subscription stream that emits the items in [iter] and then
/// ends.
Stream streamFromIterable(Iterable iter) {
var controller = new StreamController();
// TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 7787 is fixed.
/// Creates two single-subscription [Stream]s that each emit all values and
/// errors from [stream]. This is useful if [stream] is single-subscription but
/// multiple subscribers are necessary.
Pair<Stream, Stream> tee(Stream stream) {
var controller1 = new StreamController();
var controller2 = new StreamController();
stream.listen((value) {
}, onError: (error) {
}, onDone: () {
return new Pair<Stream, Stream>(,;
/// A pair of values.
class Pair<E, F> {
E first;
F last;
Pair(this.first, this.last);
String toString() => '($first, $last)';
bool operator==(other) {
if (other is! Pair) return false;
return other.first == first && other.last == last;
int get hashCode => first.hashCode ^ last.hashCode;
/// Configures [future] so that its result (success or exception) is passed on
/// to [completer].
void chainToCompleter(Future future, Completer completer) {
future.then((v) => completer.complete(v)).catchError((e) {
completer.completeError(e.error, e.stackTrace);
// TOOD(nweiz): Get rid of this once
// is in.
/// Runs [fn] for each element in [input] in order, moving to the next element
/// only when the [Future] returned by [fn] completes. Returns a [Future] that
/// completes when all elements have been processed.
/// The return values of all [Future]s are discarded. Any errors will cause the
/// iteration to stop and will be piped through the return value.
Future forEachFuture(Iterable input, Future fn(element)) {
var iterator = input.iterator;
Future nextElement(_) {
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return new Future.immediate(null);
return fn(iterator.current).then(nextElement);
return nextElement(null);