blob: d107954cdc7f63d48e07373ef69babee3c8d5aed [file] [log] [blame]
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.error;
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'source.dart';
* Instances of the enumeration {@code ErrorType} represent the type of an {@link ErrorCode}.
class ErrorType {
* Compile-time errors are errors that preclude execution. A compile time error must be reported
* by a Dart compiler before the erroneous code is executed.
static final ErrorType COMPILE_TIME_ERROR = new ErrorType('COMPILE_TIME_ERROR', 0, ErrorSeverity.ERROR);
* Static warnings are those warnings reported by the static checker. They have no effect on
* execution. Static warnings must be provided by Dart compilers used during development.
static final ErrorType STATIC_WARNING = new ErrorType('STATIC_WARNING', 1, ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
* Many, but not all, static warnings relate to types, in which case they are known as static type
* warnings.
static final ErrorType STATIC_TYPE_WARNING = new ErrorType('STATIC_TYPE_WARNING', 2, ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
* Syntactic errors are errors produced as a result of input that does not conform to the grammar.
static final ErrorType SYNTACTIC_ERROR = new ErrorType('SYNTACTIC_ERROR', 3, ErrorSeverity.ERROR);
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
* The severity of this type of error.
ErrorSeverity _severity;
* Initialize a newly created error type to have the given severity.
* @param severity the severity of this type of error
ErrorType(this.__name, this.__ordinal, ErrorSeverity severity) {
this._severity = severity;
* Return the severity of this type of error.
* @return the severity of this type of error
ErrorSeverity get severity => _severity;
String toString() => __name;
* The interface {@code ErrorCode} defines the behavior common to objects representing error codes
* associated with {@link AnalysisError analysis errors}.
abstract class ErrorCode {
* Return the severity of this error.
* @return the severity of this error
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity;
* Return the message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error.
* @return the message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error
String get message;
* Return the type of the error.
* @return the type of the error
ErrorType get type;
* Return {@code true} if this error should cause recompilation of the source during the next
* incremental compilation.
* @return {@code true} if this error should cause recompilation of the source during the next
* incremental compilation
bool needsRecompilation();
* Instances of the enumeration {@code ErrorSeverity} represent the severity of an {@link ErrorCode}.
class ErrorSeverity {
* The severity representing an error.
static final ErrorSeverity ERROR = new ErrorSeverity('ERROR', 0, "E");
* The severity representing a warning. Warnings can become errors if the {@code -Werror} command
* line flag is specified.
static final ErrorSeverity WARNING = new ErrorSeverity('WARNING', 1, "W");
static final List<ErrorSeverity> values = [ERROR, WARNING];
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
String _name;
ErrorSeverity(this.__name, this.__ordinal, String name) {
this._name = name;
String get name => _name;
String toString() => __name;
* The interface {@code AnalysisErrorListener} defines the behavior of objects that listen for{@link AnalysisError analysis errors} being produced by the analysis engine.
abstract class AnalysisErrorListener {
* This method is invoked when an error has been found by the analysis engine.
* @param error the error that was just found (not {@code null})
void onError(AnalysisError error);
* Instances of the class {@code AnalysisError} represent an error discovered during the analysis of
* some Dart code.
* @see AnalysisErrorListener
class AnalysisError {
* An empty array of errors used when no errors are expected.
static List<AnalysisError> NO_ERRORS = new List<AnalysisError>(0);
* The error code associated with the error.
ErrorCode _errorCode;
* The localized error message.
String _message;
* The source in which the error occurred, or {@code null} if unknown.
Source _source;
* The character offset from the beginning of the source (zero based) where the error occurred.
int _offset = 0;
* The number of characters from the offset to the end of the source which encompasses the
* compilation error.
int _length = 0;
* Initialize a newly created analysis error for the specified source. The error has no location
* information.
* @param source the source for which the exception occurred
* @param errorCode the error code to be associated with this error
* @param arguments the arguments used to build the error message
AnalysisError.con1(Source source2, ErrorCode errorCode2, List<Object> arguments) {
_jtd_constructor_122_impl(source2, errorCode2, arguments);
_jtd_constructor_122_impl(Source source2, ErrorCode errorCode2, List<Object> arguments) {
this._source = source2;
this._errorCode = errorCode2;
this._message = JavaString.format(errorCode2.message, arguments);
* Initialize a newly created analysis error for the specified source at the given location.
* @param source the source for which the exception occurred
* @param offset the offset of the location of the error
* @param length the length of the location of the error
* @param errorCode the error code to be associated with this error
* @param arguments the arguments used to build the error message
AnalysisError.con2(Source source3, int offset2, int length11, ErrorCode errorCode3, List<Object> arguments) {
_jtd_constructor_123_impl(source3, offset2, length11, errorCode3, arguments);
_jtd_constructor_123_impl(Source source3, int offset2, int length11, ErrorCode errorCode3, List<Object> arguments) {
this._source = source3;
this._offset = offset2;
this._length = length11;
this._errorCode = errorCode3;
this._message = JavaString.format(errorCode3.message, arguments);
* Return the error code associated with the error.
* @return the error code associated with the error
ErrorCode get errorCode => _errorCode;
* Return the number of characters from the offset to the end of the source which encompasses the
* compilation error.
* @return the length of the error location
int get length => _length;
* Return the localized error message.
* @return the localized error message
String get message => _message;
* Return the character offset from the beginning of the source (zero based) where the error
* occurred.
* @return the offset to the start of the error location
int get offset => _offset;
* Return the source in which the error occurred, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @return the source in which the error occurred
Source get source => _source;
int get hashCode {
int hashCode = _offset;
hashCode ^= (_message != null) ? _message.hashCode : 0;
hashCode ^= (_source != null) ? _source.hashCode : 0;
return hashCode;
* Set the source in which the error occurred to the given source.
* @param source the source in which the error occurred
void set source(Source source4) {
this._source = source4;
String toString() {
StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer();
builder.add((_source != null) ? _source.fullName : "<unknown source>");
builder.add(_offset + _length - 1);
builder.add("): ");
return builder.toString();