blob: 30dcce64c59cfff3f6b4120a6f555b833c16d2e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/parser.dart'
show optional, Parser;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/util.dart'
show isLetter, isLetterOrDigit, isWhitespace, optional;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart' show StringToken;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token_constants.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/doc_comment.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show Token, TokenType;
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/fasta/ast_builder.dart';
/// Given a comment reference without a closing `]`, search for a possible
/// place where `]` should be.
int _findCommentReferenceEnd(String comment, int index, int end) {
// Find the end of the identifier if there is one.
if (index >= end || !isLetter(comment.codeUnitAt(index))) {
return index;
while (index < end && isLetterOrDigit(comment.codeUnitAt(index))) {
// Check for a trailing `.`.
if (index >= end || comment.codeUnitAt(index) != 0x2E /* `.` */) {
return index;
// Find end of the identifier after the `.`.
if (index >= end || !isLetter(comment.codeUnitAt(index))) {
return index;
while (index < end && isLetterOrDigit(comment.codeUnitAt(index))) {
return index;
bool _isEqualSign(int character) => character == 0x3D /* '=' */;
/// Given that we have just found bracketed text within the given [comment],
/// looks to see whether that text is (a) followed by a parenthesized link
/// address, (b) followed by a colon, or (c) followed by optional whitespace
/// and another square bracket.
/// [rightIndex] is the index of the right bracket. Return `true` if the
/// bracketed text is followed by a link address.
/// This method uses the syntax described by the
/// <a href="">markdown</a>
/// project.
bool _isLinkText(String comment, int rightIndex) {
var length = comment.length;
var index = rightIndex + 1;
if (index >= length) {
return false;
var ch = comment.codeUnitAt(index);
if (ch == 0x28 || ch == 0x3A) {
return true;
while (isWhitespace(ch)) {
index = index + 1;
if (index >= length) {
return false;
ch = comment.codeUnitAt(index);
return ch == 0x5B;
bool _isRightCurlyBrace(int character) => character == 0x7D /* '}' */;
/// Reads past any opening whitespace in [content], returning the index after
/// the last whitespace character.
int _readWhitespace(String content, [int index = 0]) {
var length = content.length;
if (index >= length) return index;
while (isWhitespace(content.codeUnitAt(index))) {
if (index >= length) {
return index;
return index;
/// A class which temporarily stores data for a [CommentType.DOCUMENTATION]-type
/// [Comment], which is ultimately built with [build].
final class DocCommentBuilder {
final Parser _parser;
final ErrorReporter? _errorReporter;
final Uri _uri;
final FeatureSet _featureSet;
final LineInfo _lineInfo;
final List<CommentReferenceImpl> _references = [];
final List<MdCodeBlock> _codeBlocks = [];
final List<DocImport> _docImports = [];
final List<DocDirective> _docDirectives = [];
bool _hasNodoc = false;
final Token _startToken;
final _CharacterSequence _characterSequence;
final _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack = <_BlockDocDirectiveBuilder>[];
) : _characterSequence = _CharacterSequence(_startToken);
CommentImpl build() {
var tokens = [_startToken];
Token? token = _startToken;
if (token.lexeme.startsWith('///')) {
token =;
while (token != null) {
if (token.lexeme.startsWith('///')) {
token =;
return CommentImpl(
tokens: tokens,
type: CommentType.DOCUMENTATION,
references: _references,
codeBlocks: _codeBlocks,
docImports: _docImports,
docDirectives: _docDirectives,
hasNodoc: _hasNodoc,
/// Parses a closing tag for a block doc directive, matching it with it's
/// opening tag on [_blockDirectiveTagStack], if one can be found.
/// The algorithm is as follows:
/// * Beginning at the top of the stack, and working towards the bottom,
/// identify the first opening tag that matches this closing tag.
/// * If no matching opening tag is found, report the closing tag as dangling,
/// and add it to [_docDirectives]; do not remove any tags from the stack.
/// * Otherwise, add a [BlockDocDirective] to [_docDirectives] with the
/// matched opening tag and the closing tag. Also, take each unmatched
/// opening tag above the matched opening tag, which are each missing a
/// closing tag, reporting each as such, and add each to [_docDirectives].
void _endBlockDocDirectiveTag(
_DirectiveParser parser, DocDirectiveType type) {
var closingTag = parser.directive(type);
for (var i = _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var builder = _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack[i];
if (builder.matches(closingTag)) {
builder.closingTag = closingTag;
// Add all inner doc directives.
// First add this block directive to it's parent on the stack, then add
// the directives which it contained, as their offsets are greater than
// this one's.
var higherDirective = _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack[i - 1];
for (var docDirective in builder.innerDocDirectives) {
// Remove each opening tag with no associated closing tag from the
// stack.
while (_blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.length > i) {
var builder = _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.removeAt(i);
// It would not be useful to create a synthetic closing tag; just use
// `null`.
var openingTag = builder.openingTag;
if (openingTag != null) {
offset: openingTag.offset,
length: openingTag.end - openingTag.offset,
arguments: [openingTag.type.opposingName!],
for (var docDirective in builder.innerDocDirectives) {
// No matching opening tag was found.
offset: closingTag.offset,
length: closingTag.end - closingTag.offset,
arguments: [],
/// Determines if [content] can represent a fenced codeblock delimiter
/// (opening or closing) (starts with optional whitespace, then at least three
/// backticks).
/// Returns the index of the three backticks.
int _fencedCodeBlockDelimiter(String content, {int minimumTickCount = 3}) {
if (content.isEmpty) return -1;
var index = _readWhitespace(content);
var length = content.length;
if (index + 3 > length) {
return -1;
if (content.substring(index, index + 3) == '`' * minimumTickCount) {
return index;
} else {
return -1;
void _parseBlockDocDirectiveTag(
_DirectiveParser parser, DocDirectiveType type) {
var opening = parser.directive(type);
/// Parses a documentation comment.
/// All parsed data is added to the fields on this builder.
void _parseDocComment() {
// Track whether the previous line is empty, in order to correctly parse an
// indented code block.
var isPreviousLineEmpty = true;
var lineInfo =;
while (lineInfo != null) {
var (:offset, :content) = lineInfo;
var whitespaceEndIndex = _readWhitespace(content);
if (isPreviousLineEmpty && whitespaceEndIndex >= 4) {
lineInfo = _parseIndentedCodeBlock(content);
if (lineInfo != null) {
isPreviousLineEmpty = lineInfo.content.isEmpty;
if (_parseFencedCodeBlock(content: content)) {
isPreviousLineEmpty = false;
} else if (_parseDocDirectiveTag(
index: whitespaceEndIndex,
content: content,
)) {
isPreviousLineEmpty = false;
} else if (_parseDocImport(index: whitespaceEndIndex, content: content)) {
isPreviousLineEmpty = false;
} else if (_parseNodoc(index: whitespaceEndIndex, content: content)) {
isPreviousLineEmpty = false;
} else {
_parseDocCommentLine(offset, content);
isPreviousLineEmpty = content.isEmpty;
lineInfo =;
// Resolve any unclosed block directives.
while (_blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.length > 1) {
var builder = _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.removeLast();
// It would not be useful to create a synthetic closing tag; just use
// `null`.
var openingTag = builder.openingTag;
if (openingTag != null) {
offset: openingTag.offset,
length: openingTag.end - openingTag.offset,
arguments: [openingTag.type.opposingName!],
// Move all directives from the top block doc directive builder to the
// comment.
assert(_blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.length == 1);
var blockDocDirectiveBuilder = _blockDocDirectiveBuilderStack.first;
assert(blockDocDirectiveBuilder.openingTag == null);
/// Parses the comment references in [content] which starts at [offset].
void _parseDocCommentLine(int offset, String content) {
var index = 0;
var end = content.length;
while (index < end) {
var ch = content.codeUnitAt(index);
if (ch == 0x5B /* `[` */) {
if (index < end && content.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x3A /* `:` */) {
// Skip old-style code block.
index = content.indexOf(':]', index + 1) + 1;
if (index == 0 || index > end) {
} else {
var referenceStart = index;
index = content.indexOf(']', index);
if (index == -1 || index >= end) {
// Recovery: terminating ']' is not typed yet.
index = _findCommentReferenceEnd(content, referenceStart, end);
if (ch != 0x27 /* `'` */ && ch != 0x22 /* `"` */) {
if (_isLinkText(content, index)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Handle the case where there's a library
// URI in the link text.
} else {
var reference = _parseOneCommentReference(
content.substring(referenceStart, index),
offset + referenceStart,
if (reference != null) {
} else if (ch == 0x60 /* '`' */) {
// Skip inline code block if there is both starting '`' and ending '`'.
var endCodeBlock = content.indexOf('`', index + 1);
if (endCodeBlock != -1 && endCodeBlock < end) {
index = endCodeBlock;
bool _parseDocDirectiveTag({required int index, required String content}) {
const openingLength = '{@'.length;
if (!content.startsWith('{@', index)) return false;
var startOffset = _characterSequence._offset + index;
index += openingLength;
var length = content.length;
if (index >= length) return false;
var nameIndex = index;
do {
var character = content.codeUnitAt(index);
if (isWhitespace(character) || _isRightCurlyBrace(character)) {
} while (index < length);
var nameEnd = index;
index = _readWhitespace(content, index);
var name = content.substring(nameIndex, nameEnd);
var parser = _DirectiveParser._(
offset: startOffset,
contentOffset: _characterSequence._offset,
nameOffset: _characterSequence._offset + nameIndex,
nameEnd: _characterSequence._offset + nameEnd,
content: content,
index: index,
errorReporter: _errorReporter,
switch (name) {
case 'animation':
return true;
case 'canonicalFor':
return true;
case 'category':
return true;
case 'end-inject-html':
_endBlockDocDirectiveTag(parser, DocDirectiveType.endInjectHtml);
return true;
case 'end-tool':
_endBlockDocDirectiveTag(parser, DocDirectiveType.endTool);
return true;
case 'endtemplate':
_endBlockDocDirectiveTag(parser, DocDirectiveType.endTemplate);
return true;
case 'example':
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
return true;
case 'hideConstantImplementations':
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
return true;
case 'inject-html':
_parseBlockDocDirectiveTag(parser, DocDirectiveType.injectHtml);
return true;
case 'macro':
return true;
case 'subCategory':
return true;
case 'template':
_parseBlockDocDirectiveTag(parser, DocDirectiveType.template);
return true;
case 'tool':
_parseBlockDocDirectiveTag(parser, DocDirectiveType.tool);
return true;
case 'youtube':
return true;
offset: _characterSequence._offset + nameIndex,
length: nameEnd - nameIndex,
errorCode: WarningCode.DOC_DIRECTIVE_UNKNOWN,
arguments: [name],
return false;
/// Tries to parse a doc import at the beginning of a line of a doc comment,
/// returning whether this was successful.
/// A doc import begins with `@docImport ` and then can contain any other
/// legal syntax that a regular Dart import can contain.
bool _parseDocImport({required int index, required String content}) {
const docImportLength = '@docImport '.length;
const importLength = 'import '.length;
if (!content.startsWith('@docImport ', index)) {
return false;
index = _readWhitespace(content, index + docImportLength);
var syntheticImport = 'import ${content.substring(index)}';
// TODO(srawlins): Handle multiple lines.
var sourceMap = [
offsetInDocImport: 0,
offsetInUnit: _characterSequence._offset + (index - importLength),
var scanner = DocImportStringScanner(
configuration: ScannerConfiguration(),
sourceMap: sourceMap,
var tokens = scanner.tokenize();
var result = ScannerResult(tokens, scanner.lineStarts, scanner.hasErrors);
// Fasta pretends there is an additional line at EOF.
// For compatibility, there is already a first entry in lineStarts.
var token = result.tokens;
var docImportListener = AstBuilder(
true /* isFullAst */,
var parser = Parser(docImportListener);
docImportListener.parser = parser;
if (docImportListener.directives.isEmpty) {
return false;
var directive = docImportListener.directives.first;
if (directive is ImportDirectiveImpl) {
DocImport(offset: _characterSequence._offset, import: directive),
return true;
return false;
/// Parses a fenced code block, starting with [content].
/// The backticks of the opening delimiter start at [index].
/// When this method returns, [characterSequence] is postioned at the closing
/// delimiter line (`.next()` must be called to move to the next line).
bool _parseFencedCodeBlock({
required String content,
}) {
var index = _fencedCodeBlockDelimiter(content);
if (index == -1) {
return false;
var tickCount = 0;
var length = content.length;
while (content.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x60 /* '`' */) {
if (index >= length) {
var infoString =
index == length ? null : _InfoString.parse(content.substring(index));
var fencedCodeBlockLines = <MdCodeBlockLine>[
offset: _characterSequence._offset,
length: content.length,
var lineInfo =;
while (lineInfo != null) {
var (:offset, :content) = lineInfo;
MdCodeBlockLine(offset: offset, length: content.length),
var fencedCodeBlockIndex =
_fencedCodeBlockDelimiter(content, minimumTickCount: tickCount);
if (fencedCodeBlockIndex > -1) {
// End the fenced code block.
lineInfo =;
infoString: infoString,
lines: fencedCodeBlockLines,
type: CodeBlockType.fenced,
return true;
({int offset, String content})? _parseIndentedCodeBlock(String content) {
var codeBlockLines = <MdCodeBlockLine>[
offset: _characterSequence._offset,
length: content.length,
var lineInfo =;
while (lineInfo != null) {
var (:offset, :content) = lineInfo;
var whitespaceEndIndex = _readWhitespace(content);
if (whitespaceEndIndex >= 4) {
MdCodeBlockLine(offset: offset, length: content.length),
} else {
// End the code block.
infoString: null,
lines: codeBlockLines,
type: CodeBlockType.indented,
return lineInfo;
lineInfo =;
// The indented code block ends the comment.
infoString: null,
lines: codeBlockLines,
type: CodeBlockType.indented,
return lineInfo;
/// Tries to parse a `@nodoc` doc directive at the beginning of a line of a
/// doc comment, returning whether this was successful.
bool _parseNodoc({required int index, required String content}) {
const nodocLength = '@nodoc'.length;
if (!content.startsWith('@nodoc', index)) {
return false;
if (content.length == index + nodocLength ||
content.codeUnitAt(index + nodocLength) == 0x20 /* ' ' */) {
_hasNodoc = true;
return true;
return false;
/// Parses the [source] text, found at [offset] in a single comment reference.
/// Returns `null` if the text could not be parsed as a comment reference.
CommentReferenceImpl? _parseOneCommentReference(String source, int offset) {
var result = scanString(source);
if (result.hasErrors) {
return null;
var token = result.tokens;
var begin = token;
Token? newKeyword;
if (optional('new', token)) {
newKeyword = token;
token =!;
Token? firstToken, firstPeriod, secondToken, secondPeriod;
if (token.isIdentifier && optional('.',!)) {
secondToken = token;
secondPeriod =!;
if (!.isIdentifier &&
optional('.',!.next!)) {
firstToken = secondToken;
firstPeriod = secondPeriod;
secondToken =!;
secondPeriod =!;
var identifier =!;
if (identifier.kind == KEYWORD_TOKEN && optional('new', identifier)) {
// Treat `new` after `.` is as an identifier so that it can represent an
// unnamed constructor. This support is separate from the
// constructor-tearoffs feature.
StringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, identifier.lexeme,
token =!;
if (token.isEof) {
// Recovery: Insert a synthetic identifier for code completion
token = _parser.rewriter.insertSyntheticIdentifier(
secondPeriod ?? newKeyword ?? _parser.syntheticPreviousToken(token));
if (begin ==!) {
begin = token;
Token? operatorKeyword;
if (optional('operator', token)) {
operatorKeyword = token;
token =!;
if (token.isUserDefinableOperator) {
if (!.isEof) {
return _parseOneCommentReferenceRest(
} else {
token = operatorKeyword ?? token;
if (!.isEof) {
if (token.isIdentifier) {
return _parseOneCommentReferenceRest(
var keyword = token.keyword;
if (newKeyword == null &&
secondToken == null &&
(keyword == Keyword.THIS ||
keyword == Keyword.NULL ||
keyword == Keyword.TRUE ||
keyword == Keyword.FALSE)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): If we want to support this we will need to
// extend the definition of CommentReference to take an expression
// rather than an identifier. For now we just ignore it to reduce the
// number of errors produced, but that's probably not a valid long
// term approach.
return null;
/// Parses the parameters into a [CommentReferenceImpl].
/// If the reference begins with `new `, then pass the Token associated with
/// that text as [newToken].
/// If the reference contains a single identifier or operator (aside from the
/// optional [newToken]), then pass the associated Token as
/// [identifierOrOperator].
/// If the reference contains two identifiers separated by a period, then pass
/// the associated Tokens as [secondToken], [secondPeriod], and
/// [identifierOrOperator], in lexical order.
// TODO(srawlins): Rename the parameters or refactor this code to avoid the
// confusion of `null` values for the "first*" parameters and non-`null`
// values for the "second*" parameters.
/// If the reference contains three identifiers, each separated by a period,
/// then pass the associated Tokens as [firstToken], [firstPeriod],
/// [secondToken], [secondPeriod], and [identifierOrOperator].
CommentReferenceImpl _parseOneCommentReferenceRest(
Token begin,
int referenceOffset,
Token? newKeyword,
Token? firstToken,
Token? firstPeriod,
Token? secondToken,
Token? secondPeriod,
Token identifierOrOperator,
) {
// Adjust the token offsets to match the enclosing comment token.
var token = begin;
do {
token.offset += referenceOffset;
token =!;
} while (!token.isEof);
var identifier = SimpleIdentifierImpl(identifierOrOperator);
if (firstToken != null) {
var target = PrefixedIdentifierImpl(
prefix: SimpleIdentifierImpl(firstToken),
period: firstPeriod!,
identifier: SimpleIdentifierImpl(secondToken!),
var expression = PropertyAccessImpl(
target: target,
operator: secondPeriod!,
propertyName: identifier,
return CommentReferenceImpl(
newKeyword: newKeyword,
expression: expression,
} else if (secondToken != null) {
var expression = PrefixedIdentifierImpl(
prefix: SimpleIdentifierImpl(secondToken),
period: secondPeriod!,
identifier: identifier,
return CommentReferenceImpl(
newKeyword: newKeyword,
expression: expression,
} else {
return CommentReferenceImpl(
newKeyword: newKeyword,
expression: identifier,
void _pushBlockDocDirectiveAndInnerDirectives(
_BlockDocDirectiveBuilder builder) {
for (var docDirective in builder.innerDocDirectives) {
/// Push [docDirective] onto the current block doc directive.
void _pushDocDirective(DocDirective docDirective) =>
class DocImportStringScanner extends StringScanner {
/// A list of offset pairs; each contains an offset in [source], and the
/// associated offset in the source text from which [source] is derived.
/// Always contains a mapping from 0 to the offset of the `@docImport` text.
/// Additionally contains a mapping for the start of each new line.
/// For example, given the unit text:
/// ```dart
/// int x = 0;
/// /// Text.
/// /// @docImport 'dart:math'
/// // ignore: some_linter_rule
/// /// as math
/// /// show max;
/// int y = 0;
/// ```
/// The source map for scanning the doc import will contain the following
/// pairs:
/// * (0, 29) (29 is the offset of the `I` in `@docImport`.)
/// * (19, 80) (The offsets of the first character in the line with `as`.)
/// * (31, 96) (The offsets of the first character in the line with `show`.)
final List<({int offsetInDocImport, int offsetInUnit})> _sourceMap;
super.source, {
required List<({int offsetInDocImport, int offsetInUnit})> sourceMap,
}) : _sourceMap = sourceMap;
/// The position of the start of the next token _in the unit_, not in
/// [source].
/// This is used for constructing [Token] objects, for a Token's offset.
int get tokenStart => _toOffsetInUnit(super.tokenStart);
/// Maps [offset] to the corresponding offset in the unit.
int _toOffsetInUnit(int offset) {
for (var index = _sourceMap.length - 1; index > 0; index--) {
var (:offsetInDocImport, :offsetInUnit) = _sourceMap[index];
if (offset >= offsetInDocImport) {
var delta = offset - offsetInDocImport;
return offsetInUnit + delta;
var (:offsetInDocImport, :offsetInUnit) = _sourceMap[0];
var delta = offset - offsetInDocImport;
return offsetInUnit + delta;
/// A builder for a [BlockDocDirective], which keeps track of various
/// information until the closing tag is found, or the directive is closed as
/// part of recovery.
/// Instances are also used as a nesting level, so that [SimpleDocDirective]s
/// and [BlockDocDirective]s are all listed in their correct order. At the top
/// level of the nesting is [_BlockDocDirectiveBuilder.placeholder], a synthetic
/// builder with a `null` [openingTag].
final class _BlockDocDirectiveBuilder {
/// The opening tag.
/// This is non-null for every builder except for
/// [_BlockDocDirectiveBuilder.placeholder].
final DocDirectiveTag? openingTag;
/// The closing tag, which is non-`null` for well-formed block doc directives.
DocDirectiveTag? closingTag;
/// The inner doc directives which are all declared between this block doc
/// directive's opening and closing tags, in the order they appear in the
/// comment.
final innerDocDirectives = <DocDirective>[];
factory _BlockDocDirectiveBuilder.placeholder() =>
BlockDocDirective build() {
var openingTag = this.openingTag;
if (openingTag == null) {
throw StateError(
'Attempting to build a block doc directive with no opening tag.');
return BlockDocDirective(openingTag, closingTag);
/// Whether this doc directive's opening tag is the opposing tag for [tag].
bool matches(DocDirectiveTag tag) {
var openingTag = this.openingTag;
return openingTag == null
? false
: openingTag.type.opposingName ==;
void push(DocDirective docDirective) => innerDocDirectives.add(docDirective);
/// An abstraction of the character sequences in either a single-line doc
/// comment (which consists of a series of [Token]s) or a multi-line doc comment
/// (which consists of a single [Token]).
abstract class _CharacterSequence {
factory _CharacterSequence(Token token) {
var isFromSingleLineComment = token.lexeme.startsWith('///');
return isFromSingleLineComment
? _CharacterSequenceFromSingleLineComment(token)
: _CharacterSequenceFromMultiLineComment(token);
/// The current offset in the compilation unit, which is found in [_token].
int get _offset;
/// Moves the current position of the doc comment to the next line.
/// In a single-line doc comment, this procedure skips past non-doc comment
/// tokens (comment tokens that do not start with `///`).
/// Returns a record with the current `offset` in the compilation unit, and
/// the `content` of the current line.
({int offset, String content})? next();
class _CharacterSequenceFromMultiLineComment implements _CharacterSequence {
final Token _token;
int _offset = -1;
int _end = -1;
({int offset, String content})? next() {
var lexeme = _token.lexeme;
var tokenOffset = _token.charOffset;
if (_offset == -1) {
_offset = tokenOffset;
var endIndex = lexeme.indexOf('\n');
if (endIndex == -1) {
endIndex = lexeme.length;
_end = tokenOffset + endIndex;
var indexInLexeme = _offset - tokenOffset;
return (
offset: _offset,
content: lexeme.substring(indexInLexeme, endIndex),
_offset = _end + 1;
if (_offset - tokenOffset >= lexeme.length) {
return null;
while (isWhitespace(lexeme.codeUnitAt(_offset - tokenOffset))) {
if (_offset - tokenOffset >= lexeme.length) {
return null;
var endIndex = lexeme.indexOf('\n', _offset - tokenOffset);
if (endIndex == -1) {
endIndex = lexeme.length;
_end = tokenOffset + endIndex;
const starSpaceLength = '* '.length;
const starLength = '*'.length;
if (lexeme.startsWith('* ', _offset - tokenOffset)) {
_offset += starSpaceLength;
} else if (_end == _offset + 1 &&
lexeme.codeUnitAt(_offset - tokenOffset) == 0x2A /* '*' */) {
_offset += starLength;
return (
offset: _offset,
content: lexeme.substring(_offset - tokenOffset, endIndex),
class _CharacterSequenceFromSingleLineComment implements _CharacterSequence {
Token _token;
int _offset = -1;
({int offset, String content})? next() {
const threeSlashesLength = '///'.length;
if (_offset == -1) {
_offset = _token.charOffset;
} else {
do {
var nextToken =;
if (nextToken == null) return null;
_token = nextToken;
_offset = nextToken.offset;
// The sequence of single-line doc comment tokens can contain non-doc
// comment tokens as well, starting with `//` (but not `///`) or `/*`.
while (!_token.lexeme.startsWith('///'));
_offset += threeSlashesLength;
return (
offset: _offset,
content: _token.lexeme.substring(threeSlashesLength),
final class _DirectiveParser {
/// The offset in the compilation unit at which [content] is found.
final int _offset;
/// The offset of the opening `{@` of this directive.
final int _contentOffset;
/// The offset in the compilation unit at which this directive's name is
/// found.
final int nameOffset;
/// The offset in the compilation unit immediately after the end of this
/// directive's name.
final int nameEnd;
/// The content of the doc comment.
final String content;
/// The length of [content].
final int _length;
final ErrorReporter? _errorReporter;
/// The current position in [content].
int index;
/// The index immediately after the end of this directve.
/// This is the index immediately following the `}` if there is one, or
/// the index after the end of the last character in [content], if not.
int? _end;
required int offset,
required int contentOffset,
required this.nameOffset,
required this.nameEnd,
required this.content,
required this.index,
required ErrorReporter? errorReporter,
}) : _contentOffset = contentOffset,
_offset = offset,
_length = content.length,
_errorReporter = errorReporter;
/// Parses a non-block (single line) doc directive.
DocDirectiveTag directive(DocDirectiveType type) {
if (index == _length) {
_end = _offset + index;
var (positionalArguments, namedArguments) = _parseArguments();
return DocDirectiveTag(
offset: _offset,
end: _end!,
nameOffset: nameOffset,
nameEnd: nameEnd,
type: type,
positionalArguments: positionalArguments,
namedArguments: namedArguments,
SimpleDocDirective simpleDirective(DocDirectiveType type) =>
/// Parses and returns a positional or named doc directive argument.
DocDirectiveArgument _parseArgument() {
// An equal sign is parsed as a delimiter between a named argument's name
// and value only if the name consists only of alphanumeric characters.
// If other characters have been read, then the equal sign is treated just
// as another character in the argument, allowing for unquoted arguments
// like YouTube URLs.
// TODO(srawlins): This rule is rather arbitrary; it would probably be
// better to require positional-arguments-with-equal-signs to be surrounded
// with quotes or something similar.
var onlyLettersOrDigits = true;
var argumentStart = index;
while (index < _length) {
var character = content.codeUnitAt(index);
if (isWhitespace(character)) break;
if (_isRightCurlyBrace(character)) break;
if (_isEqualSign(character) && onlyLettersOrDigits) {
// This is a valid named argument name/value delimiter.
var argumentName = content.substring(argumentStart, index);
if (index == _length) {
// Equal sign is followed by EOL.
return DocDirectiveNamedArgument(
offset: _contentOffset + argumentStart,
end: _contentOffset + index,
name: argumentName,
// Recover an unterminated named argument as having an empty
// argument value.
value: '',
var argumentValueStart = index;
while (index < _length) {
var character = content.codeUnitAt(index);
if (isWhitespace(character)) break;
if (_isRightCurlyBrace(character)) break;
return DocDirectiveNamedArgument(
offset: _contentOffset + argumentStart,
end: _contentOffset + index,
name: argumentName,
value: content.substring(argumentValueStart, index),
if (!isLetterOrDigit(character)) {
onlyLettersOrDigits = false;
var argumentValue = content.substring(argumentStart, index);
return DocDirectivePositionalArgument(
offset: _contentOffset + argumentStart,
end: _contentOffset + index,
value: argumentValue,
/// Parses both positional and named doc directive arguments until either a
/// closing curly brace or EOL are reached.
/// Returns a record containing the list of positional arguments and a list of
/// named arguments.
/// Reports a warning if EOL is reached before a closing curly brace is found.
(List<DocDirectivePositionalArgument>, List<DocDirectiveNamedArgument>)
_parseArguments() {
if (_end != null) return (const [], const []);
var positionalArguments = <DocDirectivePositionalArgument>[];
var namedArguments = <DocDirectiveNamedArgument>[];
while (index < _length) {
if (_isRightCurlyBrace(content.codeUnitAt(index))) {
_end = _offset + index;
return (positionalArguments, namedArguments);
var argument = _parseArgument();
switch (argument) {
case DocDirectivePositionalArgument():
case DocDirectiveNamedArgument():
index = _readWhitespace(content, index);
// We've hit EOL without closing brace.
_end = _offset + index;
offset: _offset + index - 1,
length: 1,
return (positionalArguments, namedArguments);
/// Reads the closing curly brace (`}`) expected at the end of a doc
/// directive.
/// Reports any extra, unexpected arguments that are found.
/// Reports a warning if EOL is reached before a closing curly brace is found.
void _readClosingCurlyBrace() {
if (_end != null) {
if (index >= _length) {
// No extra arguments or closing brace.
_end = _offset + _length;
if (_isRightCurlyBrace(content.codeUnitAt(index))) {
_end = _offset + index;
var extraArgumentsOffset = _offset + index;
while (!_isRightCurlyBrace(content.codeUnitAt(index))) {
if (index == _length) {
// Found extra arguments and no closing brace.
offset: _offset + index - 1,
length: 1,
var errorLength = _offset + index - extraArgumentsOffset;
offset: extraArgumentsOffset,
length: errorLength,
_end = _offset + index;
/// A canonicalized store of fenced code block info strings.
/// Across many doc comments with many fenced code blocks, there are likely
/// very few info strings (usually the name of a programming language, like
/// 'dart' and 'html').
class _InfoString {
static final Set<String> _infoStrings = {};
static String? parse(String text) {
text = text.trim();
if (text.isEmpty) {
return null;
return _infoStrings.lookup(text);