blob: 04cf1f7fa44843b49419c596a33c463c554a22b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library lock_file_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../lib/src/ascii_tree.dart' as tree;
import '../lib/src/utils.dart';
main() {
runningAsTest = true;
group('tree.fromFiles', () {
test('no files', () {
expect(tree.fromFiles([]), equals(""));
test('up to ten files in one directory are shown', () {
var files = [
expect(tree.fromFiles(files), equals("""
'-- dir
|-- a.dart
|-- b.dart
|-- c.dart
|-- d.dart
|-- e.dart
|-- f.dart
|-- g.dart
|-- h.dart
|-- i.dart
'-- j.dart
test('files are elided if there are more than ten', () {
var files = [
expect(tree.fromFiles(files), equals("""
'-- dir
|-- a.dart
|-- b.dart
|-- c.dart
| (5 more...)
|-- i.dart
|-- j.dart
'-- k.dart
test('files are not elided at the top level', () {
var files = [
expect(tree.fromFiles(files), equals("""
|-- a.dart
|-- b.dart
|-- c.dart
|-- d.dart
|-- e.dart
|-- f.dart
|-- g.dart
|-- h.dart
|-- i.dart
|-- j.dart
'-- k.dart
test('a complex example', () {
var files = [
"example/web copy/web_example.dart",
expect(tree.fromFiles(files), equals("""
|-- .gitignore
|-- TODO
|-- example
| |-- console_example.dart
| |-- main.dart
| '-- web copy
| '-- web_example.dart
|-- lib
| '-- path.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml
'-- test
|-- absolute_test.dart
|-- all_test.dart
|-- basename_test.dart
| (7 more...)
|-- path_windows_test.dart
|-- relative_test.dart
'-- split_test.dart
group('treeFromMap', () {
test('empty map', () {
expect(tree.fromMap({}), equals(""));
test('a complex example', () {
var map = {
".gitignore": {},
"": {},
"TODO": {},
"example": {
"console_example.dart": {},
"main.dart": {},
"web copy": {
"web_example.dart": {}
"lib": {
"path.dart": {}
"pubspec.yaml": {},
"test": {
"absolute_test.dart": {},
"basename_test.dart": {},
"dirname_test.dart": {},
"extension_test.dart": {},
"is_absolute_test.dart": {},
"is_relative_test.dart": {},
"join_test.dart": {},
"normalize_test.dart": {},
"relative_test.dart": {},
"split_test.dart": {}
expect(tree.fromMap(map), equals("""
|-- .gitignore
|-- TODO
|-- example
| |-- console_example.dart
| |-- main.dart
| '-- web copy
| '-- web_example.dart
|-- lib
| '-- path.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml
'-- test
|-- absolute_test.dart
|-- basename_test.dart
|-- dirname_test.dart
|-- extension_test.dart
|-- is_absolute_test.dart
|-- is_relative_test.dart
|-- join_test.dart
|-- normalize_test.dart
|-- relative_test.dart
'-- split_test.dart
test('does not elide children if showAllChildren is true', () {
var map = {
'dir': {
'a.dart': {},
'b.dart': {},
'c.dart': {},
'd.dart': {},
'e.dart': {},
'f.dart': {},
'g.dart': {},
'h.dart': {},
'i.dart': {},
'j.dart': {},
'k.dart': {},
'l.dart': {},
expect(tree.fromMap(map, showAllChildren: true), equals("""
'-- dir
|-- a.dart
|-- b.dart
|-- c.dart
|-- d.dart
|-- e.dart
|-- f.dart
|-- g.dart
|-- h.dart
|-- i.dart
|-- j.dart
|-- k.dart
'-- l.dart