blob: 70636bf80df43dd5128bacba69f7ed6ad7392b5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/isolate_data.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
// Flags used to provide information and actions to the eventhandler
// when sending a message about a file descriptor. These flags should
// be kept in sync with the constants in socket_impl.dart. For more
// information see the comments in socket_impl.dart
enum MessageFlags {
kInEvent = 0,
kOutEvent = 1,
kErrorEvent = 2,
kCloseEvent = 3,
kDestroyedEvent = 4,
kCloseCommand = 8,
kShutdownReadCommand = 9,
kShutdownWriteCommand = 10,
kReturnTokenCommand = 11,
kSetEventMaskCommand = 12,
kListeningSocket = 16,
kPipe = 17,
#define COMMAND_MASK ((1 << kCloseCommand) | \
(1 << kShutdownReadCommand) | \
(1 << kShutdownWriteCommand) | \
(1 << kReturnTokenCommand) | \
(1 << kSetEventMaskCommand))
#define EVENT_MASK ((1 << kInEvent) | \
(1 << kOutEvent) | \
(1 << kErrorEvent) | \
(1 << kCloseEvent) | \
(1 << kDestroyedEvent))
#define IS_COMMAND(data, command_bit) \
((data & COMMAND_MASK) == (1 << command_bit)) // NOLINT
#define IS_EVENT(data, event_bit) \
((data & EVENT_MASK) == (1 << event_bit)) // NOLINT
#define IS_LISTENING_SOCKET(data) \
((data & (1 << kListeningSocket)) != 0) // NOLINT
#define TOKEN_COUNT(data) (data & ((1 << kCloseCommand) - 1))
class TimeoutQueue {
class Timeout {
Timeout(Dart_Port port, int64_t timeout, Timeout* next)
: port_(port), timeout_(timeout), next_(next) {}
Dart_Port port() const { return port_; }
int64_t timeout() const { return timeout_; }
void set_timeout(int64_t timeout) {
ASSERT(timeout >= 0);
timeout_ = timeout;
Timeout* next() const { return next_; }
void set_next(Timeout* next) {
next_ = next;
Dart_Port port_;
int64_t timeout_;
Timeout* next_;
TimeoutQueue() : next_timeout_(NULL), timeouts_(NULL) {}
~TimeoutQueue() {
while (HasTimeout()) RemoveCurrent();
bool HasTimeout() const { return next_timeout_ != NULL; }
int64_t CurrentTimeout() const {
ASSERT(next_timeout_ != NULL);
return next_timeout_->timeout();
Dart_Port CurrentPort() const {
ASSERT(next_timeout_ != NULL);
return next_timeout_->port();
void RemoveCurrent() {
UpdateTimeout(CurrentPort(), -1);
void UpdateTimeout(Dart_Port port, int64_t timeout);
Timeout* next_timeout_;
Timeout* timeouts_;
class InterruptMessage {
intptr_t id;
Dart_Port dart_port;
int64_t data;
static const int kInterruptMessageSize = sizeof(InterruptMessage);
static const int kInfinityTimeout = -1;
static const int kTimerId = -1;
static const int kShutdownId = -2;
template<typename T>
class CircularLinkedList {
CircularLinkedList() : head_(NULL) {}
// Returns true if the list was empty.
bool Add(T t) {
Entry* e = new Entry(t);
if (head_ == NULL) {
// Empty list, make e head, and point to itself.
e->next_ = e;
e->prev_ = e;
head_ = e;
return true;
} else {
// Insert e as the last element in the list.
e->prev_ = head_->prev_;
e->next_ = head_;
e->prev_->next_ = e;
head_->prev_ = e;
return false;
void RemoveHead() {
Entry* e = head_;
if (e->next_ == e) {
head_ = NULL;
} else {
e->prev_->next_ = e->next_;
e->next_->prev_ = e->prev_;
head_ = e->next_;
delete e;
T head() const { return head_->t; }
bool HasHead() {
return head_ != NULL;
void Rotate() {
head_ = head_->next_;
struct Entry {
explicit Entry(const T& t) : t(t) {}
const T t;
Entry* next_;
Entry* prev_;
Entry* head_;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart
// The event handler delegation class is OS specific.
#if defined(TARGET_OS_ANDROID)
#include "bin/eventhandler_android.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_OS_LINUX)
#include "bin/eventhandler_linux.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
#include "bin/eventhandler_macos.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#include "bin/eventhandler_win.h"
#error Unknown target os.
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
class EventHandler {
void SendData(intptr_t id, Dart_Port dart_port, int64_t data) {
delegate_.SendData(id, dart_port, data);
* Signal to main thread that event handler is done.
void NotifyShutdownDone();
* Start the event-handler.
static void Start();
* Stop the event-handler. It's expected that there will be no further calls
* to SendData after a call to Stop.
static void Stop();
static EventHandlerImplementation* delegate();
friend class EventHandlerImplementation;
EventHandlerImplementation delegate_;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart