blob: 174c58b99a97eb0f904308c538b12a60111466d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart_backend;
// TODO(ahe): This class is simply wrong. This backend should use
// elements when it can, not AST nodes. Perhaps a [Map<Element,
// TreeElements>] is what is needed.
class ElementAst {
final Node ast;
final TreeElements treeElements;
ElementAst(AstElement element)
: this.internal(element.resolvedAst.node, element.resolvedAst.elements);
ElementAst.internal(this.ast, this.treeElements);
class DartBackend extends Backend {
final List<CompilerTask> tasks;
final bool stripAsserts;
// TODO(zarah) Maybe change this to a command-line option.
// Right now, it is set by the tests.
bool useMirrorHelperLibrary = false;
/// Updated to a [MirrorRenamerImpl] instance if the [useMirrorHelperLibrary]
/// field is set and mirror are needed.
MirrorRenamer mirrorRenamer = const MirrorRenamer();
final DartOutputter outputter;
// Used in test.
PlaceholderRenamer get placeholderRenamer => outputter.renamer;
Map<ClassNode, List<Node>> get memberNodes => outputter.output.memberNodes;
ConstantSystem get constantSystem {
return constantCompilerTask.constantCompiler.constantSystem;
BackendConstantEnvironment get constants => constantCompilerTask;
DartConstantTask constantCompilerTask;
DartResolutionCallbacks resolutionCallbacks;
final Set<ClassElement> usedTypeLiterals = new Set<ClassElement>();
* Tells whether it is safe to remove type declarations from variables,
* functions parameters. It becomes not safe if:
* 1) TypeError is used somewhere in the code,
* 2) The code has typedefs in right hand side of IS checks,
* 3) The code has classes which extend typedefs, have type arguments typedefs
* or type variable bounds typedefs.
* These restrictions can be less strict.
bool isSafeToRemoveTypeDeclarations(
Map<ClassElement, Iterable<Element>> classMembers) {
ClassElement typeErrorElement = compiler.coreLibrary.find('TypeError');
if (classMembers.containsKey(typeErrorElement) ||
(DartType type) => type.element == typeErrorElement)) {
return false;
Set<DartType> processedTypes = new Set<DartType>();
List<DartType> workQueue = new List<DartType>();
workQueue.addAll( => classElement.thisType));
while (!workQueue.isEmpty) {
DartType type = workQueue.removeLast();
if (processedTypes.contains(type)) continue;
if (type is FunctionType) return false;
if (type is TypedefType) return false;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type;
// Check all type arguments.
ClassElement element = type.element;
// Check all supertypes.
if (element.allSupertypes != null) {
return true;
DartBackend(Compiler compiler, List<String> strips, {bool multiFile})
: tasks = <CompilerTask>[],
stripAsserts = strips.indexOf('asserts') != -1,
constantCompilerTask = new DartConstantTask(compiler),
outputter = new DartOutputter(
compiler, compiler.outputProvider,
forceStripTypes: strips.indexOf('types') != -1,
multiFile: multiFile,
enableMinification: compiler.enableMinification),
super(compiler) {
resolutionCallbacks = new DartResolutionCallbacks(this);
bool classNeedsRti(ClassElement cls) => false;
bool methodNeedsRti(FunctionElement function) => false;
void enqueueHelpers(ResolutionEnqueuer world, Registry registry) {
// Right now resolver doesn't always resolve interfaces needed
// for literals, so force them. TODO(antonm): fix in the resolver.
final LITERAL_TYPE_NAMES = const [
'Map', 'List', 'num', 'int', 'double', 'bool'
final coreLibrary = compiler.coreLibrary;
for (final name in LITERAL_TYPE_NAMES) {
ClassElement classElement = coreLibrary.findLocal(name);
// Enqueue the methods that the VM might invoke on user objects because
// we don't trust the resolution to always get these included.
world.registerInvocation(new"toString", null, 0));
world.registerInvokedGetter(new Selector.getter("hashCode", null));
world.registerInvocation(new Selector.binaryOperator("=="));
world.registerInvocation(new"compareTo", null, 1));
void codegen(CodegenWorkItem work) { }
/// Create an [ElementAst] from the CPS IR.
static ElementAst createElementAst(Compiler compiler,
Tracer tracer,
ConstantSystem constantSystem,
Element element,
cps_ir.FunctionDefinition function) {
// Transformations on the CPS IR.
if (tracer != null) {
tracer.traceCompilation(, null);
void traceGraph(String title, var irObject) {
if (tracer != null) {
tracer.traceGraph(title, irObject);
new ConstantPropagator(compiler, constantSystem).rewrite(function);
traceGraph("Sparse constant propagation", function);
new RedundantPhiEliminator().rewrite(function);
traceGraph("Redundant phi elimination", function);
new ShrinkingReducer().rewrite(function);
traceGraph("Shrinking reductions", function);
// Do not rewrite the IR after variable allocation. Allocation
// makes decisions based on an approximation of IR variable live
// ranges that can be invalidated by transforming the IR.
new cps_ir.RegisterAllocator().visit(function);
tree_builder.Builder builder = new tree_builder.Builder(compiler);
tree_ir.FunctionDefinition definition =;
assert(definition != null);
traceGraph('Tree builder', definition);
// Transformations on the Tree IR.
new StatementRewriter().rewrite(definition);
traceGraph('Statement rewriter', definition);
new CopyPropagator().rewrite(definition);
traceGraph('Copy propagation', definition);
new LoopRewriter().rewrite(definition);
traceGraph('Loop rewriter', definition);
new LogicalRewriter().rewrite(definition);
traceGraph('Logical rewriter', definition);
new backend_ast_emitter.UnshadowParameters().unshadow(definition);
traceGraph('Unshadow parameters', definition);
TreeElementMapping treeElements = new TreeElementMapping(element);
backend_ast.Node backendAst =
Node frontend_ast = backend2frontend.emit(treeElements, backendAst);
return new ElementAst.internal(frontend_ast, treeElements);
* Tells whether we should output given element. Corelib classes like
* Object should not be in the resulting code.
bool shouldOutput(Element element) {
return (!element.library.isPlatformLibrary &&
!element.isSynthesized &&
element is! AbstractFieldElement)
|| mirrorRenamer.isMirrorHelperLibrary(element.library);
void assembleProgram() {
ElementAst computeElementAst(AstElement element) {
if (!compiler.irBuilder.hasIr(element)) {
return new ElementAst(element);
} else {
cps_ir.FunctionDefinition function = compiler.irBuilder.getIr(element);
return createElementAst(compiler,
compiler.tracer, constantSystem, element, function);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove the need for this method.
void postProcessElementAst(
AstElement element, ElementAst elementAst,
newClassElementCallback) {
ReferencedElementCollector collector =
new ReferencedElementCollector(compiler,
String assembledCode = outputter.assembleProgram(
libraries: compiler.libraryLoader.libraries,
instantiatedClasses: compiler.resolverWorld.directlyInstantiatedClasses,
resolvedElements: compiler.enqueuer.resolution.resolvedElements,
usedTypeLiterals: usedTypeLiterals,
postProcessElementAst: postProcessElementAst,
computeElementAst: computeElementAst,
shouldOutput: shouldOutput,
isSafeToRemoveTypeDeclarations: isSafeToRemoveTypeDeclarations,
sortElements: sortElements,
mirrorRenamer: mirrorRenamer,
mainFunction: compiler.mainFunction,
outputUri: compiler.outputUri);
compiler.assembledCode = assembledCode;
int totalSize = assembledCode.length;
// Output verbose info about size ratio of resulting bundle to all
// referenced non-platform sources.
void logResultBundleSizeInfo(Iterable<LibraryElement> userLibraries,
Iterable<Element> topLevelElements,
int totalOutputSize) {
// Sum total size of scripts in each referenced library.
int nonPlatformSize = 0;
for (LibraryElement lib in userLibraries) {
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in lib.compilationUnits) {
nonPlatformSize += compilationUnit.script.file.length;
int percentage = totalOutputSize * 100 ~/ nonPlatformSize;
log('Total used non-platform files size: ${nonPlatformSize} bytes, '
'Output total size: $totalOutputSize bytes (${percentage}%)');
log(String message) => compiler.log('[DartBackend] $message');
Future onLibrariesLoaded(LoadedLibraries loadedLibraries) {
// All platform classes must be resolved to ensure that their member names
// are preserved.
loadedLibraries.forEachLibrary((LibraryElement library) {
if (library.isPlatformLibrary) {
library.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.isClass) {
ClassElement classElement = element;
if (useMirrorHelperLibrary &&
loadedLibraries.containsLibrary(Compiler.DART_MIRRORS)) {
return compiler.libraryLoader.loadLibrary(
MirrorRenamerImpl.DART_MIRROR_HELPER, null)).
then((LibraryElement library) {
mirrorRenamer = new MirrorRenamerImpl(compiler, this, library);
return new Future.value();
void registerStaticUse(Element element, Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (element == compiler.mirrorSystemGetNameFunction) {
FunctionElement getNameFunction = mirrorRenamer.getNameFunction;
if (getNameFunction != null) {
class DartResolutionCallbacks extends ResolutionCallbacks {
final DartBackend backend;
void onTypeLiteral(DartType type, Registry registry) {
if (type.isInterfaceType) {
class EmitterUnparser extends Unparser {
final Map<Node, String> renames;
EmitterUnparser(this.renames, {bool minify, bool stripTypes})
: super(minify: minify, stripTypes: stripTypes);
visit(Node node) {
if (node != null && renames.containsKey(node)) {
} else {
unparseSendReceiver(Send node, {bool spacesNeeded: false}) {
// TODO(smok): Remove ugly hack for library prefices.
if (node.receiver != null && renames[node.receiver] == '') return;
super.unparseSendReceiver(node, spacesNeeded: spacesNeeded);
unparseFunctionName(Node name) {
if (name != null && renames.containsKey(name)) {
} else {
* Some elements are not recorded by resolver now,
* for example, typedefs or classes which are only
* used in signatures, as/is operators or in super clauses
* (just to name a few). Retraverse AST to pick those up.
class ReferencedElementCollector extends Visitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final Element element;
final ElementAst elementAst;
final newTypedefElementCallback;
final newClassElementCallback;
visitNode(Node node) {
visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation) {
TreeElements treeElements = elementAst.treeElements;
final DartType type = treeElements.getType(typeAnnotation);
assert(invariant(typeAnnotation, type != null,
message: "Missing type for type annotation: $treeElements."));
if (type.isTypedef) newTypedefElementCallback(type.element);
if (type.isInterfaceType) newClassElementCallback(type.element);
void collect() {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
Comparator compareBy(f) => (x, y) => f(x).compareTo(f(y));
List sorted(Iterable l, comparison) {
final result = new List.from(l);
return result;
compareElements(e0, e1) {
int result = compareBy((e) => e.library.canonicalUri.toString())(e0, e1);
if (result != 0) return result;
return compareBy((e) => e.position.charOffset)(e0, e1);
List<Element> sortElements(Iterable<Element> elements) =>
sorted(elements, compareElements);
/// [ConstantCompilerTask] for compilation of constants for the Dart backend.
/// Since this task needs no distinction between frontend and backend constants
/// it also serves as the [BackendConstantEnvironment].
class DartConstantTask extends ConstantCompilerTask
implements BackendConstantEnvironment {
final DartConstantCompiler constantCompiler;
DartConstantTask(Compiler compiler)
: this.constantCompiler = new DartConstantCompiler(compiler),
String get name => 'ConstantHandler';
ConstantExpression getConstantForVariable(VariableElement element) {
return constantCompiler.getConstantForVariable(element);
ConstantExpression getConstantForNode(Node node, TreeElements elements) {
return constantCompiler.getConstantForNode(node, elements);
ConstantExpression getConstantForMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata) {
return metadata.constant;
ConstantExpression compileConstant(VariableElement element) {
return measure(() {
return constantCompiler.compileConstant(element);
void compileVariable(VariableElement element) {
measure(() {
ConstantExpression compileNode(Node node, TreeElements elements) {
return measure(() {
return constantCompiler.compileNodeWithDefinitions(node, elements);
ConstantExpression compileMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata,
Node node,
TreeElements elements) {
return measure(() {
return constantCompiler.compileMetadata(metadata, node, elements);