blob: 5591f688ddfa345fba11a02ed32c22cca78ccaf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.ir_type_inferrer;
import '../ir/ir_nodes.dart';
import 'inferrer_visitor.dart' show TypeSystem;
import 'simple_types_inferrer.dart' show InferrerEngine;
import '../elements/elements.dart' show
Element, FunctionElement, FunctionSignature;
import '../dart2jslib.dart' show Compiler, Constant, ConstantSystem;
import 'type_graph_inferrer.dart' show TypeInformation;
class IrTypeInferrerVisitor extends IrNodesVisitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final Element analyzedElement;
final TypeSystem<TypeInformation> types;
final InferrerEngine<TypeInformation, TypeSystem<TypeInformation>> inferrer;
TypeSystem<TypeInformation>> inferrer)
: inferrer = inferrer,
types = inferrer.types;
final Map<IrNode, TypeInformation> analyzed = <IrNode, TypeInformation>{};
TypeInformation returnType;
TypeInformation run() {
if (analyzedElement.isField()) {
// TODO(lry): handle fields.
throw "Type infer from IR for field $analyzedElement";
FunctionElement function = analyzedElement;
FunctionSignature signature = function.computeSignature(compiler);
IrFunction node = compiler.irBuilder.getIr(function);
// TODO(lry): handle parameters.
if (function.isNative()) {
// TODO(lry): handle native.
throw "Type infer from IR for native $analyzedElement";
if (analyzedElement.isGenerativeConstructor()) {
// TODO(lry): handle constructors.
throw "Type infer from IR for constructor $analyzedElement";
if (analyzedElement.isSynthesized) {
// TODO(lry): handle synthethics.
throw "Type infer from IR for synthetic $analyzedElement";
return returnType;
TypeInformation typeOfConstant(Constant constant) {
return inferrer.types.getConcreteTypeFor(constant.computeMask(compiler));
void visitIrConstant(IrConstant node) {
analyzed[node] = typeOfConstant(node.value);
void visitIrReturn(IrReturn node) {
TypeInformation type = analyzed[node.value];
returnType = inferrer.addReturnTypeFor(analyzedElement, returnType, type);
void visitNode(IrNode node) {
compiler.internalError('Unexpected IrNode $node');