blob: ec94adce4cd9708dc29c9f9194d85605f9768273 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
/// Edge origin resulting from the use of a type that is always nullable.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void f(dynamic x) {}
/// this class is used for the edge connecting `always` to the type of f's `x`
/// parameter, due to the fact that the `dynamic` type is always considered
/// nullable.
class AlwaysNullableTypeOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
AlwaysNullableTypeOrigin(Source source, AstNode node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.alwaysNullableType;
/// Edge origin resulting from the use of a value on the LHS of a compound
/// assignment.
class CompoundAssignmentOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
CompoundAssignmentOrigin(Source source, AssignmentExpression node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.compoundAssignment;
AssignmentExpression get node => super.node as AssignmentExpression;
/// An edge origin used for edges that originated because of a default value on
/// a parameter.
class DefaultValueOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
DefaultValueOrigin(Source source, Expression node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.defaultValue;
/// Common interface for classes providing information about how an edge came
/// to be; that is, what was found in the source code that led the migration
/// tool to create the edge.
abstract class EdgeOrigin extends EdgeOriginInfo {
final Source source;
final AstNode node;
EdgeOrigin(this.source, this.node);
/// Edge origin resulting from the relationship between a field formal parameter
/// and the corresponding field.
class FieldFormalParameterOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
FieldFormalParameterOrigin(Source source, FieldFormalParameter node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.fieldFormalParameter;
/// Edge origin resulting from the use of an iterable type in a for-each loop.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void f(Iterable<int> l) {
/// for (int i in l) {}
/// }
/// this class is used for the edge connecting the type of `l`'s `int` type
/// parameter to the type of `i`.
class ForEachVariableOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
ForEachVariableOrigin(Source source, ForEachParts node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.forEachVariable;
/// Edge origin resulting from the use of greatest lower bound.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void Function(int) f(void Function(int) x, void Function(int) y)
/// => x ?? y;
/// the `int` in the return type is nullable if both the `int`s in the types of
/// `x` and `y` are nullable, due to the fact that the `int` in the return type
/// is the greatest lower bound of the two other `int`s.
class GreatestLowerBoundOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
GreatestLowerBoundOrigin(Source source, AstNode node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.greatestLowerBound;
/// Edge origin resulting from the presence of a `??` operator.
class IfNullOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
IfNullOrigin(Source source, AstNode node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.ifNull;
/// Edge origin resulting from the implicit call from a mixin application
/// constructor to the corresponding super constructor.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// class C {
/// C(int i);
/// }
/// mixin M {}
/// class D = C with M;
/// this class is used for the edge connecting the types of the `i` parameters
/// between the implicit constructor for `D` and the explicit constructor for
/// `C`.
class ImplicitMixinSuperCallOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
ImplicitMixinSuperCallOrigin(Source source, ClassTypeAlias node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.implicitMixinSuperCall;
/// Edge origin resulting from an inheritance relationship between two methods.
class InheritanceOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
InheritanceOrigin(Source source, AstNode node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.inheritance;
/// Edge origin resulting from a type that is inferred from its initializer.
class InitializerInferenceOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
InitializerInferenceOrigin(Source source, VariableDeclaration node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.initializerInference;
/// Edge origin resulting from a class that is instantiated to bounds.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// class C<T extends Object> {}
/// C x;
/// this class is used for the edge connecting the type of x's type parameter
/// with the type bound in the declaration of C.
class InstantiateToBoundsOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
InstantiateToBoundsOrigin(Source source, TypeName node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.instantiateToBounds;
/// Edge origin resulting from the use of a type as a component type in an 'is'
/// check.
/// Somewhat opposite of the principle type, allowing improper non-null type
/// parameters etc. in an is check (`is List<int>` instead of `is List<int?>`)
/// could introduce a change to runtime behavior.
class IsCheckComponentTypeOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
IsCheckComponentTypeOrigin(Source source, TypeAnnotation node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.isCheckComponentType;
/// Edge origin resulting from the use of a type as the main type in an 'is'
/// check.
/// Before the migration, there was no way to say `is int?`, and therefore,
// `is int` should migrate to non-null int.
class IsCheckMainTypeOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
IsCheckMainTypeOrigin(Source source, TypeAnnotation node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.isCheckMainType;
/// Edge origin resulting from a call site that does not supply a named
/// parameter.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void f({int i}) {}
/// main() {
/// f();
/// }
/// this class is used for the edge connecting `always` to the type of f's `i`
/// parameter, due to the fact that the call to `f` implicitly passes a null
/// value for `i`.
class NamedParameterNotSuppliedOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
NamedParameterNotSuppliedOrigin(Source source, AstNode node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.namedParameterNotSupplied;
/// Edge origin resulting from the presence of a non-null assertion.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void f(int i) {
/// assert(i != null);
/// }
/// this class is used for the edge connecting the type of f's `i` parameter to
/// `never`, due to the assert statement proclaiming that `i` is not `null`.
class NonNullAssertionOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
NonNullAssertionOrigin(Source source, Assertion node) : super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.nonNullAssertion;
/// Edge origin resulting from the presence of an explicit nullability hint
/// comment.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void f(int/*?*/ i) {}
/// this class is used for the edge connecting `always` to the type of f's `i`
/// parameter, due to the presence of the `/*?*/` comment.
class NullabilityCommentOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
NullabilityCommentOrigin(Source source, TypeAnnotation node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.nullabilityComment;
/// Edge origin resulting from the presence of an optional formal parameter.
/// For example, in the following code snippet:
/// void f({int i}) {}
/// this class is used for the edge connecting `always` to the type of f's `i`
/// parameter, due to the fact that `i` is optional and has no initializer.
class OptionalFormalParameterOrigin extends EdgeOrigin {
OptionalFormalParameterOrigin(Source source, DefaultFormalParameter node)
: super(source, node);
EdgeOriginKind get kind => EdgeOriginKind.optionalFormalParameter;