blob: cadeffb6382fec318d809c46d9d16e38aed74822 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core' hide Resource;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
* Storage for cache data.
abstract class CacheStorage {
* Return bytes for the given [key], `null` if [key] is not in the storage.
List<int> get(String key);
* Associate the [key] with the given [bytes].
* If the [key] was already in the storage, its associated value is changed.
* Otherwise the key-value pair is added to the storage.
* It is not guaranteed that data will always be accessible using [get], in
* some implementations association may silently fail or become inaccessible
* after some time.
void put(String key, List<int> bytes);
* A [Folder] based implementation of [CacheStorage].
class FolderCacheStorage implements CacheStorage {
* The folder to read and write files.
final Folder folder;
* To ensure that operations of writing files are atomic we create a temporary
* file with this name in the [folder] and then rename it once we are
* done writing.
final String tempFileName;
FolderCacheStorage(this.folder, this.tempFileName);
List<int> get(String key) {
Resource file = folder.getChild(key);
if (file is File) {
try {
return file.readAsBytesSync();
} on FileSystemException {}
return null;
void put(String key, List<int> bytes) {
String absPath = folder.getChild(key).path;
File tempFile = folder.getChild(tempFileName);
try {
} catch (e) {}
* Cache of information to support incremental analysis.
* Note that currently this class is not intended for interactive use.
class IncrementalCache {
* The storage for the cache data.
final CacheStorage storage;
* The context in which this cache is used.
final AnalysisContext context;
* Opaque data that reflects the current configuration, such as the [context]
* options, and is mixed into the hashes.
final List<int> configSalt;
final Map<Source, CacheSourceContent> _sourceContentMap =
<Source, CacheSourceContent>{};
final Map<Source, List<Source>> _libraryClosureMap = <Source, List<Source>>{};
final Map<Source, List<int>> _libraryClosureHashMap = <Source, List<int>>{};
final Map<Source, List<int>> _sourceContentHashMap = <Source, List<int>>{};
* Mapping from a library closure key to its [PackageBundle].
final Map<String, PackageBundle> _bundleMap = <String, PackageBundle>{};
final Map<String, Source> _absoluteUriMap = <String, Source>{};
IncrementalCache(, this.context, this.configSalt);
* Clear internal caches so that we read from file system again.
void clearInternalCaches() {
* Return all summaries that are required to provide results about the library
* with the given [librarySource] from its summary. It includes all of the
* bundles in the import/export closure of the library. If any of the
* bundles are not in the cache, then `null` is returned. If any of the
* [LibraryBundleWithId]s were already returned as a part of the closure of
* another library, they are still included - it is up to the client to
* decide whether a bundle should be used or not, but it is easy to do
* using [].
List<LibraryBundleWithId> getLibraryClosureBundles(Source librarySource) {
try {
List<Source> closureSources = _getLibraryClosure(librarySource);
List<LibraryBundleWithId> closureBundles = <LibraryBundleWithId>[];
for (Source source in closureSources) {
if (getSourceKind(source) == SourceKind.PART) {
String key = _getLibraryBundleKey(source);
PackageBundle bundle = _getLibraryBundle(key);
if (bundle == null) {
return null;
closureBundles.add(new LibraryBundleWithId(source, key, bundle));
return closureBundles;
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Return the parts of the given [librarySource], or `null` if unknown.
List<Source> getLibraryParts(Source librarySource) {
try {
CacheSourceContent contentSource = _getCacheSourceContent(librarySource);
if (contentSource != null) {
return partUri) {
Source partSource = _resolveUri(librarySource, partUri);
if (partSource == null) {
throw new StateError(
'Unable to resolve $partUri in $librarySource');
return partSource;
} catch (e) {}
return null;
* Return cached errors in the given [source] in the context of the given
* [librarySource], or `null` if the cache does not have this information.
List<AnalysisError> getSourceErrorsInLibrary(
Source librarySource, Source source) {
try {
String key = _getSourceErrorsKey(librarySource, source);
List<int> bytes = storage.get(key);
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
CacheSourceErrorsInLibrary errorsObject =
new CacheSourceErrorsInLibrary.fromBuffer(bytes);
return errorsObject.errors
.map((e) => _convertErrorFromCached(source, e))
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Return the kind of the given [source], or `null` if unknown.
SourceKind getSourceKind(Source source) {
try {
CacheSourceContent contentSource = _getCacheSourceContent(source);
if (contentSource != null) {
if (contentSource.kind == CacheSourceKind.library) {
return SourceKind.LIBRARY;
if (contentSource.kind == CacheSourceKind.part) {
return SourceKind.PART;
} catch (e) {}
return null;
* Write information about the [libraryElement] into the cache.
void putLibrary(LibraryElement libraryElement) {
String key = _getLibraryBundleKey(libraryElement.source);
PackageBundleAssembler assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
List<int> bytes = assembler.assemble().toBuffer();
storage.put(key, bytes);
* Associate the given [errors] with the [source] in the [librarySource].
void putSourceErrorsInLibrary(
Source librarySource, Source source, List<AnalysisError> errors) {
CacheSourceErrorsInLibraryBuilder builder =
new CacheSourceErrorsInLibraryBuilder(
String key = _getSourceErrorsKey(librarySource, source);
List<int> bytes = builder.toBuffer();
storage.put(key, bytes);
* Fill the whole source closure of the library with the given
* [librarySource]. It includes defining units and parts of the library and
* all its directly or indirectly imported or exported libraries.
void _appendLibraryClosure(Set<Source> closure, Source librarySource) {
if (librarySource.isInSystemLibrary) {
if (closure.add(librarySource)) {
CacheSourceContent contentSource = _getCacheSourceContent(librarySource);
if (contentSource == null) {
throw new StateError('No structure for $librarySource');
// Append parts.
for (String partUri in contentSource.partUris) {
Source partSource = _resolveUri(librarySource, partUri);
if (partSource == null) {
throw new StateError('Unable to resolve $partUri in $librarySource');
// Append imports and exports.
void appendLibrarySources(String refUri) {
Source refSource = _resolveUri(librarySource, refUri);
if (refSource == null) {
throw new StateError('Unable to resolve $refUri in $librarySource');
_appendLibraryClosure(closure, refSource);
List<int> _computeSaltedMD5OfBytes(addData(ByteConversionSink byteSink)) {
Digest digest;
ChunkedConversionSink<Digest> digestSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink<Digest>.withCallback((List<Digest> digests) {
digest = digests.single;
ByteConversionSink byteSink = md5.startChunkedConversion(digestSink);
// Add data.
// Done.
return digest.bytes;
* Return the [AnalysisError] for the given [cachedError].
AnalysisError _convertErrorFromCached(
Source source, CacheAnalysisError cachedError) {
ErrorCode errorCode = _getErrorCode(cachedError);
return new AnalysisError.forValues(
* Return the [CacheAnalysisError] for the given [error].
CacheAnalysisError _convertErrorToCached(AnalysisError error) {
return new CacheAnalysisErrorBuilder(
errorCodeUniqueName: error.errorCode.uniqueName,
offset: error.offset,
length: error.length,
message: error.message,
correction: error.correction);
* Get the content based information about the given [source], maybe `null`
* if the information is not in the cache.
CacheSourceContent _getCacheSourceContent(Source source) {
CacheSourceContent content = _sourceContentMap[source];
if (content == null) {
String key = _getCacheSourceContentKey(source);
List<int> bytes = storage.get(key);
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
content = new CacheSourceContent.fromBuffer(bytes);
_sourceContentMap[source] = content;
return content;
* Return the key of the content based [source] information.
String _getCacheSourceContentKey(Source source) {
List<int> hash = _getSourceContentHash(source);
String hashStr = hex.encode(hash);
return '$hashStr.content';
* Return the [ErrorCode] of the given [error], throws if not found.
ErrorCode _getErrorCode(CacheAnalysisError error) {
String uniqueName = error.errorCodeUniqueName;
ErrorCode errorCode = ErrorCode.byUniqueName(uniqueName);
if (errorCode != null) {
return errorCode;
throw new StateError('Unable to find ErrorCode: $uniqueName');
* Get the bundle for the given key.
PackageBundle _getLibraryBundle(String key) {
PackageBundle bundle = _bundleMap[key];
if (bundle == null) {
List<int> bytes = storage.get(key);
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
bundle = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
_bundleMap[key] = bundle;
return bundle;
* Return the key of the bundle of the [librarySource].
String _getLibraryBundleKey(Source librarySource) {
List<int> hash = _getLibraryClosureHash(librarySource);
String hashStr = hex.encode(hash);
return '$hashStr.summary';
* Return the whole source closure of the library with the given
* [librarySource]. It includes defining units and parts of the library and
* of all its directly or indirectly imported or exported libraries.
List<Source> _getLibraryClosure(Source librarySource) {
return _libraryClosureMap.putIfAbsent(librarySource, () {
Set<Source> closure = new Set<Source>();
_appendLibraryClosure(closure, librarySource);
return closure.toList();
* Return the [context]-specific hash of the closure of the library with
* the given [librarySource].
List<int> _getLibraryClosureHash(Source librarySource) {
return _libraryClosureHashMap.putIfAbsent(librarySource, () {
List<Source> closure = _getLibraryClosure(librarySource);
return _computeSaltedMD5OfBytes((ByteConversionSink byteSink) {
for (Source source in closure) {
List<int> sourceHash = _getSourceContentHash(source);
* Compute a hash of the given [source] contents.
List<int> _getSourceContentHash(Source source) {
return _sourceContentHashMap.putIfAbsent(source, () {
String sourceText =;
List<int> sourceBytes = UTF8.encode(sourceText);
return md5.convert(sourceBytes).bytes;
* Return the key for errors in the [source] in the [librarySource].
String _getSourceErrorsKey(Source librarySource, Source source) {
List<int> hash = _computeSaltedMD5OfBytes((ByteConversionSink byteSink) {
String hashStr = hex.encode(hash);
return '$hashStr.errorsInLibrary';
* Return a source representing the URI that results from resolving the given
* (possibly relative) [containedUri] against the URI associated with the
* [containingSource], whether or not the resulting source exists, or `null`
* if either the [containedUri] is invalid or if it cannot be resolved against
* the [containingSource]'s URI.
Source _resolveUri(Source containingSource, String containedUri) {
// Cache absolute URIs.
if (containedUri.startsWith('dart:') ||
containedUri.startsWith('package:')) {
return _absoluteUriMap.putIfAbsent(containedUri, () {
return context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(containingSource, containedUri);
// Resolve relative URIs without caching.
return context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(containingSource, containedUri);
* Write the content based information about the given [source].
void _writeCacheSourceContent(Source source, CacheSourceContentBuilder b) {
if (!_sourceContentMap.containsKey(source)) {
String key = _getCacheSourceContentKey(source);
List<int> bytes = b.toBuffer();
storage.put(key, bytes);
// Put into the cache to avoid reading it later.
_sourceContentMap[source] = new CacheSourceContent.fromBuffer(bytes);
* Write [CacheSourceContent] for every unit of the given [library] and its
* direct and indirect imports/exports.
void _writeCacheSourceContents(LibraryElement library,
[Set<LibraryElement> writtenLibraries]) {
Source librarySource = library.source;
// Stop recursion cycle.
writtenLibraries ??= new Set<LibraryElement>();
if (!writtenLibraries.add(library)) {
// Write parts.
List<String> partUris = <String>[];
for (CompilationUnitElement part in {
Source partSource = part.source;
if (context.getKindOf(partSource) == SourceKind.PART) {
new CacheSourceContentBuilder(kind: CacheSourceKind.part));
// Write imports.
List<String> importUris = <String>[];
for (ImportElement element in library.imports) {
String uri = element.uri;
if (uri != null) {
_writeCacheSourceContents(element.importedLibrary, writtenLibraries);
// Write exports.
List<String> exportUris = <String>[];
for (ExportElement element in library.exports) {
String uri = element.uri;
if (uri != null) {
_writeCacheSourceContents(element.exportedLibrary, writtenLibraries);
// Write the library.
new CacheSourceContentBuilder(
kind: CacheSourceKind.library,
importedUris: importUris,
exportedUris: exportUris,
partUris: partUris));
* The bundle for a source in the context.
class LibraryBundleWithId {
* The source of the library this bundle is for.
final Source source;
* The unique ID of the [bundle] of the [source] in the context.
final String id;
* The payload bundle.
final PackageBundle bundle;
LibraryBundleWithId(this.source,, this.bundle);