blob: 65e9f7d8d4c5c5063a0582f9b98d4ce0e6da9cb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.barback.server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../barback.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
/// Callback for determining if an asset with [id] should be served or not.
typedef bool AllowAsset(AssetId id);
/// A server that serves assets transformed by barback.
class BarbackServer {
/// The underlying HTTP server.
final HttpServer _server;
/// The name of the root package, from whose `web` directory root assets will
/// be served.
final String _rootPackage;
/// The barback instance from which this serves assets.
final Barback barback;
/// The server's port.
final int port;
/// The server's address.
final InternetAddress address;
/// Optional callback to determine if an asset should be served.
/// This can be set to allow outside code to filter out assets. Pub serve
/// uses this after plug-ins are loaded to avoid serving ".dart" files in
/// release mode.
/// If this is `null`, all assets may be served.
AllowAsset allowAsset;
/// The results of requests handled by the server.
/// These can be used to provide visual feedback for the server's processing.
/// This stream is also used to emit any programmatic errors that occur in the
/// server.
Stream<BarbackServerResult> get results =>;
final _resultsController =
new StreamController<BarbackServerResult>.broadcast();
/// Creates a new server and binds it to [port] of [host].
/// This server will serve assets from [barback], and use [rootPackage] as the
/// root package.
static Future<BarbackServer> bind(String host, int port, Barback barback,
String rootPackage) {
return Chain.track(HttpServer.bind(host, port))
.then((server) => new BarbackServer._(server, barback, rootPackage));
BarbackServer._(HttpServer server, this.barback, this._rootPackage)
: _server = server,
port = server.port,
address = server.address {
Chain.track(_server).listen(_handleRequest, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
_resultsController.addError(error, stackTrace);
/// Closes this server.
Future close() {
/// Handles an HTTP request.
void _handleRequest(HttpRequest request) {
if (WebSocketTransformer.isUpgradeRequest(request)) {
if (request.method != "GET" && request.method != "HEAD") {
var id;
try {
id = _urlToId(request.uri);
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
// If we got here, we had a path like "/packages" which is a special
// directory, but not a valid path since it lacks a following package name.
_notFound(request, ex.message);
// See if the asset should be blocked.
if (allowAsset != null && !allowAsset(id)) {
_notFound(request, "Asset $id is not available in this configuration.");
_logRequest(request, "Loading $id");
barback.getAssetById(id).then((asset) {
return validateStream( {
new BarbackServerResult._success(request.uri, id));
// TODO(rnystrom): Set content-type based on asset type.
return Chain.track(request.response.addStream(stream)).then((_) {
// Log successful requests both so we can provide debugging
// information and so scheduled_test knows we haven't timed out while
// loading transformers.
_logRequest(request, "Served $id");
}).catchError((error, trace) {
new BarbackServerResult._failure(request.uri, id, error));
// If we couldn't read the asset, handle the error gracefully.
if (error is FileSystemException) {
// Assume this means the asset was a file-backed source asset
// and we couldn't read it, so treat it like a missing asset.
_notFound(request, error);
trace = new Chain.forTrace(trace);
_logRequest(request, "$error\n$trace");
// Otherwise, it's some internal error.
request.response.statusCode = 500;
request.response.reasonPhrase = "Internal Error";
}).catchError((error, trace) {
if (error is! AssetNotFoundException) {
trace = new Chain.forTrace(trace);
_logRequest(request, "$error\n$trace");
_resultsController.addError(error, trace);
new BarbackServerResult._failure(request.uri, id, error));
_notFound(request, error);
/// Creates a web socket for [request] which should be an upgrade request.
void _handleWebSocket(HttpRequest request) {
Chain.track(WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(request)).then((socket) {
socket.listen((data) {
var command;
try {
command = JSON.decode(data);
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
_webSocketError(socket, '"$data" is not valid JSON: ${ex.message}');
if (command is! Map) {
_webSocketError(socket, "Command must be a JSON map. Got: $data.");
if (!command.containsKey("command")) {
_webSocketError(socket, "Missing command name. Got: $data.");
switch (command["command"]) {
case "urlToAsset":
var urlPath = command["path"];
if (urlPath is! String) {
_webSocketError(socket, '"path" must be a string. Got: '
var url = new Uri(path: urlPath);
var id = _urlToId(url);
"package": id.package,
"path": id.path
case "assetToUrl":
var packageName = command["package"];
if (packageName is! String) {
_webSocketError(socket, '"package" must be a string. Got: '
var packagePath = command["path"];
if (packagePath is! String) {
_webSocketError(socket, '"path" must be a string. Got: '
var id = new AssetId(packageName, packagePath);
try {
var urlPath = idtoUrlPath(_rootPackage, id);
socket.add(JSON.encode({"path": urlPath}));
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
_webSocketError(socket, ex.message);
_webSocketError(socket, 'Unknown command "${command["command"]}".');
}, onError: _resultsController.addError, cancelOnError: true);
/// Converts a [url] served by pub serve into an [AssetId] that can be
/// requested from barback.
AssetId _urlToId(Uri url) {
var id = specialUrlToId(url);
if (id != null) return id;
// Otherwise, it's a path in current package's web directory.
var parts = path.url.split(url.path);
// Strip the leading "/" from the URL.
if (parts.isNotEmpty && parts.first == "/") parts = parts.skip(1);
var relativePath = path.url.join("web", path.url.joinAll(parts));
return new AssetId(_rootPackage, relativePath);
/// Responds to [request] with a 405 response and closes it.
void _methodNotAllowed(HttpRequest request) {
_logRequest(request, "405 Method Not Allowed");
request.response.statusCode = 405;
request.response.reasonPhrase = "Method Not Allowed";
request.response.headers.add('Allow', 'GET, HEAD');
"The ${request.method} method is not allowed for ${request.uri}.");
/// Responds to [request] with a 404 response and closes it.
void _notFound(HttpRequest request, message) {
_logRequest(request, "404 Not Found");
// Force a UTF-8 encoding so that error messages in non-English locales are
// sent correctly.
request.response.headers.contentType =
ContentType.parse("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
request.response.statusCode = 404;
request.response.reasonPhrase = "Not Found";
/// Log [message] at [log.Level.FINE] with metadata about [request].
void _logRequest(HttpRequest request, String message) =>
log.fine("BarbackServer ${request.method} ${request.uri}\n$message");
void _webSocketError(WebSocket socket, String message) {
socket.add(JSON.encode({"error": message}));
/// The result of the server handling a URL.
/// Only requests for which an asset was requested from barback will emit a
/// result. Malformed requests will be handled internally.
class BarbackServerResult {
/// The requested url.
final Uri url;
/// The id that [url] identifies.
final AssetId id;
/// The error thrown by barback.
/// If the request was served successfully, this will be null.
final error;
/// Whether the request was served successfully.
bool get isSuccess => error == null;
/// Whether the request was served unsuccessfully.
bool get isFailure => !isSuccess;
: error = null;
BarbackServerResult._failure(this.url,, this.error);