blob: 6d47db877a81dca1ed4d8e767938c518b31c4e5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dartdev/src/sdk.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:native_assets_builder/native_assets_builder.dart';
import 'package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli.dart';
import 'package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli_internal.dart';
import 'core.dart';
/// Compiles all native assets for host OS in JIT mode.
/// If provided, only native assets of all transitive dependencies of
/// [runPackageName] are built.
Future<(bool success, List<AssetImpl> assets)> compileNativeAssetsJit({
required bool verbose,
String? runPackageName,
}) async {
final workingDirectory = Directory.current.uri;
// TODO( Use
// package config resolution from package:package_config.
if (!await File.fromUri(
.exists()) {
return (true, <AssetImpl>[]);
final nativeAssetsBuildRunner = NativeAssetsBuildRunner(
// This always runs in JIT mode.
dartExecutable: Uri.file(sdk.dart),
logger: logger(verbose),
final buildResult = await
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
// When running in JIT mode, only the host OS needs to be build.
target: Target.current,
// When running in JIT mode, only dynamic libraries are supported.
linkModePreference: LinkModePreferenceImpl.dynamic,
// Dart has no concept of release vs debug, default to release.
buildMode: BuildModeImpl.release,
includeParentEnvironment: true,
runPackageName: runPackageName,
supportedAssetTypes: [
final linkResult = await
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
target: Target.current,
buildMode: BuildModeImpl.release,
includeParentEnvironment: true,
buildResult: buildResult,
return (
buildResult.success && linkResult.success,
[...buildResult.assets, ...linkResult.assets],
/// Compiles all native assets for host OS in JIT mode, and creates the
/// native assets yaml file.
/// If provided, only native assets of all transitive dependencies of
/// [runPackageName] are built.
/// Used in `dart run` and `dart test`.
Future<(bool success, Uri? nativeAssetsYaml)> compileNativeAssetsJitYamlFile({
required bool verbose,
String? runPackageName,
}) async {
final (success, assets) = await compileNativeAssetsJit(
verbose: verbose,
runPackageName: runPackageName,
if (!success) {
return (false, null);
final kernelAssets = KernelAssets([
for (final asset in assets.whereType<NativeCodeAssetImpl>())
for (final asset in assets.whereType<DataAssetImpl>())
final workingDirectory = Directory.current.uri;
final assetsUri = workingDirectory.resolve('.dart_tool/native_assets.yaml');
final nativeAssetsYaml = '''# Native assets mapping for host OS in JIT mode.
# Generated by dartdev and package:native_assets_builder.
final assetFile = File(assetsUri.toFilePath());
await assetFile.writeAsString(nativeAssetsYaml);
return (true, assetsUri);
KernelAsset _targetLocation(NativeCodeAssetImpl asset) {
final linkMode = asset.linkMode;
final KernelAssetPath kernelAssetPath;
switch (linkMode) {
case DynamicLoadingSystemImpl _:
kernelAssetPath = KernelAssetSystemPath(linkMode.uri);
case LookupInExecutableImpl _:
kernelAssetPath = KernelAssetInExecutable();
case LookupInProcessImpl _:
kernelAssetPath = KernelAssetInProcess();
case DynamicLoadingBundledImpl _:
kernelAssetPath = KernelAssetAbsolutePath(asset.file!);
throw Exception(
'Unsupported NativeCodeAsset linkMode ${linkMode.runtimeType} in asset $asset',
return KernelAsset(
target: Target.fromArchitectureAndOS(asset.architecture!, asset.os),
path: kernelAssetPath,
KernelAsset _dataTargetLocation(DataAssetImpl asset) {
return KernelAsset(
target: Target.current,
path: KernelAssetAbsolutePath(asset.file),
Future<bool> warnOnNativeAssets() async {
final workingDirectory = Directory.current.uri;
if (!await File.fromUri(
.exists()) {
// If `pub get` hasn't run, we can't know, so don't error.
return false;
try {
final packageLayout =
await PackageLayout.fromRootPackageRoot(workingDirectory);
final packagesWithNativeAssets = [
...await packageLayout.packagesWithAssets(,
...await packageLayout.packagesWithAssets(
if (packagesWithNativeAssets.isEmpty) {
return false;
final packageNames = =>' ');
'Package(s) $packageNames require the native assets feature to be enabled. '
'Enable native assets with `--enable-experiment=native-assets`.',
} on FormatException catch (e) {
// This can be thrown if the package_config.json is malformed or has
// duplicate entries.
'Error encountered while parsing package_config.json: ${e.message}',
return true;
Logger logger(bool verbose) => Logger('')
..onRecord.listen((LogRecord record) {
final levelValue = record.level.value;
if (levelValue >= Level.SEVERE.value) {
} else if (levelValue >= Level.WARNING.value ||
verbose && levelValue >= Level.INFO.value) {
} else {
// Note, this is ignored by default.