blob: 8397ef5d5bd1014dda39eebe9668d7329df9dd77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/locations.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
namespace dart {
intptr_t RegisterSet::RegisterCount(intptr_t registers) {
// Brian Kernighan's algorithm for counting the bits set.
intptr_t count = 0;
while (registers != 0) {
registers &= (registers - 1); // Clear the least significant bit set.
return count;
LocationSummary::LocationSummary(Isolate* isolate,
intptr_t input_count,
intptr_t temp_count,
LocationSummary::ContainsCall contains_call)
: num_inputs_(input_count),
live_registers_() {
input_locations_ = isolate->current_zone()->Alloc<Location>(num_inputs_);
temp_locations_ = isolate->current_zone()->Alloc<Location>(num_temps_);
LocationSummary* LocationSummary::Make(
Isolate* isolate,
intptr_t input_count,
Location out,
LocationSummary::ContainsCall contains_call) {
LocationSummary* summary = new(isolate) LocationSummary(
isolate, input_count, 0, contains_call);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < input_count; i++) {
summary->set_in(i, Location::RequiresRegister());
summary->set_out(0, out);
return summary;
Location Location::Pair(Location first, Location second) {
PairLocation* pair_location = new PairLocation();
ASSERT((reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pair_location) & kLocationTagMask) == 0);
pair_location->SetAt(0, first);
pair_location->SetAt(1, second);
Location loc(reinterpret_cast<uword>(pair_location) | kPairLocationTag);
return loc;
PairLocation* Location::AsPairLocation() const {
return reinterpret_cast<PairLocation*>(value_ & ~kLocationTagMask);
Location Location::RegisterOrConstant(Value* value) {
ConstantInstr* constant = value->definition()->AsConstant();
return ((constant != NULL) && Assembler::IsSafe(constant->value()))
? Location::Constant(constant->value())
: Location::RequiresRegister();
Location Location::RegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value) {
ConstantInstr* constant = value->definition()->AsConstant();
return ((constant != NULL) && Assembler::IsSafeSmi(constant->value()))
? Location::Constant(constant->value())
: Location::RequiresRegister();
Location Location::FixedRegisterOrConstant(Value* value, Register reg) {
ConstantInstr* constant = value->definition()->AsConstant();
return ((constant != NULL) && Assembler::IsSafe(constant->value()))
? Location::Constant(constant->value())
: Location::RegisterLocation(reg);
Location Location::FixedRegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value, Register reg) {
ConstantInstr* constant = value->definition()->AsConstant();
return ((constant != NULL) && Assembler::IsSafeSmi(constant->value()))
? Location::Constant(constant->value())
: Location::RegisterLocation(reg);
Location Location::AnyOrConstant(Value* value) {
ConstantInstr* constant = value->definition()->AsConstant();
return ((constant != NULL) && Assembler::IsSafe(constant->value()))
? Location::Constant(constant->value())
: Location::Any();
Address Location::ToStackSlotAddress() const {
const intptr_t index = stack_index();
if (index < 0) {
const intptr_t offset = (kParamEndSlotFromFp - index) * kWordSize;
return Address(FPREG, offset);
} else {
const intptr_t offset = (kFirstLocalSlotFromFp - index) * kWordSize;
return Address(FPREG, offset);
intptr_t Location::ToStackSlotOffset() const {
const intptr_t index = stack_index();
if (index < 0) {
const intptr_t offset = (kParamEndSlotFromFp - index) * kWordSize;
return offset;
} else {
const intptr_t offset = (kFirstLocalSlotFromFp - index) * kWordSize;
return offset;
const char* Location::Name() const {
switch (kind()) {
case kInvalid: return "?";
case kRegister: return Assembler::RegisterName(reg());
case kFpuRegister: return Assembler::FpuRegisterName(fpu_reg());
case kStackSlot: return "S";
case kDoubleStackSlot: return "DS";
case kQuadStackSlot: return "QS";
case kUnallocated:
switch (policy()) {
case kAny:
return "A";
case kPrefersRegister:
return "P";
case kRequiresRegister:
return "R";
case kRequiresFpuRegister:
return "DR";
case kWritableRegister:
return "WR";
case kSameAsFirstInput:
return "0";
if (IsConstant()) {
return "C";
} else {
return "2P";
return "?";
void Location::PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const {
if (kind() == kStackSlot) {
f->Print("S%+" Pd "", stack_index());
} else if (kind() == kDoubleStackSlot) {
f->Print("DS%+" Pd "", stack_index());
} else if (kind() == kQuadStackSlot) {
f->Print("QS%+" Pd "", stack_index());
} else if (IsPairLocation()) {
f->Print(", ");
} else {
f->Print("%s", Name());
const char* Location::ToCString() const {
char buffer[1024];
BufferFormatter bf(buffer, 1024);
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->MakeCopyOfString(buffer);
void Location::Print() const {
if (kind() == kStackSlot) {
OS::Print("S%+" Pd "", stack_index());
} else {
OS::Print("%s", Name());
Location Location::Copy() const {
if (IsPairLocation()) {
PairLocation* pair = AsPairLocation();
return Location::Pair(pair->At(0).Copy(), pair->At(1).Copy());
} else {
// Copy by value.
return *this;
void LocationSummary::PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const {
if (input_count() > 0) {
f->Print(" (");
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < input_count(); i++) {
if (i != 0) f->Print(", ");
if (temp_count() > 0) {
f->Print(" [");
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < temp_count(); i++) {
if (i != 0) f->Print(", ");
if (!out(0).IsInvalid()) {
f->Print(" => ");
if (always_calls()) f->Print(" C");
} // namespace dart