blob: 2c5de162cf3e427bf28d33b0dff12ab2ea5421fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// @dart = 2.9
/// A range of probabilities that a given event has occurred.
class ProbabilityRange {
/// The lower bound of the range.
final double lower;
/// The upper bound of the range.
final double upper;
/// Initialize a newly created probability range to have the given [lower] and
/// [upper] bounds.
const ProbabilityRange({this.lower, this.upper});
/// The middle of the range.
double get middle => (upper + lower) / 2;
/// Given the [probability] of an occurrence of an event that is conditional
/// on the event represented by this range, return the probability of the
/// event independent of the event based on this range.
double conditionalProbability(double probability) {
return middle + ((upper - lower) * probability / 2);