blob: 5fb24d4052f5b8bf32801f8cbefb8ef1d9eadc6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/library_prefix_contributor.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'completion_contributor_util.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class LibraryPrefixContributorTest extends DartCompletionContributorTest {
void assertSuggestLibraryPrefixes(List<String> expectedPrefixes) {
for (String prefix in expectedPrefixes) {
CompletionSuggestion cs = assertSuggest(prefix,
csKind: CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER,
Element element = cs.element;
expect(element, isNotNull);
expect(element.kind, equals(ElementKind.LIBRARY));
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
if (suggestions.length != expectedPrefixes.length) {
failedCompletion('expected only ${expectedPrefixes.length} suggestions');
DartCompletionContributor createContributor() {
return new LibraryPrefixContributor();
test_Block() async {
// Block BlockFunctionBody MethodDeclaration
addSource('/testAB.dart', '''
export "dart:math" hide max;
class A {int x;}
@deprecated D1() {int x;}
class _B {boo() { partBoo() {}} }''');
addSource('/testCD.dart', '''
String T1;
var _T2;
class C { }
class D { }''');
addSource('/testEEF.dart', '''
class EE { }
class F { }''');
addSource('/testG.dart', 'class G { }');
addSource('/testH.dart', '''
class H { }
int T3;
var _T4;'''); // not imported
import "testAB.dart";
import "testCD.dart" hide D;
import "testEEF.dart" show EE;
import "testG.dart" as g;
int T5;
var _T6;
String get T7 => 'hello';
set T8(int value) { partT8() {} }
Z D2() {int x;}
class X {
int get clog => 8;
set blog(value) { }
a() {
var f;
localF(int arg1) { }
{var x;}
^ var r;
void b() { }}
class Z { }''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_Block_final_final() async {
// Block BlockFunctionBody MethodDeclaration
addSource('/testAB.dart', '''
export "dart:math" hide max;
class A {int x;}
@deprecated D1() {int x;}
class _B {boo() { partBoo() {}} }''');
addSource('/testCD.dart', '''
String T1;
var _T2;
class C { }
class D { }''');
addSource('/testEEF.dart', '''
class EE { }
class F { }''');
addSource('/testG.dart', 'class G { }');
addSource('/testH.dart', '''
class H { }
int T3;
var _T4;'''); // not imported
import "testAB.dart";
import "testCD.dart" hide D;
import "testEEF.dart" show EE;
import "testG.dart" as g;
int T5;
var _T6;
String get T7 => 'hello';
set T8(int value) { partT8() {} }
Z D2() {int x;}
class X {
int get clog => 8;
set blog(value) { }
a() {
final ^
final var f;
localF(int arg1) { }
{var x;}
void b() { }}
class Z { }''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_Block_final_var() async {
// Block BlockFunctionBody MethodDeclaration
addSource('/testAB.dart', '''
export "dart:math" hide max;
class A {int x;}
@deprecated D1() {int x;}
class _B {boo() { partBoo() {}} }''');
addSource('/testCD.dart', '''
String T1;
var _T2;
class C { }
class D { }''');
addSource('/testEEF.dart', '''
class EE { }
class F { }''');
addSource('/testG.dart', 'class G { }');
addSource('/testH.dart', '''
class H { }
int T3;
var _T4;'''); // not imported
import "testAB.dart";
import "testCD.dart" hide D;
import "testEEF.dart" show EE;
import "testG.dart" as g;
int T5;
var _T6;
String get T7 => 'hello';
set T8(int value) { partT8() {} }
Z D2() {int x;}
class X {
int get clog => 8;
set blog(value) { }
a() {
final ^
var f;
localF(int arg1) { }
{var x;}
void b() { }}
class Z { }''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_ClassDeclaration_body() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
class B { }''');
import "testB.dart" as x;
@deprecated class A {^}
class _B {}
A T;''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_ClassDeclaration_body_final() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
class B { }''');
import "testB.dart" as x;
class A {final ^}
class _B {}
A T;''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_ClassDeclaration_body_final_field() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
class B { }''');
import "testB.dart" as x;
class A {final ^ A(){}}
class _B {}
A T;''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_ClassDeclaration_body_final_field2() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
class B { }''');
import "testB.dart" as Soo;
class A {final S^ A();}
class _B {}
A Sew;''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset - 1);
expect(replacementLength, 1);
test_ClassDeclaration_body_final_final() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
class B { }''');
import "testB.dart" as x;
class A {final ^ final foo;}
class _B {}
A T;''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_ClassDeclaration_body_final_var() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
class B { }''');
import "testB.dart" as x;
class A {final ^ var foo;}
class _B {}
A T;''');
await computeSuggestions();
expect(replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(replacementLength, 0);
test_InstanceCreationExpression() async {
addSource('/testA.dart', '''
class A {foo(){var f; {var x;}}}
class B {B(this.x, [String boo]) { } int x;}
class C {{boo: 'hoo', int z: 0}) { } }''');
import "testA.dart" as t;
import "dart:math" as math;
main() {new ^ String x = "hello";}''');
await computeSuggestions();
assertSuggestLibraryPrefixes(['math', 't']);
test_InstanceCreationExpression2() async {
addTestSource('import "dart:convert" as json;f() {var x=new js^}');
await computeSuggestions();
test_InstanceCreationExpression_inPart() async {
addSource('/testA.dart', '''
class A {foo(){var f; {var x;}}}
class B {B(this.x, [String boo]) { } int x;}
class C {{boo: 'hoo', int z: 0}) { } }''');
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
library testB;
import "${convertPathForImport("/testA.dart")}" as t;
import "dart:math" as math;
part "${convertPathForImport(testFile)}"
main() {new ^ String x = "hello";}''');
part of testB;
main() {new ^ String x = "hello";}''');
await computeLibrariesContaining();
await computeSuggestions();
assertSuggestLibraryPrefixes(['math', 't']);
test_InstanceCreationExpression_inPart_detached() async {
addSource('/testA.dart', '''
class A {foo(){var f; {var x;}}}
class B {B(this.x, [String boo]) { } int x;}
class C {{boo: 'hoo', int z: 0}) { } }''');
addSource('/testB.dart', '''
library testB;
import "testA.dart" as t;
import "dart:math" as math;
//part "$testFile"
main() {new ^ String x = "hello";}''');
//part of testB;
main() {new ^ String x = "hello";}''');
await computeSuggestions();