blob: b2954eb8272ccdfa62f072e8098e7e57880ad900 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
* Convenience methods for running integration tests
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'integration_tests.dart';
import 'protocol_matchers.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
* Convenience methods for running integration tests
abstract class IntegrationTestMixin {
Server get server;
* Return the version number of the analysis server.
* Returns
* version: String
* The version number of the analysis server.
Future<ServerGetVersionResult> sendServerGetVersion() async {
var result = await server.send("server.getVersion", null);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new ServerGetVersionResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Cleanly shutdown the analysis server. Requests that are received after
* this request will not be processed. Requests that were received before
* this request, but for which a response has not yet been sent, will not be
* responded to. No further responses or notifications will be sent after the
* response to this request has been sent.
Future sendServerShutdown() async {
var result = await server.send("server.shutdown", null);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Subscribe for services. All previous subscriptions are replaced by the
* given set of services.
* It is an error if any of the elements in the list are not valid services.
* If there is an error, then the current subscriptions will remain
* unchanged.
* Parameters
* subscriptions: List<ServerService>
* A list of the services being subscribed to.
Future sendServerSetSubscriptions(List<ServerService> subscriptions) async {
var params = new ServerSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
var result = await server.send("server.setSubscriptions", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Reports that the server is running. This notification is issued once after
* the server has started running but before any requests are processed to
* let the client know that it started correctly.
* It is not possible to subscribe to or unsubscribe from this notification.
* Parameters
* version: String
* The version number of the analysis server.
* pid: int
* The process id of the analysis server process.
* sessionId: String (optional)
* The session id for this session.
Stream<ServerConnectedParams> onServerConnected;
* Stream controller for [onServerConnected].
StreamController<ServerConnectedParams> _onServerConnected;
* Reports that an unexpected error has occurred while executing the server.
* This notification is not used for problems with specific requests (which
* are returned as part of the response) but is used for exceptions that
* occur while performing other tasks, such as analysis or preparing
* notifications.
* It is not possible to subscribe to or unsubscribe from this notification.
* Parameters
* isFatal: bool
* True if the error is a fatal error, meaning that the server will
* shutdown automatically after sending this notification.
* message: String
* The error message indicating what kind of error was encountered.
* stackTrace: String
* The stack trace associated with the generation of the error, used for
* debugging the server.
Stream<ServerErrorParams> onServerError;
* Stream controller for [onServerError].
StreamController<ServerErrorParams> _onServerError;
* Reports the current status of the server. Parameters are omitted if there
* has been no change in the status represented by that parameter.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "STATUS" in the list of services passed in a
* server.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* analysis: AnalysisStatus (optional)
* The current status of analysis, including whether analysis is being
* performed and if so what is being analyzed.
* pub: PubStatus (optional)
* The current status of pub execution, indicating whether we are currently
* running pub.
* Note: this status type is deprecated, and is no longer sent by the
* server.
Stream<ServerStatusParams> onServerStatus;
* Stream controller for [onServerStatus].
StreamController<ServerStatusParams> _onServerStatus;
* Return the errors associated with the given file. If the errors for the
* given file have not yet been computed, or the most recently computed
* errors for the given file are out of date, then the response for this
* request will be delayed until they have been computed. If some or all of
* the errors for the file cannot be computed, then the subset of the errors
* that can be computed will be returned and the response will contain an
* error to indicate why the errors could not be computed. If the content of
* the file changes after this request was received but before a response
* could be sent, then an error of type CONTENT_MODIFIED will be generated.
* This request is intended to be used by clients that cannot asynchronously
* apply updated error information. Clients that can apply error information
* as it becomes available should use the information provided by the
* 'analysis.errors' notification.
* If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* GET_ERRORS_INVALID_FILE will be generated.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file for which errors are being requested.
* Returns
* errors: List<AnalysisError>
* The errors associated with the file.
Future<AnalysisGetErrorsResult> sendAnalysisGetErrors(String file) async {
var params = new AnalysisGetErrorsParams(file).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.getErrors", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetErrorsResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the hover information associate with the given location. If some or
* all of the hover information is not available at the time this request is
* processed the information will be omitted from the response.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file in which hover information is being requested.
* offset: int
* The offset for which hover information is being requested.
* Returns
* hovers: List<HoverInformation>
* The hover information associated with the location. The list will be
* empty if no information could be determined for the location. The list
* can contain multiple items if the file is being analyzed in multiple
* contexts in conflicting ways (such as a part that is included in
* multiple libraries).
Future<AnalysisGetHoverResult> sendAnalysisGetHover(
String file, int offset) async {
var params = new AnalysisGetHoverParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.getHover", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetHoverResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Return a description of all of the elements referenced in a given region
* of a given file that come from imported libraries.
* If a request is made for a file that does not exist, or that is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified via analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file in which import information is being requested.
* offset: int
* The offset of the region for which import information is being
* requested.
* length: int
* The length of the region for which import information is being
* requested.
* Returns
* elements: List<ImportedElements>
* The information about the elements that are referenced in the specified
* region of the specified file that come from imported libraries.
Future<AnalysisGetImportedElementsResult> sendAnalysisGetImportedElements(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params =
new AnalysisGetImportedElementsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.getImportedElements", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetImportedElementsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return library dependency information for use in client-side indexing and
* package URI resolution.
* Clients that are only using the libraries field should consider using the
* analyzedFiles notification instead.
* Returns
* libraries: List<FilePath>
* A list of the paths of library elements referenced by files in existing
* analysis roots.
* packageMap: Map<String, Map<String, List<FilePath>>>
* A mapping from context source roots to package maps which map package
* names to source directories for use in client-side package URI
* resolution.
sendAnalysisGetLibraryDependencies() async {
var result = await server.send("analysis.getLibraryDependencies", null);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetLibraryDependenciesResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the navigation information associated with the given region of the
* given file. If the navigation information for the given file has not yet
* been computed, or the most recently computed navigation information for
* the given file is out of date, then the response for this request will be
* delayed until it has been computed. If the content of the file changes
* after this request was received but before a response could be sent, then
* an error of type CONTENT_MODIFIED will be generated.
* If a navigation region overlaps (but extends either before or after) the
* given region of the file it will be included in the result. This means
* that it is theoretically possible to get the same navigation region in
* response to multiple requests. Clients can avoid this by always choosing a
* region that starts at the beginning of a line and ends at the end of a
* (possibly different) line in the file.
* If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* GET_NAVIGATION_INVALID_FILE will be generated.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file in which navigation information is being requested.
* offset: int
* The offset of the region for which navigation information is being
* requested.
* length: int
* The length of the region for which navigation information is being
* requested.
* Returns
* files: List<FilePath>
* A list of the paths of files that are referenced by the navigation
* targets.
* targets: List<NavigationTarget>
* A list of the navigation targets that are referenced by the navigation
* regions.
* regions: List<NavigationRegion>
* A list of the navigation regions within the requested region of the
* file.
Future<AnalysisGetNavigationResult> sendAnalysisGetNavigation(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params = new AnalysisGetNavigationParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.getNavigation", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetNavigationResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the transitive closure of reachable sources for a given file.
* If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file for which reachable source information is being requested.
* Returns
* sources: Map<String, List<String>>
* A mapping from source URIs to directly reachable source URIs. For
* example, a file "foo.dart" that imports "bar.dart" would have the
* corresponding mapping { "file:///foo.dart" : ["file:///bar.dart"] }. If
* "bar.dart" has further imports (or exports) there will be a mapping from
* the URI "file:///bar.dart" to them. To check if a specific URI is
* reachable from a given file, clients can check for its presence in the
* resulting key set.
Future<AnalysisGetReachableSourcesResult> sendAnalysisGetReachableSources(
String file) async {
var params = new AnalysisGetReachableSourcesParams(file).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.getReachableSources", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetReachableSourcesResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the signature information associated with the given location in the
* given file. If the signature information for the given file has not yet
* been computed, or the most recently computed signature information for the
* given file is out of date, then the response for this request will be
* delayed until it has been computed. If a request is made for a file which
* does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g.
* because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to
* analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_FILE
* will be generated. If the location given is not inside the argument list
* for a function (including method and constructor) invocation, then an
* error of type GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_OFFSET will be generated. If the
* location is inside an argument list but the function is not defined or
* cannot be determined (such as a method invocation where the target has
* type 'dynamic') then an error of type GET_SIGNATURE_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION will
* be generated.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file in which signature information is being requested.
* offset: int
* The location for which signature information is being requested.
* Returns
* name: String
* The name of the function being invoked at the given offset.
* dartdoc: String (optional)
* The dartdoc associated with the function being invoked. Other than the
* removal of the comment delimiters, including leading asterisks in the
* case of a block comment, the dartdoc is unprocessed markdown. This data
* is omitted if there is no referenced element, or if the element has no
* dartdoc.
* parameters: List<ParameterInfo>
* A list of information about each of the parameters of the function being
* invoked.
Future<AnalysisGetSignatureResult> sendAnalysisGetSignature(
String file, int offset) async {
var params = new AnalysisGetSignatureParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.getSignature", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisGetSignatureResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Force the re-analysis of everything contained in the specified analysis
* roots. This will cause all previously computed analysis results to be
* discarded and recomputed, and will cause all subscribed notifications to
* be re-sent.
* If no analysis roots are provided, then all current analysis roots will be
* re-analyzed. If an empty list of analysis roots is provided, then nothing
* will be re-analyzed. If the list contains one or more paths that are not
* currently analysis roots, then an error of type INVALID_ANALYSIS_ROOT will
* be generated.
* Parameters
* roots: List<FilePath> (optional)
* A list of the analysis roots that are to be re-analyzed.
Future sendAnalysisReanalyze({List<String> roots}) async {
var params = new AnalysisReanalyzeParams(roots: roots).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.reanalyze", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Sets the root paths used to determine which files to analyze. The set of
* files to be analyzed are all of the files in one of the root paths that
* are not either explicitly or implicitly excluded. A file is explicitly
* excluded if it is in one of the excluded paths. A file is implicitly
* excluded if it is in a subdirectory of one of the root paths where the
* name of the subdirectory starts with a period (that is, a hidden
* directory).
* Note that this request determines the set of requested analysis roots. The
* actual set of analysis roots at any given time is the intersection of this
* set with the set of files and directories actually present on the
* filesystem. When the filesystem changes, the actual set of analysis roots
* is automatically updated, but the set of requested analysis roots is
* unchanged. This means that if the client sets an analysis root before the
* root becomes visible to server in the filesystem, there is no error; once
* the server sees the root in the filesystem it will start analyzing it.
* Similarly, server will stop analyzing files that are removed from the file
* system but they will remain in the set of requested roots.
* If an included path represents a file, then server will look in the
* directory containing the file for a pubspec.yaml file. If none is found,
* then the parents of the directory will be searched until such a file is
* found or the root of the file system is reached. If such a file is found,
* it will be used to resolve package: URI’s within the file.
* Parameters
* included: List<FilePath>
* A list of the files and directories that should be analyzed.
* excluded: List<FilePath>
* A list of the files and directories within the included directories that
* should not be analyzed.
* packageRoots: Map<FilePath, FilePath> (optional)
* A mapping from source directories to package roots that should override
* the normal package: URI resolution mechanism.
* If a package root is a directory, then the analyzer will behave as
* though the associated source directory in the map contains a special
* pubspec.yaml file which resolves any package: URI to the corresponding
* path within that package root directory. The effect is the same as
* specifying the package root directory as a "--package_root" parameter to
* the Dart VM when executing any Dart file inside the source directory.
* If a package root is a file, then the analyzer will behave as though
* that file is a ".packages" file in the source directory. The effect is
* the same as specifying the file as a "--packages" parameter to the Dart
* VM when executing any Dart file inside the source directory.
* Files in any directories that are not overridden by this mapping have
* their package: URI's resolved using the normal pubspec.yaml mechanism.
* If this field is absent, or the empty map is specified, that indicates
* that the normal pubspec.yaml mechanism should always be used.
Future sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(
List<String> included, List<String> excluded,
{Map<String, String> packageRoots}) async {
var params = new AnalysisSetAnalysisRootsParams(included, excluded,
packageRoots: packageRoots)
var result = await server.send("analysis.setAnalysisRoots", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Subscribe for general services (that is, services that are not specific to
* individual files). All previous subscriptions are replaced by the given
* set of services.
* It is an error if any of the elements in the list are not valid services.
* If there is an error, then the current subscriptions will remain
* unchanged.
* Parameters
* subscriptions: List<GeneralAnalysisService>
* A list of the services being subscribed to.
Future sendAnalysisSetGeneralSubscriptions(
List<GeneralAnalysisService> subscriptions) async {
var params =
new AnalysisSetGeneralSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.setGeneralSubscriptions", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Set the priority files to the files in the given list. A priority file is
* a file that is given priority when scheduling which analysis work to do
* first. The list typically contains those files that are visible to the
* user and those for which analysis results will have the biggest impact on
* the user experience. The order of the files within the list is
* significant: the first file will be given higher priority than the second,
* the second higher priority than the third, and so on.
* Note that this request determines the set of requested priority files. The
* actual set of priority files is the intersection of the requested set of
* priority files with the set of files currently subject to analysis. (See
* analysis.setSubscriptions for a description of files that are subject to
* analysis.)
* If a requested priority file is a directory it is ignored, but remains in
* the set of requested priority files so that if it later becomes a file it
* can be included in the set of actual priority files.
* Parameters
* files: List<FilePath>
* The files that are to be a priority for analysis.
Future sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles(List<String> files) async {
var params = new AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams(files).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.setPriorityFiles", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Subscribe for services that are specific to individual files. All previous
* subscriptions are replaced by the current set of subscriptions. If a given
* service is not included as a key in the map then no files will be
* subscribed to the service, exactly as if the service had been included in
* the map with an explicit empty list of files.
* Note that this request determines the set of requested subscriptions. The
* actual set of subscriptions at any given time is the intersection of this
* set with the set of files currently subject to analysis. The files
* currently subject to analysis are the set of files contained within an
* actual analysis root but not excluded, plus all of the files transitively
* reachable from those files via import, export and part directives. (See
* analysis.setAnalysisRoots for an explanation of how the actual analysis
* roots are determined.) When the actual analysis roots change, the actual
* set of subscriptions is automatically updated, but the set of requested
* subscriptions is unchanged.
* If a requested subscription is a directory it is ignored, but remains in
* the set of requested subscriptions so that if it later becomes a file it
* can be included in the set of actual subscriptions.
* It is an error if any of the keys in the map are not valid services. If
* there is an error, then the existing subscriptions will remain unchanged.
* Parameters
* subscriptions: Map<AnalysisService, List<FilePath>>
* A table mapping services to a list of the files being subscribed to the
* service.
Future sendAnalysisSetSubscriptions(
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>> subscriptions) async {
var params = new AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.setSubscriptions", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Update the content of one or more files. Files that were previously
* updated but not included in this update remain unchanged. This effectively
* represents an overlay of the filesystem. The files whose content is
* overridden are therefore seen by server as being files with the given
* content, even if the files do not exist on the filesystem or if the file
* path represents the path to a directory on the filesystem.
* Parameters
* files: Map<FilePath, AddContentOverlay | ChangeContentOverlay |
* RemoveContentOverlay>
* A table mapping the files whose content has changed to a description of
* the content change.
* Returns
Future<AnalysisUpdateContentResult> sendAnalysisUpdateContent(
Map<String, dynamic> files) async {
var params = new AnalysisUpdateContentParams(files).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.updateContent", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalysisUpdateContentResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Deprecated: all of the options can be set by users in an analysis options
* file.
* Update the options controlling analysis based on the given set of options.
* Any options that are not included in the analysis options will not be
* changed. If there are options in the analysis options that are not valid,
* they will be silently ignored.
* Parameters
* options: AnalysisOptions
* The options that are to be used to control analysis.
Future sendAnalysisUpdateOptions(AnalysisOptions options) async {
var params = new AnalysisUpdateOptionsParams(options).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analysis.updateOptions", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Reports the paths of the files that are being analyzed.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "ANALYZED_FILES" in the list of services passed in
* an analysis.setGeneralSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* directories: List<FilePath>
* A list of the paths of the files that are being analyzed.
Stream<AnalysisAnalyzedFilesParams> onAnalysisAnalyzedFiles;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisAnalyzedFiles].
StreamController<AnalysisAnalyzedFilesParams> _onAnalysisAnalyzedFiles;
* Reports closing labels relevant to a given file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "CLOSING_LABELS" in the list of services passed in
* an analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file the closing labels relate to.
* labels: List<ClosingLabel>
* Closing labels relevant to the file. Each item represents a useful label
* associated with some range with may be useful to display to the user
* within the editor at the end of the range to indicate what construct is
* closed at that location. Closing labels include constructor/method calls
* and List arguments that span multiple lines. Note that the ranges that
* are returned can overlap each other because they may be associated with
* constructs that can be nested.
Stream<AnalysisClosingLabelsParams> onAnalysisClosingLabels;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisClosingLabels].
StreamController<AnalysisClosingLabelsParams> _onAnalysisClosingLabels;
* Reports the errors associated with a given file. The set of errors
* included in the notification is always a complete list that supersedes any
* previously reported errors.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the errors.
* errors: List<AnalysisError>
* The errors contained in the file.
Stream<AnalysisErrorsParams> onAnalysisErrors;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisErrors].
StreamController<AnalysisErrorsParams> _onAnalysisErrors;
* Reports that any analysis results that were previously associated with the
* given files should be considered to be invalid because those files are no
* longer being analyzed, either because the analysis root that contained it
* is no longer being analyzed or because the file no longer exists.
* If a file is included in this notification and at some later time a
* notification with results for the file is received, clients should assume
* that the file is once again being analyzed and the information should be
* processed.
* It is not possible to subscribe to or unsubscribe from this notification.
* Parameters
* files: List<FilePath>
* The files that are no longer being analyzed.
Stream<AnalysisFlushResultsParams> onAnalysisFlushResults;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisFlushResults].
StreamController<AnalysisFlushResultsParams> _onAnalysisFlushResults;
* Reports the folding regions associated with a given file. Folding regions
* can be nested, but will not be overlapping. Nesting occurs when a foldable
* element, such as a method, is nested inside another foldable element such
* as a class.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "FOLDING" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the folding regions.
* regions: List<FoldingRegion>
* The folding regions contained in the file.
Stream<AnalysisFoldingParams> onAnalysisFolding;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisFolding].
StreamController<AnalysisFoldingParams> _onAnalysisFolding;
* Reports the highlight regions associated with a given file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "HIGHLIGHTS" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the highlight regions.
* regions: List<HighlightRegion>
* The highlight regions contained in the file. Each highlight region
* represents a particular syntactic or semantic meaning associated with
* some range. Note that the highlight regions that are returned can
* overlap other highlight regions if there is more than one meaning
* associated with a particular region.
Stream<AnalysisHighlightsParams> onAnalysisHighlights;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisHighlights].
StreamController<AnalysisHighlightsParams> _onAnalysisHighlights;
* Reports the classes that are implemented or extended and class members
* that are implemented or overridden in a file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "IMPLEMENTED" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file with which the implementations are associated.
* classes: List<ImplementedClass>
* The classes defined in the file that are implemented or extended.
* members: List<ImplementedMember>
* The member defined in the file that are implemented or overridden.
Stream<AnalysisImplementedParams> onAnalysisImplemented;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisImplemented].
StreamController<AnalysisImplementedParams> _onAnalysisImplemented;
* Reports that the navigation information associated with a region of a
* single file has become invalid and should be re-requested.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "INVALIDATE" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file whose information has been invalidated.
* offset: int
* The offset of the invalidated region.
* length: int
* The length of the invalidated region.
* delta: int
* The delta to be applied to the offsets in information that follows the
* invalidated region in order to update it so that it doesn't need to be
* re-requested.
Stream<AnalysisInvalidateParams> onAnalysisInvalidate;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisInvalidate].
StreamController<AnalysisInvalidateParams> _onAnalysisInvalidate;
* Reports the navigation targets associated with a given file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "NAVIGATION" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the navigation regions.
* regions: List<NavigationRegion>
* The navigation regions contained in the file. The regions are sorted by
* their offsets. Each navigation region represents a list of targets
* associated with some range. The lists will usually contain a single
* target, but can contain more in the case of a part that is included in
* multiple libraries or in Dart code that is compiled against multiple
* versions of a package. Note that the navigation regions that are
* returned do not overlap other navigation regions.
* targets: List<NavigationTarget>
* The navigation targets referenced in the file. They are referenced by
* NavigationRegions by their index in this array.
* files: List<FilePath>
* The files containing navigation targets referenced in the file. They are
* referenced by NavigationTargets by their index in this array.
Stream<AnalysisNavigationParams> onAnalysisNavigation;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisNavigation].
StreamController<AnalysisNavigationParams> _onAnalysisNavigation;
* Reports the occurrences of references to elements within a single file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "OCCURRENCES" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file in which the references occur.
* occurrences: List<Occurrences>
* The occurrences of references to elements within the file.
Stream<AnalysisOccurrencesParams> onAnalysisOccurrences;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisOccurrences].
StreamController<AnalysisOccurrencesParams> _onAnalysisOccurrences;
* Reports the outline associated with a single file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "OUTLINE" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file with which the outline is associated.
* kind: FileKind
* The kind of the file.
* libraryName: String (optional)
* The name of the library defined by the file using a "library" directive,
* or referenced by a "part of" directive. If both "library" and "part of"
* directives are present, then the "library" directive takes precedence.
* This field will be omitted if the file has neither "library" nor "part
* of" directives.
* outline: Outline
* The outline associated with the file.
Stream<AnalysisOutlineParams> onAnalysisOutline;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisOutline].
StreamController<AnalysisOutlineParams> _onAnalysisOutline;
* Reports the overriding members in a file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "OVERRIDES" in the list of services passed in an
* analysis.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file with which the overrides are associated.
* overrides: List<Override>
* The overrides associated with the file.
Stream<AnalysisOverridesParams> onAnalysisOverrides;
* Stream controller for [onAnalysisOverrides].
StreamController<AnalysisOverridesParams> _onAnalysisOverrides;
* Request that completion suggestions for the given offset in the given file
* be returned.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the point at which suggestions are to be made.
* offset: int
* The offset within the file at which suggestions are to be made.
* Returns
* id: CompletionId
* The identifier used to associate results with this completion request.
Future<CompletionGetSuggestionsResult> sendCompletionGetSuggestions(
String file, int offset) async {
var params = new CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send("completion.getSuggestions", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Reports the completion suggestions that should be presented to the user.
* The set of suggestions included in the notification is always a complete
* list that supersedes any previously reported suggestions.
* Parameters
* id: CompletionId
* The id associated with the completion.
* replacementOffset: int
* The offset of the start of the text to be replaced. This will be
* different than the offset used to request the completion suggestions if
* there was a portion of an identifier before the original offset. In
* particular, the replacementOffset will be the offset of the beginning of
* said identifier.
* replacementLength: int
* The length of the text to be replaced if the remainder of the identifier
* containing the cursor is to be replaced when the suggestion is applied
* (that is, the number of characters in the existing identifier).
* results: List<CompletionSuggestion>
* The completion suggestions being reported. The notification contains all
* possible completions at the requested cursor position, even those that
* do not match the characters the user has already typed. This allows the
* client to respond to further keystrokes from the user without having to
* make additional requests.
* isLast: bool
* True if this is that last set of results that will be returned for the
* indicated completion.
Stream<CompletionResultsParams> onCompletionResults;
* Stream controller for [onCompletionResults].
StreamController<CompletionResultsParams> _onCompletionResults;
* Perform a search for references to the element defined or referenced at
* the given offset in the given file.
* An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be
* returned via the search.results notification as they become available.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the declaration of or reference to the element used
* to define the search.
* offset: int
* The offset within the file of the declaration of or reference to the
* element.
* includePotential: bool
* True if potential matches are to be included in the results.
* Returns
* id: SearchId (optional)
* The identifier used to associate results with this search request.
* If no element was found at the given location, this field will be
* absent, and no results will be reported via the search.results
* notification.
* element: Element (optional)
* The element referenced or defined at the given offset and whose
* references will be returned in the search results.
* If no element was found at the given location, this field will be
* absent.
Future<SearchFindElementReferencesResult> sendSearchFindElementReferences(
String file, int offset, bool includePotential) async {
var params =
new SearchFindElementReferencesParams(file, offset, includePotential)
var result = await server.send("search.findElementReferences", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new SearchFindElementReferencesResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Perform a search for declarations of members whose name is equal to the
* given name.
* An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be
* returned via the search.results notification as they become available.
* Parameters
* name: String
* The name of the declarations to be found.
* Returns
* id: SearchId
* The identifier used to associate results with this search request.
Future<SearchFindMemberDeclarationsResult> sendSearchFindMemberDeclarations(
String name) async {
var params = new SearchFindMemberDeclarationsParams(name).toJson();
var result = await server.send("search.findMemberDeclarations", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new SearchFindMemberDeclarationsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Perform a search for references to members whose name is equal to the
* given name. This search does not check to see that there is a member
* defined with the given name, so it is able to find references to undefined
* members as well.
* An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be
* returned via the search.results notification as they become available.
* Parameters
* name: String
* The name of the references to be found.
* Returns
* id: SearchId
* The identifier used to associate results with this search request.
Future<SearchFindMemberReferencesResult> sendSearchFindMemberReferences(
String name) async {
var params = new SearchFindMemberReferencesParams(name).toJson();
var result = await server.send("search.findMemberReferences", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new SearchFindMemberReferencesResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Perform a search for declarations of top-level elements (classes,
* typedefs, getters, setters, functions and fields) whose name matches the
* given pattern.
* An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be
* returned via the search.results notification as they become available.
* Parameters
* pattern: String
* The regular expression used to match the names of the declarations to be
* found.
* Returns
* id: SearchId
* The identifier used to associate results with this search request.
sendSearchFindTopLevelDeclarations(String pattern) async {
var params = new SearchFindTopLevelDeclarationsParams(pattern).toJson();
var result = await server.send("search.findTopLevelDeclarations", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new SearchFindTopLevelDeclarationsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return top-level and class member declarations.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath (optional)
* If this field is provided, return only declarations in this file. If
* this field is missing, return declarations in all files.
* pattern: String (optional)
* The regular expression used to match the names of declarations. If this
* field is missing, return all declarations.
* maxResults: int (optional)
* The maximum number of declarations to return. If this field is missing,
* return all matching declarations.
* Returns
* declarations: List<ElementDeclaration>
* The list of declarations.
* files: List<FilePath>
* The list of the paths of files with declarations.
Future<SearchGetElementDeclarationsResult> sendSearchGetElementDeclarations(
{String file, String pattern, int maxResults}) async {
var params = new SearchGetElementDeclarationsParams(
file: file, pattern: pattern, maxResults: maxResults)
var result = await server.send("search.getElementDeclarations", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new SearchGetElementDeclarationsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the type hierarchy of the class declared or referenced at the given
* location.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the declaration or reference to the type for which a
* hierarchy is being requested.
* offset: int
* The offset of the name of the type within the file.
* superOnly: bool (optional)
* True if the client is only requesting superclasses and interfaces
* hierarchy.
* Returns
* hierarchyItems: List<TypeHierarchyItem> (optional)
* A list of the types in the requested hierarchy. The first element of the
* list is the item representing the type for which the hierarchy was
* requested. The index of other elements of the list is unspecified, but
* correspond to the integers used to reference supertype and subtype items
* within the items.
* This field will be absent if the code at the given file and offset does
* not represent a type, or if the file has not been sufficiently analyzed
* to allow a type hierarchy to be produced.
Future<SearchGetTypeHierarchyResult> sendSearchGetTypeHierarchy(
String file, int offset,
{bool superOnly}) async {
var params =
new SearchGetTypeHierarchyParams(file, offset, superOnly: superOnly)
var result = await server.send("search.getTypeHierarchy", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new SearchGetTypeHierarchyResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Reports some or all of the results of performing a requested search.
* Unlike other notifications, this notification contains search results that
* should be added to any previously received search results associated with
* the same search id.
* Parameters
* id: SearchId
* The id associated with the search.
* results: List<SearchResult>
* The search results being reported.
* isLast: bool
* True if this is that last set of results that will be returned for the
* indicated search.
Stream<SearchResultsParams> onSearchResults;
* Stream controller for [onSearchResults].
StreamController<SearchResultsParams> _onSearchResults;
* Format the contents of a single file. The currently selected region of
* text is passed in so that the selection can be preserved across the
* formatting operation. The updated selection will be as close to matching
* the original as possible, but whitespace at the beginning or end of the
* selected region will be ignored. If preserving selection information is
* not required, zero (0) can be specified for both the selection offset and
* selection length.
* If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* FORMAT_INVALID_FILE will be generated. If the source contains syntax
* errors, an error of type FORMAT_WITH_ERRORS will be generated.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the code to be formatted.
* selectionOffset: int
* The offset of the current selection in the file.
* selectionLength: int
* The length of the current selection in the file.
* lineLength: int (optional)
* The line length to be used by the formatter.
* Returns
* edits: List<SourceEdit>
* The edit(s) to be applied in order to format the code. The list will be
* empty if the code was already formatted (there are no changes).
* selectionOffset: int
* The offset of the selection after formatting the code.
* selectionLength: int
* The length of the selection after formatting the code.
Future<EditFormatResult> sendEditFormat(
String file, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength,
{int lineLength}) async {
var params = new EditFormatParams(file, selectionOffset, selectionLength,
lineLength: lineLength)
var result = await server.send("edit.format", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditFormatResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the set of assists that are available at the given location. An
* assist is distinguished from a refactoring primarily by the fact that it
* affects a single file and does not require user input in order to be
* performed.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the code for which assists are being requested.
* offset: int
* The offset of the code for which assists are being requested.
* length: int
* The length of the code for which assists are being requested.
* Returns
* assists: List<SourceChange>
* The assists that are available at the given location.
Future<EditGetAssistsResult> sendEditGetAssists(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params = new EditGetAssistsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.getAssists", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditGetAssistsResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Get a list of the kinds of refactorings that are valid for the given
* selection in the given file.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the code on which the refactoring would be based.
* offset: int
* The offset of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
* length: int
* The length of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
* Returns
* kinds: List<RefactoringKind>
* The kinds of refactorings that are valid for the given selection.
Future<EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult> sendEditGetAvailableRefactorings(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params =
new EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.getAvailableRefactorings", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Analyze the specified sources for recommended changes and return a set of
* suggested edits for those sources. These edits may include changes to
* sources outside the set of specified sources if a change in a specified
* source requires it.
* Parameters
* included: List<FilePath>
* A list of the files and directories for which edits should be suggested.
* If a request is made with a path that is invalid, e.g. is not absolute
* and normalized, an error of type INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT will be
* generated. If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or
* which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not
* associated with any analysis root specified to
* analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type FILE_NOT_ANALYZED will be
* generated.
* Returns
* descriptionOfFixes: List<String>
* A list of human readable changes made by applying the fixes.
* otherRecommendations: List<String>
* A list of human readable recommended changes that cannot be made
* automatically.
* hasErrors: bool
* True if the analyzed source contains errors that might impact the
* correctness of the recommended fixes that can be automatically applied.
* fixes: List<SourceFileEdit>
* The suggested fixes.
Future<EditDartfixResult> sendEditDartfix(List<String> included) async {
var params = new EditDartfixParams(included).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.dartfix", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditDartfixResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the set of fixes that are available for the errors at a given
* offset in a given file.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the errors for which fixes are being requested.
* offset: int
* The offset used to select the errors for which fixes will be returned.
* Returns
* fixes: List<AnalysisErrorFixes>
* The fixes that are available for the errors at the given offset.
Future<EditGetFixesResult> sendEditGetFixes(String file, int offset) async {
var params = new EditGetFixesParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.getFixes", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditGetFixesResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Get the changes required to convert the postfix template at the given
* location into the template's expanded form.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the postfix template to be expanded.
* key: String
* The unique name that identifies the template in use.
* offset: int
* The offset used to identify the code to which the template will be
* applied.
* Returns
* change: SourceChange
* The change to be applied in order to complete the statement.
Future<EditGetPostfixCompletionResult> sendEditGetPostfixCompletion(
String file, String key, int offset) async {
var params = new EditGetPostfixCompletionParams(file, key, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.getPostfixCompletion", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditGetPostfixCompletionResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Get the changes required to perform a refactoring.
* If another refactoring request is received during the processing of this
* one, an error of type REFACTORING_REQUEST_CANCELLED will be generated.
* Parameters
* kind: RefactoringKind
* The kind of refactoring to be performed.
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the code involved in the refactoring.
* offset: int
* The offset of the region involved in the refactoring.
* length: int
* The length of the region involved in the refactoring.
* validateOnly: bool
* True if the client is only requesting that the values of the options be
* validated and no change be generated.
* options: RefactoringOptions (optional)
* Data used to provide values provided by the user. The structure of the
* data is dependent on the kind of refactoring being performed. The data
* that is expected is documented in the section titled Refactorings,
* labeled as "Options". This field can be omitted if the refactoring does
* not require any options or if the values of those options are not known.
* Returns
* initialProblems: List<RefactoringProblem>
* The initial status of the refactoring, i.e. problems related to the
* context in which the refactoring is requested. The array will be empty
* if there are no known problems.
* optionsProblems: List<RefactoringProblem>
* The options validation status, i.e. problems in the given options, such
* as light-weight validation of a new name, flags compatibility, etc. The
* array will be empty if there are no known problems.
* finalProblems: List<RefactoringProblem>
* The final status of the refactoring, i.e. problems identified in the
* result of a full, potentially expensive validation and / or change
* creation. The array will be empty if there are no known problems.
* feedback: RefactoringFeedback (optional)
* Data used to provide feedback to the user. The structure of the data is
* dependent on the kind of refactoring being created. The data that is
* returned is documented in the section titled Refactorings, labeled as
* "Feedback".
* change: SourceChange (optional)
* The changes that are to be applied to affect the refactoring. This field
* will be omitted if there are problems that prevent a set of changes from
* being computed, such as having no options specified for a refactoring
* that requires them, or if only validation was requested.
* potentialEdits: List<String> (optional)
* The ids of source edits that are not known to be valid. An edit is not
* known to be valid if there was insufficient type information for the
* server to be able to determine whether or not the code needs to be
* modified, such as when a member is being renamed and there is a
* reference to a member from an unknown type. This field will be omitted
* if the change field is omitted or if there are no potential edits for
* the refactoring.
Future<EditGetRefactoringResult> sendEditGetRefactoring(RefactoringKind kind,
String file, int offset, int length, bool validateOnly,
{RefactoringOptions options}) async {
var params = new EditGetRefactoringParams(
kind, file, offset, length, validateOnly,
options: options)
var result = await server.send("edit.getRefactoring", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(kind);
return new EditGetRefactoringResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Get the changes required to convert the partial statement at the given
* location into a syntactically valid statement. If the current statement is
* already valid the change will insert a newline plus appropriate
* indentation at the end of the line containing the offset. If a change that
* makes the statement valid cannot be determined (perhaps because it has not
* yet been implemented) the statement will be considered already valid and
* the appropriate change returned.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the statement to be completed.
* offset: int
* The offset used to identify the statement to be completed.
* Returns
* change: SourceChange
* The change to be applied in order to complete the statement.
* whitespaceOnly: bool
* Will be true if the change contains nothing but whitespace characters,
* or is empty.
Future<EditGetStatementCompletionResult> sendEditGetStatementCompletion(
String file, int offset) async {
var params = new EditGetStatementCompletionParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.getStatementCompletion", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditGetStatementCompletionResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Determine if the request postfix completion template is applicable at the
* given location in the given file.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the postfix template to be expanded.
* key: String
* The unique name that identifies the template in use.
* offset: int
* The offset used to identify the code to which the template will be
* applied.
* Returns
* value: bool
* True if the template can be expanded at the given location.
String file, String key, int offset) async {
var params =
new EditIsPostfixCompletionApplicableParams(file, key, offset).toJson();
var result =
await server.send("edit.isPostfixCompletionApplicable", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditIsPostfixCompletionApplicableResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return a list of all postfix templates currently available.
* Returns
* templates: List<PostfixTemplateDescriptor>
* The list of available templates.
sendEditListPostfixCompletionTemplates() async {
var result = await server.send("edit.listPostfixCompletionTemplates", null);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditListPostfixCompletionTemplatesResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return a list of edits that would need to be applied in order to ensure
* that all of the elements in the specified list of imported elements are
* accessible within the library.
* If a request is made for a file that does not exist, or that is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified via analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file in which the specified elements are to be made accessible.
* elements: List<ImportedElements>
* The elements to be made accessible in the specified file.
* Returns
* edit: SourceFileEdit (optional)
* The edits to be applied in order to make the specified elements
* accessible. The file to be edited will be the defining compilation unit
* of the library containing the file specified in the request, which can
* be different than the file specified in the request if the specified
* file is a part file. This field will be omitted if there are no edits
* that need to be applied.
Future<EditImportElementsResult> sendEditImportElements(
String file, List<ImportedElements> elements) async {
var params = new EditImportElementsParams(file, elements).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.importElements", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditImportElementsResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Sort all of the directives, unit and class members of the given Dart file.
* If a request is made for a file that does not exist, does not belong to an
* analysis root or is not a Dart file, SORT_MEMBERS_INVALID_FILE will be
* generated.
* If the Dart file has scan or parse errors, SORT_MEMBERS_PARSE_ERRORS will
* be generated.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The Dart file to sort.
* Returns
* edit: SourceFileEdit
* The file edit that is to be applied to the given file to effect the
* sorting.
Future<EditSortMembersResult> sendEditSortMembers(String file) async {
var params = new EditSortMembersParams(file).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.sortMembers", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditSortMembersResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Organizes all of the directives - removes unused imports and sorts
* directives of the given Dart file according to the Dart Style Guide.
* If a request is made for a file that does not exist, does not belong to an
* analysis root or is not a Dart file, FILE_NOT_ANALYZED will be generated.
* If directives of the Dart file cannot be organized, for example because it
* has scan or parse errors, or by other reasons, ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_ERROR
* will be generated. The message will provide details about the reason.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The Dart file to organize directives in.
* Returns
* edit: SourceFileEdit
* The file edit that is to be applied to the given file to effect the
* organizing.
Future<EditOrganizeDirectivesResult> sendEditOrganizeDirectives(
String file) async {
var params = new EditOrganizeDirectivesParams(file).toJson();
var result = await server.send("edit.organizeDirectives", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new EditOrganizeDirectivesResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Create an execution context for the executable file with the given path.
* The context that is created will persist until execution.deleteContext is
* used to delete it. Clients, therefore, are responsible for managing the
* lifetime of execution contexts.
* Parameters
* contextRoot: FilePath
* The path of the Dart or HTML file that will be launched, or the path of
* the directory containing the file.
* Returns
* id: ExecutionContextId
* The identifier used to refer to the execution context that was created.
Future<ExecutionCreateContextResult> sendExecutionCreateContext(
String contextRoot) async {
var params = new ExecutionCreateContextParams(contextRoot).toJson();
var result = await server.send("execution.createContext", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new ExecutionCreateContextResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Delete the execution context with the given identifier. The context id is
* no longer valid after this command. The server is allowed to re-use ids
* when they are no longer valid.
* Parameters
* id: ExecutionContextId
* The identifier of the execution context that is to be deleted.
Future sendExecutionDeleteContext(String id) async {
var params = new ExecutionDeleteContextParams(id).toJson();
var result = await server.send("execution.deleteContext", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Request completion suggestions for the given runtime context.
* It might take one or two requests of this type to get completion
* suggestions. The first request should have only "code", "offset", and
* "variables", but not "expressions". If there are sub-expressions that can
* have different runtime types, and are considered to be safe to evaluate at
* runtime (e.g. getters), so using their actual runtime types can improve
* completion results, the server will not include the "suggestions" field in
* the response, and instead will return the "expressions" field. The client
* will use debug API to get current runtime types for these sub-expressions
* and send another request, this time with "expressions". If there are no
* interesting sub-expressions to get runtime types for, or when the
* "expressions" field is provided by the client, the server will return
* "suggestions" in the response.
* Parameters
* code: String
* The code to get suggestions in.
* offset: int
* The offset within the code to get suggestions at.
* contextFile: FilePath
* The path of the context file, e.g. the file of the current debugger
* frame. The combination of the context file and context offset can be
* used to ensure that all variables of the context are available for
* completion (with their static types).
* contextOffset: int
* The offset in the context file, e.g. the line offset in the current
* debugger frame.
* variables: List<RuntimeCompletionVariable>
* The runtime context variables that are potentially referenced in the
* code.
* expressions: List<RuntimeCompletionExpression> (optional)
* The list of sub-expressions in the code for which the client wants to
* provide runtime types. It does not have to be the full list of
* expressions requested by the server, for missing expressions their
* static types will be used.
* When this field is omitted, the server will return completion
* suggestions only when there are no interesting sub-expressions in the
* given code. The client may provide an empty list, in this case the
* server will return completion suggestions.
* Returns
* suggestions: List<CompletionSuggestion> (optional)
* The completion suggestions. In contrast to usual completion request,
* suggestions for private elements also will be provided.
* If there are sub-expressions that can have different runtime types, and
* are considered to be safe to evaluate at runtime (e.g. getters), so
* using their actual runtime types can improve completion results, the
* server omits this field in the response, and instead will return the
* "expressions" field.
* expressions: List<RuntimeCompletionExpression> (optional)
* The list of sub-expressions in the code for which the server would like
* to know runtime types to provide better completion suggestions.
* This field is omitted the field "suggestions" is returned.
Future<ExecutionGetSuggestionsResult> sendExecutionGetSuggestions(
String code,
int offset,
String contextFile,
int contextOffset,
List<RuntimeCompletionVariable> variables,
{List<RuntimeCompletionExpression> expressions}) async {
var params = new ExecutionGetSuggestionsParams(
code, offset, contextFile, contextOffset, variables,
expressions: expressions)
var result = await server.send("execution.getSuggestions", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new ExecutionGetSuggestionsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Map a URI from the execution context to the file that it corresponds to,
* or map a file to the URI that it corresponds to in the execution context.
* Exactly one of the file and uri fields must be provided. If both fields
* are provided, then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.
* Similarly, if neither field is provided, then an error of type
* INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.
* If the file field is provided and the value is not the path of a file
* (either the file does not exist or the path references something other
* than a file), then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.
* If the uri field is provided and the value is not a valid URI or if the
* URI references something that is not a file (either a file that does not
* exist or something other than a file), then an error of type
* INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.
* If the contextRoot used to create the execution context does not exist,
* then an error of type INVALID_EXECUTION_CONTEXT will be generated.
* Parameters
* id: ExecutionContextId
* The identifier of the execution context in which the URI is to be
* mapped.
* file: FilePath (optional)
* The path of the file to be mapped into a URI.
* uri: String (optional)
* The URI to be mapped into a file path.
* Returns
* file: FilePath (optional)
* The file to which the URI was mapped. This field is omitted if the uri
* field was not given in the request.
* uri: String (optional)
* The URI to which the file path was mapped. This field is omitted if the
* file field was not given in the request.
Future<ExecutionMapUriResult> sendExecutionMapUri(String id,
{String file, String uri}) async {
var params = new ExecutionMapUriParams(id, file: file, uri: uri).toJson();
var result = await server.send("execution.mapUri", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new ExecutionMapUriResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Deprecated: the analysis server no longer fires LAUNCH_DATA events.
* Subscribe for services. All previous subscriptions are replaced by the
* given set of services.
* It is an error if any of the elements in the list are not valid services.
* If there is an error, then the current subscriptions will remain
* unchanged.
* Parameters
* subscriptions: List<ExecutionService>
* A list of the services being subscribed to.
Future sendExecutionSetSubscriptions(
List<ExecutionService> subscriptions) async {
var params = new ExecutionSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
var result = await server.send("execution.setSubscriptions", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Reports information needed to allow a single file to be launched.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "LAUNCH_DATA" in the list of services passed in an
* execution.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file for which launch data is being provided. This will either be a
* Dart library or an HTML file.
* kind: ExecutableKind (optional)
* The kind of the executable file. This field is omitted if the file is
* not a Dart file.
* referencedFiles: List<FilePath> (optional)
* A list of the Dart files that are referenced by the file. This field is
* omitted if the file is not an HTML file.
Stream<ExecutionLaunchDataParams> onExecutionLaunchData;
* Stream controller for [onExecutionLaunchData].
StreamController<ExecutionLaunchDataParams> _onExecutionLaunchData;
* Return server diagnostics.
* Returns
* contexts: List<ContextData>
* The list of analysis contexts.
Future<DiagnosticGetDiagnosticsResult> sendDiagnosticGetDiagnostics() async {
var result = await server.send("diagnostic.getDiagnostics", null);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new DiagnosticGetDiagnosticsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the port of the diagnostic web server. If the server is not running
* this call will start the server. If unable to start the diagnostic web
* server, this call will return an error of DEBUG_PORT_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED.
* Returns
* port: int
* The diagnostic server port.
Future<DiagnosticGetServerPortResult> sendDiagnosticGetServerPort() async {
var result = await server.send("diagnostic.getServerPort", null);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new DiagnosticGetServerPortResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Query whether analytics is enabled.
* This flag controls whether the analysis server sends any analytics data to
* the cloud. If disabled, the analysis server does not send any analytics
* data, and any data sent to it by clients (from sendEvent and sendTiming)
* will be ignored.
* The value of this flag can be changed by other tools outside of the
* analysis server's process. When you query the flag, you get the value of
* the flag at a given moment. Clients should not use the value returned to
* decide whether or not to send the sendEvent and sendTiming requests. Those
* requests should be used unconditionally and server will determine whether
* or not it is appropriate to forward the information to the cloud at the
* time each request is received.
* Returns
* enabled: bool
* Whether sending analytics is enabled or not.
Future<AnalyticsIsEnabledResult> sendAnalyticsIsEnabled() async {
var result = await server.send("analytics.isEnabled", null);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new AnalyticsIsEnabledResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Enable or disable the sending of analytics data. Note that there are other
* ways for users to change this setting, so clients cannot assume that they
* have complete control over this setting. In particular, there is no
* guarantee that the result returned by the isEnabled request will match the
* last value set via this request.
* Parameters
* value: bool
* Enable or disable analytics.
Future sendAnalyticsEnable(bool value) async {
var params = new AnalyticsEnableParams(value).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analytics.enable", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Send information about client events.
* Ask the analysis server to include the fact that an action was performed
* in the client as part of the analytics data being sent. The data will only
* be included if the sending of analytics data is enabled at the time the
* request is processed. The action that was performed is indicated by the
* value of the action field.
* The value of the action field should not include the identity of the
* client. The analytics data sent by server will include the client id
* passed in using the --client-id command-line argument. The request will be
* ignored if the client id was not provided when server was started.
* Parameters
* action: String
* The value used to indicate which action was performed.
Future sendAnalyticsSendEvent(String action) async {
var params = new AnalyticsSendEventParams(action).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analytics.sendEvent", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Send timing information for client events (e.g. code completions).
* Ask the analysis server to include the fact that a timed event occurred as
* part of the analytics data being sent. The data will only be included if
* the sending of analytics data is enabled at the time the request is
* processed.
* The value of the event field should not include the identity of the
* client. The analytics data sent by server will include the client id
* passed in using the --client-id command-line argument. The request will be
* ignored if the client id was not provided when server was started.
* Parameters
* event: String
* The name of the event.
* millis: int
* The duration of the event in milliseconds.
Future sendAnalyticsSendTiming(String event, int millis) async {
var params = new AnalyticsSendTimingParams(event, millis).toJson();
var result = await server.send("analytics.sendTiming", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Return the list of KytheEntry objects for some file, given the current
* state of the file system populated by "analysis.updateContent".
* If a request is made for a file that does not exist, or that is not
* currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any
* analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the code for which the Kythe Entry objects are being
* requested.
* Returns
* entries: List<KytheEntry>
* The list of KytheEntry objects for the queried file.
* files: List<FilePath>
* The set of files paths that were required, but not in the file system,
* to give a complete and accurate Kythe graph for the file. This could be
* due to a referenced file that does not exist or generated files not
* being generated or passed before the call to "getKytheEntries".
Future<KytheGetKytheEntriesResult> sendKytheGetKytheEntries(
String file) async {
var params = new KytheGetKytheEntriesParams(file).toJson();
var result = await server.send("kythe.getKytheEntries", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new KytheGetKytheEntriesResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
* Return the change that adds the forDesignTime() constructor for the widget
* class at the given offset.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file containing the code of the class.
* offset: int
* The offset of the class in the code.
* Returns
* change: SourceChange
* The change that adds the forDesignTime() constructor. If the change
* cannot be produced, an error is returned.
String file, int offset) async {
var params =
new FlutterGetChangeAddForDesignTimeConstructorParams(file, offset)
var result = await server.send(
"flutter.getChangeAddForDesignTimeConstructor", params);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return new FlutterGetChangeAddForDesignTimeConstructorResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
* Subscribe for services that are specific to individual files. All previous
* subscriptions are replaced by the current set of subscriptions. If a given
* service is not included as a key in the map then no files will be
* subscribed to the service, exactly as if the service had been included in
* the map with an explicit empty list of files.
* Note that this request determines the set of requested subscriptions. The
* actual set of subscriptions at any given time is the intersection of this
* set with the set of files currently subject to analysis. The files
* currently subject to analysis are the set of files contained within an
* actual analysis root but not excluded, plus all of the files transitively
* reachable from those files via import, export and part directives. (See
* analysis.setAnalysisRoots for an explanation of how the actual analysis
* roots are determined.) When the actual analysis roots change, the actual
* set of subscriptions is automatically updated, but the set of requested
* subscriptions is unchanged.
* If a requested subscription is a directory it is ignored, but remains in
* the set of requested subscriptions so that if it later becomes a file it
* can be included in the set of actual subscriptions.
* It is an error if any of the keys in the map are not valid services. If
* there is an error, then the existing subscriptions will remain unchanged.
* Parameters
* subscriptions: Map<FlutterService, List<FilePath>>
* A table mapping services to a list of the files being subscribed to the
* service.
Future sendFlutterSetSubscriptions(
Map<FlutterService, List<String>> subscriptions) async {
var params = new FlutterSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
var result = await server.send("flutter.setSubscriptions", params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
* Reports the Flutter outline associated with a single file.
* This notification is not subscribed to by default. Clients can subscribe
* by including the value "OUTLINE" in the list of services passed in an
* flutter.setSubscriptions request.
* Parameters
* file: FilePath
* The file with which the outline is associated.
* outline: FlutterOutline
* The outline associated with the file.
* instrumentedCode: String (optional)
* If the file has Flutter widgets that can be rendered, this field has the
* instrumented content of the file, that allows associating widgets with
* corresponding outline nodes. If there are no widgets to render, this
* field is absent.
Stream<FlutterOutlineParams> onFlutterOutline;
* Stream controller for [onFlutterOutline].
StreamController<FlutterOutlineParams> _onFlutterOutline;
* Initialize the fields in InttestMixin, and ensure that notifications will
* be handled.
void initializeInttestMixin() {
_onServerConnected =
new StreamController<ServerConnectedParams>(sync: true);
onServerConnected =;
_onServerError = new StreamController<ServerErrorParams>(sync: true);
onServerError =;
_onServerStatus = new StreamController<ServerStatusParams>(sync: true);
onServerStatus =;
_onAnalysisAnalyzedFiles =
new StreamController<AnalysisAnalyzedFilesParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisAnalyzedFiles =;
_onAnalysisClosingLabels =
new StreamController<AnalysisClosingLabelsParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisClosingLabels =;
_onAnalysisErrors = new StreamController<AnalysisErrorsParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisErrors =;
_onAnalysisFlushResults =
new StreamController<AnalysisFlushResultsParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisFlushResults =;
_onAnalysisFolding =
new StreamController<AnalysisFoldingParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisFolding =;
_onAnalysisHighlights =
new StreamController<AnalysisHighlightsParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisHighlights =;
_onAnalysisImplemented =
new StreamController<AnalysisImplementedParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisImplemented =;
_onAnalysisInvalidate =
new StreamController<AnalysisInvalidateParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisInvalidate =;
_onAnalysisNavigation =
new StreamController<AnalysisNavigationParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisNavigation =;
_onAnalysisOccurrences =
new StreamController<AnalysisOccurrencesParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisOccurrences =;
_onAnalysisOutline =
new StreamController<AnalysisOutlineParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisOutline =;
_onAnalysisOverrides =
new StreamController<AnalysisOverridesParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisOverrides =;
_onCompletionResults =
new StreamController<CompletionResultsParams>(sync: true);
onCompletionResults =;
_onSearchResults = new StreamController<SearchResultsParams>(sync: true);
onSearchResults =;
_onExecutionLaunchData =
new StreamController<ExecutionLaunchDataParams>(sync: true);
onExecutionLaunchData =;
_onFlutterOutline = new StreamController<FlutterOutlineParams>(sync: true);
onFlutterOutline =;
* Dispatch the notification named [event], and containing parameters
* [params], to the appropriate stream.
void dispatchNotification(String event, params) {
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
switch (event) {
case "server.connected":
outOfTestExpect(params, isServerConnectedParams);
.add(new ServerConnectedParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "server.error":
outOfTestExpect(params, isServerErrorParams);
.add(new ServerErrorParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "server.status":
outOfTestExpect(params, isServerStatusParams);
.add(new ServerStatusParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.analyzedFiles":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisAnalyzedFilesParams);
_onAnalysisAnalyzedFiles.add(new AnalysisAnalyzedFilesParams.fromJson(
decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.closingLabels":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisClosingLabelsParams);
_onAnalysisClosingLabels.add(new AnalysisClosingLabelsParams.fromJson(
decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.errors":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisErrorsParams);
.add(new AnalysisErrorsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.flushResults":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisFlushResultsParams);
new AnalysisFlushResultsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.folding":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisFoldingParams);
.add(new AnalysisFoldingParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.highlights":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisHighlightsParams);
new AnalysisHighlightsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.implemented":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisImplementedParams);
new AnalysisImplementedParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.invalidate":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisInvalidateParams);
new AnalysisInvalidateParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.navigation":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisNavigationParams);
new AnalysisNavigationParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.occurrences":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisOccurrencesParams);
new AnalysisOccurrencesParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.outline":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisOutlineParams);
.add(new AnalysisOutlineParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "analysis.overrides":
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisOverridesParams);
new AnalysisOverridesParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "completion.results":
outOfTestExpect(params, isCompletionResultsParams);
new CompletionResultsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "search.results":
outOfTestExpect(params, isSearchResultsParams);
.add(new SearchResultsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "execution.launchData":
outOfTestExpect(params, isExecutionLaunchDataParams);
new ExecutionLaunchDataParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case "flutter.outline":
outOfTestExpect(params, isFlutterOutlineParams);
.add(new FlutterOutlineParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
fail('Unexpected notification: $event');