blob: 526e78c7172c8cc5b81743475e3d222b74122294 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.function_type_alias_builder;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/legacy_erasure.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show substitute, uniteNullabilities;
import '../fasta_codes.dart'
import '../problems.dart' show unhandled;
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart';
import '../util/helpers.dart';
import 'class_builder.dart';
import 'library_builder.dart';
import 'metadata_builder.dart';
import 'named_type_builder.dart';
import 'nullability_builder.dart';
import 'type_builder.dart';
import 'type_declaration_builder.dart';
import 'type_variable_builder.dart';
abstract class TypeAliasBuilder implements TypeDeclarationBuilder {
TypeBuilder? get type;
/// The [Typedef] built by this builder.
Typedef get typedef;
DartType? thisType;
String get debugName;
LibraryBuilder get parent;
LibraryBuilder get library;
Uri get fileUri;
List<TypeVariableBuilder>? get typeVariables;
int varianceAt(int index);
bool get fromDill => false;
DartType buildThisType();
/// [arguments] have already been built.
DartType buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(LibraryBuilder library,
Nullability nullability, List<DartType>? arguments);
List<DartType> buildTypeArguments(
LibraryBuilder library, List<TypeBuilder>? arguments,
{bool? nonInstanceContext});
/// Returns `true` if this typedef is an alias of the `Null` type.
bool get isNullAlias;
DartType buildType(LibraryBuilder library,
NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder, List<TypeBuilder>? arguments,
{bool? nonInstanceContext});
/// Returns the [TypeDeclarationBuilder] for the type aliased by `this`,
/// based on the given [typeArguments]. It expands type aliases repeatedly
/// until it encounters a builder which is not a [TypeAliasBuilder].
/// If [isUsedAsClass] is false: In this case it is required that
/// `typeArguments.length == typeVariables.length`. The [typeArguments] are
/// threaded through the expansion if needed, and the resulting declaration
/// is returned.
/// If [isUsedAsClass] is true: In this case [typeArguments] are ignored, but
/// [usedAsClassCharOffset] and [usedAsClassFileUri] must be non-null. If
/// `this` type alias expands in one or more steps to a builder which is not a
/// [TypeAliasBuilder] nor a [TypeVariableBuilder] then that builder is
/// returned. If this type alias is cyclic or expands to an invalid type or
/// a type that does not have a declaration (say, a function type) then `this`
/// is returned (when the type was invalid: with `thisType` set to
/// `const InvalidType()`). If `this` type alias expands to a
/// [TypeVariableBuilder] then the type alias cannot be used in a constructor
/// invocation. Then an error is emitted and `this` is returned.
TypeDeclarationBuilder? unaliasDeclaration(List<TypeBuilder>? typeArguments,
{bool isUsedAsClass = false,
int? usedAsClassCharOffset,
Uri? usedAsClassFileUri});
/// Compute type arguments passed to [ClassBuilder] from unaliasDeclaration.
/// This method does not check for cycles and may only be called if an
/// invocation of `this.unaliasDeclaration(typeArguments)` has returned a
/// [ClassBuilder].
/// The parameter [typeArguments] would typically be obtained from a
/// [NamedTypeBuilder] whose `declaration` is `this`. It must be non-null.
/// Returns `null` if an error occurred.
/// The method substitutes through the chain of type aliases denoted by
/// [this], such that the returned [TypeBuilder]s are appropriate type
/// arguments for passing to the [ClassBuilder] which is the end of the
/// unaliasing chain.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we enforce that [typeArguments] are non-null
// as stated in the docs? It is not needed for the implementation.
List<TypeBuilder>? unaliasTypeArguments(List<TypeBuilder>? typeArguments);
void buildOutlineExpressions(
SourceLibraryBuilder library,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
List<DelayedActionPerformer> delayedActionPerformers);
abstract class TypeAliasBuilderImpl extends TypeDeclarationBuilderImpl
implements TypeAliasBuilder {
final Uri fileUri;
TypeAliasBuilderImpl(List<MetadataBuilder>? metadata, String name,
LibraryBuilder parent, int charOffset)
: fileUri = parent.fileUri,
super(metadata, 0, name, parent, charOffset);
String get debugName => "TypeAliasBuilder";
LibraryBuilder get parent => super.parent as LibraryBuilder;
LibraryBuilder get library => super.parent as LibraryBuilder;
/// [arguments] have already been built.
DartType buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(LibraryBuilder library,
Nullability nullability, List<DartType>? arguments) {
DartType thisType = buildThisType();
if (const DynamicType() == thisType) return thisType;
Nullability adjustedNullability =
isNullAlias ? Nullability.nullable : nullability;
DartType result = thisType.withDeclaredNullability(adjustedNullability);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Couldn't [arguments] be null and
// `typedef.typeParameters` be non-empty?
if (typedef.typeParameters.isEmpty && arguments == null) return result;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typedef.typeParameters.length; i++) {
substitution[typedef.typeParameters[i]] = arguments![i];
// The following adds the built type to the list of unchecked typedef types
// of the client library. It is needed because the type is built unaliased,
// and at the time of the check it wouldn't be possible to see if the type
// arguments to the generic typedef conform to the bounds without preserving
// the TypedefType for the delayed check.
if (library is SourceLibraryBuilder &&
arguments!.isNotEmpty &&
thisType is! FunctionType) {
library.uncheckedTypedefTypes.add(new UncheckedTypedefType(
new TypedefType(typedef, nullability, arguments)));
return substitute(result, substitution);
DartType buildType(LibraryBuilder library,
NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder, List<TypeBuilder>? arguments,
{bool? nonInstanceContext}) {
return buildTypeInternal(library, nullabilityBuilder, arguments,
nonInstanceContext: nonInstanceContext, performLegacyErasure: true);
DartType buildTypeLiteralType(LibraryBuilder library,
NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder, List<TypeBuilder>? arguments,
{bool? nonInstanceContext}) {
return buildTypeInternal(library, nullabilityBuilder, arguments,
nonInstanceContext: nonInstanceContext, performLegacyErasure: false);
DartType buildTypeInternal(LibraryBuilder library,
NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder, List<TypeBuilder>? arguments,
{bool? nonInstanceContext, required bool performLegacyErasure}) {
DartType thisType = buildThisType();
if (thisType is InvalidType) return thisType;
// The following won't work if the right-hand side of the typedef is a
// FutureOr.
Nullability nullability;
if (isNullAlias) {
// Null is always nullable.
nullability = Nullability.nullable;
} else if (!parent.isNonNullableByDefault ||
!library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
// The typedef is defined or used in an opt-out library so the nullability
// is based on the use site alone.
nullability =;
} else {
nullability = uniteNullabilities(
DartType result;
if (typedef.typeParameters.isEmpty && arguments == null) {
result = thisType.withDeclaredNullability(nullability);
} else {
// Otherwise, substitute.
result = buildTypesWithBuiltArguments(
library, nullability, buildTypeArguments(library, arguments));
if (performLegacyErasure && !library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
result = legacyErasure(result);
return result;
TypeDeclarationBuilder? _cachedUnaliasedDeclaration;
/// Returns the [TypeDeclarationBuilder] for the type aliased by `this`,
/// based on the given [typeArguments]. It expands type aliases repeatedly
/// until it encounters a builder which is not a [TypeAliasBuilder].
/// The parameter [isUsedAsClass] indicates whether the type alias is being
/// used as a class, e.g., as the class in an instance creation, as a
/// superinterface, in a redirecting factory constructor, or to invoke a
/// static member.
/// If [isUsedAsClass] is false: In this case it is required that
/// `typeArguments.length == typeVariables.length`. The [typeArguments] are
/// threaded through the expansion if needed, and the resulting declaration
/// is returned.
/// If [isUsedAsClass] is true: In this case [typeArguments] can be null, but
/// [usedAsClassCharOffset] and [usedAsClassFileUri] must be non-null. When
/// [typeArguments] is null, the returned [TypeDeclarationBuilder] indicates
/// which class the type alias denotes, without type arguments. If `this`
/// type alias expands in one or more steps to a builder which is not a
/// [TypeAliasBuilder] nor a [TypeVariableBuilder] then that builder is
/// returned. If this type alias is cyclic or expands to an invalid type or
/// a type that does not have a declaration (say, a function type) then `this`
/// is returned (when the type was invalid: with `thisType` set to
/// `const InvalidType()`). If `this` type alias expands to a
/// [TypeVariableBuilder] then the type alias cannot be used as a class, in
/// which case an error is emitted and `this` is returned.
TypeDeclarationBuilder? unaliasDeclaration(List<TypeBuilder>? typeArguments,
{bool isUsedAsClass = false,
int? usedAsClassCharOffset,
Uri? usedAsClassFileUri}) {
if (_cachedUnaliasedDeclaration != null) {
return _cachedUnaliasedDeclaration;
Set<TypeDeclarationBuilder> builders = {this};
TypeDeclarationBuilder current = this;
while (current is TypeAliasBuilder) {
TypeAliasBuilder currentAliasBuilder = current;
TypeDeclarationBuilder? next = currentAliasBuilder.type?.declaration;
if (next != null) {
current = next;
} else {
// `currentAliasBuilder`'s right hand side is not a [NamedTypeBuilder].
// There is no ultimate declaration, so unaliasing is a no-op.
return _cachedUnaliasedDeclaration = this;
if (builders.contains(current)) {
// Cyclic type alias.
// Ensure that it is not reported again.
thisType = const InvalidType();
return _cachedUnaliasedDeclaration = this;
if (current is TypeVariableBuilder) {
// Encountered `typedef F<..X..> = X`, must repeat the computation,
// tracing type variables at each step. We repeat everything because
// that kind of type alias is expected to be rare. We cannot save it in
// `_cachedUnaliasedDeclaration` because it changes from call to call
// with type aliases of this kind. Note that every `aliasBuilder.type`
// up to this point is a [NamedTypeBuilder], because only they can have
// a non-null `type`. However, this type alias can not be used as a
// class.
if (isUsedAsClass) {
List<TypeBuilder> freshTypeArguments = [
if (typeVariables != null)
for (TypeVariableBuilder typeVariable in typeVariables!)
new NamedTypeBuilder.fromTypeDeclarationBuilder(
const [],
TypeDeclarationBuilder? typeDeclarationBuilder =
bool found = false;
for (TypeBuilder typeBuilder in freshTypeArguments) {
if (typeBuilder.declaration == typeDeclarationBuilder) {
found = true;
if (found) {
usedAsClassCharOffset ?? TreeNode.noOffset,
context: [
current.fileUri!, current.charOffset, noLength),
return this;
if (typeArguments == null) return typeDeclarationBuilder;
return _unaliasDeclaration(typeArguments);
return _cachedUnaliasedDeclaration = current;
// Helper method with same purpose as [unaliasDeclaration], for a hard case.
// It is required that `typeArguments.length == typeVariables.length`, and
// [typeArguments] are considered to be passed as actual type arguments to
// [this]. It is also required that the sequence traversed by following
// `.type.declaration` starting from `this` in a finite number of steps
// reaches a `TypeVariableBuilder`. So this method does not check for cycles,
// nor for other types than `NamedTypeBuilder` and `TypeVariableBuilder`
// after each step over a `.type.declaration`.
// Returns `this` if an error is encountered.
// This method more expensive than [unaliasDeclaration], but it will handle
// the case where a sequence of type aliases F_1 .. F_k is such that F_i
// has a right hand side which is F_{i+1}, possibly applied to some type
// arguments, for all i in 1 .. k-1, and the right hand side of F_k is a type
// variable. In this case, the unaliased declaration must be obtained from
// the type argument, which is the reason why we must trace them.
TypeDeclarationBuilder? _unaliasDeclaration(
List<TypeBuilder>? typeArguments) {
TypeDeclarationBuilder? currentDeclarationBuilder = this;
TypeAliasBuilder? previousAliasBuilder = null;
List<TypeBuilder>? currentTypeArguments = typeArguments;
while (currentDeclarationBuilder is TypeAliasBuilder) {
TypeAliasBuilder currentAliasBuilder = currentDeclarationBuilder;
TypeBuilder? nextTypeBuilder = currentAliasBuilder.type;
if (nextTypeBuilder is NamedTypeBuilder) {
Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder> substitution = {};
int index = 0;
if (currentTypeArguments == null || currentTypeArguments.isEmpty) {
if (currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables != null) {
List<TypeBuilder> defaultTypeArguments =
new List<TypeBuilder>.generate(
currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables!.length, (int i) {
return currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables![i].defaultType!;
}, growable: true);
currentTypeArguments = defaultTypeArguments;
} else {
currentTypeArguments = <TypeBuilder>[];
if ((currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables?.length ?? 0) !=
currentTypeArguments.length) {
if (previousAliasBuilder != null) {
currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables?.length ?? 0),
previousAliasBuilder.thisType = const InvalidType();
return this;
} else {
// This implies that `currentAliasBuilder` is [this], and the call
// violated the precondition.
return unhandled("$this: Wrong number of type arguments",
"_unaliasDeclaration", -1, null);
for (TypeVariableBuilder typeVariableBuilder
in currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables ?? []) {
substitution[typeVariableBuilder] = currentTypeArguments[index];
TypeDeclarationBuilder? nextDeclarationBuilder =
TypeBuilder substitutedBuilder = nextTypeBuilder.subst(substitution);
if (nextDeclarationBuilder is TypeVariableBuilder) {
// We have reached the end of the type alias chain which yields a
// type argument, which may become a type alias, possibly with its
// own similar chain. We do not simply continue the iteration here,
// though: We must call `unaliasDeclaration` because it can be
// cyclic; we want to do it as well, because the result could be
// cached.
if (substitutedBuilder is NamedTypeBuilder) {
TypeDeclarationBuilder? declarationBuilder =
if (declarationBuilder is TypeAliasBuilder) {
return declarationBuilder
return declarationBuilder;
// This can be null, e.g, `substitutedBuilder is FunctionTypeBuilder`
return substitutedBuilder.declaration;
// Not yet at the end of the chain, more named builders to come.
NamedTypeBuilder namedBuilder = substitutedBuilder as NamedTypeBuilder;
currentDeclarationBuilder = namedBuilder.declaration;
currentTypeArguments = namedBuilder.arguments;
previousAliasBuilder = currentAliasBuilder;
} else {
// Violation of requirement that we only step through
// `NamedTypeBuilder`s ending in a `TypeVariableBuilder`.
return null;
return currentDeclarationBuilder;
/// Compute type arguments passed to [ClassBuilder] from unaliasDeclaration.
/// This method does not check for cycles and may only be called if an
/// invocation of `this.unaliasDeclaration(typeArguments)` has returned a
/// [ClassBuilder].
/// The parameter [typeArguments] would typically be obtained from a
/// [NamedTypeBuilder] whose `declaration` is `this`. It must be non-null.
/// Returns `null` if an error occurred.
/// The method substitutes through the chain of type aliases denoted by
/// [this], such that the returned [TypeBuilder]s are appropriate type
/// arguments for passing to the [ClassBuilder] which is the end of the
/// unaliasing chain.
List<TypeBuilder>? unaliasTypeArguments(List<TypeBuilder>? typeArguments) {
TypeDeclarationBuilder? currentDeclarationBuilder = this;
List<TypeBuilder>? currentTypeArguments = typeArguments;
while (currentDeclarationBuilder is TypeAliasBuilder) {
TypeAliasBuilder currentAliasBuilder = currentDeclarationBuilder;
TypeBuilder? nextTypeBuilder = currentAliasBuilder.type;
assert(nextTypeBuilder is NamedTypeBuilder);
NamedTypeBuilder namedNextTypeBuilder =
nextTypeBuilder as NamedTypeBuilder;
Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder> substitution = {};
int index = 0;
if (currentTypeArguments == null || currentTypeArguments.isEmpty) {
if (currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables != null) {
List<TypeBuilder> defaultTypeArguments =
new List<TypeBuilder>.generate(
currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables!.length, (int i) {
return currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables![i].defaultType!;
}, growable: false);
currentTypeArguments = defaultTypeArguments;
} else {
currentTypeArguments = <TypeBuilder>[];
assert((currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables?.length ?? 0) ==
for (TypeVariableBuilder typeVariableBuilder
in currentAliasBuilder.typeVariables ?? []) {
substitution[typeVariableBuilder] = currentTypeArguments[index];
TypeDeclarationBuilder? nextDeclarationBuilder =
TypeBuilder substitutedBuilder = nextTypeBuilder.subst(substitution);
if (nextDeclarationBuilder is TypeVariableBuilder) {
// We have reached the end of the type alias chain which yields a
// type argument, which may become a type alias, possibly with its
// own similar chain.
assert(substitutedBuilder is NamedTypeBuilder);
NamedTypeBuilder namedSubstitutedBuilder =
substitutedBuilder as NamedTypeBuilder;
TypeDeclarationBuilder? declarationBuilder =
if (declarationBuilder is TypeAliasBuilder) {
return declarationBuilder
assert(declarationBuilder is ClassBuilder);
return namedSubstitutedBuilder.arguments ?? [];
// Not yet at the end of the chain, more named builders to come.
NamedTypeBuilder namedBuilder = substitutedBuilder as NamedTypeBuilder;
currentDeclarationBuilder = namedBuilder.declaration;
currentTypeArguments = namedBuilder.arguments ?? [];
return currentTypeArguments;
/// Used to detect cycles in the declaration of a typedef
/// When a typedef is built, [pendingTypeAliasMarker] is used as a placeholder
/// value to indicated that the process has started. If somewhere in the
/// process of building the typedef this value is encountered, it's replaced
/// with [cyclicTypeAliasMarker] as the result of the build process.
final InvalidType pendingTypeAliasMarker = new InvalidType();
/// Used to detect cycles in the declaration of a typedef
/// When a typedef is built, [pendingTypeAliasMarker] is used as a placeholder
/// value to indicated that the process has started. If somewhere in the
/// process of building the typedef this value is encountered, it's replaced
/// with [cyclicTypeAliasMarker] as the result of the build process.
final InvalidType cyclicTypeAliasMarker = new InvalidType();