blob: 19e177c5b9038cc76f12f28b2181950f049b6d3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Instead of emitting each SSA instruction with a temporary variable
* mark instructions that can be emitted at their use-site.
* For example, in:
* t0 = 4;
* t1 = 3;
* t2 = add(t0, t1);
* t0 and t1 would be marked and the resulting code would then be:
* t2 = add(4, 3);
class SsaInstructionMerger extends HBaseVisitor {
HTypeMap types;
List<HInstruction> expectedInputs;
Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
void markAsGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
SsaInstructionMerger(this.types, this.generateAtUseSite);
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
void analyzeInput(HInstruction input) {
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(input)
&& !input.isCodeMotionInvariant()
&& input.usedBy.length == 1
&& input is !HPhi) {
void visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
// A code motion invariant instruction is dealt before visiting it.
// The codegen might use the input multiple times, so it must not be
// set generate at use site.
void visitIs(HIs instruction) {}
// A bounds check method must not have its first input generated at use site,
// because it's using it twice.
void visitBoundsCheck(HBoundsCheck instruction) {
for (int i = 1; i < instruction.inputs.length; i++) {
// An integer check method must not have its input generated at use site,
// because it's using it twice.
void visitIntegerCheck(HIntegerCheck instruction) {}
// A type guard should not generate its input at use site, otherwise
// they would not be alive.
void visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard instruction) {}
// If an equality operation is builtin it must only have its inputs generated
// at use site if it does not require an expression with repeated uses
// (because of null / undefined).
void visitEquals(HEquals instruction) {
HInstruction left = instruction.left;
HInstruction right = instruction.right;
if (!instruction.isBuiltin(types) ||
singleIdentityComparison(left, right, types) != null) {
// Do nothing.
// An identity operation must only have its inputs generated at use site if
// does not require an expression with multiple uses (because of null /
// undefined).
void visitIdentity(HIdentity instruction) {
HInstruction left = instruction.left;
HInstruction right = instruction.right;
if (singleIdentityComparison(left, right, types) != null) {
// Do nothing.
void visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion instruction) {
if (!instruction.isChecked) {
} else if (!instruction.isArgumentTypeCheck) {
assert(instruction.isCheckedModeCheck || instruction.isCastTypeCheck);
// Checked mode checks and cast checks compile to code that
// only use their input once, so we can safely visit them
// and try to merge the input.
void tryGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction.isControlFlow()) return;
bool isBlockSinglePredecessor(HBasicBlock block) {
return block.successors.length === 1
&& block.successors[0].predecessors.length === 1;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
// Compensate from not merging blocks: if the block is the
// single predecessor of its single successor, let the successor
// visit it.
if (isBlockSinglePredecessor(block)) return;
void tryMergingExpressions(HBasicBlock block) {
// Visit each instruction of the basic block in last-to-first order.
// Keep a list of expected inputs of the current "expression" being
// merged. If instructions occur in the expected order, they are
// included in the expression.
// The expectedInputs list holds non-trivial instructions that may
// be generated at their use site, if they occur in the correct order.
if (expectedInputs === null) expectedInputs = new List<HInstruction>();
// Pop instructions from expectedInputs until instruction is found.
// Return true if it is found, or false if not.
bool findInInputsAndPopNonMatching(HInstruction instruction) {
while (!expectedInputs.isEmpty()) {
HInstruction nextInput = expectedInputs.removeLast();
assert(nextInput.usedBy.length == 1);
if (nextInput === instruction) {
return true;
return false;
for (HInstruction instruction = block.last.previous;
instruction !== null;
instruction = instruction.previous) {
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) {
if (instruction.isCodeMotionInvariant()) {
if (instruction.isJsStatement(types)) {
// See if the current instruction is the next non-trivial
// expected input.
if (findInInputsAndPopNonMatching(instruction)) {
} else {
if (block.predecessors.length === 1
&& isBlockSinglePredecessor(block.predecessors[0])) {
} else {
expectedInputs = null;
* Detect control flow arising from short-circuit logical and
* conditional operators, and prepare the program to be generated
* using these operators instead of nested ifs and boolean variables.
class SsaConditionMerger extends HGraphVisitor {
final HTypeMap types;
Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
Set<HInstruction> controlFlowOperators;
void markAsGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
* Check if a block has at least one statement other than
* [instruction].
bool hasAnyStatement(HBasicBlock block, HInstruction instruction) {
// If [instruction] is not in [block], then if the block is not
// empty, we know there will be a statement to emit.
if (instruction.block !== block) return block.last !== block.first;
// If [instruction] is not the last instruction of the block
// before the control flow instruction, or the last instruction,
// then we will have to emit a statement for that last instruction.
if (instruction != block.last
&& instruction !== block.last.previous) return true;
// If one of the instructions in the block until [instruction] is
// not generated at use site, then we will have to emit a
// statement for it.
// TODO(ngeoffray): we could generate a comma separated
// list of expressions.
for (HInstruction temp = block.first;
temp !== instruction;
temp = {
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(temp)) return true;
return false;
bool isSafeToGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction user, HInstruction input) {
// A [HForeign] instruction uses operators and if we generate
// [input] at use site, the precedence might be wrong.
if (user is HForeign) return false;
// A [HCheck] instruction with control flow uses its input
// multiple times, so we avoid generating it at use site.
if (user is HCheck && user.isControlFlow()) return false;
// A [HIs] instruction uses its input multiple times, so we
// avoid generating it at use site.
if (user is HIs) return false;
return true;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
if (block.last is !HIf) return;
HIf startIf = block.last;
HBasicBlock end = startIf.joinBlock;
// We check that the structure is the following:
// If
// / \
// / \
// 1 expr goto
// goto /
// \ /
// \ /
// phi(expr, true|false)
// and the same for nested nodes:
// If
// / \
// / \
// 1 expr1 \
// If \
// / \ \
// / \ goto
// 1 expr2 |
// goto goto |
// \ / |
// \ / |
// phi1(expr2, true|false)
// \ |
// \ |
// phi(phi1, true|false)
if (end == null) return;
if (end.phis.isEmpty()) return;
if (end.phis.first !== end.phis.last) return;
HBasicBlock elseBlock = startIf.elseBlock;
if (end.predecessors[1] !== elseBlock) return;
HPhi phi = end.phis.first;
HInstruction thenInput = phi.inputs[0];
HInstruction elseInput = phi.inputs[1];
if (thenInput.isJsStatement(types) ||
elseInput.isJsStatement(types)) return;
if (hasAnyStatement(elseBlock, elseInput)) return;
assert(elseBlock.successors.length == 1);
assert(end.predecessors.length == 2);
HBasicBlock thenBlock = startIf.thenBlock;
// Skip trivial goto blocks.
while (thenBlock.successors[0] != end && thenBlock.first is HGoto) {
thenBlock = thenBlock.successors[0];
// If the [thenBlock] is already a control flow operation, and does not
// have any statement and its join block is [end], we can emit a
// sequence of control flow operation.
if (controlFlowOperators.contains(thenBlock.last)) {
HIf otherIf = thenBlock.last;
if (otherIf.joinBlock !== end) {
// This could be a join block that just feeds into our join block.
HBasicBlock otherJoin = otherIf.joinBlock;
if (otherJoin.first != otherJoin.last) return;
if (otherJoin.successors.length != 1) return;
if (otherJoin.successors[0] != end) return;
if (otherJoin.phis.isEmpty()) return;
if (otherJoin.phis.first !== otherJoin.phis.last) return;
HPhi otherPhi = otherJoin.phis.first;
if (thenInput != otherPhi) return;
if (elseInput != otherPhi.inputs[1]) return;
if (hasAnyStatement(thenBlock, otherIf)) return;
} else {
if (end.predecessors[0] !== thenBlock) return;
if (hasAnyStatement(thenBlock, thenInput)) return;
assert(thenBlock.successors.length == 1);
// From now on, we have recognized a control flow operation built from
// the builder. Mark the if instruction as such.
// If the operation is only used by the first instruction
// of its block and is safe to be generated at use site, mark it
// so.
if (phi.usedBy.length == 1
&& phi.usedBy[0] === phi.block.first
&& isSafeToGenerateAtUseSite(phi.usedBy[0], phi)) {
if (elseInput.block === elseBlock) {
assert(elseInput.usedBy.length == 1);
// If [thenInput] is defined in the first predecessor, then it is only used
// by [phi] and can be generated at use site.
if (thenInput.block === end.predecessors[0]) {
assert(thenInput.usedBy.length == 1);