blob: bdd913107d1d9da977d3e74f6b168c41286bb962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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* Scanner that reads from a String and creates tokens that points to
* substrings.
class StringScanner extends ArrayBasedScanner<SourceString> {
final String string;
StringScanner(String this.string, [bool includeComments = false])
: super(includeComments);
int nextByte() => charAt(++byteOffset);
int peek() => charAt(byteOffset + 1);
int charAt(index)
=> (string.length > index) ? string.charCodeAt(index) : $EOF;
SourceString asciiString(int start, int offset) {
return new SubstringWrapper(string, start, byteOffset + offset);
SourceString utf8String(int start, int offset) {
return new SubstringWrapper(string, start, byteOffset + offset + 1);
void appendByteStringToken(PrecedenceInfo info, SourceString value) {
// assert(kind != $a || keywords.get(value) == null); = new StringToken.fromSource(info, value, tokenStart);
tail =;
class SubstringWrapper implements SourceString {
final String internalString;
final int begin;
final int end;
const SubstringWrapper(String this.internalString,
int this.begin, int this.end);
int hashCode() => slowToString().hashCode();
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is SourceString && slowToString() == other.slowToString();
void printOn(StringBuffer sb) {
sb.add(internalString.substring(begin, end));
String slowToString() => internalString.substring(begin, end);
String toString() => "SubstringWrapper(${slowToString()})";
String get stringValue => null;
Iterator<int> iterator() =>
new StringCodeIterator.substring(internalString, begin, end);
SourceString copyWithoutQuotes(int initial, int terminal) {
assert(0 <= initial);
assert(0 <= terminal);
assert(initial + terminal <= internalString.length);
return new SubstringWrapper(internalString,
begin + initial, end - terminal);
bool isEmpty() => begin == end;
bool isPrivate() => !isEmpty() && internalString.charCodeAt(begin) === $_;