blob: b0d6f0fe10eb7d2dabfc6536afc148606073b5e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Tests elimination of type casts.
class A<T> {}
class B<T> extends A<T> {
testT1(x) => x as T;
testT2negative(x) => x as T;
testAOfT1(x) => x as A<T>;
testAOfT2negative(x) => x as A<T>;
testInt1(x) => x as int;
testInt2(x) => x as int;
testDynamic(x) => x as dynamic;
testObject(x) => x as Object;
testBOfInt(x) => x as B<int>;
testAOfInt(x) => x as A<int>;
testAOfNum(x) => x as A<num>;
testAOfAOfB1(x) => x as A<A<B>>;
testAOfAOfB2negative(x) => x as A<A<B>>;
void main() {
testBOfInt(new B<int>());
testAOfInt(new B<int>());
testAOfNum(new B<int>());
testAOfAOfB1(new A<A<B>>());
testAOfAOfB2negative(new A<A<A>>());
new B<int>().testT1(42);
new B<A<int>>().testT2negative(new A<String>());
new B<A<int>>().testAOfT1(new A<A<int>>());
new B<A<int>>().testAOfT2negative(new A<A<num>>());