blob: 634a347bbf6e8d2b29973dd26b11188bee5475b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/multi_future_tracker.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class MultiFutureTrackerTest {
MultiFutureTracker? testTracker;
tearDown() {
// This will leak futures on certain kinds of test failures. But it is
// a test, so we don't care.
testTracker = null;
Future<void> test_multiFutureBlocksOnLimit() async {
var completer1 = Completer();
testTracker = MultiFutureTracker(1);
await testTracker!.addFutureFromClosure(() => completer1.future);
// The second future added shouldn't be executing until the first
// future is complete.
var secondInQueue = testTracker!.addFutureFromClosure(() async {
expect(completer1.isCompleted, isTrue);
await secondInQueue;
return await testTracker!.wait();
Future<void> test_doesNotBlockWithoutLimit() async {
var completer1 = Completer();
// Limit is set above the number of futures we are adding.
testTracker = MultiFutureTracker(10);
await testTracker!.addFutureFromClosure(() => completer1.future);
// The second future added should be executing even though the first
// future is not complete. A test failure will time out.
await testTracker!.addFutureFromClosure(() async {
expect(completer1.isCompleted, isFalse);
return await testTracker!.wait();
Future<void> test_runsSeriallyAtLowLimit() async {
var completer1 = Completer();
testTracker = MultiFutureTracker(1);
var runFuture1 = testTracker!.runFutureFromClosure(() => completer1.future);
var runFuture2 = testTracker!.runFutureFromClosure(() => null);
// Both futures _should_ timeout.
await expectLater(runFuture1.timeout(Duration(milliseconds: 1)),
await expectLater(runFuture2.timeout(Duration(milliseconds: 1)),
expect(completer1.isCompleted, isFalse);
// Now, these should complete normally.
await runFuture1;
await runFuture2;
Future<void> test_returnsValueFromRun() async {
testTracker = MultiFutureTracker(1);
await expectLater(await testTracker!.runFutureFromClosure(() async => true),
await expectLater(
await testTracker!.runFutureFromClosure(() => true), equals(true));