blob: 3320868a796e72dfd1fda4b7fef90af240b03682 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Logic shared between the Scavenger and Marker.
#include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
#error "Should not include runtime"
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "vm/heap/scavenger.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/message_handler.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// These object types have a linked list chaining all pending objects when
// processing these in the GC.
// The field should not be visited by pointer visitors.
// The field should only be set during a GC.
// Macro params:
// - type
// - variable name
#define GC_LINKED_LIST(V) \
V(WeakProperty, weak_properties) \
V(WeakReference, weak_references) \
V(FinalizerEntry, finalizer_entries)
template <typename Type, typename PtrType>
struct GCLinkedList {
void Enqueue(PtrType ptr) {
ptr->untag()->next_seen_by_gc_ = head;
if (head == Type::null()) {
tail = ptr;
head = ptr;
void FlushInto(GCLinkedList<Type, PtrType>* to) {
if (to->head == Type::null()) {
ASSERT(to->tail == Type::null());
to->head = head;
to->tail = tail;
} else {
ASSERT(to->tail != Type::null());
ASSERT(to->tail->untag()->next_seen_by_gc() == Type::null());
to->tail->untag()->next_seen_by_gc_ = head;
to->tail = tail;
PtrType Clear() {
PtrType return_value = head;
head = Type::null();
tail = Type::null();
return return_value;
bool IsEmpty() { return head == Type::null() && tail == Type::null(); }
PtrType head = Type::null();
PtrType tail = Type::null();
struct GCLinkedLists {
void Clear();
bool IsEmpty();
void FlushInto(GCLinkedLists* to);
#define FOREACH(type, var) GCLinkedList<type, type##Ptr> var;
#undef FOREACH
#ifdef DEBUG
#define TRACE_FINALIZER(format, ...) \
if (FLAG_trace_finalizers) { \
THR_Print("%s %p " format "\n", visitor->kName, visitor, __VA_ARGS__); \
#define TRACE_FINALIZER(format, ...)
// This function processes all finalizer entries discovered by a scavenger or
// marker. If an entry is referencing an object that is going to die, such entry
// is cleared and enqueued in the respective finalizer.
// Finalizer entries belonging to unreachable finalizer entries do not get
// processed, so the callback will not be called for these finalizers.
// For more documentation see runtime/docs/
// |GCVisitorType| is a concrete type implementing either marker or scavenger.
// It is expected to provide |SetNullIfCollected| method for clearing fields
// referring to dead objects and |kName| field which contains visitor name for
// tracing output.
template <typename GCVisitorType>
void MournFinalized(GCVisitorType* visitor) {
FinalizerEntryPtr current_entry = visitor->delayed_.finalizer_entries.Clear();
while (current_entry != FinalizerEntry::null()) {
TRACE_FINALIZER("Processing Entry %p", current_entry->untag());
FinalizerEntryPtr next_entry =
current_entry->untag()->next_seen_by_gc_ = FinalizerEntry::null();
uword heap_base = current_entry->heap_base();
const bool value_collected_this_gc = GCVisitorType::SetNullIfCollected(
heap_base, &current_entry->untag()->value_);
ObjectPtr token_object = current_entry->untag()->token();
// See sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/internal_patch.dart FinalizerBase.detach.
const bool is_detached = token_object == current_entry;
if (value_collected_this_gc && !is_detached) {
FinalizerBasePtr finalizer = current_entry->untag()->finalizer();
if (finalizer.IsRawNull()) {
TRACE_FINALIZER("Value collected entry %p finalizer null",
// Do nothing, the finalizer has been GCed.
} else if (finalizer.IsFinalizer()) {
TRACE_FINALIZER("Value collected entry %p finalizer %p",
current_entry->untag(), finalizer->untag());
FinalizerPtr finalizer_dart = static_cast<FinalizerPtr>(finalizer);
// Move entry to entries collected and current head of that list as
// the next element. Using a atomic exchange satisfies concurrency
// between the parallel GC tasks.
// We rely on the fact that the mutator thread is not running to avoid
// races between GC and mutator modifying Finalizer.entries_collected.
// We only run in serial marker or in the finalize step in the marker,
// both are in safepoint.
// The main scavenger worker is at safepoint, the other scavenger
// workers are are not, but they bypass safepoint because the main
// worker is at a safepoint already.
ASSERT(Thread::Current()->IsAtSafepoint() ||
FinalizerEntryPtr previous_head =
const bool first_entry = previous_head.IsRawNull();
// Schedule calling Dart finalizer.
if (first_entry) {
Isolate* isolate = finalizer->untag()->isolate_;
if (isolate == nullptr) {
"Not scheduling finalizer %p callback on isolate null",
} else {
TRACE_FINALIZER("Scheduling finalizer %p callback on isolate %p",
finalizer->untag(), isolate);
PersistentHandle* handle =
MessageHandler* message_handler = isolate->message_handler();
Message::New(handle, Message::kNormalPriority),
/*before_events*/ false);
} else {
// TODO( Implement NativeFinalizer.
current_entry = next_entry;
} // namespace dart