blob: d40388200a176b9b1a571e29e0a6d381f11b3eff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/* <GEN_DOC> */
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'wasmer_api.dart';
class WasmImportDescriptor {
int kind;
String moduleName;
String name;
Pointer<WasmerFunctype> funcType;
WasmImportDescriptor(this.kind, this.moduleName,, this.funcType);
class WasmExportDescriptor {
int kind;
String name;
Pointer<WasmerFunctype> funcType;
WasmExportDescriptor(this.kind,, this.funcType);
class WasmRuntime {
static WasmRuntime? _inst;
DynamicLibrary _lib;
late Pointer<WasmerEngine> _engine;
factory WasmRuntime() {
WasmRuntime inst = _inst ?? WasmRuntime._init();
_inst = inst;
return inst;
static String _getLibName() {
if (Platform.isMacOS) return "libwasmer.dylib";
if (Platform.isLinux) return "";
// TODO( Support more platforms.
throw Exception("Wasm not currently supported on this platform");
static String _getLibDir() {
// The common case, and how cli_util.dart computes the Dart SDK directory,
// path.dirname called twice on Platform.resolvedExecutable.
var commonLibDir = path.join(
if (Directory(commonLibDir).existsSync()) {
return commonLibDir;
// This is the less common case where the user is in the checked out Dart
// SDK, and is executing dart via:
// ./out/ReleaseX64/dart ...
var checkedOutLibDir = path.join(
if (Directory(checkedOutLibDir).existsSync()) {
return checkedOutLibDir;
// If neither returned above, we return the common case:
return commonLibDir;
: _lib =, _getLibName())) {
_engine = _engine_new();
Pointer<WasmerStore> newStore() {
return _store_new(_engine);
Pointer<WasmerModule> compile(Pointer<WasmerStore> store, Uint8List data) {
var dataPtr = allocate<Uint8>(count: data.length);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
dataPtr[i] = data[i];
var dataVec = allocate<WasmerByteVec>(); = dataPtr;
dataVec.ref.length = data.length;
var modulePtr = _module_new(store, dataVec);
if (modulePtr == nullptr) {
throw Exception("Wasm module compile failed");
return modulePtr;
List<WasmExportDescriptor> exportDescriptors(Pointer<WasmerModule> module) {
var exportsVec = allocate<WasmerExporttypeVec>();
_module_exports(module, exportsVec);
var exps = <WasmExportDescriptor>[];
for (var i = 0; i < exportsVec.ref.length; ++i) {
var exp =[i];
var extern = _exporttype_type(exp);
var kind = _externtype_kind(extern);
var fnType = kind == WasmerExternKindFunction
? _externtype_as_functype(extern)
: nullptr;
kind, _exporttype_name(exp).ref.toString(), fnType));
return exps;
List<WasmImportDescriptor> importDescriptors(Pointer<WasmerModule> module) {
var importsVec = allocate<WasmerImporttypeVec>();
_module_imports(module, importsVec);
var imps = <WasmImportDescriptor>[];
for (var i = 0; i < importsVec.ref.length; ++i) {
var imp =[i];
var extern = _importtype_type(imp);
var kind = _externtype_kind(extern);
var fnType = kind == WasmerExternKindFunction
? _externtype_as_functype(extern)
: nullptr;
return imps;
Pointer<WasmerInstance> instantiate(
Pointer<WasmerStore> store,
Pointer<WasmerModule> module,
Pointer<Pointer<WasmerExtern>> imports,
int numImports) {
var importsVec = allocate<WasmerImporttypeVec>();
_module_imports(module, importsVec);
if (importsVec.ref.length != numImports) {
throw Exception(
"Wrong number of imports. Expected ${importsVec.ref.length} but " +
"found $numImports.");
var instancePtr = _instance_new(store, module, imports, nullptr);
if (instancePtr == nullptr) {
throw Exception("Wasm module instantiation failed");
return instancePtr;
Pointer<WasmerExternVec> exports(Pointer<WasmerInstance> instancePtr) {
var exports = allocate<WasmerExternVec>();
_instance_exports(instancePtr, exports);
return exports;
int externKind(Pointer<WasmerExtern> extern) {
return _extern_kind(extern);
Pointer<WasmerFunc> externToFunction(Pointer<WasmerExtern> extern) {
return _extern_as_func(extern);
List<int> getArgTypes(Pointer<WasmerFunctype> funcType) {
var types = <int>[];
var args = _functype_params(funcType);
for (var i = 0; i < args.ref.length; ++i) {
return types;
int getReturnType(Pointer<WasmerFunctype> funcType) {
var rets = _functype_results(funcType);
if (rets.ref.length == 0) {
return WasmerValKindVoid;
} else if (rets.ref.length > 1) {
throw Exception("Multiple return values are not supported");
return _valtype_kind([0]);
void call(Pointer<WasmerFunc> func, Pointer<WasmerVal> args,
Pointer<WasmerVal> results) {
_func_call(func, args, results);
Pointer<WasmerMemory> externToMemory(Pointer<WasmerExtern> extern) {
return _extern_as_memory(extern);
Pointer<WasmerMemory> newMemory(
Pointer<WasmerStore> store, int pages, int? maxPages) {
var limPtr = allocate<WasmerLimits>();
limPtr.ref.min = pages;
limPtr.ref.max = maxPages ?? wasm_limits_max_default;
var memType = _memorytype_new(limPtr);
Pointer<WasmerMemory> memPtr = _memory_new(store, memType);
if (memPtr == nullptr) {
throw Exception("Failed to create memory");
return memPtr;
void growMemory(Pointer<WasmerMemory> memory, int deltaPages) {
var result = _memory_grow(memory, deltaPages);
if (result == 0) {
throw Exception("Failed to grow memory");
int memoryLength(Pointer<WasmerMemory> memory) {
return _memory_size(memory);
Uint8List memoryView(Pointer<WasmerMemory> memory) {
return _memory_data(memory).asTypedList(_memory_data_size(memory));