blob: ded46632c9ac53ddea9f3d16193444463831ad55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_client.dart';
import 'test_support.dart';
main() {
testDap((dap) async {
group('debug mode', () {
test('runs a simple script', () async {
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('args: $args');
final outputEvents = await dap.client.collectOutput(
launch: () => dap.client.launch(
args: ['one', 'two'],
// Expect a "console" output event that prints the URI of the VM Service
// the debugger connects to.
final vmConnection = outputEvents.first;
startsWith('Connecting to VM Service at ws://'));
expect(vmConnection.category, equals('console'));
// Expect the normal applications output.
final output = outputEvents.skip(1).map((e) => e.output).join();
expectLines(output, [
'args: [one, two]',
test('provides a list of threads', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
final response = await client.getValidThreads();
expect(response.threads, hasLength(1));
expect(, equals('main'));
test('runs with DDS', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
expect(await client.ddsAvailable, isTrue);
// These tests can be slow due to starting up the external server process.
}, timeout: Timeout.none);
test('runs with auth codes enabled', () async {
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) {}
final outputEvents = await dap.client.collectOutput(file: testFile);
expect(_hasAuthCode(outputEvents.first), isTrue);
testDap((dap) async {
group('debug mode', () {
test('runs without DDS', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
expect(await client.ddsAvailable, isFalse);
test('runs with auth tokens disabled', () async {
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) {}
final outputEvents = await dap.client.collectOutput(file: testFile);
expect(_hasAuthCode(outputEvents.first), isFalse);
// These tests can be slow due to starting up the external server process.
}, timeout: Timeout.none);
}, additionalArgs: ['--no-dds', '--no-auth-codes']);
/// Checks for the presence of an auth token in a VM Service URI in the
/// "Connecting to VM Service" [OutputEvent].
bool _hasAuthCode(OutputEventBody vmConnection) {
// TODO(dantup): Change this to use the dart.debuggerUris custom event
// if implemented (whch VS Code also needs).
final vmServiceUriPattern = RegExp(r'Connecting to VM Service at ([^\s]+)\s');
final authCodePattern = RegExp(r'ws://\d+/[\w=]{5,15}/ws');
final vmServiceUri =
return vmServiceUri != null && authCodePattern.hasMatch(vmServiceUri);