blob: d53c338e0cd50972663597bb0edf38a8c0dfd987 [file] [log] [blame]
"exampleMessage": {
"id": "use an Id generated by bin/message_id.dart",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "#use #named #arguments",
"templateHoleOrder": [
"howToFix": "an explanation on how to fix things",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [],
"examples": [
" Some multiline example;\n That generates the bug.",
"fileA.dart": " or a map from file to content.\n again multiline",
"fileB.dart": " with possibly multiple files.\n muliline too"
"id": "LGJGHW",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Const constructor can't have a body.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the 'const' keyword or the body.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class C {\n const C() {}\n }\n\n main() => new C();"
"id": "LGJGHW",
"subId": 1,
"categories": [
"template": "Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the 'const' keyword or replacing the body with '=' followed by a valid target.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class C {\n const factory C() {}\n }\n\n main() => new C();"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Can't have modifier '#{modifier}' here.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing '#{modifier}'.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"var String foo; main(){}",
"var set foo; main(){}",
"var final foo; main(){}",
"var var foo; main(){}",
"var const foo; main(){}",
"var abstract foo; main(){}",
"var static foo; main(){}",
"var external foo; main(){}",
"get var foo; main(){}",
"set var foo; main(){}",
"final var foo; main(){}",
"var var foo; main(){}",
"const var foo; main(){}",
"abstract var foo; main(){}",
"static var foo; main(){}",
"external var foo; main(){}"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 1,
"categories": [
"template": "Can't have modifier '#{modifier}' here.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try replacing modifier '#{modifier}' with 'var', 'final', or a type.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"set foo; main(){}",
"abstract foo; main(){}",
"static foo; main(){}",
"external foo; main(){}"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 2,
"categories": [
"template": "Classes can't be declared to be 'const'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the 'const' keyword or moving to the class' constructor(s).",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" const class C {}\n\n main() => new C();\n "
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 3,
"categories": [
"template": "Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'const'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the 'const' keyword.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"const int foo() => 499; main() {}",
"const int get foo => 499; main() {}",
"const set foo(v) => 499; main() {}",
"class A { const int foo() => 499; } main() { new A(); }",
"class A { const int get foo => 499; } main() { new A(); }",
"class A { const set foo(v) => 499; } main() { new A(); }"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 4,
"categories": [
"template": "Enums can't be declared to be 'const'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the 'const' keyword.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"const enum Foo { x } main() {}"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 5,
"categories": [
"template": "Type aliases can't be declared to be 'const'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the 'const' keyword.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"const typedef void Foo(); main() {}"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 6,
"categories": [
"template": "Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'final'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing either the 'const' or 'final' keyword.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"final const int x = 499; main() {}",
"const final int x = 499; main() {}",
"class A { static final const int x = 499; } main() {}",
"class A { static const final int x = 499; } main() {}"
"id": "GRKIQE",
"subId": 7,
"categories": [
"template": "Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'var'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing either the 'const' or 'var' keyword.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"var const x = 499; main() {}",
"const var x = 499; main() {}",
"class A { var const x = 499; } main() {}",
"class A { const var x = 499; } main() {}"
"id": "DOTHQH",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Classes can't be declared inside other classes.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try moving the class to the top-level.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"class A { class B {} } main() { new A(); }"
"id": "VOJBWY",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Constructors can't have a return type.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the return type.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"class A { int A() {} } main() { new A(); }"
"id": "FTGGMJ",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Missing expression after 'throw'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Did you mean 'rethrow'?",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"main() { throw; }",
"main() { try { throw 0; } catch(e) { throw; } }"
"id": "MWETLC",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Rethrow must be inside of catch clause.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try moving the expression into a catch clause, or using a 'throw' expression.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"main() { rethrow; }"
"id": "UOTDQH",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Constructors can't return values.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the return statement or using a factory constructor.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class C {\n C() {\n return 1;\n }\n }\n\n main() => new C();"
"id": "JRUTUQ",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Can't return a value from a generator function (using the '#{modifier}' modifier).",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try removing the value, replacing 'return' with 'yield' or changing the method body modifier.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" foo() async* { return 0; }\n main() => foo();\n ",
" foo() sync* { return 0; }\n main() => foo();\n "
"id": "FYQYXB",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "'#{fromType}' is not assignable to '#{toType}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": null
"id": "FYQYXB",
"subId": 1,
"categories": [
"template": "The element type '#{currentType}' of '#{expressionType}' is not assignable to '#{elementType}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" main() {\n List<int> list = <int>[1, 2];\n for (String x in list) x;\n }\n "
"id": "FYQYXB",
"subId": 2,
"categories": [
"template": "The return type '#{fromType}' is not a '#{toType}', as defined by the method '#{method}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"int foo() => 'foo'; main() { foo(); }"
"id": "FYQYXB",
"subId": 3,
"categories": [
"template": "The argument type '#{fromType}' cannot be assigned to the parameter type '#{toType}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"foo(int x) => x; main() { foo('bar'); }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 0,
"categories": [
"template": "Can't resolve '#{name}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": null
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 1,
"categories": [
"template": "The method '#{memberName}' is not defined for the class '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class A {\n foo() { bar(); }\n }\n main() { new A().foo(); }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 2,
"categories": [
"template": "The method '#{memberName}' is not defined for the class '#{className}', but a constructor with that name is defined.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": "Try adding 'new' or 'const' to invoke the constructor, or change the method name.",
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class A {\n {}\n }\n main() {; }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 3,
"categories": [
"template": "The getter '#{memberName}' is not defined for the class '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"class A {} main() { new A().x; }",
"class A {} main() { A.x; }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 4,
"categories": [
"template": "There is no constant named '#{memberName}' in '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" enum E { ONE }\n E e() { return E.TWO; }\n main() { e(); }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 5,
"categories": [
"template": "The setter '#{memberName}' in class '#{className}' can not be used as a getter.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"class A { set x(y) {} } main() { new A().x; }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 6,
"categories": [
"template": "The operator '#{memberName}' is not defined for the class '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"class A {} main() { new A() + 3; }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 7,
"categories": [
"template": "The setter '#{memberName}' is not defined for the class '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"class A {} main() { new A().x = 499; }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 8,
"categories": [
"template": "Can't resolve '#{memberName}' in a superclass of '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": null
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 9,
"categories": [
"template": "The getter '#{memberName}' is not defined in a superclass of '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class A {}\n class B extends A {\n foo() => super.x;\n }\n main() { new B().foo(); }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 10,
"categories": [
"template": "The method '#{memberName}' is not defined in a superclass of '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class A {}\n class B extends A {\n foo() => super.x();\n }\n main() { new B().foo(); }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 11,
"categories": [
"template": "The operator '#{memberName}' is not defined in a superclass of '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class A {}\n class B extends A {\n foo() => super + 499;\n }\n main() { new B().foo(); }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 12,
"categories": [
"template": "The setter '#{memberName}' is not defined in a superclass of '#{className}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" class A {}\n class B extends A {\n foo() { super.x = 499; }\n }\n main() { new B().foo(); }\n "
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 13,
"categories": [
"template": "The function '#{memberName}' is not defined.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"main() { foo(); }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 14,
"categories": [
"template": "Cannot resolve getter '#{name}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
"set foo(x) {} main() { foo; }"
"id": "ERUSKD",
"subId": 15,
"categories": [
"template": "Cannot resolve setter '#{name}'.",
"templateHoleOrder": null,
"howToFix": null,
"options": null,
"usedBy": [
"examples": [
" main() {\n final x = 1;\n x = 2;\n }",
" main() {\n const x = 1;\n x = 2;\n }\n ",
" final x = 1;\n main() { x = 3; }\n ",
" const x = 1;\n main() { x = 3; }\n ",
"get foo => null main() { foo = 5; }",
"const foo = 0 main() { foo = 5; }"