blob: 7239b43c125233a71ba25010f288fef1f284205c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This file declares a "shadow hierarchy" of concrete classes which extend
/// the kernel class hierarchy, adding methods and fields needed by the
/// BodyBuilder.
/// Instances of these classes may be created using the factory methods in
/// `ast_factory.dart`.
/// Note that these classes represent the Dart language prior to desugaring.
/// When a single Dart construct desugars to a tree containing multiple kernel
/// AST nodes, the shadow class extends the kernel object at the top of the
/// desugared tree.
/// This means that in some cases multiple shadow classes may extend the same
/// kernel class, because multiple constructs in Dart may desugar to a tree
/// with the same kind of root node.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/printer.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart' show Precedence, Printer;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import '../builder/type_alias_builder.dart';
import '../fasta_codes.dart'
show noLength, templateWebLiteralCannotBeRepresentedExactly;
import '../names.dart';
import '../problems.dart' show unsupported;
import '../type_inference/type_inferrer.dart';
import '../type_inference/type_schema.dart' show UnknownType;
import 'inference_visitor.dart';
int getExtensionTypeParameterCount(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments is ArgumentsImpl) {
return arguments._extensionTypeParameterCount;
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this path or assert why it is accepted.
return 0;
int getExtensionTypeArgumentCount(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments is ArgumentsImpl) {
return arguments._explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount;
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this path or assert why it is accepted.
return 0;
List<DartType>? getExplicitExtensionTypeArguments(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments is ArgumentsImpl) {
if (arguments._explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return arguments.types
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this path or assert why it is accepted.
return null;
/// Information about explicit/implicit type arguments used for error
/// reporting.
abstract class TypeArgumentsInfo {
const TypeArgumentsInfo();
/// Returns `true` if the [index]th type argument was inferred.
bool isInferred(int index);
/// Returns the offset to use when reporting an error on the [index]th type
/// arguments, using [offset] as the default offset.
int getOffsetForIndex(int index, int offset) => offset;
class AllInferredTypeArgumentsInfo extends TypeArgumentsInfo {
const AllInferredTypeArgumentsInfo();
bool isInferred(int index) => true;
class NoneInferredTypeArgumentsInfo extends TypeArgumentsInfo {
const NoneInferredTypeArgumentsInfo();
bool isInferred(int index) => false;
class ExtensionMethodTypeArgumentsInfo implements TypeArgumentsInfo {
final ArgumentsImpl arguments;
bool isInferred(int index) {
if (index < arguments._extensionTypeParameterCount) {
// The index refers to a type argument for a type parameter declared on
// the extension. Check whether we have enough explicit extension type
// arguments.
return index >= arguments._explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount;
// The index refers to a type argument for a type parameter declared on
// the method. Check whether we have enough explicit regular type arguments.
return index - arguments._extensionTypeParameterCount >=
int getOffsetForIndex(int index, int offset) {
if (index < arguments._extensionTypeParameterCount) {
return arguments._extensionTypeArgumentOffset ?? offset;
return offset;
TypeArgumentsInfo getTypeArgumentsInfo(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments is ArgumentsImpl) {
if (arguments._extensionTypeParameterCount == 0) {
return arguments._explicitTypeArgumentCount == 0
? const AllInferredTypeArgumentsInfo()
: const NoneInferredTypeArgumentsInfo();
} else {
return new ExtensionMethodTypeArgumentsInfo(arguments);
} else {
// This code path should only be taken in situations where there are no
// type arguments at all, e.g. calling a user-definable operator.
return const NoneInferredTypeArgumentsInfo();
List<DartType>? getExplicitTypeArguments(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments is ArgumentsImpl) {
if (arguments._explicitTypeArgumentCount == 0) {
return null;
} else if (arguments._extensionTypeParameterCount == 0) {
return arguments.types;
} else {
return arguments.types
} else {
// This code path should only be taken in situations where there are no
// type arguments at all, e.g. calling a user-definable operator.
return null;
bool hasExplicitTypeArguments(Arguments arguments) {
return getExplicitTypeArguments(arguments) != null;
/// Common base class for internal statements.
abstract class InternalStatement extends Statement {
R accept<R>(StatementVisitor<R> visitor) {
if (visitor is Printer || visitor is Precedence) {
// Allow visitors needed for toString.
return visitor.defaultStatement(this);
return unsupported("${runtimeType}.accept", -1, null);
R accept1<R, A>(StatementVisitor1<R, A> visitor, A arg) =>
unsupported("${runtimeType}.accept1", -1, null);
StatementInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor);
class ForInStatementWithSynthesizedVariable extends InternalStatement {
VariableDeclaration? variable;
Expression iterable;
Expression? syntheticAssignment;
Statement? expressionEffects;
Statement body;
final bool isAsync;
final bool hasProblem;
int bodyOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
ForInStatementWithSynthesizedVariable(this.variable, this.iterable,
this.syntheticAssignment, this.expressionEffects, this.body,
{required this.isAsync, required this.hasProblem})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(isAsync != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(hasProblem != null) {
variable?.parent = this;
iterable.parent = this;
syntheticAssignment?.parent = this;
expressionEffects?.parent = this;
body.parent = this;
StatementInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitForInStatementWithSynthesizedVariable(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable!);
variable?.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (iterable != null) {
iterable = v.transform(iterable);
iterable.parent = this;
if (syntheticAssignment != null) {
syntheticAssignment = v.transform(syntheticAssignment!);
syntheticAssignment?.parent = this;
if (expressionEffects != null) {
expressionEffects = v.transform(expressionEffects!);
expressionEffects?.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (body != null) {
body = v.transform(body);
body.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable!);
variable?.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (iterable != null) {
iterable = v.transform(iterable);
iterable.parent = this;
if (syntheticAssignment != null) {
syntheticAssignment = v.transform(syntheticAssignment!);
syntheticAssignment?.parent = this;
if (expressionEffects != null) {
expressionEffects = v.transform(expressionEffects!);
expressionEffects?.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (body != null) {
body = v.transform(body);
body.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "ForInStatementWithSynthesizedVariable(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter state) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
class TryStatement extends InternalStatement {
Statement tryBlock;
List<Catch> catchBlocks;
Statement? finallyBlock;
TryStatement(this.tryBlock, this.catchBlocks, this.finallyBlock)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(tryBlock != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(catchBlocks != null) {
tryBlock.parent = this;
setParents(catchBlocks, this);
finallyBlock?.parent = this;
StatementInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitTryStatement(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
visitList(catchBlocks, v);
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (tryBlock != null) {
tryBlock = v.transform(tryBlock);
tryBlock.parent = this;
v.transformList(catchBlocks, this);
if (finallyBlock != null) {
finallyBlock = v.transform(finallyBlock!);
finallyBlock?.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (tryBlock != null) {
tryBlock = v.transform(tryBlock);
tryBlock.parent = this;
v.transformCatchList(catchBlocks, this);
if (finallyBlock != null) {
finallyBlock = v.transformOrRemoveStatement(finallyBlock!);
finallyBlock?.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "TryStatement(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write('try ');
for (Catch catchBlock in catchBlocks) {
printer.write(' ');
if (finallyBlock != null) {
printer.write(' finally ');
class SwitchCaseImpl extends SwitchCase {
final bool hasLabel;
List<Expression> expressions, List<int> expressionOffsets, Statement body,
{bool isDefault: false, required this.hasLabel})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(hasLabel != null),
super(expressions, expressionOffsets, body, isDefault: isDefault);
String toString() {
return "SwitchCaseImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
class BreakStatementImpl extends BreakStatement {
Statement? targetStatement;
final bool isContinue;
BreakStatementImpl({required this.isContinue})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(isContinue != null),
String toString() {
return "BreakStatementImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
if (isContinue) {
printer.write('continue ');
} else {
printer.write('break ');
enum InternalExpressionKind {
/// Common base class for internal expressions.
abstract class InternalExpression extends Expression {
InternalExpressionKind get kind;
R accept<R>(ExpressionVisitor<R> visitor) {
if (visitor is Printer || visitor is Precedence || visitor is Transformer) {
// Allow visitors needed for toString and replaceWith.
return visitor.defaultExpression(this);
return unsupported(
"${runtimeType}.accept on ${visitor.runtimeType}", -1, null);
R accept1<R, A>(ExpressionVisitor1<R, A> visitor, A arg) {
return unsupported(
"${runtimeType}.accept1 on ${visitor.runtimeType}", -1, null);
DartType getStaticType(StaticTypeContext context) =>
unsupported("${runtimeType}.getStaticType", -1, null);
DartType getStaticTypeInternal(StaticTypeContext context) =>
unsupported("${runtimeType}.getStaticType", -1, null);
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext);
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this.
/// Front end specific implementation of [Argument].
class ArgumentsImpl extends Arguments {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the static invocation instead.
final int _extensionTypeParameterCount;
final int _explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount;
final int? _extensionTypeArgumentOffset;
int _explicitTypeArgumentCount;
List<Object?>? argumentsOriginalOrder;
{required List<Expression> positional,
required List<DartType>? types,
required List<NamedExpression>? named,
required int extensionTypeParameterCount,
required int explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount,
required int? extensionTypeArgumentOffset,
required int explicitTypeArgumentCount})
: this._extensionTypeParameterCount = extensionTypeParameterCount,
this._explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount =
this._extensionTypeArgumentOffset = extensionTypeArgumentOffset,
this._explicitTypeArgumentCount = explicitTypeArgumentCount,
this.argumentsOriginalOrder = null,
super(positional, types: types, named: named);
ArgumentsImpl(List<Expression> positional,
{List<DartType>? types,
List<NamedExpression>? named,
: _explicitTypeArgumentCount = types?.length ?? 0,
_extensionTypeParameterCount = 0,
_explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount = 0,
// The offset is unused in this case.
_extensionTypeArgumentOffset = null,
super(positional, types: types, named: named);
ArgumentsImpl.forExtensionMethod(int extensionTypeParameterCount,
int typeParameterCount, Expression receiver,
{List<DartType> extensionTypeArguments = const <DartType>[],
int? extensionTypeArgumentOffset,
List<DartType> typeArguments = const <DartType>[],
List<Expression> positionalArguments = const <Expression>[],
List<NamedExpression> namedArguments = const <NamedExpression>[],
: _extensionTypeParameterCount = extensionTypeParameterCount,
_explicitExtensionTypeArgumentCount = extensionTypeArguments.length,
_explicitTypeArgumentCount = typeArguments.length,
_extensionTypeArgumentOffset = extensionTypeArgumentOffset,
extensionTypeArguments.isEmpty ||
extensionTypeArguments.length == extensionTypeParameterCount,
"Extension type arguments must be empty or complete."),
named: namedArguments,
types: <DartType>[]
extensionTypeParameterCount, extensionTypeArguments))
_normalizeTypeArguments(typeParameterCount, typeArguments)));
static ArgumentsImpl clone(ArgumentsImpl node, List<Expression> positional,
List<NamedExpression> named, List<DartType> types) {
return new ArgumentsImpl.internal(
positional: positional,
named: named,
types: types,
extensionTypeParameterCount: node._extensionTypeParameterCount,
explicitTypeArgumentCount: node._explicitTypeArgumentCount,
extensionTypeArgumentOffset: node._extensionTypeArgumentOffset);
static List<DartType> _normalizeTypeArguments(
int length, List<DartType> arguments) {
if (arguments.isEmpty && length > 0) {
return new List<DartType>.filled(length, const UnknownType());
return arguments;
static void setNonInferrableArgumentTypes(
ArgumentsImpl arguments, List<DartType> types) {
arguments._explicitTypeArgumentCount = types.length;
static void removeNonInferrableArgumentTypes(ArgumentsImpl arguments) {
arguments._explicitTypeArgumentCount = 0;
String toString() {
return "ArgumentsImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing a cascade expression.
/// A cascade expression of the form `a..b()..c()` is represented as the kernel
/// expression:
/// let v = a in
/// let _ = v.b() in
/// let _ = v.c() in
/// v
/// In the documentation that follows, `v` is referred to as the "cascade
/// variable"--this is the variable that remembers the value of the expression
/// preceding the first `..` while the cascades are being evaluated.
class Cascade extends InternalExpression {
/// The temporary variable holding the cascade receiver expression in its
/// initializer;
VariableDeclaration variable;
final bool isNullAware;
/// The expressions performed on [variable].
final List<Expression> expressions = <Expression>[];
/// Creates a [Cascade] using [variable] as the cascade
/// variable. Caller is responsible for ensuring that [variable]'s
/// initializer is the expression preceding the first `..` of the cascade
/// expression.
Cascade(this.variable, {required this.isNullAware})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(variable != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isNullAware != null) {
variable.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitCascade(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.Cascade;
/// Adds [expression] to the list of [expressions] performed on [variable].
void addCascadeExpression(Expression expression) {
expression.parent = this;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
visitList(expressions, v);
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
v.transformList(expressions, this);
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
v.transformExpressionList(expressions, this);
String toString() {
return "Cascade(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write('let ');
printer.write(' in cascade {');
for (Expression expression in expressions) {
if (expressions.isNotEmpty) {
printer.write('} => ');
/// Internal expression representing a deferred check.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change the representation to be direct and perform
// the [Let] encoding in the replacement.
class DeferredCheck extends InternalExpression {
VariableDeclaration variable;
Expression expression;
DeferredCheck(this.variable, this.expression)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(variable != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(expression != null) {
variable.parent = this;
expression.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitDeferredCheck(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.DeferredCheck;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (expression != null) {
expression = v.transform(expression);
expression.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (expression != null) {
expression = v.transform(expression);
expression.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "DeferredCheck(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write('let ');
printer.write(' in ');
/// Common base class for shadow objects representing expressions in kernel
/// form.
abstract class ExpressionJudgment extends Expression {
/// Calls back to [inferrer] to perform type inference for whatever concrete
/// type of [Expression] this is.
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext);
/// Shadow object for [StaticInvocation] when the procedure being invoked is a
/// factory constructor.
class FactoryConstructorInvocation extends StaticInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
bool hasBeenInferred = false;
FactoryConstructorInvocation(Procedure target, Arguments arguments,
{bool isConst: false})
: super(target, arguments, isConst: isConst);
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitFactoryConstructorInvocation(this, typeContext);
String toString() {
return "FactoryConstructorInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
if (isConst) {
printer.write('const ');
} else {
printer.write('new ');
if ( {
printer.writeArguments(arguments, includeTypeArguments: false);
/// Shadow object for [ConstructorInvocation] when the procedure being invoked
/// is a type aliased constructor.
class TypeAliasedConstructorInvocation extends ConstructorInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
bool hasBeenInferred = false;
final TypeAliasBuilder typeAliasBuilder;
this.typeAliasBuilder, Constructor target, Arguments arguments,
{bool isConst: false})
: super(target, arguments, isConst: isConst);
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitTypeAliasedConstructorInvocation(this, typeContext);
String toString() {
return "TypeAliasedConstructorInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
String toStringInternal() {
return "";
/// Shadow object for [StaticInvocation] when the procedure being invoked is a
/// type aliased factory constructor.
class TypeAliasedFactoryInvocation extends StaticInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
bool hasBeenInferred = false;
final TypeAliasBuilder typeAliasBuilder;
this.typeAliasBuilder, Procedure target, Arguments arguments,
{bool isConst: false})
: super(target, arguments, isConst: isConst);
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitTypeAliasedFactoryInvocation(this, typeContext);
String toString() {
return "TypeAliasedConstructorInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
String toStringInternal() {
return "";
/// Front end specific implementation of [FunctionDeclaration].
class FunctionDeclarationImpl extends FunctionDeclaration {
bool hasImplicitReturnType = false;
FunctionDeclarationImpl(VariableDeclaration variable, FunctionNode function)
: super(variable, function);
static void setHasImplicitReturnType(
FunctionDeclarationImpl declaration, bool hasImplicitReturnType) {
declaration.hasImplicitReturnType = hasImplicitReturnType;
String toString() {
return "FunctionDeclarationImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Concrete shadow object representing a super initializer in kernel form.
class InvalidSuperInitializerJudgment extends LocalInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
final Constructor target;
final ArgumentsImpl argumentsJudgment;
InvalidSuperInitializerJudgment(, this.argumentsJudgment, VariableDeclaration variable)
: super(variable);
InitializerInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInvalidSuperInitializerJudgment(this);
String toString() {
return "InvalidSuperInitializerJudgment(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an if-null expression.
/// An if-null expression of the form `a ?? b` is encoded as:
/// let v = a in v == null ? b : v
class IfNullExpression extends InternalExpression {
Expression left;
Expression right;
IfNullExpression(this.left, this.right)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(left != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(right != null) {
left.parent = this;
right.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIfNullExpression(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IfNull;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (left != null) {
left = v.transform(left);
left.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (right != null) {
right = v.transform(right);
right.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (left != null) {
left = v.transform(left);
left.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (right != null) {
right = v.transform(right);
right.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IfNullExpression(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.writeExpression(left, minimumPrecedence: Precedence.CONDITIONAL);
printer.write(' ?? ');
minimumPrecedence: Precedence.CONDITIONAL + 1);
/// Common base class for shadow objects representing initializers in kernel
/// form.
abstract class InitializerJudgment implements Initializer {
/// Performs type inference for whatever concrete type of
/// [InitializerJudgment] this is.
InitializerInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor);
Expression? checkWebIntLiteralsErrorIfUnexact(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, int value, String? literal, int charOffset) {
if (value >= 0 && value <= (1 << 53)) return null;
if (inferrer.isTopLevel) return null;
if (!
.errorOnUnexactWebIntLiterals) return null;
BigInt asInt = new BigInt.from(value).toUnsigned(64);
BigInt asDouble = new BigInt.from(asInt.toDouble());
if (asInt == asDouble) return null;
String text = literal ?? value.toString();
String nearest = text.startsWith('0x') || text.startsWith('0X')
? '0x${asDouble.toRadixString(16)}'
: asDouble.toString();
int length = literal?.length ?? noLength;
return inferrer.helper!.buildProblem(
templateWebLiteralCannotBeRepresentedExactly.withArguments(text, nearest),
/// Concrete shadow object representing an integer literal in kernel form.
class IntJudgment extends IntLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
final String? literal;
IntJudgment(int value, this.literal) : super(value);
double? asDouble({bool negated: false}) {
if (value == 0 && negated) {
return -0.0;
BigInt intValue = new BigInt.from(negated ? -value : value);
double doubleValue = intValue.toDouble();
return intValue == new BigInt.from(doubleValue) ? doubleValue : null;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIntJudgment(this, typeContext);
String toString() {
return "IntJudgment(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
if (literal == null) {
} else {
class ShadowLargeIntLiteral extends IntLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
final String literal;
final int fileOffset;
bool isParenthesized = false;
ShadowLargeIntLiteral(this.literal, this.fileOffset) : super(0);
double? asDouble({bool negated: false}) {
BigInt? intValue = BigInt.tryParse(negated ? '-${literal}' : literal);
if (intValue == null) {
return null;
double doubleValue = intValue.toDouble();
return !doubleValue.isNaN &&
!doubleValue.isInfinite &&
intValue == new BigInt.from(doubleValue)
? doubleValue
: null;
int? asInt64({bool negated: false}) {
return int.tryParse(negated ? '-${literal}' : literal);
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitShadowLargeIntLiteral(this, typeContext);
String toString() {
return "ShadowLargeIntLiteral(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
/// Concrete shadow object representing an invalid initializer in kernel form.
class ShadowInvalidInitializer extends LocalInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
ShadowInvalidInitializer(VariableDeclaration variable) : super(variable);
InitializerInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitShadowInvalidInitializer(this);
String toString() {
return "ShadowInvalidInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Concrete shadow object representing an invalid initializer in kernel form.
class ShadowInvalidFieldInitializer extends LocalInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
Field field;
Expression value;
this.field, this.value, VariableDeclaration variable)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(value != null),
super(variable) {
value.parent = this;
InitializerInferenceResult acceptInference(InferenceVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitShadowInvalidFieldInitializer(this);
String toString() {
return "ShadowInvalidFieldInitializer(${toStringInternal()})";
class ExpressionInvocation extends InternalExpression {
Expression expression;
Arguments arguments;
ExpressionInvocation(this.expression, this.arguments)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(expression != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(arguments != null) {
expression.parent = this;
arguments.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitExpressionInvocation(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind =>
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (expression != null) {
expression = v.transform(expression);
expression.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = v.transform(arguments);
arguments.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (expression != null) {
expression = v.transform(expression);
expression.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = v.transform(arguments);
arguments.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "ExpressionInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
/// Concrete shadow object representing a named function expression.
/// Named function expressions are not legal in Dart, but they are accepted by
/// the parser and BodyBuilder for error recovery purposes.
/// A named function expression of the form `f() { ... }` is represented as the
/// kernel expression:
/// let f = () { ... } in f
class NamedFunctionExpressionJudgment extends Let
implements ExpressionJudgment {
NamedFunctionExpressionJudgment(VariableDeclaration variable)
: super(variable, new VariableGet(variable));
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitNamedFunctionExpressionJudgment(this, typeContext);
String toString() {
return "NamedFunctionExpressionJudgment(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing a null-aware method invocation.
/// A null-aware method invocation of the form `a?.b(...)` is encoded as:
/// let v = a in v == null ? null : v.b(...)
class NullAwareMethodInvocation extends InternalExpression {
/// The synthetic variable whose initializer hold the receiver.
VariableDeclarationImpl variable;
/// The expression that invokes the method on [variable].
Expression invocation;
NullAwareMethodInvocation(this.variable, this.invocation)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(variable != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(invocation != null) {
variable.parent = this;
invocation.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitNullAwareMethodInvocation(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind =>
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (invocation != null) {
invocation = v.transform(invocation);
invocation.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (invocation != null) {
invocation = v.transform(invocation);
invocation.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "NullAwareMethodInvocation(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
Expression methodInvocation = invocation;
if (methodInvocation is InstanceInvocation) {
Expression receiver = methodInvocation.receiver;
if (receiver is VariableGet && receiver.variable == variable) {
// Special-case the usual use of this node.
} else if (methodInvocation is DynamicInvocation) {
Expression receiver = methodInvocation.receiver;
if (receiver is VariableGet && receiver.variable == variable) {
// Special-case the usual use of this node.
printer.write('let ');
printer.write(' in null-aware ');
/// Internal expression representing a null-aware read from a property.
/// A null-aware property get of the form `a?.b` is encoded as:
/// let v = a in v == null ? null : v.b
class NullAwarePropertyGet extends InternalExpression {
/// The synthetic variable whose initializer hold the receiver.
VariableDeclarationImpl variable;
/// The expression that reads the property from [variable].
Expression read;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(variable != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(read != null) {
variable.parent = this;
read.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitNullAwarePropertyGet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind =>
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "NullAwarePropertyGet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
Expression propertyGet = read;
if (propertyGet is PropertyGet) {
Expression receiver = propertyGet.receiver;
if (receiver is VariableGet && receiver.variable == variable) {
// Special-case the usual use of this node.
printer.write('let ');
printer.write(' in null-aware ');
/// Internal expression representing a null-aware read from a property.
/// A null-aware property get of the form `a?.b = c` is encoded as:
/// let v = a in v == null ? null : v.b = c
class NullAwarePropertySet extends InternalExpression {
/// The synthetic variable whose initializer hold the receiver.
VariableDeclarationImpl variable;
/// The expression that writes the value to the property in [variable].
Expression write;
NullAwarePropertySet(this.variable, this.write)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(variable != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(write != null) {
variable.parent = this;
write.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitNullAwarePropertySet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind =>
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable);
variable.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "NullAwarePropertySet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
Expression propertySet = write;
if (propertySet is InstanceSet) {
Expression receiver = propertySet.receiver;
if (receiver is VariableGet && receiver.variable == variable) {
// Special-case the usual use of this node.
printer.write(' = ');
} else if (propertySet is DynamicSet) {
Expression receiver = propertySet.receiver;
if (receiver is VariableGet && receiver.variable == variable) {
// Special-case the usual use of this node.
printer.write(' = ');
printer.write('let ');
printer.write(' in null-aware ');
/// Front end specific implementation of [ReturnStatement].
class ReturnStatementImpl extends ReturnStatement {
final bool isArrow;
ReturnStatementImpl(this.isArrow, [Expression? expression])
: super(expression);
String toString() {
return "ReturnStatementImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
if (isArrow) {
} else {
if (expression != null) {
printer.write(' ');
/// Front end specific implementation of [VariableDeclaration].
class VariableDeclarationImpl extends VariableDeclaration {
final bool forSyntheticToken;
/// Determine whether the given [VariableDeclarationImpl] had an implicit
/// type.
/// This is static to avoid introducing a method that would be visible to
/// the kernel.
final bool isImplicitlyTyped;
/// True if the initializer was specified by the programmer.
/// Note that the variable might have a synthesized initializer expression,
/// so `hasDeclaredInitializer == false` doesn't imply `initializer == null`.
/// For instance, for duplicate variable names, an invalid expression is set
/// as the initializer of the second variable.
final bool hasDeclaredInitializer;
// TODO(ahe): Remove this field. We can get rid of it by recording closure
// mutation in [BodyBuilder].
final int functionNestingLevel;
// TODO(ahe): Remove this field. It's only used locally when compiling a
// method, and this can thus be tracked in a [Set] (actually, tracking this
// information in a [List] is probably even faster as the average size will
// be close to zero).
bool mutatedInClosure = false;
/// Determines whether the given [VariableDeclarationImpl] represents a
/// local function.
/// This is static to avoid introducing a method that would be visible to the
/// kernel.
// TODO(ahe): Investigate if this can be removed.
final bool isLocalFunction;
/// Whether the variable is final with no initializer in a null safe library.
/// Such variables behave similar to those declared with the `late` keyword,
/// except that the don't have lazy evaluation semantics, and it is statically
/// verified by the front end that they are always assigned before they are
/// used.
bool isStaticLate;
VariableDeclarationImpl(String? name, this.functionNestingLevel,
{this.forSyntheticToken: false,
this.hasDeclaredInitializer: false,
Expression? initializer,
DartType? type,
bool isFinal: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isInitializingFormal: false,
bool isCovariantByDeclaration: false,
bool isLocalFunction: false,
bool isLate: false,
bool isRequired: false,
bool isLowered: false,
this.isStaticLate: false})
: isImplicitlyTyped = type == null,
isLocalFunction = isLocalFunction,
initializer: initializer,
type: type ?? const DynamicType(),
isFinal: isFinal,
isConst: isConst,
isInitializingFormal: isInitializingFormal,
isCovariantByDeclaration: isCovariantByDeclaration,
isLate: isLate,
isRequired: isRequired,
isLowered: isLowered);
VariableDeclarationImpl.forEffect(Expression initializer)
: forSyntheticToken = false,
functionNestingLevel = 0,
isImplicitlyTyped = false,
isLocalFunction = false,
isStaticLate = false,
hasDeclaredInitializer = true,
VariableDeclarationImpl.forValue(Expression initializer)
: forSyntheticToken = false,
functionNestingLevel = 0,
isImplicitlyTyped = true,
isLocalFunction = false,
isStaticLate = false,
hasDeclaredInitializer = true,
// The synthesized local getter function for a lowered late variable.
// This is set in `InferenceVisitor.visitVariableDeclaration` when late
// lowering is enabled.
VariableDeclaration? lateGetter;
// The synthesized local setter function for an assignable lowered late
// variable.
// This is set in `InferenceVisitor.visitVariableDeclaration` when late
// lowering is enabled.
VariableDeclaration? lateSetter;
// Is `true` if this a lowered late final variable without an initializer.
// This is set in `InferenceVisitor.visitVariableDeclaration` when late
// lowering is enabled.
bool isLateFinalWithoutInitializer = false;
// The original type (declared or inferred) of a lowered late variable.
// This is set in `InferenceVisitor.visitVariableDeclaration` when late
// lowering is enabled.
DartType? lateType;
// The original name of a lowered late variable.
// This is set in `InferenceVisitor.visitVariableDeclaration` when late
// lowering is enabled.
String? lateName;
bool get isAssignable {
if (isStaticLate) return true;
return super.isAssignable;
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
isLate: isLate || lateGetter != null, type: lateType ?? type);
String toString() {
return "VariableDeclarationImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Front end specific implementation of [VariableGet].
class VariableGetImpl extends VariableGet {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove the need for this by encoding all null aware
// expressions explicitly.
final bool forNullGuardedAccess;
VariableGetImpl(VariableDeclaration variable,
{required this.forNullGuardedAccess})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(forNullGuardedAccess != null),
String toString() {
return "VariableGetImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Front end specific implementation of [LoadLibrary].
class LoadLibraryImpl extends LoadLibrary {
final Arguments? arguments;
LoadLibraryImpl(LibraryDependency import, this.arguments) : super(import);
String toString() {
return "LoadLibraryImpl(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
if (arguments != null) {
} else {
/// Internal expression representing a tear-off of a `loadLibrary` function.
class LoadLibraryTearOff extends InternalExpression {
LibraryDependency import;
Procedure target;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitLoadLibraryTearOff(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.LoadLibraryTearOff;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {}
String toString() {
return "LoadLibraryTearOff(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
/// Internal expression representing an if-null property set.
/// An if-null property set of the form `o.a ??= b` is, if used for value,
/// encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = o in let v2 = v1.a in v2 == null ? v1.a = b : v2
/// and, if used for effect, encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = o in v1.a == null ? v1.a = b : null
class IfNullPropertySet extends InternalExpression {
/// The receiver used for the read/write operations.
Expression receiver;
/// Name of the property.
Name propertyName;
/// The right-hand side of the binary operation.
Expression rhs;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
/// The file offset for the read operation.
final int readOffset;
/// The file offset for the write operation.
final int writeOffset;
IfNullPropertySet(this.receiver, this.propertyName, this.rhs,
{required this.forEffect,
required this.readOffset,
required this.writeOffset})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(rhs != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(readOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(writeOffset != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
rhs.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIfNullPropertySet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IfNullPropertySet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (rhs != null) {
rhs = v.transform(rhs);
rhs.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (rhs != null) {
rhs = v.transform(rhs);
rhs.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IfNullPropertySet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write(' ??= ');
/// Internal expression representing an if-null assignment.
/// An if-null assignment of the form `a ??= b` is, if used for value,
/// encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = a in v1 == null ? a = b : v1
/// and, if used for effect, encoded as the expression:
/// a == null ? a = b : null
class IfNullSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The expression that reads the property from [variable].
Expression read;
/// The expression that writes the value to the property on [variable].
Expression write;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
IfNullSet(, this.write, {required this.forEffect})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(read != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(write != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null) {
read.parent = this;
write.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIfNullSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IfNullSet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IfNullSet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write(' ?? ');
/// Internal expression representing an compound extension assignment.
/// An compound extension assignment of the form
/// Extension(receiver).propertyName += rhs
/// is, if used for value, encoded as the expression:
/// let receiverVariable = receiver in
/// let valueVariable =
/// Extension|get#propertyName(receiverVariable) + rhs) in
/// let writeVariable =
/// Extension|set#propertyName(receiverVariable, valueVariable) in
/// valueVariable
/// and if used for effect as:
/// let receiverVariable = receiver in
/// Extension|set#propertyName(receiverVariable,
/// Extension|get#propertyName(receiverVariable) + rhs)
/// If [readOnlyReceiver] is `true` the [receiverVariable] is not created
/// and the [receiver] is used directly.
class CompoundExtensionSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The extension in which the [setter] is declared.
final Extension extension;
/// The explicit type arguments for the type parameters declared in
/// [extension].
final List<DartType>? explicitTypeArguments;
/// The receiver used for the read/write operations.
Expression receiver;
/// The name of the property accessed by the read/write operations.
final Name propertyName;
/// The member used for the read operation.
final Member? getter;
/// The binary operation performed on the getter result and [rhs].
final Name binaryName;
/// The right-hand side of the binary operation.
Expression rhs;
/// The member used for the write operation.
final Member? setter;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
/// The file offset for the read operation.
final int readOffset;
/// The file offset for the binary operation.
final int binaryOffset;
/// The file offset for the write operation.
final int writeOffset;
{required this.forEffect,
required this.readOffset,
required this.binaryOffset,
required this.writeOffset})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(rhs != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(readOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(binaryOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(writeOffset != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
rhs.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitCompoundExtensionSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind =>
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (rhs != null) {
rhs = v.transform(rhs);
rhs.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (rhs != null) {
rhs = v.transform(rhs);
rhs.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "CompoundExtensionSet(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an compound property assignment.
/// An compound property assignment of the form
/// receiver.propertyName += rhs
/// is encoded as the expression:
/// let receiverVariable = receiver in
/// receiverVariable.propertyName = receiverVariable.propertyName + rhs
class CompoundPropertySet extends InternalExpression {
/// The receiver used for the read/write operations.
Expression receiver;
/// The name of the property accessed by the read/write operations.
final Name propertyName;
/// The binary operation performed on the getter result and [rhs].
final Name binaryName;
/// The right-hand side of the binary operation.
Expression rhs;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
/// The file offset for the read operation.
final int readOffset;
/// The file offset for the binary operation.
final int binaryOffset;
/// The file offset for the write operation.
final int writeOffset;
this.receiver, this.propertyName, this.binaryName, this.rhs,
{required this.forEffect,
required this.readOffset,
required this.binaryOffset,
required this.writeOffset})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(rhs != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(readOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(binaryOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(writeOffset != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
rhs.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitCompoundPropertySet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.CompoundPropertySet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (rhs != null) {
rhs = v.transform(rhs);
rhs.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (rhs != null) {
rhs = v.transform(rhs);
rhs.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "CompoundPropertySet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write(' ');
printer.write('= ');
/// Internal expression representing an compound property assignment.
/// An compound property assignment of the form `o.a++` is encoded as the
/// expression:
/// let v1 = o in let v2 = v1.a in let v3 = v1.a = v2 + 1 in v2
class PropertyPostIncDec extends InternalExpression {
/// The synthetic variable whose initializer hold the receiver.
/// This is `null` if the receiver is read-only and therefore does not need to
/// be stored in a temporary variable.
VariableDeclarationImpl? variable;
/// The expression that reads the property on [variable].
VariableDeclarationImpl read;
/// The expression that writes the result of the binary operation to the
/// property on [variable].
VariableDeclarationImpl write;
PropertyPostIncDec(this.variable,, this.write)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(read != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(write != null) {
variable?.parent = this;
read.parent = this;
write.parent = this;
VariableDeclarationImpl read, VariableDeclarationImpl write)
: this(null, read, write);
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitPropertyPostIncDec(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.PropertyPostIncDec;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transform(variable!);
variable?.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (variable != null) {
variable = v.transformOrRemoveVariableDeclaration(variable!)
as VariableDeclarationImpl?;
variable?.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "PropertyPostIncDec(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an local variable post inc/dec expression.
/// An local variable post inc/dec expression of the form `a++` is encoded as
/// the expression:
/// let v1 = a in let v2 = a = v1 + 1 in v1
class LocalPostIncDec extends InternalExpression {
/// The expression that reads the local variable.
VariableDeclarationImpl read;
/// The expression that writes the result of the binary operation to the
/// local variable.
VariableDeclarationImpl write;
LocalPostIncDec(, this.write)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(read != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(write != null) {
read.parent = this;
write.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitLocalPostIncDec(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.LocalPostIncDec;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "LocalPostIncDec(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an static member post inc/dec expression.
/// An local variable post inc/dec expression of the form `a++` is encoded as
/// the expression:
/// let v1 = a in let v2 = a = v1 + 1 in v1
class StaticPostIncDec extends InternalExpression {
/// The expression that reads the static member.
VariableDeclarationImpl read;
/// The expression that writes the result of the binary operation to the
/// static member.
VariableDeclarationImpl write;
StaticPostIncDec(, this.write)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(read != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(write != null) {
read.parent = this;
write.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitStaticPostIncDec(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.StaticPostIncDec;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "StaticPostIncDec(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an static member post inc/dec expression.
/// An local variable post inc/dec expression of the form `super.a++` is encoded
/// as the expression:
/// let v1 = super.a in let v2 = super.a = v1 + 1 in v1
class SuperPostIncDec extends InternalExpression {
/// The expression that reads the static member.
VariableDeclarationImpl read;
/// The expression that writes the result of the binary operation to the
/// static member.
VariableDeclarationImpl write;
SuperPostIncDec(, this.write)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(read != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(write != null) {
read.parent = this;
write.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitSuperPostIncDec(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.SuperPostIncDec;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (read != null) {
read = v.transform(read);
read.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (write != null) {
write = v.transform(write);
write.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "SuperPostIncDec(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an index get expression.
class IndexGet extends InternalExpression {
/// The receiver on which the index set operation is performed.
Expression receiver;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
IndexGet(this.receiver, this.index)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(index != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
index.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIndexGet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IndexGet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IndexGet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
/// Internal expression representing an index set expression.
/// An index set expression of the form `o[a] = b` used for value is encoded as
/// the expression:
/// let v1 = o in let v2 = a in let v3 = b in let _ = o.[]=(v2, v3) in v3
/// An index set expression used for effect is encoded as
/// o.[]=(a, b)
/// using [MethodInvocationImpl].
class IndexSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The receiver on which the index set operation is performed.
Expression receiver;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
/// The value expression of the operation.
Expression value;
final bool forEffect;
IndexSet(this.receiver, this.index, this.value, {required this.forEffect})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(index != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
index.parent = this;
value.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIndexSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IndexSet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IndexSet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
printer.write('] = ');
/// Internal expression representing a super index set expression.
/// A super index set expression of the form `super[a] = b` used for value is
/// encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = a in let v2 = b in let _ = super.[]=(v1, v2) in v2
/// An index set expression used for effect is encoded as
/// super.[]=(a, b)
/// using [SuperMethodInvocation].
class SuperIndexSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The []= member.
Member? setter;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
/// The value expression of the operation.
Expression value;
SuperIndexSet(this.setter, this.index, this.value)
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(index != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null) {
index.parent = this;
value.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitSuperIndexSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.SuperIndexSet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "SuperIndexSet(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an extension index set expression.
/// An extension index set expression of the form `Extension(o)[a] = b` used
/// for value is encoded as the expression:
/// let receiverVariable = o
/// let indexVariable = a in
/// let valueVariable = b in '
/// let writeVariable =
/// receiverVariable.[]=(indexVariable, valueVariable) in
/// valueVariable
/// An extension index set expression used for effect is encoded as
/// o.[]=(a, b)
/// using [StaticInvocation].
class ExtensionIndexSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The extension in which the [setter] is declared.
final Extension extension;
/// The explicit type arguments for the type parameters declared in
/// [extension].
final List<DartType>? explicitTypeArguments;
/// The receiver of the extension access.
Expression receiver;
/// The []= member.
Member setter;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
/// The value expression of the operation.
Expression value;
ExtensionIndexSet(this.extension, this.explicitTypeArguments, this.receiver,
this.setter, this.index, this.value)
: assert(explicitTypeArguments == null ||
explicitTypeArguments.length == extension.typeParameters.length),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(index != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
index.parent = this;
value.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitExtensionIndexSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.ExtensionIndexSet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "ExtensionIndexSet(${toStringInternal()})";
void toTextInternal(AstPrinter printer) {
if (explicitTypeArguments != null) {
printer.write('] = ');
/// Internal expression representing an if-null index assignment.
/// An if-null index assignment of the form `o[a] ??= b` is, if used for value,
/// encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = o in
/// let v2 = a in
/// let v3 = v1[v2] in
/// v3 == null
/// ? (let v4 = b in
/// let _ = v1.[]=(v2, v4) in
/// v4)
/// : v3
/// and, if used for effect, encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = o in
/// let v2 = a in
/// let v3 = v1[v2] in
/// v3 == null ? v1.[]=(v2, b) : null
/// If the [readOnlyReceiver] is true, no temporary variable is created for the
/// receiver and its use is inlined.
class IfNullIndexSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The receiver on which the index set operation is performed.
Expression receiver;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
/// The value expression of the operation.
Expression value;
/// The file offset for the [] operation.
final int readOffset;
/// The file offset for the == operation.
final int testOffset;
/// The file offset for the []= operation.
final int writeOffset;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
IfNullIndexSet(this.receiver, this.index, this.value,
{required this.readOffset,
required this.testOffset,
required this.writeOffset,
required this.forEffect})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(index != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(readOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(testOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(writeOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
index.parent = this;
value.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIfNullIndexSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IfNullIndexSet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IfNullIndexSet(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an if-null super index set expression.
/// An if-null super index set expression of the form `super[a] ??= b` is, if
/// used for value, encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = a in
/// let v2 = super.[](v1) in
/// v2 == null
/// ? (let v3 = b in
/// let _ = super.[]=(v1, v3) in
/// v3)
/// : v2
/// and, if used for effect, encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = a in
/// let v2 = super.[](v1) in
/// v2 == null ? super.[]=(v1, b) : null
class IfNullSuperIndexSet extends InternalExpression {
/// The [] member;
Member? getter;
/// The []= member;
Member? setter;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
/// The value expression of the operation.
Expression value;
/// The file offset for the [] operation.
final int readOffset;
/// The file offset for the == operation.
final int testOffset;
/// The file offset for the []= operation.
final int writeOffset;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
IfNullSuperIndexSet(this.getter, this.setter, this.index, this.value,
{required this.readOffset,
required this.testOffset,
required this.writeOffset,
required this.forEffect})
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
: assert(index != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(readOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(testOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(writeOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null) {
index.parent = this;
value.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIfNullSuperIndexSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind => InternalExpressionKind.IfNullSuperIndexSet;
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
String toString() {
return "IfNullSuperIndexSet(${toStringInternal()})";
/// Internal expression representing an if-null super index set expression.
/// An if-null super index set expression of the form `super[a] ??= b` is, if
/// used for value, encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = a in
/// let v2 = super.[](v1) in
/// v2 == null
/// ? (let v3 = b in
/// let _ = super.[]=(v1, v3) in
/// v3)
/// : v2
/// and, if used for effect, encoded as the expression:
/// let v1 = a in
/// let v2 = super.[](v1) in
/// v2 == null ? super.[]=(v1, b) : null
class IfNullExtensionIndexSet extends InternalExpression {
final Extension extension;
final List<DartType>? explicitTypeArguments;
/// The extension receiver;
Expression receiver;
/// The [] member;
Member? getter;
/// The []= member;
Member? setter;
/// The index expression of the operation.
Expression index;
/// The value expression of the operation.
Expression value;
/// The file offset for the [] operation.
final int readOffset;
/// The file offset for the == operation.
final int testOffset;
/// The file offset for the []= operation.
final int writeOffset;
/// If `true`, the expression is only need for effect and not for its value.
final bool forEffect;
IfNullExtensionIndexSet(this.extension, this.explicitTypeArguments,
this.receiver, this.getter, this.setter, this.index, this.value,
{required this.readOffset,
required this.testOffset,
required this.writeOffset,
required this.forEffect})
: assert(explicitTypeArguments == null ||
explicitTypeArguments.length == extension.typeParameters.length),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(receiver != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(index != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(value != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(readOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(testOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(writeOffset != null),
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(forEffect != null) {
receiver.parent = this;
index.parent = this;
value.parent = this;
ExpressionInferenceResult acceptInference(
InferenceVisitor visitor, DartType typeContext) {
return visitor.visitIfNullExtensionIndexSet(this, typeContext);
InternalExpressionKind get kind =>
void visitChildren(Visitor<dynamic> v) {
void transformChildren(Transformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.transform(index);
index.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (value != null) {
value = v.transform(value);
value.parent = this;
void transformOrRemoveChildren(RemovingTransformer v) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = v.transform(receiver);
receiver.parent = this;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (index != null) {
index = v.<